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Date: Objective ELAS The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of | nonfiction texts. (SOL 5.6) BLA.S6.3 Use text eatures, such as type, headings, and graphies, to predict and | categorize information in both print and digital texts. ‘© Use text features, such as special type styles (eg. boldfaced,italies) and color, captions under pictues and graphics, and headings of sections and ‘hapirs, to prediet and eateyorize information in both print and digital texts © dentify specific information intext that supports predictions ‘Interpret information on charts, maps, and graphs + Use advanced organizers (e.g, chart, map, graph, tble) to organize and record information | ELA.5.6.12 Identify new information gained from reading | ELA.5.6,12a Skim materials to develop a general overview of content | ‘and to locate speeific information ‘Understand and interpret how written text and aecompanying illustrations | ‘conneet 19 convey meaning (charts, graphs, diagrams, imelines). ELA.5.6.13 Explain the author's purpose ‘© Use evidence from the text to identify and describe the author's purpose. “Can sate nts): use the text features of a nonfiction text to predict what it will be ubout, | ean interpret information on charts, maps and graphs, 1 ean understand and interpret how text features and text work together to help me comprehend what I am reading. identify and deseribe the author's purpose [Type oftesso Keraetive writing kssou__ Whole group shared writing lesson, Whole group: Whole geoup interactive read aloud Ksso ‘Whole geoup shared reading lesson X Resources and Materials: pe raacor sy Understand agian maine Artte with TF removed and the | gents must explin how the text features help predict the lex (purpose for rein). original arte Analyze and Evaluate Staents(metacounitvely) think about thei understanding of choosing text features predic text support comprehension and monitor understanding icher can determine this based on text ey vocabulary? The ji Assessment Academie vocabulary: text features; passage; author's purpose Students will explain the use often features to predict. textimonitor comprehension Students will complete a graphic organizer to record nonfiction features, predictions, and revisions require using features of non-fiction to assist Sad i ae aie se usin tt | comprehension | eacher will determine based on student da Xatieipatory SeActivate Prior Rao ledge Camm aignte the earning tryst 0 students, Activate prior IKnowladge ar provide background infomation, Reviewfinaduce any skills, rutines, procedures, Tis son sence the “Took™ Tot abjective Tor The nent several Tessas ProcedurelDirest Instruction Provide input emonstatcmeel, sek for understanding What teaching moves will, you make? ‘What questions will you ose? What information a studentsneed? ‘What soeabulary noo to How will the students interact with the content of the lesson? TW DayT + Give students sopy of The Long Swim article to each student or pars of students (lt an abo be projected on the Promethean Board Aske students to “ea” the atc [fer they have red the atic, have them TTYP and share what the anicle was about ‘Aak tudens: Ae we able to know what this ate wil be about just by using the text eatres? (On a char, TIW waite a pedition of what the atc wil be about Diret students attention to their | Can statement, : can use text features oF a nonfiction tex to predict what it wil be about + Askestudents; Why i this important? Why am Iteacing you this strategy? (Answers: The ext features help mie ‘now wh tis ext wil be about. The lest features ae or of like a broshure and a roadinap to reading, The help ‘ne preview my journey ahead. And they help me know where Wm going) Explain how this is important wo remember when reading. Use them. Don’t skip then Using the headings especially will also help you remember and summarize what he text i bout. [Now give the stunts the original copy of and read The Long Swim aloud to them, AAs them to TTYP aid discuss what the article was about. Then share ou. ‘TIW: Refer back to her original prediction and confirm or revise her prediction if needed, Closure to Whole Group: Ask students: Why is it important 1 use nonfiction text features to make 2 pred ing, Hove will this help you? Tell students that they will Continue practicing this ia smal ets ia DR. wap aud eventually independently with th ion bere Guided Practice “Guided Practice: Using vat ig Wveled onlin text da Eevee Pe ipeaiccist nie enue ee pareve! tel ean tering age ith Sens wil write rfc snd hve ti peice nd hr te at depen teacher suppor and + Attra, ies wer ont thy wereld wha he eat nol be sou fda Stuns wl conf or evie her predictions. {Dini how malig the prediction by sige et ees pe hemo ge beter understating of the et ira rpea dec Eaeece pi SSR Ea Sinden indeendenly” | © During IDR soe studs use a wonton bok oracle nd practice making predsion by cating he ext peste adap he aes dhilscrawpie, invodoed whol Closure Sider che ways Vn of von Tan bpd hom ates purpose ang Sdn Tass Wi nT Samariekaowledge | how aking ove? tse ares wl belp hem ih ein conpchesion at elates Back tothe Big dea, Enduring Understunding and | Questions, —_ | Reflect un eaming target wth stds, | Text Feature Prediction before reading: [Revision of Prediction after readings | ‘Author's Purpose Statement ~ Why did the author write this article? What was the purpose? Consider: Whom was he writing this, for? What did he want them to learn or gain by reading it?

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