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Acute Appendicitis:

Inflammation of appendix, most common cause of acute

Related to obstruction of appendix by lymphoid hyperplasia or fecalith
Features: Periumbilical pain, fever, nausea, pain localized to R lower
quadrant, Rupture results in peritonitis, Periappendiceal abcess is
Appendicitis is cause by the blockage of hallow portion of the
appendix. This is most commonly causes by calcified stones made of
feces or fecalith. However, inflamed lymphoid tissue from a viral
infection, parasites, gallstones or tumors may cause the blockage as
Blockage leads to increased pressures within the appendix,
decreased blood flow and bacterial growth inside the appendix causing
inflammation. All of the above causes tissue injury and death.
Pathology is the definitive diagnosis via histological findings of
neutrophilic infiltrate of the muscularis propria.
Periappendicitis, or inflammation of tissues around the appendix
is often found in conjunction with other abdominal pathology.

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