An02.141 150 Danavaggo e

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<title>2.13 Dana Vaggo - English</title>
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<p class="center">A&#7749;guttara Nik&#257;ya<FONT SIZE=5><br/>
2. Dukanip&#257;ta</p>
<p class="center">13. D&#257;navaggo</p>
<p>142. Bhikkhus, these two are offerings. What two?</p>
<p>Offering material and offering the Teaching. Of these two, offering the Teach
ing is better.</p>
<p>143. Bhikkhus, these two are applications. What two?</p>
<p>Application to matter and application to the Teaching. Of these two, applicat
ion to the Teaching is better.</p>
<p>144. Bhikkhus, these two are renunciations. What two?</p>
<p>Renouncing matter and renouncing the Teaching. Of these two, renouncing the T
eaching is better.</p>
<p>145. Bhikkhus, these two are abandonings. What two?</p>
<p>Abandoning matter and abandoning the Teaching. Of these two, abandoning the T
eaching is better.</p>
<p>146. Bhikkhus, these two are possessions. What two?</p>
<p>Material possessions and possessions of the Teaching. Of these two, possessio
ns of the Teaching are better.</p>
<p>147. Bhikkhus, these two are common partakings What two?</p>
<p>Partaking matter and the Teaching in common. Of these two, partaking the Teac
hing in common is better.</p>
<p>148. Bhikkhus, these two are sharings. What two?</p>
<p>Sharing matter and sharing the Teaching. Of these two, sharing the Teaching i
s better.</p>
<p>149. Bhikkhus, these two are classifications. What two?</p>
<p>Classification of matter and classification of the Teaching. Of these two, cl
assification of the Teaching is better.</p>
<p>150. Bhikkhus, these two are benefits. What two?</p>
<p>Material benefits and benefits of the Teaching. Of these two, benefits of the
Teaching are better.</p>
<p>151. Bhikkhus, these two are compassions. What two?</p>
<p>Material compassion and compassionate Teaching. Of these two, compassionate t
eaching is better.</p>

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