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619 Comstock Avenue

Syracuse, NY 13210
September 20, 2015
Mrs. Emily Dressing
Senior Lecturer
Syracuse University
236 H.B. Crouse Hall
Syracuse, NY 13210
Dear Mrs. Dressing,
During this summer while I was applying for academic year jobs, I came across Cover Letter
FAQs that you published with Syracuse University Career Services. As a result, I was offered
several federal workstudy jobs before this semester began. Currently, Im a senior majoring in
biochemistry and minoring in English because I believe that proficient writing skills are essential
in any field of expertise including science. In order to prepare myself after graduation, I want to
specifically take your WRT 307 course to learn about rhetorical problem-solving principles
because your work has already helped me and I trust your position as a senior lecturer who can
share knowledge and teach professional writing very well.
Since last year, I have been a part of Dr. Fondys biology research team. Despite the fact that big
part of research is about experimenting new scientific ideas, I gained familiarity in professional
writing by organizing projects and communicating with other research members. In addition, due
to hierarchy setting in Dr. Fondys research lab, I taught myself how to address my superiors and
co-workers in professional manner. I have also been taking English courses in the past to keep up
with my reading and writing skills because I think that taking only science courses as a
biochemistry major wont make me into a practical person that can adjust in professional
environment. I feel that Im prepared for this course and confident that I can apply what I gain to
assist me in my future career.
Throughout my undergraduate years, I have been keeping up with my academics while researching,
working various part time jobs, and working as an RA to support myself. From this experience, I
became a very diligent and responsible person who can work well in any given circumstances. Im
always determined to learn more and take challenges to discover my weaknesses and find out what
I can do to strengthen them. After taking this course, my immediate plan is to shift my focus back
to my research project and publish a paper under my name.
I understand that you are very busy and your time is valuable. However, would it be possible to
schedule a meeting with you to discuss my quality to enroll in your WRT 307 course? If so,
please feel free to contact me anytime via phone (516) 361-1944 or via email:
Martin Bin

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