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To: Terra Peckskamp

From: Martin Bin

Subject: Alternate Solution to Enforcing New Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
Dear Director Peckskamp,
I strongly recommend that Syracuse University use alternate method to enforce the New
Tobacco-Free Campus policy.
Despite the fact that this policy went into effect two months ago, smoking and using tobacco is
still prevalent in SU campus. Im completely on board with this policy, and I would love to see
this campus to be tobacco-free in near future. However, its impossible to confront and document
every single person smoking in the campus for RAs and other responsible employees such as
DPS officers because that will require tremendous time and effort, given the fact that we all have
other important obligations.
In order to help the community transition successfully to a tobacco free campus, I suggest SU to
approach this matter strategically. Instead of entirely banning tobacco use in campus, I believe
that establishing designated smoke stations in certain less populated corners of the campus and
banning tobacco use everywhere else will create healthy, productive, and respectful environment
for two reasons.

General population or non-smokers will be less exposed to second hand smoke.

It will be easy to single out anyone who is violating this policy to confront and document
if he or she is smoking or using tobacco outside of designated areas.

In conclusion, I see this approach as a realistic compromise between tobacco users and non-users
because even though tobacco is allowed, users will have to trouble themselves to go and smoke
in areas to avoid influencing non-smokers. Though this wont make a completely tobacco-free
campus, it will significantly reduce widespread on-campus smoking. Please let me know if youd
like to discuss this more with me.
Martin Bin
Ernie Davis Hall Resident Advisor

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