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The subcontinent has seen many empires come and go but one which has remained prominent

and whose name may never be forgotten is that of the Mughal Empire. This empire has left its
physical mark upon the world but that is not the only reason why this empire is so admired, even
The Mughal Empire is one of the biggest symbols of tolerance, secularism, arts, and in a way
education. Although the first two emperors, Babar and Hamayun ruled for a short period of time,
they are both revered in history and one is seen as being an understand king, whilst the other is
seen as being a peaceful man who was a scholar. Their successor, Akbar brought about the
Golden Age in the subcontinent and although not educated himself, contained the best of both his
father and grandfather.
The Mughal rule is not one just about a few handful of wars. It's essence lies in the culture it
built. It's strength lies in the tolerance of religion that it promoted. It's fascination lies in the fact
that even women of that era were well read and educated. One wrote the biography of Hamayun,
whilst one ruled from the shadows, her strategic decisions bringing success to the empire. The
architectural buildings left behind show such a deep complexity that leaves the architects of
today baffled.
That was time of music, laughter, and contentment. Although, it did have its negative aspects, the
wars of succession, the rebelling of sons, but until the time they tried to understand themselves as
good human beings, the empire was strong, unshakeable. The Mughal Empire is a symbol of
synergy. The three gifts it left to us, Urdu, which is pure synergy, the Taj Mahal, the physical
form of synergy and Ghalib, the poet who promoted understand of life. These gifts have not been
forgotten today and define the Mughal Era for what it was. A glorious time in the history of the

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