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The graph compares the price of high-tech gadgets in some country from July

2004 to December 2006. It is clear that at first there was a slight difference in
the price between the two gadgets; as the years went by both figures became
identical, reaching 2600 by December 2006.
In 2004, the price of navigation system was the highest one reaching 4000 US
dollars, while smartphones were aproximatively 25% less with the average price
of 3000 US dollars. In the following year both figures decreased.
In the early start of 2006, while the money spent on navigation system
increased, the money spent on smartphone decreased by almost equal amount,
aproximatively 300 us dollars. The average price of navigation system had a
considerable drop,while the smartphone remained constant, However, in the
second half of the year the gadgets reached the same level of price range,
exactly $2,600.
To sum up, the highest figures was those of navigation system in July 2004, of
4000 us dollars while the price of smartphones stayed almost the same with a
variation of 250 us dollars.

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