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When Skywoman fell from the sky and came to rest on the back of the turtle, she
was pregnant. She gave birth on the back of the Turtle to a daughter. The spirit
of the west wind in turn made her daughter pregnant. Her mother found her
with two arrows crossed on her chest after the visit by the spirit of the west wind.
One arrow was in fine shape and useful. The other arrow was not so good.
The daughter was to have twin boys. The twins were born Teharonhiawako or
holder of the skies and Sawiskera the mischievous one.
The two carvings represent the twins of Mother Earth. Teharonhiawako is
beautifully shaped and looks to the sky with the eagle feather in his hair. He
represents all that is good and wholesome in this world.
Sawiskera on the other hand is just the shell of a real person. He represents the
shallow, the vain, and the jealous in this world.
They are carved from a single piece of stone then separated. They can be made to
cluster together at the right angle to each other.
They represent the choices we make in our journey and how we can choose to be
in this world.
This is the Kanienkeha:ka Creation story as told by Allen Brant from my territory

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