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Dean Punter

Compering Photography



These two images are very similar, I saw this photo by Elliott Erwitt before I went to
Battersea Park, and I wanted to try and recreate it. It was hard because the dog kept on
moving around but you can see its the same kind of concept. There are similarities, both
images were taken in black and white and both of the images were taken from the dogs
point of view. Also both photos have the dog next to their owner. Elliotts photo is
attention-grabbing because as well as the dog on the right, there is also one next to him,
standing up on its legs. It almost looks like the dog is walking beside them on two legs. It
adds mystery to the image and leaves the viewer thinking. Elliotts photo has a lot of
repetition from the floor bricks.

Matt Stuart

My image

My image and Matt Stuarts image are very similar, but they also have some differences.
The similaritys are, they both have a pigeon in them, and they are both taken from a low
point of view almost along the ground. I love this photo Matt has taken because of the
depth of filed. The background with the people walking is in focus, and the front ground
with the bird in is out of focus. Matts image has repetition and shadow. While mine has a
lot of texture from the birds feathers and the uneven floor. Matts image is candid, its
interesting how both the subjects (the bird and the people) are walking next to each
other on the pavement, resembling the feeling that there is no hierarchy.

Dean Punter

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