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Check up Pronunciation 11 Look at the picture. Which procedure do you thin Word stress See 1 Match each suffix which describes a surgical proced tothe correct description. Suffix Relating to 1 -ectomy a anopening between 2 -oscopy two cavities or the outside 3 -ostomy b cutting something open 4 Joltomy removal of a structure by su @ theact ofexamining 2 What isthe stress pattern of each of these wards? J endoscope 2 endoscopy 3 endoscopic 3 @ ustenand check your answers 4 @ usten Write the number (1-7) of each word you hear next to the appropriate pattem. +0ee 5 Whichof these is true of the stress patterns in three four-syllable words? 1 The stress is alwayson the first syllable 2 Thereis no clear stress pattern. 3. The stress generally falls on the third syllable from the end(® «rors 2+) 6 Work in groups of three Each choose a differ nstrument below and explain its pu Jn yout ow words. Then discuss how you think cach likely to develop n the next three decade Hh 2. Work in pairs Diseuss the questions 1 What do you thinik the patient's reaction tothe Instruments and the situation would be? 2 What about the doctor's reaction? 3 Daal patients react to struments Inthe samme way? 4 What specific examples of patients'and doctors reactions can you give from your own experience?

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