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Timing Events



K.N. Rao

Yanl Publications, Deihl

I mUS! It\&nII, those Ihousond. of lndl.ons .and W~toMMt:S who
reposed their coo.~ .... me and told "'" some 01 those do!\.aIfs,
....tthout I (.QOlid no! h.&ve g.alned some Insight 11'>10 !he _
of astrologlul comblna!lcm. Some young ~ told
me why and how they took to drug>. to abnotmaI sexual habits
..-.I ftnally fat thai lifo! 1...:110 hwe a dlw.-nt mMIII"lI ror than .
Inmpoedll8 lhdr ch.rb undo>< PSf'S lias beoe<I .. nne


~ _lUIe 01 my career. fl rst comes !he partiltal

Influence (PI: !hen !heir X>< lie.. IS) w!-kh btSIns very early; then
1hdr pi ..... ,fonolllff: (F') whkh 1...:1 .. wry wide varkCy olsM"8$.
And ftnally. 1hooI, splrttu.I quat IS).
The lndlM nte r~ _nd ECMC.. - " I I cduaIIon
ft.,t, II-. career roI""'-:! by ~e and then. cNldtM. In
~1"lI the hofoscopes 01 AmaIan And IndIM>s, INs
dllraena beh.CU' PSPS and EC:MC >houId be ~ In mind by !he
I ........ dlv,..'cd 1heI, hor + ..... without disclosing their
1OentI1Ia. An utfCIIogIaI ~ Is .. ~
true stoIy.
wilt! Its d ....... comedy .....:I ~!ho$ and palpitations dthe toean
soe<:n _
hf:,atd by .... astrcJlogu without his '-Ing 10 be told

"tcoy. "

about It.
I must go on rea>rd here by .to.dnS In dMrest tam. tNt I
found """"'"" vety good and mostly wry honest In the Iie<edbod:.....:I the _Is cI on ~ they narr.te andIdly. indians on
the <>!her hM'od. ~ 800d dNI 01 YlW lnfonnolllon btl! _
vety good memooy
0 1 _ m.tIOt evoents 01 their !Iva.
The.- why I .... ~ bo!h IndI&ns _ Wes~ 11
thai wNle West.......... 1...:1 hf!Iped me look Into much v _
~"lP 0I"'""Y utrologkal comblNtlon$, IndI&ns ' - hdpo:d
me Willi my expeI1rMnt$ willi vOi\ou$ dash.u becMr>e they c.ouId
give me accurate dates. If ~ had the ~ oI ll1dW>s
rot ~tIc da_ and Ir'I<IIlono the ......,;IkI.- of AmerIcanS ... good
01 fOrNre _
I ~ ~..,,"" In astrologkal MOdlnp

ro. ""lei


could"'"" been_.

---,... ....

&ut lno1lAno ..., !he products of a pullW>lcal oodeIy rt-ogto

some of them Nt now !he V\IIg.or produo:tJ of the amaIgMn of
1n<Ia.n ~ attItuc18 ...., wes_s .r.eeaom of !he womb

In the USA. _ . . . u d me wtly I had failed 10 >eo: In his

t-ovope that he was a I>cIInose><UIII. I had 10 tdl him thai no

l""lan ""'" .okI me about his l>cIInose><uaI habits. rt-ogh human
nature ~I\II wII&. I. Is, ~ must be many SiiYS In 1""1.0 01$0.
Simllarty. many l""l.ons Nt SO*erous that ~ tM o/f.oo
many quesllons al a time """ ~ ....._
to .all lheir
questions. all _I once. It to.. _
be<en a plHsure 10 do astrology
for such poerwns. In<IlAns In USA. are !he worst In tills .....tler.
8ec.omlng 1001'-. fully Of partly. ~ reI.aln IndW> cant.ot"l<erous
habits wllhoo.o. cie'>el'plng the undid"..... """ ~ of


(OU"". ........

~ ..e. of
"H'J 1100<1 ua:ptIons '""""'3
l""lan In the USA . 11<11 ~ do nO< _
the ruI/:.
My .".,.. 10 Or. (Mrs.) ItanJan.o Srlvaslav. !Of the tedlnIcaI
edldng of the book. Mote often than nO< when a wrtter Wfltes a
book. he thinks that his tedlnIaoI dlowsslon Is lto._. I ..... nO<
on<: of Ihem. I m.osl !he IUds_t of my junior coIlugues. Slut

Shlvar" Shatm.a aIIer seeil\ll my -"'tn:%gy DesrfffY Mod rile """"'"

of 11"",, - had o:oIf<!red muoy valw.ble ""88es<1on$ wt\Id'o I had
Ino:OfPOI"aled In !he book. Here I iUTI d<eperldlng on the help of
Or. R.anjana Srlvas__ And Shrt Shlvar .. SiwTna wllto !he dear
understAnding wllto them thai If the book Is II.owless, the _
credit will be mine _ If some mls,;akes ~n here_ there. the
fauit will be theirs.
My hur\-fdt""'" """ bIesIl\II$ are .always wllto them .
1IeoIdes, we have the best _~e of lIenll\ll our books
edited by sudI a group of compel ....t astroloser~ as
Or.ILS. CNrak. R.jeev Jhanli. VIIWi)' Miry" twesll SiwTna.
Dec... I!.f9OOI" """ othcn. It Is wll&t no publisher of aslrology
boob atI)""""e In the world an..y wllto so much con/Idence as I
can ..y. No _ . when they say In the USA. that the boob_
I'Iavoe been produdl\ll are the besl astrology boob In the world.
~ are pqlns Ihdr I>onest compliments 10 this bo1ULanI group of
aslrologer -1MChers.
My .".,.. to Deboroh - . """ l.O!OI\I. Ituegs both women
Vedlc asbologers who I'Iavoe studied with me here In DeIhl at my





pIoa doing .astrology mote In~ than Mrf othe< -..,Ind ....
.astt""'SY ......sent5, trying out the techniques I _gilt to thorn. If
tt>ey continue to _
as I h&Ye ~ thorn to. ukuIo.tlng
hofoo<"P""I _ <IlsI\as In the mid also _ nee be COYetdepondent
on coomputes, tt>ey will be ftrst .at<> predlc;ton .and ~Iy $<)Uno:!
cou....,.!ors. They I...-e "10 leunt """""' s.n..tuIt stou.. whlcll I
I".,MIabiy , _ " " onoe.uw ....
Tho: ft........o.ol oupport g'-tI "'" ",lie SocIety for V~k
Rese.ardl .and I'rac:tk:e" for tile rep<oductlon 01 this piece 01
whl! evidences supponInll the _ _ It duly
~lIed - ' :Odmltl.

k .N.~

~&_ts , ...........................................................

Conttnb ............. ............. .. ......... ................... 6

About the

,.,,!hoI ............................................................... 1

hd ., 10 IIw: SKDnd (dilloft ............................................ 10

App<a:I.odoM _ . 19

I"rd".>ee to 11M! ThIrd dIllon ............................................... 17

10 Writ., the IIoc:* .......................... 30

Choj>IeI _ I

The _

Ch.\pIef _ Z

Mode.n Method 01 Lea.nlllS MtroloSY . ......... ]]

ChApo.. _)


CIIopm _ .

The 5K<>nd Merno<y latH( T ASIC ................ 46

0WpIet _ 5

The ThIrd "'''''ICM~

0WpIet _ <>

The CheckIhI . 56


More ~ b,n MIC HIshe< .....1................... $8

~ .. _II

Predk;llYe TIt IIlb CIII .................................... 6J

0WpI.. -9

u.kllng a

0\0pIeI _ 10


0wipI...- _ II

The CU"D AppIOKh 10 Predlcdons ................. 7tI

0wipI...- _ 11

"" u.rnpIoe oIlnlefP"'l_ ........................ 82

0wipI...- _ l )

a........ Out Y"'-"Mtf ...................................... 111

0\0pIeI_ I.

'NhId'I Ayanamsn.l ...................... .. ............... 99

OwipI...-- ll

SUmm&l)l .... ConduUona ........... ...... ... ....... 11 4

n..... ~ T.bIet C a I ..... ..... .............. 38

tabkt I , C ....................... 50

weer, TIming h"nts , ........ 67

Dlftkull MDmenb ...................... 14

About the Author

1LN. 1too ~.NM~IlMI}~ i-om!he WllMAudit
_ _ 5erAot .. OIlEd .. c..n....... No,eo_ 1990. He II
the oecond 01 the low ..... cI Ihe r.mous ~ 01 the ~
hodt ...."d.nce,.,.... It. I\onwo R.l.o, me IourocIcf edltof oIlhe Notlon.ol
Herold _ . edIto< 01 MOre !han !hlny joumoIt In Ioelorog ~
~. Itoo

_ _ ld_"""*'IY"'''''IMeII~ .



ee..\, .. the
01 _
In 19U . He rqor<b ....... the _
_ o:q." he 11M kI-. In two _ _ .......... _ chIIclfen _

!too _

Iectum In n,sIIsh """'"'




""'OUIh ...... _ cu. optdd"'h In

1957. He IOIned the IndIon
_ _ _ SeMuIrom _
he _
.. IlItectorGener..

In Naou .. ber 1990. MI;Q Inlcrate<! In Sima ..-.:I opom Ihan In

.tIoItOIoSY In his you!!\. lao won brIIIIIcy prizes In chesIo compoedllons


""'Ie ctwnponsIIIps In - . . . eu'ij><1Idto ... HI! pI")'Od ten

s-na _ Is why In No ~ .,!doc>'" Iha<! ....

aon- often.

iCk, .."c~ 10


OutIna lib ....vIa!

he _
Ihe pI&nn, "'~ _
teochef el1tne _ _ cowseo on .-....:tIt oIl1eceipu . . . loin!


dIoO!ClOl once_dIo",1IOO """ ... Hh interM;Jlon$04o:h .... oJai ... s .......

bftn-. ....... ' _ _ ~_"" ........


ctec..Ies _ " """" he has. ... .on -*S..,

netwo<tt olMends. He walt on doIlli 011 hb 1i.In<iama1Y1 ~ In
atrcJIoSY dw1ntI his ~ CMftf tw.". . 01 _
he _
~ :


In Ih<Yn ..... He 11M In ....

len 1mpon.onI_

'eoslon ................ 50,000 ho-npn wIIh

01_ IndMduill ""'eel with him . It II PftI>apI. !he 1MB<'" - . . .


don 01 homv_

Mf'j ~

'*" ....... ""cN<"

In the _


The loll"" ""-' ~ ................ not

Mf'j f t,
'-'sn _ olmos! . . . .
~ lui In Oeoc>.obtt 1981 he _
~ CUI 01 hb IIhdI 10
pMIdpotc In .. Ihree-<lly _ _ .....1JOIoSY In [)o,IN . AI'I.ft _

DUpiI on


SJOUfld brlNllllns opeech.

'--_ ,......

- . , 11M

~ dftNnd


lot his
~ 0f1Ida,. from Ihen.....- he .... - . - . . ""'" Ilk

.-sIB .......... I'M. ,

~ ... ~ he "-_wookt.ldc,,,oIx.
1995. !too '-.tsIII1he tJS,I\. on ...... IectI.o'e
too.n. He _
!he 0Wf eo.- .ot !he ~od
d "'"
~CoundIdVllc "'-tI'*'8:J In 199]. He_ ~tobe
prftftlt In me third Coo."""", oIto In I~ on Ihe Opool"8 dII)'
uowdI. he would <Ita .... Hli """", ....os _ _ III
No."",boe< 1995
/of !he Foonh Conference though he IIIId miIde It
dur INt lie would noI' be ...._
~e leo Ihe ~
COOok 'E' eu.
SIru June 19\18 he ha _
,'JIOOCOW """ limes
r.aup ~ Ihrough lnN>pou..... It Will ar- ............ . - y
by !he Itu!Mon opoo~ pon of !hose , ...... led ..

.... .. no. 199] _






Pf"W" ...............
.... rautI of his


he hM now men _
_ _ StU<lem$In Indi.o _ _ INn live ho.ndred In the USA _

JWuI&. He II the 0 1 _ of ~c-ws In !he _ ally. V\dy4O

en.w..n. New Delhi. The te.oc:hon on !he tfldIIng UocuIty of !he
aoItoIog)r COUI1oe In the _ ally. Vldya Showon _ . like him . cIwpd ""Y ffto Jot w.chIns whIdIthey do 'n on hono<My up.iCIty.
'M'I&t Irnpook<I a..o '0 do H Is _
CKpWned In his own _....,..
!he ...... _ ..... lOch lord> 8fl tomt>Ined In !he ~ _
In tile lOch _
. AlIhb _ best"" by his ~
Guru. Yost 1IwtskM_ oIGuioo"M wham Itoo ~ ... !he I.It$I
d Ihe ItbN .w'''' g"" In !he puruC d"'1ce! .........,. He """ ookI
..... he would ....... to .-hi, "'""Y Joro4n councrIo:s to sIve 10 I*'du
...nok>gy !he honout. 'ECCIS'oidoi. _ dIgoIty _ 1, did noI' ......... 1II
!hen. No ~ ....-..ned up tho! In\pIIc.I d!he ftn.! eYe\' ~ ""'I
01 Row:> ' 0 !he USA In 1993 ... . VedIc ItSrroiogy bd:>t>e R.oo _ IIfIw




WNo, <II~ yogis ......... Mid _

...tfOIogy as .. V~.
whIdI he _
no< stve up twos - . q\OClltd In his book. Yogis.
~_tht!! _Dl~.1d<roIoIY1t1l ~ed ...... cf don
. . . . . ollis ~ _ e><pIcit.utye naNfe.
..... !nco. po of""SU . """ __
d. "' ods "h""i.e .
_ ..... """'" " ' _ from IheClDlTllTllriryoi fA' , ....... + I I"
who 1dI1I'II'N~, ..nen ~ .... mae JJew up line - . . 01


""'"' INn two _



...croIog,r Is _ . IOUrU " ' - " bill

"""s __

like ..... lor .....,."

oupeI' ...... ce 10 _ _ Ihe


"'-"''8 and PIII'JXIO'I! 01 tunon Ilk. which 10 _

v~ ohoo.*I """ " - 00 be.
SwMnI p " , _ Sot_. """ hit


'*" ........ ___

/ytiIb/o 8JI". YOSIIlhukMMWId.o u.up

01 iJ*ItIoII
-*IIY wt*to ...........
usuoII)I In _
booI< 01 _ ...... ....
' - ..,., ,',d ........ 01_ -"'" In hh - . YOlk. o..dny """ me
....".,.. cI TIme . ........... bo's reanI ~ ""'" moc>s{ ""&1II1II


.. ,' rrd>u _ hi> twO boob Ph;dI(.1ns ~ JMmJnI 's OIM. a.w
""" ,.,.,dkU'l6/htough 1W.tIuttruhiI _ _ DWw. I, 11M - .
"'Ie fof.." 10 prod",,", oud> r~ ~ "" _
tOld ~
his tyodJ/olJUN Il\00, _
w ... 1n r-rtpMA (Iroldlllon} w'" mud! moot
conuIned In boob of -oIoSY _...., It~

....... """"' w_

"""...,...mtIauI _ _

his line

~oIIty .

H:oawn " _. ........

fYotbh pru. knew many o.ucIo ndtlon.ol seaeu.. ~ d

w!*to Il.00 ... ,,,. ,o',d In his 1:Iw"" boob, ~ _ ou-.. .. CotftrJ.
Mil .. & .
1M _
allinoo _ -.... MId a-.....
It ...... \he _ . 8'JfIJ 01 ~ Sw.vnI r l l l ' _ s. ..._ .
who line .ookecI .... no! 10 gtve up.aolfOlog)r .. I, Iwod to be.., Intqr.
I*t 01 lib ud/WI.I. Later .. Irea. ~. SW...... MooIkIIM\andII.
propI" .. ,ed In .\lS2 111M he _
be me otdIItea 01 grN'
~ ~. Who;tho:< Ihf.~ Is lIIce.edy fllll'llIe<I Of 001 (M1 be
PJ8ftI h:Im \he 1mpI_1bI 01 In.-ch putIII!.hed .

""1""" _

Pre face to the Second Edition

-.diIk>.".........,... """'
ReYnIon of ~Tirn.!na' ..( _

u t111'OU(/1 the VlmJIIottorj o..w~

n..... ha bcon "" much ~ In IndIon ...croIoSY bec.ouse



"",~,,.fto ~ 1I""l1f~ lAID

tuv_ ornomtf'IIAy. b bm', _ . """'!he

-.....c ~ II. the twvomshl . - 1M shy

-.ada. S-

I-Indu bIIde. _
fO her husbond, the I*th ~ buI_ not
illllow<t<I to open Iu n>OUdI. k ....os I l 0 l _ dbo,,'''d. ~ _ _
~. the cousins oIlhe birth iIof<wnpe. -m lnco obIMon.
Shahod~ lye< ......:Ie good br~Sh .rod ope>oed OOJI _
dIfnensIon wNdI It wh)Ilhe dlle oIl'b book "New 0Im00nII0nI" hAl
- . tile moo.! "PI ......

n.. ...,,,.,.- A,=., __

n.......toM ............ "" l1li ...... ''"''.01 theCl:>W"ltl)l hod KIded
Ihe,oy..............."oc osy\Ol'da me ... eo ,oeoKoIlndLo .poe_ltd
In <:.oIencI.n<m Coo "ee 1956..t.oM: choIrmon _
SMo.l. Ihe<e should " - - . no .....11. dIspJte _
the ~
fO be.-d . Yellhed<qconllnued 11111'1 1994 .00II ... meedr1S c.aIed
.....cIa !he .uopka 01 Ihe Human ~ Mlnbby bJ the !hen
MirWe.. Soi l\rIun Singh.. burlM oil conuoYelsies """" and lot all by
iitpp'0III0g the OII"~.oy~ (LMllrI), .,..oy........ oIwo """*:tI
I " - bHn .... "11 -.yo. I hod olio wr1!tft1 In the ~
Mlo&oW"" ltwo. I ........ only !he OIIIf.op.!lksna .oy..-nsha. and In
Ronwn ',own ~. I atOc:1UId In ~ 1 _ how !he

..."" 01 "'" ~ could be """""" by ...... Ihe 0Ikr..........

l"-elrdt.oded IhIspleln my bed.


and ChiId_'. Ills b !his _ _

'Ih<III8h I gIW W uedII

~~ b !he "be 'o~ of UUCIIoI)IIn

n.II.t. ond ~.I_ ~ hIs!>oob ~ his ay.vwomoho
I\M .oIw"Y.1flI me .ulI"Y. In III. NoIlobie HorOKopes, !he ~

'" Dr. "" aollng



01 Georp VI. knwd ~ _ hII ...... ..Me' , (.... eo< ..... 01 ..

~ lohouId b e " - wI1h !he 00IIr~ iii)'M'iOMiha co
..... wIi ........., own _ 01 tid ..,. .. 1'"" +.. f.oib In _
~ 01 hit., M In mony ochers..

no. 1"4 ....... 0( ",*.a...,.o __

me 1nskI,..,..., 01 0.. _ _ 0.. SUtIIdeo

me l,.Iil a,Nodur ShMtrI_IfIy& Sonsiutl VIdy~. I Nod to pt8Ide.


tromlMe _
condOJCl the big p~ c:.:.fttoo>l! 011'<1 "" full
ltv"' ~ RIch trltoJlft - . . poId 10 me ~ ~ Chonftjl
who opmy wid _In lib nurIy""'l)I ~ ~\eooI&MndIng
In ...... _
Iibrood. .... Nod _
,..,.,., .. ((jO"'a
boinS C<IIIducfEOI ... wei M ~ me. I hod 10 do 11 CO _ _ 1tc ......n.ooI
.an..dt wI*t! _cIoso. W-'IO~ _
...... ponct.onvs_
cho ' ; e . lher .. ownay.............. _1Nt"d ........+t do. 1 Nod 10 do ..


koI 01 op&de ......... 10 ..

wch .. c:\ooIlI _ .... .an..dt ... 0. . .........
""""'8 octoa5 ~ L.V.s. _
01 the KoneN ~ S/worl<M~
peoo1hotn. 00. ~ $.aid _ my (RIoo'1I conI1'IbInIon to ..... oIogy_
..... less !IIan his. Vee he I'iOV'U published me <epOtt 01Il>00 proxeedlnp
oIme mt-ellna In ...tIIdI tis ay.,.........two hod - . oIo<1o:! outrlstoc. At
_ _ ~ It hod 10 becoo_ .. ___ cIouto ....... btt .. tHl hIm.and
me. HIIown boob baa:! ... hIs~ would _ _ ocIendllc
mote . .... t"e!!'ed
fl'iYl"!lfc:co.+i ........
his _
~ _
t7 ........ t.: __ 01 -.... "'-'..................... daN


'ECQ, ........

bo' " " _ ........... tt..... 01 .......... .

Vee my~ ........... _ 1tc....,. pIKe 1hod gIvouIlO his
"~ co JudI"''' HotoJc<>pe" U.... , M _
me orAy book In wI*t! ........
WM wch .... e:col1ell( compIWIoto oIloOU11d pr'n odpos 01 &II. . . . . . .
Judge'iiEM (.jilqf~ In one pIKe) _
how 1 """'" v.oIo.iiE<I1tc
1IIIfcIogIc.toI~.. 01 00. RMrwon. Vee It lHothes ..... ~ .... 01
Interpledr\s"1IcJuw:ope bu! gives ... 1\hose p1nc:1p1es wNdI one ""'"
keep In mind . 1uoIled It .. very 800<1 book then. 1 h.ave ..... feMOtI CO
....oa _ po$ItIon. _ ... .,. 1938 _ 1950. _
.. e<Ik .... _
...... ~ So 1' - been _ 0 1 _ bfI&ht
brII&nI .... 01 his. ............ his own ayMWmSI>& bec.oniiE ..
.......... ""d'o I*n, 1 hod 10 dr_ '" __ II .... 10 '" dIosh. ~ p.ned

((jO'. '""0'.
WllrdlooOllh P Ilw lJ) ' .'

Wlchout 1tc 00IIr~ ay&nAmSh&. ....... Il>oo Navamsn.. ....:I

dMtkInoI IioroKnp<s Is '" necdlew SlOpe Into me depths 01 11M!



--- ..


MtrcIioSY oIr.. _

... 0.. Itornon ___ UIoed airy "''''0'''' horotc.ope

~ bec _ _ he " ' - 111M hII ~ _
no! WOI1<. L at
,.~ know 111M hII _
... th WIo oouIIy when ..., mMc



. " ' . - 01 dMoknoI lou.

ThBe C1DUId be .... tr. ctl on .......... 1Iof<>ocopo's AS II-... b&<tIe
oI~COi"".....:Ib .... , _ .......... I I _ . _ b y _
who hAd_ .... _
~ In Ihd._~ but_ on
p<odudn& MIda 11M mills.. ~ CCIfII'usI II-... ....... more WId more. It II
only now 111M me dMslon.ol horoo<ope " - ' -.... to 8"" adoeqw.le

I ....... " - ' " ~tedIy mot II-... CNtr"""",""" II)'-..sha worb
on eIM.I" .... hoooscOpes In this booIo.. I ....... "-'" II-... . - 01 JO
........y IIMsIonoI IIof<>ocopo's !w:'_ I teIood . . ~ I _ In

'*'*" ...

.'" from II-...

.-bo. When bodI. ..... 10
one point. It gave ............bledue 10 Ihe me "1;101
,oIN.,I" .... hoIotcopes I ...... dtce _
111M _
...... do no! know
more IhnIqueI 01 poedk:doo <J WId do no! .... tettlhdr IIn<IIr\p from
<IIfJerenf ~ CIIII I"IeWf ...-..und Ihe UIIU<y WId ~ 01



dMslonooll ~. The technique II given In my bod; on jalmlnh

ow. D.oW. DMsIonaII>c>m$(Opes ..e ddlc.ote 1ri$trUrno:tota. Dlltertn.

&fYe ....,.,. 01

dlltertnl _
I>otoscopeL An
will tty out dIIfe... t.oy......-..hao WId
_ _ _ one gIws him .-..... II had to be _
WId will ....... 10 be
CCII"IIIn<.Iouo ~ ........ at one ~e. Ihe Chiu"""","""
.oy.onornoho .... be Inodo>cp .... to ___ IhederNrds oICOiGdei ........
... e ctoo .. I know 111M M ... fuou<e dale, ........ this ~ ....
' - to - S O
modi~ "fill ....... _ _ _ ............
...,,,.... Su does _ . ot.e ChlIf<opol<W 11)1.......... _ _ to be


In~ ~ ~



like ... kIHI 1"1\1&' :

HIndu ~ who _ .
SOO<l ~ mNoI "" M< ~ <Nef'f~.
One m int be<ome _ .... 01 II-... dlopar1t1es _
dq.rea 01 pIaneIs an creole If allk'''' II .oy~ Ale ....ed. lei me
. . up !he ......... ope 01 Gooose llenwd Shaw WId _

Gooose ea"""" SNw 1Z61111y 185& 12:40 AM. GMT DubIn,

I.dIu<Ie , SlNZO.oo I..ctI;IItudc , 06W 15.00
DIffo".1I)IMWnShu _
CMI be'- 10 ptepIft lhel....

0I8emJrd 5I\aw _!heir v ........ "" Ihe _ . 1856..., bo:Io\s atbelow. 'e ..... CIIII <11_ !heir own (CndutlonI by JftIrcs how
.......... hooosc""", _
duha bpi' .... 01 the ~ WId
........... alrt the a::cwoqo 01.-.. ...
' In Nouble Horoscopes. the blrth doouolG.B. SNw....ed IJt Dr .



ItaoNn b , born .... 26dI july 1856 AD ........ " ,ld"lgtu (1M'. 5 3)11 1.

t.orc. 6 w 16)
The I...

... gIwn.

_ _


t . ..


In ItM! d.o)'I ....... ItM! ~ 01 ItM!

_~ .., UHrI S notR.wNon L

,ENe - . Pf=,,,..d I+fe ,

-111 Dr. ItaoNn b 01 Ihe .....

01 21111 _ _ 261h.."
_111" _Ii "_"'8ft> tom """'"" 1go< !he birtli det.IIIL So

The _

sets 011...

As UMd b, Dr. Ibman

Nootoo: 14M Moon. Morcw<y. 1I.ih.I .... Ketu t-. beoro &'-'
_goNma SUitlll .... d'+ dho ,do~ done. '""" d'+ ...... hooma:ope
.... 1tc....., d.Iol.., lloodeIli ~ .... 1tc diIl'k:~,,<e Is Wf)'



, .....

_ -....,.Iup\oo:' _


17"Je' W I('




llI'OJ' l)'q





11"10' 2t'1l'


ar- JodIry

---'''-'~'_ be_II

iiooda,,~ '-~

""" _I'l0l
Ie IocaM ... RImM..........,...t .... 12-01 AM dlulY
21. 1856. The~Ihonb.
NQoo, The Iio.8J"o 10 _ ~ _
... pIMoet """ l6 ~
Dr , bman ' - gMn l6 mIno.ote 10" e...:epf Roohu _ 1tet\i, He
did _ have tho: _~ d ~ die! _
he dIto= .d """






---I ... '"


15'52' _




.... -~



"" t...


do. and L.a/*I





5omII! <II Ih! ~ st-I by Dr. ~ 1ft on !he bodIt 01"-son- p&.nim. ....." .. WIOI'III. Then to ...,. - "'" - . ~ .... _SOftMnIin r....... and noIlO....cIu 111M Shotw_ one
altho! ugtInI mero 01 his cIfde Is . . - mi,I.,,,,ns. R.wnM did _
.....eIGe INs II<t<boo !Io.w In his dbon.oIon. (Horotcope No ] I)
The........ _
~ _
hcfoocope 01 Lord Kt'!!ohna - .
"The L.\a'" .. T...."" Of VrIshobho... sIa~ cI Yeno.>t, _It Iso,,*", br
the Moon and ~ bof $arum IftAkIna SrI KrIWIa Olfemely
_ _ "{IIui- ,E Nol)
5Mw ~ In 1896 In !uPlte<-luIlIct< (o:he 7m Iood 01 !he
,,~ .
Heeled In 1950ln ~(1l11lDf<101lto1!_ ~,_""*'
period 01 Ketu.
Whkh~ _
~!he _
01 """ life 01 SNw
..... be cIbcusMd

_ , e.

Note I - There_ be. dIr...... a 01_ dq< .... _.j~!lle _

. Mod. Yulct_


Not.. Z - fOtlleCWUop.oksl\.l. Jour........, "'"".Y~

_... _-

........., _ three hIsher.

NoIel _ _ """ ....


... ...tIIdI_I _ _
~ rfIro<,gII. It!_
~ Of .ocnwd\1;! 10 /IiPW ~ Corobeaot 01
!99S. "'tlrrlosf""'d ,,''OdyeMS.
,,~ .KM_


srm"8 .11..,





In !he .... ni"8 ..... ~ to OUr wudM .. In !he lIh.v~dy.o VIIIy.

IIh.o.w..... we ohow It ~tftIy .

UN. ',,,.,
The .. lOde... Mt ",loS'" " a-1liiy limned
IN! .... """" no _ _ IIwr> "'" V'.o,"""' .....
_ ......,,_-.1> he uoes " ......... ,,,tht<..t>ItrMlly

In _
one! ........ \IRS !he
doIns I!>e ~ 01


dM!oIono>I I\oroKopes To IoIy ..... , ...... II

r .....:I no< U$lng Ihe _
hototcopn and 0Ihtt < II
like -.yinl IN, ~ hu no pIIICe In [u"",," Of KArv..d UnIwnIty
Is not In the USA. If !he bini! r-... pe II the buk .uucture flI
penonA/Ity. 1M fW.Iormho .,..... .... bIIe ..... one! the cIIYhIonoI
hoo ." IW m.t mud'! d psyd'IIc ed>er &Ii comes IIR bitdlnS
1laII. _
"" I : ~d $0 1ftII~ _
Ihe kemoI 01 .. ""'"
.. _~ 11M! M

.... dille '"""'" wNcI'I urInOI be a.a~:


bJ _ ~"8 . . - I Y ' - _
....-...- """Y"'" ~ _ ...e..""" ..., s<*'S -00&.

WI 10

In rtw _
work <lI!he life

of the

....... pIvoI

,,,,,,ud 01

. .............


~ ~.
""",o::Io.dng the~""""

&I ....,

"""'" olStleshoclr1Iyf:r one!

hit bold IMOV.rtve ~ of u$lns !he Yogi point (!hough from

- .,... _-

....... f'><'" ...

,' -

mul>urta "",,<>logy), '"'"' haY<' Ig""'~ him Of .......,., atll<lol him il<
'hough In )ov" 'ri.ang\e, !two patomou. of """,1M womon was
morol!y wpetIo< <0 good h....b.ond, n,., ~"8e tNn lias ~
t>c-en cow.u<! at tM g.~a' M.vI< lw.oln ~ <0 ""Y, The ....... "Se
"'''oiogft I> "" l"'eU.II.... coward. ""aid of Innavadng. He .........
efuge 1>nCIfl. San;.krl, >lanLI w!>ose full ImpllulfioM he ~ """""
I" v.nou. ways. f Of l"'tAnce. debllluucd s.",um lias t>c-en
cooo1<",,,,,",, lot oil IagMS In a so-caIlM eotn"""'lM)' of. dassic
wlthou, ......., _ng how. debllI'.'4ld s.",u.n MJkI be produc,"'" of.
""'Y high a<lmI ....
poloitlon In I'I'IM'4y pIa<;es.




C-..,... _"",.. Foc.

In 'oMChlng students with beliRan' academic bKkg.ourods. '"'"' In

the Blwatly. Vldya Bhaw..... ale like heroes who face ftrM of ..... Of<k:oI
_lifter _ . unll~., """'" who GlIl ~ with esotetl<. mumbotumbo In ..., .vtIde Of even a book. W., who ,ead>
the pioUotm
wattlots who Jace the bottle wed< lifter _
lot whIcII "'" have ' 0 be
prepared lot .. quedon whIcII ~ Iail outside the realm of dM>IcAf
.... 'oIog;,. bu, ~ yet be most pmI""'" lot mo<Iem man. A Woman
with V........ and Rahu In the 4th house with .-.qUIlt)'"
told by ..... iIOtroioget tho.t !oM """,Id have <ex relation> with mat.1ed
tNn. IndIa.n _rolog.... emphoslzlng. even """"pl.>ylng _uaf
of .. hotoowpe. ""'Y be rnotbI<I vlc;d .... of thei< own _uai .~.
I ""'P"C'. I ,dd on astrologe. who d.\frns to be .. genlu, but CM _




only <exuaf combir\allons ~, """" since the lo<d "'~...

planned hunan ON''''''' a new. Of ("" lempled AcIMn. all ~.
~ '0 ~ _uaf ..,.,. oho. His crea'lOn a>nsi>3 of ftfly pcranl
women and flfly pcran' """" attf.ocdng ead> other ~!y
(I'totnosoo.>cuafs and Ie!.bLlno ..., o..opscttfng 'his thcoty) Of th.ough theft
_ honnones il< ""flu,1 """" would ""Y .
.....1 IMoe ~ the <Iil<ha anr:f the dMsiotW ~ ~
'0 be ....,.;j dfectl~ lot a much wider 'iU\8e INn tMlcIy _uaf
....:Ilng. II was """"" I h.ocf '0 teoo::h IMoe techniques '0 out
.Ndcnts tN, the ..... of coflec.tlng the 1I1...... tIon> In ont pIaoe In the


ohapo: of .. ..",.,. of """"" <>a;urred!O me. II ptOII'ed a 8tH' .... c_.

Sc:ornc ,"""""'" coflNguM JoIIc" cd I, "" with many 'ex! books 01 high


The lint ,"",!Ion of """ book "1'1rnInS d t _ !htou&h """
VIrmno!t.vI" _
s<*I out within lour month _
"'" _
JoIrnItoI'IOwA o..sho Is ..... _ e d . - 1 y. The bocIb..t.ld>_
pubIshecIln!he Ia.t qo' .... 011993 " - .. COft'COU( wkh~saf
~ o;dIlIoo .. k .... mode me .. 1kde _ _ "10 ~ ...... .-....,.
WM'IIadiNl""""""*,,, a/ _
poedkll ... jW~odpI& _
I CfIII CUI"'" .. _
by , clio,. .. tile wr1",," _ _ _
I ' - ~ Ifom ~ In Ird.o _ chi: USA.
Some out a/ mAI'Iy _ _ _ r~ lot """ boob b y _
In<IIans ... _ t t y .. Deomlbe' 1995, w!IId1 art !toe L.oIaI . .ve
' ~ beIow. The _ _ _ ~ by lndiMI ....."", .. glHte<
v.-!uc ~!hey. brQIIstn up In the wortd'~ beloI MIroIogIc.II and
spIrIlWiI IlIdlrIc:w!s, know ..tly ..-.I - . . ..w<>iogy cuses to be ..
~ _
poedkdon bewmo:s. Sltr: ....t>en .. ~ _ _1Ion


Is ""' .. ""'" button 1ed."""SY. '" ~ _ ["""""""'" ' aInoody ~ IJUdrIs !he ~ of indio.. but .. ~e . ..
ouptf . ' .... _
~ . rho:
01 SOd. The ~ of
" OIEI''''' _Its ...... ,,_ ~ Ihey'" the _ l i e " .. ~...., 01
~1In& boab. D.oYIIl L..o
fa me ""'" T....... "you know

sr-:o: _

A ~ wr1n"" book on .... roIogy will. In "'IU~. Nve lO!.fy
""" hlgtI _
at ...rnnical exI~ e ~ by me v ,
number oIl"""'na .... ~ .. oIlnd1& and ...... Mvc 10 Inft'l ' 1Ie
demor'dI 01 d;u1!y _
IucIcIt1y _
~ >011h .. <IilIer~

,-" ~


llil. DrIl. DI ,D.C.(

.-...u'c""" T.... """""......

' L..p AMOdal .. '

Thougtll om .an odvoutc b)I ",0,.,.,1011, 10m .. lover at ostrology,

my 00bby I, .c.od1na good os'r%gy booI<o I ~ 10 _ ..

T_ _ , - , , _ _. _

~booUwrtnen by ~-.a'.O&"" SrI K.N. -..o._.-ttda

beon.-os. _ ....
In _cl",p'" Mia' I .. I

libel It>e book.. ' Ptc:<l<:1loOll """"Sh joImInI'. Ow .. D.ooIwo' "'*II>e

..-.I 8tst of Its _
In It>e ~ . Tho: I\.uthot 1M ....... It>e
.. ,.:IrIM ..-.I ~ IUndI)I COO."")' my best wishes ..-.I
UiII&'.U....1Iono ,e It>e I\.uthot.
I .." In~es'ed 10 buy ......... ..-.. _
01 the ..... 0IJ1hcr.
Would you pINte Inbm me ...... , the IcuoI .odrMO$ of )'OU'

.. _ _


IW . ...... Sorojftv.. ~ . ~
OIJ: No I . NnM , ....... l<d

nocr . ... c.... <_

~ . a.iS'

ClI)oN;: SporuI

., 560009

, ... IuIy _
)'OU ........ of the . . - tdbni.- Vn. In
........ ..-.1 1 _ puod
1 the 'en, .", _ , . . IHm """"-..
lo:d>ok; oM 01 .......' ........ I ... ...r!Ied 'he ...~ ofliiWilyob..-.l you
p<oved .. 8......... In ... toIogy.
I . Le.vn_,",roIcgy'M"'-'T~
2. l'lmInI 01 (venc. Ihrcugll Vlm>hciwl D.o;II&
3. I'tedIciIns """"gIl .....nI 0l0I .. D.uN
I.." fcIIcwIns I..oIW1 ~ only *$ hototty.
The ' - " _____ . . . - from the USA ..... ., ve<bII ..-.I
.. the C"I*>""'" ICiIa CUI. 1M """""y _
................ """Y.
I ...".., When I ... .non of the - . I .... toI1Y _
AmerIcAn "'-b a:U<I net . . ~ atpIM... MI. _
Sop ... ' . ;.. ' .. _
me """ he _
t.eq> '"" "'" ~
..p.vty """" _
let me _
Ircm ..
I'tcm Son DIqo by ....


vrry._ __

~ IWIy

ollie ... , ~ lon".oIne. 10111> ......... I n.w! ..

sI>e IIod _
.. IIvtt how opoKh of ..... ne In
To t...... mel her. 10 _
""~ Ie hrt ..... bK.otne ..

Ion! ~, ..... _


""""t "" me. SI>e _

.. Ion!- 10 ~&h _ _
I ... d In DoW ... Dete. Ita N . IWS. o.bor&h .... p.n me


...... 1' .1O_1romthe 1MMr.

5 iZ I995

nw. _

to Son
me. ....-..
...... ' ..... he ....... 00<1 me 10 .. ~
people who "'"""' no Sf<l'I"dIns In ...."""SIr.
beo:n o:w"", .. oood ObW, _ ......... 1 """",00<1 Ie....,"""
WM 1!f"lOIns _ Ie _

00 """'" "" . " " . . . ,.

DIqo. I ~ ju&o. """ _

no peDOtWoI "".>cl.. u"., .." _

be _

_ood , , , , ,",
. I_

.. - . . , him



me of Mr.

It,oo'. _

so< In _ _


r _ _ _ ', ,,.

,a,. _


'M . Touo/ly u,p<tv&leCI. He Nd !I>e

........ .......... to ...... "" "'I' ....., d til ...... Nod he . . . <h.u )'0'1 _
_ d Ihe iomIIy to him. I baush' . . toocl _
~ _
I om IrI

DftIof .... I _

.., ,.,.

oil _

1_1_',......... .....

.... _d~~ ....... _.. ~ I "'"'Wohc<IM_I ....

I ..... Ihe ................... 1Mb . - ,he choIIoonps he f.ooed _
In . . I""'" _ _ . ~ _
like ""'"' .. ~ ",",oy ......~"Il. "-" If there I> ~ t"'" , ..,," .. ound.
He In .... toocl lOY> <h.u .... .. not A I"'" or 1dI".~. but My
fedIng ..
he .. CIO<tIinI)r .......:l\ ~ . . . Ihe .,..... ___ ..
....... I _
.eI d '" . - _
.... ~ A palo< oIIIcer


. -, ...........- -

..... ,

Mr. ""'" ~ ..... 10 - . . . -...u<*>cf CIIfI be helPullID Ihe

opIdNoI pod't In loa. _ '. b moIn po.orpoooe. I ....a.ood tom. .. "-'af'I
opIdNoI dIono people""" _ _ _
open lrl _
_ he wid. ' HoI_ lime. .... _ - . but .... _

10'" .... -....

I ...... - . ~ IwIpptn.
He obo ........... ot<I ~ little til. _
....... p
_ _ odei1"1l. does Ihh 1M>rmo_ come I'fom \he _


'I tNrt. or

pool ......

does I,"""" ~ .... OIha"', opedoII r.Illl lltt.'


"",,,.Iam ate
funlt wUh 'MI' opinion . The ~,...n
_ _ lor _
AsIrcio!D' ............... "'" loci...... ., II
...u<*>cf hoo no ... _we tad. I .... ~ _
d .... . . . , . - .

......,. .... ""'OIYJWI '" ."",,oobe good _ .. _ _ n.."",_

"" _
~ In .... west .. boIh .......... ... . . . . he. ...
... , .... " - U _
hoi, ...... IIIey . . _
.e .. n"I)I - .
porIIc\IIoIIy""1"... Oeodny _ "'" _
dllme . ""'" ,lito 11J"e_
lucid ...' ..... _ . In 1991_ 1_ In _ d .... ~I_ . ..
" - _ . "..,. "-gill <h.u I _
poychk. lui ......... I .... gIII
_onclOICIriqua of ...-...,. ... they, _ _ """'olIIe~ .
............... 11>01 I _
nor ... IISU<Ik>gef ...... _ PI)'dlic gift but """
ted ; .... of ... ~. ve')' W , No _odu In "'"
............................ ""'" 1995. ... "'M' 11M. _
..... . - ""'"'
'Cordu! _
10 frIAIo_ hb ~ ' - plano: _

-a "- _

......1M1y. his "

""" of .. chArt b

"""''' _



"'" II ",,', F ' - ' lob

oIJeq. ~ opedk detoIb 01 """ PfIIt _

' - "" Ihe .......... Al~)I'OU

I ....... _

.... ....,.-. ..... ~_""'_"'_

',_ .... ~ ... ....,. ... ,t .. "



te.och!nss of>Oed Technlq ..... 01 I'r<ldlclions I>ciles hl.

""'""'sI> knowIoodge 01 H lnd~
And ,he prrdolon
_idI "'" '"PPro.ches . . - choat' an.aIyoIs.Tlr ~ of being ~_ .os .. P")'ChIc "" an accu,.te
rudlng b a1w.oys \here, ~ In !he USA ~ WO''''''
il6lroIog.,.- t.I!k """" 01 "'" ~ ..oe ola r.or~ than "'"
glatlng pte:l1cttve foKton. In , .... !Io you could be ",I,taka> fo< ~ pte!.
oIdd .... Ii: .eo,'ns a ghoot) Of .. yogi. I ' - had no problem In <hi;
boouu ... ~ all ... ~.... I ~ ........., In my "'''oIog\c.ol wrI.1nSO ..-<I
mo:. In the cLo room. that In Hlldu ... 'ro!ogy,.no. r.necl~ng
b sdcmlllc. In fac! wpo:r >dendI\(, And ~ ~"Ie. What .ore _
" ... ,!....,do and why b I. "'P"'.o<;if:otll\c "'" Iw:n undontood by 'IOf'I'Ie
Intdl igrm student 01 mine both In Ind........ l~ USA.
In ,"" edl,""' . ~ .... trylng .... t some Cotrecllons. three
od<IIlIoNoI hoi ...... ....,... ,..."., _
~ with my .-:lings I<epI ~
bcbc <he """""'" ;."I.....d . They ,....., _
to 1"" In Ihdr ~.
flo: .... _
see the " " ' - MId _
on IMn'I '" puul8. I. Is
by ~ng .hl t.... I
,lie giN! ~ml'" "",~"'q __ 01 Yotmud
R.>momut(1ly 5hastd _
wroIe OUI my two - . on ~nI. -roIosY.




1IM<r<rtIon H .
In ..... ftr>l
d ...,.. "'" a mi_1n ~n8_ To """"""
IN! dllIIo>tt)o, ho>oo::Ipe \O\m b<:>ll> "l'~ with the bint. ~
.on<! "'" being gIwon.
The -"3' _
by me ..... "" <he _
01 1M l.ohld .~
<>Ny. flo: 1 ... "'"Y try R.vnan', _ _ how the r~ WlH be.


A>lroIogeB 01 Indio Ole more t.Joy In diII,,"ng 10 be SI ...... <llllmi"ll

ree.vd'oeB wllhout poOYlng It, They ....- had the couroge
to pr-... .. 'ecI\nIcII popel even when "'" In Ihe
_ _ \hem to...." ... out. _
willi enough


It> be.,.....,


th.,.,,>elveo '0 hOfouSh _(Chins o"bo.e . GI"en .he

opponunloy. 'My o.ermonlled or uid
w",'e d
~ Ilmo:. Scm<: bene< known """" .tIIed.w.y ftcrn .... , . . .
totMIy. k 10 poMI!>Ie ." decribe ~ .. the gtef.lft! ... roIcgIaI
buUy ........'" ~ ~. k .. "",",,!>Ie ." decribe aneoe!f
.. the gtef.'e>' ""<>lose< 01 the world In <his high '""'" ..... I naw !\rd
twot .. In the us.o.. '" too In 1tw:I.ow.uhbudtlt"l!l ..........- an
doIm hiS'> 'ri . .l1li ......... _ ' " d Ilmo:. ~ 10 through the - .
that """ WfI .... tN. """ an be judged ..... the more tdet1t111c mlndot<I

w" "".ur

r..... _ _ .... '...


, _ 01 .... modem generAtIon. Who' .... ....nor WI1_ eltMI _

01 _
no! _ . No l<o<otIiIg<enI le./det Is prepored to COI ' ~ ""
...... point "'"1 ""'"'. W~~ t......o to i\"'"oOOeI ..... _
01 ...... new
8'0I.IP 01 ""'"' InrelHgent . - s.
I, b why I _
mat _
ore WI1,_ "" .... J<iIog)I buI _

''''''is. " ............. ..."..,

r:onoc\I:nIkIUo ..... DIeS- InIo ~

Indlgnatkon MKI pmI ....... .oc:tior1 . An .... rdoga!\old ~ rI3f>t to d>oose

.a ..

a co.r .... oI..a1on """"'" ~ .... own de>C1ny. "'" Ihen he ....... no!
I>KDrne a arpIng ..-.a ......1dOu> otIIC If hi. horoscope .,...... IWn no
opponunIry In IIIIs Inr:.v_ 011>10'0 .,~ ..... own peld...,.. ond
peI~loggIng ponIl~ """"'" '"'" aD fury ond no ~ An
""oIogeI ....... believe In ... roIcgy 1iIm>df. In hi> own hoi.....",.,. ond
.to...l ...... In hi> <lcodny.
In WI1dng my boob. I - . . . __.. tNt I t......o to Igncft sudo
... rdogas ond write "'" tNt lOIS'" _
..too wor>ls to know why
... J<iIog)Ib ioIbho.. rho' ~ olllluml ... tkon """"'" Hft> hope<. """"'"
" " - ' Il\Ol >prd< 01 Hght ......-- gloom o.tcend:s "" ""'" """"'" bHorJdlles

"001,,,,,,,, 01 """"""'nt)'
up Hke 0 01 .....'"

-. a


""""'" _

"""'OOIY 01 .... ~

r-I bur .........,. _ . In

INmIng """- .odo",,- """"'" Me PO""""..:! In aD _ o f mI ..... " b


In .... we>! In "'" <;DITIIng _

u . - ,., obI,,,,,

tN. In''o<IucIIon by .t.owIns

..,..",111< ...". ..-.a .1>00 problem ..... horIest

I _


of _

"'''cIog''' .........

encounl .... "c-p by .. c-p. y.... __ helo!<. .... 'oIOI!<"'. prcdk:f wI.h
~ ~ - . . . """ ............... ability to tum our t>erole cifteo ..
Irno pynNc..
.. : _ know 11>0 ... of ~ "" ng _
0<Jl ' ....... , ... :
""" can IrlClulge In gimn"Od<s: _
wen< of .oil. _ presocrIbe r:ooUy
............ _
..... ...".., ....... expIoItollve ..-.a p>y<hoiogI(.iiI 10M!
llYn .,... <>WI> c.<IIiYI<Iion In ..... eII'kiocy 01 """'" _ _ . The . . pooblt-m, hied below will t......o '0 be opptOo>CI>! .".."' ... ..e 01 .....
<>Iller dhpHoklna'oiy. If..".,... Mbuloge. ~ mode .... thel mind>
rho, "..,.., _
no OU""""". lhey -.ooIy
the. ""'V<1t)' 10 be



I . ""'" "","OYflOy.obou, wt\a, I, ,he COlfecl birth II ...... will MYet be



z. ""'" (on"OVft'y obour "'" corlecr

I, ""'" In India
.. " Is esoIlm,,,e<I . ""'" ninety percen ..,... tho: Ch"r~

oy...,...,,""'. In tho: USA. """" Is me Yulu"",w4I "Y.......,., ......

wWo:l'I did make me bQ an _ward Jltul.1Ion or two In Nov_

CIty. I ......... o.cupted It. lIS Uke the R.omon 1O)'.anorn>h&. 1, stwrong dM;I(>n,o,I
IaImIni Iwol<s.....:l _
b . I , ceo
Hlndu.astrologers of lISA wlU IYve to ~ Ihh PO _II,
3. [-, usInS the _
10)1""""""", dIIfe, .. ~ compu\1!I' PfOSJ.ommes
gA>'e dlfmem dqrees 01 pII.roets and the I.ogno bo<h In In<I.o _
the US. r IYve found rmm 11'1)1 ~"" _
for Ind.... It Is I.v
benet to ~od on Ind..... progr.........a ond lor the USA, on the
US progr....vnes. ()(t"" In Ihe a... 01_",", hofoocopos I _
II W!f'J"""'" to Uke IMI. say .... ho<ooc:ope. de<Iur:t the
lMII~ lOY""""""'" for IN! year 10 get yc<y good r.,....~
4 . n.. conll'OVlmy about !NO! sunrise whId> should be mode U5e of
Ie< aJcuW.!lng Mlndl ond IIt/mInI'. vAl\ws IoSI'Iol$, Is the tt\o:;ld$
"',.,., When It gcu combined willi ~ wrong wIwIt)lOU


"""" - ) ' O U It a I"'"

fun&Ie willi all wild .animals frightening


5. Then come 10 the 0Ih0:J r"8lns <Onnovoen)'. Wh,o! do)lOU WM\I to

...... 365 ~ '" 360 ~ In the \IImshottar1 d&sIII.l I """" stven

aI' my ..............11 predlcllons on the t....Is 01365 d.oys only.

!lui I om cpon to _ _ " liCn...... ~ a sood -.:10

on _ . A. ~ ~ _ . SoocIo.Wa GI ~. whom I oespecI and
"""""'" _ _ me Oev_tta Ay........,.".. _ 1ft pubIIshInS .....
"""""y. 1\0> a <l1'Icn:nt ~




(b) He



boJt_ Isdlflieoe,a.

uses 360 cI&ys.

lei lie ~I .... naleo prOluody 10 provoe why rt.. RanWl "Y...........w Is
touUy _""8. why the LMIIII .~ Is sllghlly off the rNII1<.
and why 360 <I"YI v..IlI give benet ........ ,.
(d) I _
....uted owomIjl 1Iw.
~ my mind ~ on the
II he .. ~ In (tII'wtncing "'" 1M3" section 01
or;ltndlk _
asttologen. I Will _
10 iIdmI! INI my own
cb Molon wtItl LoohI~ u_dflc. n.. ~ "'" Iwopptooed




(~ IIut I un_MY" ~ boecauoe I """" ""'" 20 dMhu of jMnIni

which I maIu: ..... 01 Sllillor cr<>U-Y'el1l1adon. He<e my range and
~ <Ii "ut"fJl ~1ctIant ..., 1M hIgt>of. I ........ and
will _.yo ,ani< ~mlnl. predictive leddques lIS being fAr
super\of arod predoe !hAn M>j known 10 rnanklnd. I this ~. I
I\ad tho> "'PI"""" _antqe aI rudIn& """'" very renwu1<.able
ptedlctlons altho> Late Vernurl ShaWl About whom I _
In my book. ~ s ChM.. Dahl..


""'_ t" _

(II TIl my daIoI room Ie 'HI'll .........

lor people 10 ahx<le chaI ..... .....sents. _
u _ ilion
~ II"'''''''' p.ondia., """ ..,4N!d ' - . .... _ _ bmMy
oecrf!tJ 10 ~ _1hc:JuaI'I1n" W!f'J _
area. They now,
becu .... ""'Y Ire sroup <II..:.oo:Iomk _ "<8'" now
co I od) ..... .n.d< by !he ~ In 1M tIeId 01
INdents know
01 MIng JnIo t...mon)'
mM11 tecIriquet 01 Hindu il>CrOIoSY. roo !hom m.. ~ Ii,", '
g... Of """ c;aoe _~ I Pf'HOfI' are _ pro<Iucts <II any poychIc

me III'


SIfI but mullI"'PfO'18"'I- c:ornpIex~. diIIIcuIt fO

In !he bep.oioOjl..

rnoredil\lcult 10 P'~ In 1M mIddIo!, din

Ida,*"", MId
obouI me.. lui ................ 10 ~ the dMpr 01 _ .....
ba",. . . . . . pIeoo ollcnuno! ' ....... Pi7d .......... ~. 01





... the _


bIoclmoII wNd'IlI Is In ..

~ d_


H onolity
Thew ..
be IIep _
Ihoo _
to 1IIIdef>Uond,
..-. sI~. the mMnIna 01 ......, II>e &leal r.._ . 00I<I obout
1M! IWDIoge'. lie thoukI tlC'.o ~t<:nll1Iy.l. one ..... It d 1XInIfCIIItd. II
_ _ _ he ohc:>uI!I be .. ....., d hi&'! .......
II .. b !HI

ot>Io." .......




.. ltIelwotio>8' 01. _ _ - . ... '"'"


............ -.. """J

SO_SOd.I)QI..- .... _


lor _
. fOI - . ......
In " ........, ....... "
II .....,. torIrc>
Its an 1M - . , I.orrIIy 01 !he MU<JIoSet
1se CMW'GI be _ _ ...... _


' ................ m..deio __



01 ..... _ _ ,"""'" <II PM"""'. or

lie II .......,.., In
.......... pI.oca d ........ lIIII. So there Is hope.
I hove - . , . _ II.>:I<)r In my ~ tAl<:er ... I RBI &01
suIrIan<c ftoom my - . . rn<IOhof ....... _ ..... - . . . 10 ...,.,. ,""Ira"
SMutnIno pIo/w<o Of -.......cem -"*'CI'. I do no! _
\hoi she ...
.." good _
. ~ _ _ Iho _ooIk ~ _lOoejOa~
...... It _ _ _ for M , ~ _.o hIShet opIo1 ..... pur-.
Theft I """' rny ........ Gurv. Sw.omI , ..._
Sor_ b ........
... 'W _ . opk1cuoI ",.aloe.. ~ r ....... ' " H _ m t b'<JdsIo
Gurv. Moo _
..... to ..... ""'Y 1M Ooitr"""""",, ~ h _

_ _ .. I _ _ _ <'!d""",rny_"""'.I_

p.vdt> ........ !he pcKIfaI _
01 ~ "'" """1
good an 1M ..Edkd . .. _ . n..y _...."., .... II""'" to me. I ........


r_ _ _


.... my

w:ry >do




10 _ _ 'MIll ..... hdp d two 01 ........ I prodo""'"
popon on ..... KMI CNkI. DMII& MId ........ _

....... ..... ........ odj. , tr)'~---....y

" lit .... .......... t ,,1
1IuIthen, ... "Y""' .... ,"' ... IM1 _ _ _ _ hoo
fGIow ..... _ _ .. pooIIo _
~ "'" We _ t y o r . In_
- . I .... . - . . . my tc:d . .. , 'e" . . to
..... ~ buI oonIIned
en, 10 !he VIrnIhotWI """"" ond 01365 ~

. . ....

Preface to the Third Edition

1Ns book "'" IJfIdo1gone many repoIn .. but oInoe It _
publl<Md In 1995.ond row In ZOO6 """'Y more....- ~ toUn
pIia In ~
01 the ...!hoo. K.N . Roo wNdI an be NlTale:l~.
In the 'JflI 2000 ""'- K.N. Rae> w .....n"8 oa\cIuoIy MId " unable even TO walk, .utrdogy _Innod~ ..... subIe 01 otudy In
modem lndiM u_~ . (It "'" - . , ~, In SanoIul. l ..... tudono
b many do:cades.and centutlos). II was ,~",,,1tlIIy artarJuo:d by the
poooudo-~d sts. ~4n""Ie<""";ond the _
. boll! print .and
dearonlc, anIed on a ,MIlU.,.. ~ " """" W"" ftlcd ftr>f
og.oI ..... !his ~ oIlhe UnIYenI'Y UAlltS Commlwan In_as
HIgh Court - . , ). _
dl ...... ,;<1 on prdlmir.ory grounds.. The! ........
I<r><;wm.odenlht P < > d " - ftl<!d a _
"""" In Andhr. I'I-odeoh
HIgh Coun wher~ too II W"" <bm1Ml!d on Pf@Ilmlrwy grounds.
~. roof .. ~ lngfi1h ~.ond ~ .uln:Ik>g<:..
In ~ two
oF Hindu <NthocJoity......., dJtift11r> ~ ...
pt!tJ_ In ~. 1h.ot~ ~ &1_ ...... NId~-1n
"'" 8"'<'1 N>dmt Hlndu~.
!lui PadmanAbhIah pursued the dl~ <Ase furttMer .ond
,"" .oIM to the ~ Cou<t - . , the IegoI kmIowy. Shand
~ ~ In ~ng !he "'""" .dmImd to be _




~"8 >lowly from his ~ no< ~ ft. to ... lor long

hours In .. coutt ola.w, Roo "f1)eo'cd 10 a llolog ... olo.,thl and 01
other centtco to II9PNI In peson and ddiend the ause Mel """" 01
A!.<rOIogy In the 5<Jpreme Court. A, ~ '-'1)1 0I1hem Jl<O'T'Ioed to
do so buT noI' o.Y ollho:m (Mr.e anywhc<.. nNI the Supreme Coun
"""" to hear .. wttdI''P 01 the a... ........, It w ... being b
adm ........ , Lola. - . I, w ... 1w:.onI on mml. on 4 No .,,,~ ZOO4.
to hi, cono_ ... tIon. Rao found !hot he was !he only pett_ In
~to_" .ond proO)'lng to God IOglveNm ....... ,.....
the """". he not ~ _ _ ,he """" but """" won _ n g
all the
laW)'<'<. ShAnd 8hu>/Io,n, Rad





- .....


account 01 oU lhi:s v.o\lh e.IkI<:nces and the coun ludgement 1Ogert>et

v.o\lh the grUI r~ Rae hao _
on Ihe r"'lgIo-~d!\c-ood.ol
legacy 01 Indlo's ~,e culture In -ASTROlOGY THt SlJrtR
SCItNCL-. In Ihb book rNr'r)I 0I1he r~ predicdons given by
Rae In mundane Ulrdogy,ore given oIong v.o\lh oome notable fallur"",
~ which he had a/wol)" h.\d Ihe "eIllng honesty to ......I,e .. .,.,
~ rn<:tJW. J<}ffle wt:iJ /o:nr;>wn CnsIIYt ~ And
the ~Itu.on.. KJenI&ts .."., never MtIdH!d
.u/rok>8Y but .ttAdu:d It tltrowIns belrJrtd ttlm IJlnotN>a the .-Jallt
oIrhe1r repul.tJons_. the t~. ~,ek"M to the rtfumphol
.wrt>I<'8)' III the /tJght$l ((lCNf 0I1ndW1I """ mila oI.wrt>1<'8)' rh<n
$UIfrerrd 1t.llm1d 01 MINes but - . , _ J<}ffle t~"'IfJ/on c~
whkh Mill CNty on fhIJ .rtdd!;J/yIy not ~ tIt.llf thq C4II be wM
lot confl1p( oICOU1t !h>ce the /<Jd~ 01 the ~ Court Is an
the nw:ries 01 the~.
T~ chonneIsl<.nown .. 1dIe>< - . , . are ~ In """,GOd> .
.and grftlCllly coo, . , ... Ida!. They I\wm It>ei, Ignor.once ""Ih conI\<Ienr;e
which will ~Aoge ~ Io<lI '0 tid . . ma, he Is 0 genlusl for tMm
the proyoo:.o.!IwI)I ~ body 01. ~ Is bIggef news thAn quiet
.and high quallty_eo, ... n{S 01 wy ~cl-,,!ol musIdMI Of 0 duoo:e<
or """" men in <>!hI:< fIdd. whidl do no! proml'" to J><OYkIe Hdllallon .
The haunting Irony 011, all Is _
astfotogers who pretend to
talk ""'h pricIe about ,he g, .... , we call IYO<bha Ifom puIlIk:
stag"'" MY<:f even CMnf: '0 the ~ Court OS ~ltIonets In ~....,
or at ..... , OS I... _ s In'e-M,ed In ,he legal proaedIngs In the
gr ....' .... choIlenge IYoIIw f>oced '"""' . Single t...nded Rae had to



,.... "" _ , InrMdon 01 conltlbutlns to ooc:W

~ oofJy _
If "'" IdU up " 1fgIt/ ~"'mt fr.wduknt ~
.."., mItk" IrNnmn In !he",.",., 01 fr.iII1uImf _
non Wstrnf yos.o<
N~"IU\ALSA.RPA}'()GA _cosdy~_<Itro<JS1t whkh
I/tq c/lut pt:OpIi!! ..u """"
Rae Is well I<.nown all OYer Ihe world for """'" """obit!!
.achIe,e" ... n{S. Ihe
""'ng "" the foundef member 01 the
work!'s \org .... _
01 ... roiog'i In the Sharotlyo VkIy. IIhowon.
Ni!!w DeIhl wiler" there Ole In 2006. more thAn nI"" hundred studen{S
and twenty oIx ,~s on the tN<hIng l.ocuIty 01 the Insll'u~ 01
If the



Not merely I. Rae. highly """,,,,",,,, ,~ but Is the teacher 01 wty ,~tIonaI _
~1I!\C astrOk>ge- who

~ ~


'---'- -

wNIy _


to. ida ..... _ _

... _

look like tt... ~ 'emt\AIlt of dogmI.....cI '"'"

tt... MIpOf ~M ONIIYIJ. AlIhe"oe,otoe. 01 tt... feIIdoInS fUIl)I
01 lire _~ \o\o:ty.a etwow.. are lois ................ ~ He Not
enaIIIIqed aI 01_ ... wm.. boob Wlch d'>dr 0IIJIniI'.
.... M ..... oIl1oem ....... _It so fill , No..uolo!)l t.cuIl)I....."..neoc
so fYiIIII)' .. <Ceo ..... ~ .... 110 books 10 _ ,
..Is CalAIt. c.:... ~ doa
- . . cNic _

... """"





six SIUdera are !he

.ue-. worth '''''''tlorolors;. SmI, SI\aInI ~ Dr,lSmt, j

IWn.& Mlsht. co-.outho<tr'll. book WlIh SIwIIls' Ponw.. _

OI/t. ..
5insIe 1wodedIy, Roo r- enaIIII.opd .... produced '""'"'
writers _ ,
d ..., _ _ - . .. _ _ okS , He' oIso
~ .. _
)oun'woI 01 AWoIosY ""'*his lire _
~ _


""""tI'o'y CoVI)'\n8 tt... _

~ 01 the _
to bOOIfsII.o thfOush ..... 'K Ieq _
cII, Roo rIIMIIy thirty books tome 01 wIIkh ....... been ....nsI.ued In
........, _
jIoponeoe, He ' - ""CIW ..uoIo!)I .......... om. 01
SIUdera In indio.. USA _ ........ 0'0ef " " " " " 01 ,010*"""', 'I'NfS now
II....... the foundIIna 0Itt... _~. VIdy.> (Ihow,on , 1II'wowu1'.InotINIe



01 AstroIosY In


IuIY 1987,

Since Z(l()5, Roo ........_'"~. In tho I 1 A 1 n dwIneI ..... TAK

In Its DhMrrwo PfOSI'Ml'mIO 01 ~ ........ tel d ....uoIosY
~ .... eYdoed ba,oedwi """I : .... I>r'C; ..... ollis idtiodlk
!ippI'OIIdl _
deep' "" cr- _ I " , !he $o.p aMI" III<e dilly
po , _ ,
do - - . . . ~ -.e rnM1)'In3 ~

... lor..., eJoI1y """""'"' 01. "".

CNptl!1' - 1

The Need to Write

the Book

TIll Ihe Iot>uMY sesIon of .... r . bqM> In

1995. I _
rNChlng only joImInI. ~ and .......... " .. NXA'*'sY
10 Ihe Muden!s oflhe oecond _
couroe In our ....""'sY dM'eI In
!he '" 1e'"l JOtSoIon. I _
rcquftd 10 \INCIo "TImin& of E_1hroush
!he _
DW\oo' .... wIW:tIlhefe It
book. In."rt.l: 01
. . Il0l1 gtll "*'& """_ only.
buoy ..... m IWO _ _ 01 trIitoe ....., on PlcdIc''''-'


1hto<I;!ft J.IItnIttI'. a..... \osh,o willet> . . . be """ ftf10l book ollt$ ~ In

!he _
. I, belns my OIIno1 reoeardl In oOlIroiogy. The! I aIoo
cornpke1e<! the _
book. YoglJ. DalkIJI- Ihe ""-i 01_.
Soon .~.". I dIded to produce .. IINII _
on timing ~IS
Ihrough """ Vlmoho!t.v1 - . ""<>wIns how .. ho<oocope shouI<I be
~ tM:fon: <he cIIent...-.and how .... III>ouId be ""' ...... Ie<!
..... 111 '1' .... It... ""'"""" his "-Ins 10 Jd <he MOly 01 his ."" r .....
dIenI WO!OOpJ ..... ...,.-.y 01 his ....... _ ~ the
becoo.oa .. _ _ 10 _10 ....... "' ..... _
of.aottolosY. lei
!he .... olcS!l oeI you"""")'OW ",obit> " II ..... _
k. _ !hen you

'""'.8"" ....

may . , "


Of ~ and cont

'*" . . .111 .. '"""'118 01


......... It Is .. twppy pIe and ,.,.., rd.oilon be, ebO .....

.o.sttoIog.". _ "" ellenl. The more Inl~IIII~I ...m ..... ~..
me bel,.". Is I .... beneIIt 01 .....'roIo!IlcAI ,Nodlnll.
No.o.wologer who can no! do It c.on be ~.".IKI
ThIs _
will be er>Iarged more _ mor ... ThIs me ........... M
.at ..,.....", ..... prubla'n 0I1e.v'*'S """"" hIna about ..... use 01
the _ _ _ ...........I q anytNng wIW:tI II .....


......a.. ......1hod 01 ... '.'8 a n d . - . AtoInlIoSY.

_1II>ouId ..... _bc-ment..s .......... bcen .. pt tl .......'"
.... .an.:.. I - . _
an... "".- 01...-..... fI'IO>f 0I1hern Wf)'
In_...... and .. 0I1hern. ....tth .. very 11_ educMIonIII ~ .


r !bey fed ,to.ot my n .. thod 01 tftdIIn& Is so .... .."". the _

planned 10 wrI, .. _
be '""'""tty ~ng to my 0IyIe of teathlnll. I

Il10_,,_ ... _
To Pf<M!lhIfastf<llogylsno! black ma8\C.1he_ngand!he
of elM: ~opo: m .... be _
. It tMe$ A 10< o f _
In 1he beginning bul to most rtW.Wdlng In !he end bee .. ..., good
MIr~ with hi< now sotufallOd ~. CM\ ....... !he event.ond
At A ~ most of !he lime. If !he 5dentl1lc rndood and _ n g
n"", Is no<
_ w l H be n"OAn)/.
Do no! gfllnlO elM: hobIt of uoIn.g prW- 0< hor.ory ......oIogy b
IIndIn.g out 1he po obi<>" oflhe die'll. If you do tNt.)CUt,.."t of
a hofoscope wi"
sI>aIcy. "!he Pfas/lno astf<IIogy >houId be
done -'nsIY and In emergent
no., Cl$4'$ <1100" "1 In Ihe book _ Ihe ~ I
to time to ~ who ~ to <:<>mull mo>. In nwty Cl$4'$, I
Kl"lJdnl....:llhe ~ beI'on! Ihe ... "".. of!he dIMI. An &Strdog ...
who Is Pf~ed wIItt hi< anaIyoIs. It\us, will be a coo
Finally .......... becoone "'rog.u>t and do:d.ue tNt you .are !he .,.,..
&Sttolog... In Ihe world. YOIJ ate but ""'" OIJI of minion> of.wologftS
of !he world . ThaI _ I t y ITI\3t be 1 _ you oIw.oys but you need
no! ......e.I1. to your dlenl who ~ ........ e you for an l""""'peI""t









Some Broad Hints

Some broad IIInts about Ihe ..... of !he 'IImohotwI r:I.ooI>a ohouId
be gtven!>en: ft",.
I. no., condhion> of Ihe daW Iotds must be ~lnIOd Ihe birth
hofoscope and Ihe Nav.armtllt.

z. Then If elM: Ql>C>dorr ""-,,... to tN<:er. examI .... elM: DaoI\amohoo or

[).IO, If to $lblln8"- to Ord<Unol or [).l, If to po ~. 10
o..,urttwnoIwI or D-4, If to children. to s.pwn ..... or [)'1, If to
!Walts.. to DwM:Ishamohoo or [). Il .
1 . Now mMe. mblnlOd .-dIng d tho: raul .. of elM: """- giving
rhr"", and t..If pOI .... to elM: condition oflhe daW Ior<b In Ihe
birth hofoscope. rhr"", poin .. fCt Ihe Nav.armll.o. condltlon and
ody half point to Ihe Inlen:onnecteti INRI chan.
4. Every eventlTl\3t be eqmlned elM: three choru.
5. _.oI1ow 1he thlRi r:Nn to ~ Ihe ~ of Ihe
birth hofoscope and Ihe N&vM>toha. SUI do no! /all to .... Ihe
thlRi ~"",d>on .
6. Gcr down to tho: thlRi _
of ,'''' VlmVlolWl <Woha. Ihe mojot
period. Ihe oub-perIod and Ihe ...t>-.... b-perIod In most oflhe
ca...s In Ihe beginning.
1. Now ..... Ihe IT"OUIUaI pooItIom d Ihe "'""'" dasha Iotd and Ihe


-_ _---.. ...

-- ,......... \ \ .

Iofd. If they are In quad,ont$ (keId'''1 01 In trI,.,.,.

{trI_l. It It r_roblo:. If they are In Z/ I Z Of 6/8 pOsitIono. I'
~ >Orne obs'odes. !lui do not jump to the ~ ""', It
Is now a story of ruINtIon. ft
~ an



8. ConskIa the raul, of tt.o. ~p of the ciulla lords.

9. Now w.., theoupponof~ da""'-. yostn'-dost.aprderably.
bec.MIoe It Is tt.o. ~. quIckeI" and now yau ........ the
adv.... ~.. of .... ~~, book "1'tc<1Ia '",,"'iWIy thtough
yostnl !los/I,o" by V.P. GoeI on the 1Ubft.
10. Ifyauan...., IaImInIsaw. Outwo 011""*11 my~ Is now
"".oI~. yau an ~ .... ewnI.
I I . Re-u.vnIrM!.oI1 this I'rom the Moon 01 ChancIr.. ~.
I Z. Now corne lao! to rr.amlts toJ. rr.= without the s..rv............
In the book show haw 011 ............., to be ....... .


Chapter - 2

Modem Method of
Learning Astrology
Theoo1g1no1 indian U.odillon ofleamlng tyodoha by ~ hod gu'
_~ r..d Into the compu .... of one',
btaln ...... oome ntcb -.e WIgh. to rec.oIl the tftIUI~ prlndpie
wittOn SDnd$. rnudllaote< thon the futat compute<. I remem~ .
"'III)' times """"" I i'Mt a well-known astrdoger of CoIcutu.
Sol SmaohanaItwa<. telling me the ..uct chaplft ...... _
of the
voIumln<Kls 1IrI......I'a<...t>ar.Hot"aSNs". the grea. utroIog:IcaI
d.wIc, fran _~ he q~ _ _ dhol!'M utroIog\uII ...... tiG
1IIftI . The prc(IIctIve principles

The 1ac.III!)I and eo... with wNch he dOd IT. neve< surpl10ed me. I
hod oecn this gu. Samkttt Uadltlon ()/ ~o(>tblng >IMIZ<U IlIte<
mtwd by It..- who knew ~g:ht fran their cHIdhood tho, they hod to
~ "" IMI. trildltlonoi ...... f.omUy "'X''P''tIon. They
k'"P' oIl\ooe tho. MCIalt irIIowIedg:~ tIvoug:tI the Ofal UiIdltlon bt:(or~ the
printing ~ made .....oILob!e many of _
~!S to ast,ofoge, ""
whom b'OfIsha Is not a UiIdltlonoi "'X''P''tIon. oYoost of ... haYe gone
throug:h . . - . , Eng:fhh ed""",tIon nISI .and Ia.... got In ........ .,.. In
jyoIIshIo a seIouo P"'SUi', Or some persono memcJIIoed the SWIUS
In Samkttt without any irIIowIedg:e of 5&<>01011 Or. R.omon had 6c:ooe
then wcm through lng:IIsh """"",IIon ....... .at oome ~e fdI twod<
upon _
memorized swu.r.t "" the ~. they dIded to

The latgeot runber of pr..ablng astfCOIogers ali! _

neither haYe -rd"'I-oI _"II not good Eng:fhh <duc.otlon. These
...., the ....,.....,. ...... q.....:i<s In the _ofogIGoI _
tNt I\
aw:Iangered the ....,..."$dendlk allure ()/ tyotbha. _ _ daaIbe
astrology vert wrongly. not "" the oclenr;J: ()/ UhnolnatlOn. which I

The tr"'tIoNoI method ofleamlng by ~ _

the best way ()/
Ieotnlng jyoIIshIo rish' frun childhood. _
the yeung astfCOIog...
grew UP. he Ieomt the art of intapfe1Ing _
swu.r.t In "'III)' new
WO)'$ wNch c:ouId hive ~ t111fen:nt &om ......... w ...... gIl 0 him.




!he loft! <II .. pow' I'IouM: 10

hit point _ ....... hit

... be hMI

- . e _ ..... 1 could not _ _ - . How'

bec:cw,oeln,*~"'",c ' ; ,hMI-.ys ... ""

dogrnadc pwtdIt - ' 1 0 . . old ...:twoIc ~ .... n o t - '
It In !he mode" eu,KX' <IIhVo&. II.
~ <II !he d"'kdly
wdj,uointd "b~ """'" hM hMI !he oppomonhy of In'fl~


willi people lIIwo,ys.

The dM''cti ....,thod of IMrlllng hMI no suboIINte and CM'! _
_ , aut they - . . n ... "Clty ""II. I .eo,oember Il10>, In 1970 ""'- I
hMI mel !he IIoIoc SwMnl Gangcohw~ !he bind Wolnt who died
atlhe . . . <II ...... ho..wodrut _
.." yeon In 199), how ...... I Jolt. I
_ """- he _ CIl'I quOdng fI'om Ihe V _ ~ wI'oId> ....
1.20.000 MM'!lA and from . . .
GuN Gr..-h SoHb _
f~I~ _ _ T~ . . . . .. _<""'""_he
<ememloet' .... -'Y .............. _ _ wI'oId> he could qI.ICMe _

v-. .....

eooIIy dwli
In _

un drIr*._.
KIIOCII days _

II!!..!&ht _

f .lI.



lngII .... ~ 'eo'","_ whole <II P._LosloFMJJ_

people,.,..,.., amazed.t 1111 pMoOCll, ... woI """"CIty. If I hMI
" ' - ' 10 my ~ and _
~ !he ...a...ry IrodlM>
pMOdh, wI>o <ememloet'ed ten dmcI _
1bon ........ 1""""3'
_ _ _ W<II*I _
!hoe)' wld1 The _
method 01

_i _1e '.

CM1 _ _ _ _

~ C#I'If!$1n me, OW< ollhe pdnI. AI'Ief __ d _

che ....
1011: me, _
'1 hoonot.. he loll: wid'! !Nn)I
.......-jWopeoly .......... 1Jt1a/te'~_~
!hem. " - """" 1ioe"_1CIl)' _
whId! MJpJ_".Job Ik.
Throuato (!Of'!$lMII oppIIc.otlon d !hex 1\iIJ.... be gal ....... ImIghI
Into Ihem _ ,,,.1ctoed Ihe ha1"'8'!. aut !he IT'"3e<1y d!toe Irdllon
ul!dltlon .... - . Il10>1 this croIdIecI 'lnowIcdgc _
w .. I<ept ..
_ _ no! -..yo J>M>i'!d CIl'I to ~ . . gwoer_ Thc$e
~bimJ CIt -..... toeurroe cIIl'lIcuIl 10 ~'I .. ",d 1aIa". Now ..._
In book.fconn. IheIe ....... bo" .we
.,.. ~, _dons
""'*-It _ proudly o:Mtn /0 _ _ .. 1 _dil8 d>cm ......



ftIOIII. "'" ' - IIftn. _

Is, lite tp'Nlnt dIongcr 1n lite 1frOWfIt

oF ..

, dt<1~ ...........
The ~ 10 IY<>tIsho. ~ ......... fI'om <erUIn roew Wqoncs
d",octIoIns~ A"""""I)I dlhem _1cornt_s...IuIl
and IcSf b'Od"'" Of _
not rrIcd /0 ~ 'lCfpid ~ .... In

_yo. ThcIf c.opodlylO do <WnI8<' Is YefY 8"21 boc"N: they

Vi'ii U~ fill
n~ !lHH [H! ~Hhllil.~i3f] iIH j HJi~ !


.S!,!jj.'I:lil'llil!ll!i!lill!!fl~ ;i!;i I

'l~wHii~i"hi~~ }a 1'1 :' t i ~~~l~t

h~h:hHHp:d~ "~~~!h!~H,H~



~iH!i-:HUHWH lm[[iir~HiH h[

l ~,' ".a~,~ .~!I II~ !.~ '~I~:!~i

,lr;J!IIII,I:l[lll ~~li~I!I;r!l~l~


iIi :11



PHm~ ~p
~<~ !

!'i'i- HiHHt~i~i:<Ul~m p.m!Hp~",


HI~hn[tir~ fiH~
~11'~" ' I'I-,[1 ,iiI!' [ [ t
.~ IL ~" U~ -"1<
. ~.-

ji,Ji !~}iiii :iflit!~

3.~ illH

. ,[






iil .. H.~i!oJ!

_ _ _'

_ _ o f ' -........

onoI)oIIo 01 a I..
01 oMIe _
"Jill 111 ...
~ 10 much thai II !'1M
on.macttve cucNi'13 aid
_ ~ "odhod 01 the anoIyM 01 a hoi' + "", . I _
...., IHmIlhMonAmerlc.on _!'IM~ d'Ih ,."'.000)
tobIo:l _ !'1M been ~ II 10 be her _
In>. .. '*"~
~IIM fer ....... ,IIng It+ opon 01 lifo! ............

............ In _

-.ce 1M ,N:JOAJlS


"*'*" ..

!'1M hdpoo:I me '-" an endre cI\IIpoer on It+ ...totecI e&$II)t.

In sMns KNaI ... -.uc. ... It+ " " ' _ I ' - evoIvto! It. ~
.... IabId ~ ~ In _ bo<*! _ _ _
And " - .b ......... -7"" can"",, ' . )<U '""" ..,..01",
only tor ~ _
)..1.. . .fI, n.... Is no ~ ............ aadltlon 01
asIJOk>&7 ony..' .. e In It+ CXIUIItI)I as - . . could _ _ been In the
lui IWO ~ ...ncn _ "- been
only thfou3h
'.IKIe1 ..... ttadillonol me!hod 01
tr I.e. The _
........ oIlrcIIIIh ...... _
In the II*d ""cAde 01
c.enn-y led 10ft .... ,. "ante .. MI ...... dawn 01
the ~ .......... oil' I.... In .... I+:P .... 01 the I\, b _ oontury
"""" "trraq> _
IeH IIwon ten pellCeO _
female _aq> leullwon
I\aIf pelceo. Gtntr........ oI"lb&<e could _ _ ~
par.....,.,a, THERE.FOR1 If YOU COMl AaOSS AN"( HINDU
_ _ In .. pom 01 ....... _ _ _ ...tIt! aw .......


" -



who, I _ ... 10 5<I(y, " ' - only a ..... ~ oI.11!o1t<>1oSY but ' been ... 0dbIr0& H .....M.... they do _ ' - ~_ quIiIIkcodons
'" ca ........ "" better lobo- Some 01 ItEm ... qo.&IICIcs _ . . - 01
ItEm hu.1s ...... " ' - leu "'lo'k1~" 1:>0' _ MIlLe "-*7
IIwou:g!I <DIll)' - - . . . ..-..eo as """Ch they can """'" out
0II)00'II!'.1wmo 1Iwouah ............................... II'.met 10 them tor



Ch;JPtff - 5

The l'irst Memory Tablet

If is _
. . . . fthIc,oI to &he po'" '~.I$ to .,700"'
...,... ~ aboul IhM Pft'KI"I _
,...,.... ~is ot>out hislfe.
p.tttem an: ,""..u..bIe. When.., MUoIog'" po~ 10
on the bosIJ 01 ..... ollled _
unteCIIIII _
0K0IIt. "" canrnllS
_ _ "~I'''eo Iie.abo bqIr6 to &fOP" In the."".. If "" is_
.able 10 gNe po_dool$ ~ !he ~ ~ 01 his
In the CIiIi! 01. Slrqe< whoCDrneS 10 .an.asttologo. how $houkI



.an ~ po00t<d1
He ....... write <lUI hlhod on .. pIec.e 01 _
his reo<Inp In
......."~._ p...1f 10
hc-.- _ ..... I*n 00 gNe
his .. ""'" <01 ............ TNs po.ottia! It _ 10 be iOupI"" on
"UoIoge<" ..... _:pM '""""sh ""PC'iooex wlu. .. I lo:.0oi ~!y
~ hotoKopc: ~ In .. ............., peI\od 01_.....-. TNs
....!hod is rbIIy. ~ buI cteOoes <kto ....IOW b ~



I'd f.oI I know. !Nt poocedu,e is belns ~. "'" only I>t me In

Ind.... I _
donell b roo~no .. moitIy Iunerk:.ant. who .. e " b \10)1 rdIotoIe Joed IwidI; .. f.oI .. !hoi! ~ is """"'""""'. no"
~ _
~ is
~ IwdIy
the opo1Ik
d.aoes 01 ........ major ~ 0I1htir Itvft. f .. 1no<Ance, In .. I ;10"
COI"IIl.IItIIIon _York. I ~.., An>o\ whl.1_ the d.ate
01 hI$ rn.arriqe. II _
In Nc ... ,obet 19904. I Nod ~ INI his
.......... had become ~)IUD old. HIs _ _ _ ""Yes. IIHnk IIx




.. "'"' )IUD oId-.

In....:to .. cae how CMl one be ...,e ""'I !he homKt>pe is ~1

ArnoIuro wn>e 10 consult me In IndI.a. I stve 10

Genet.all)l who"<

.... 01 mine In wrftlns ~ thqr c.aII on me. I atve

......... my oypot _lien ...... _
aok ......... 1Op... _
<OI ...... u.
.,....... ....... InItMooes In my book. JUi>ob.&T ~ M>tI

1hen ....... _


Two """"pIeo 0I1hit \ype.are bell\8 &fII01 ,"""e.

_ _ _ ',",,..

",. _ _ _ ca

First Example: A Fore;", LacIy (Friend of 0)

Birth CUt H;ry 21. 1951: Birth TIme 10:41 ' .m. PST: Place tat
17N41. Lore I12W42.
rex' In 11Mb .ore ~ .........-n g-. 0/ 0 _ ~ _t '" /sqwtf:

br_~.ore ~ ............. oonIImw:d 0/ ~ on ~ horn ~ on

M.vt:h 9. /995.
Pr"""""ng \two! I!>e t>oroscope ' - bo:<:n <;.Ht con..rny. It..
koIlO"Mng !nform.allon net. ~I'to;.ollon .
I . Ho!t (.0_ could haw: ...... SO'I>UI ...en, job.


m..t _"'~,. "'P",OI_tJcb.

ThI:rf: lUId .01", haw: bo:<:n ~I 01 --.'Ia! In the ",",y.

o Soli,.. JI>e _ not.\:now.
(SI. tNkftI,., me on ~ on M.oJdo 9. 1995 a' &/0 p.m.


~ ~



Is a


Z. 51-.. It !he - . CO" !he I'O'J'"'geot lib" sibling>. Shoe It !he
- . It !he Wormallon I haw:.rn:.<Iy.
{9" M.oJdo. 1995 >M(DI!//mw:d m..IJI>e Is ~~
3. Ho!t moIn 1<>1> _
boo co..o"mecI wllllleochIng.
o soys m.., >M" a frM;/ler.
4. Suf th8fo.ue ~abIe UIIstIc COlll~1S ~ In her won:.
wtoIdo mlty not haw: bo:<:n t;.olldme.
Sloe ...... tMI~ <Una< MJo.

IY""- JI>e ,.. b;t//el ddnc./

S. ThI:rf: Is ke-uo In'.".,.. kl opirltual .:IIYI_ and po<SIbIy some
Initiation auo. ftom Ior~n guru . CO" a s.odfwM wI>Ido a
Iorftsn otIgIn.
~ Y""- In ~ "SrIf IWI.Lr.lIlotr - ".


6. _ ! h e -s:. 01 twelve and NY ~ Illlee CO" """"'Y """

)'HB. !he .... bfcas 01 study could bootCOi .... ,ob. poIIlkoaI scloce,
sIng:Ing and <Wodns and ther1 o.glee CO" dlplo>m.t In !MChing.
m..1 JI>e hMJ Uk"" "Nnlns In M"mcs.sorf 1t:M:IIhlg.
Ad s'cY>aldinc<!r.
{Y.... _
".tJnIng /to tHcN"lJ at ~ "3" 01 ~.I
1 . In 1911 -12 she should haw: been living In a good ~_



8. In 1913 14 !h/:fe could ..".,., lu.-t

CO" ~, t

dlSIUrtoIng het"

D Soli,... m..f In Moidt 1975 Jhe hMJ,., gtw up bMI b.1 ..... 01


_ _ _ ', .. ",


IY. .

she rNkeo up.and thio ..-:tyeM. 191.... 75. Is

In tier eOuadon.
W... tlJIIns to Ht:f Into Ihr ..............
10. 197576 CCOlId be ~ 01 an .tr.., ..... 111 ..,.,......... In
tournai"", public rdationo or buoJ-. Bu. It <""*I ~ ~
9 . Bul ><>On



D_""" _



a boy "'-t1 /h:Im ~ 1974 Augu.t

IY.... II _.-Ious -h.I
II. In 1918-79 ~ ~ Is & ;,,;

mn. _ tIer.ar1bClc: ln~



""" SOf info luchms


12. In 19Q0.81 tr.welwhlch ....,," lICK fruitfUl .

D wys she SO{ catUlulC and m&y m(JVf:d.
13. IIoetwo:en 1981 and 1983 ~ b abrupt jolt to tier areeJ. could
be ttuough ~,' or some adler y.", ,,'m
D up Decembe< 1983 fO I9BS ~. _


""8<\8'" ",'".
fM ... cU:>'1 tool< pIMCe,/
14 . From !his point tier In.,,,,... In sadtwv. d p"' IS _ _ t>u bcoen
doinglt~ .

D ~ ya. she Is """'Y .-Ious In ' - ~.


15. Slrox 1991 tier _th may lICK be at Its bat bu. she >houId
0Ihcrwbe be YO<'f comfort.oble In tier car"'" and may 0'Wn be
laying with the Idea of wrlHng ~'"" I~ SOIJrce of Income.

{HH." ..... _


D ..,.,. MYIng " - P'~__"'"

DoIr!s -..e uIe



16, SomeII"", After 1992 or early 1993 _must ~ bcoen thlnIoJng

setIousIy of Se\"dng settled down In.o m.urIed lifo:.

11. An ynpl "anI queolIon 10 ..... Is .....nether """had SO{ I _ I n

"""'aJr.ol. which ....... . - . . and which prowd harmful In mony


D u,.,. - . ht:r ""8<\8""'-' /:Ott:oot.. oK. II ae.oted some

l.ntln rhe~oISI1F.

_ _ _ _ CIII

fioooog-'- ....,.


18. If""" coo,cdved. which ~. to to. n~. """ got>ortft:l . It

<;l4UId to.;around 1981.
o uys. not 1:I>owrI.
fDld not ... , - " " M.ttd> 9. 1995./
19. RIghi now. 1he perxon """ Is am""ted to _ 5Om4! IedoroIc.oI
bodground and an to. an ~ne<:< .
o uys he Is psyc/toIDgW.
Second bample - Illustration I
_ n g GIwn on frbru;ary 11. 1995 at Ddhl a' 4,45 p .m .
Vfttfy "'" /otlowtng _
.. I po<lO:d as 1he dme
COhKtlol .. In USA."., 1he (l~. and I I'oope tN, both jIOUt birth
lime Is rec_ correct lind 1he horoscope given to me t.;".,n .:.sI
corn:aIy on US PfOS'<Vnme.
GIve your """"""''' ~ eoch reodlng.
I . You;are 1he ftm or 1he last or "'" only ~ oI)'CU' par""".
You <;l4UId t.ave Ihtee more btoo:t>cn _ s1s1etS.

u....- . ,





r_ _ _


".. ___ '*

... , ,_

CWy~t,youngeoto.1, ""'" okiHblod>t> ..

1.. - . 1M ~ you. blnt> 1111 you reocI>cd thc! age 01 siJ<, you
I\ad dIher _It> poblems 01 mel' with .oocIdeo11l.


Notf:, In the period 01 Saturn. the ~ lord ..-.:I the sub period d;
Mars. m.. ~ In tho: 6"' h<>ux. I. could ............ oed.
) . torIy 1n)'CU! dlIldhood, say ffom the o.g~ 01 six 01 - . liD thc!
age 01 !Nrl~. tho= Is good rnu>IaI .....:I .n'IsIIc InftUMCe on



n.. S

loft!, tuPI'.". I$.upectlns the Moon In PIsces. .. bencIk.

rulll. In 5.oturn' luP!te- ohe coUd !\ave 80( In,,.,eoted In opens


since !he 6"' lord aspKtS jupiter .

ute! """"'" the ~ period _ . fr<Im july Ill, 1963. tho

1nII_ cI V......... Ihe pW>e\' of muJIc II1'I(I me 3"" lord 01 hobbIeo,
I\ave >hown III 1nII""""".
4. &ut1n19780f~th/stlme_.. "
on(! .. shc:In tr1p to. foreign counlfy.
SUng frlFd, n:iIW!l with fAmIly 10< ohon polodJ oF tim<:,
Note, I. mlal Mw: ~ the P"'fIod 01 Saturn-"""'.
5 . In 1980 01 round .-bout 1hI~ lime ~ >CUTIS 10 be scme
dlsl,OdIon In your otud"'- and .. q~ with _
""")IOU III<M.
DnJg$ ......... the dIwl1oru.
s.tum m.. 6"' k>n:I. ....-:tIns !he S lord. .....:I In the
Nov.",sho the S lord Mar. ~ by Satwn Is the oource 01
dbtractlon. It w ... the pa\od 01 Soturn-IWIu-Mots..
6. TMfe Is ~ d\Anc:e 01 ytlU. ~ng U>Oda~ with ""
and YOU' own ",eN dONI! training an be In the


J;:iIo>I. '8 ... btes:

(a) SomethIns concerning restaurants. or ....... "8 pt ..... " on.
_<"<1 iII,e$UJuunll sin IN: "8'!' 0116No.e, Afl\icted V....... lnII~ the 10" _
~... V,...,... an be

nu""'s _


Note: The ~ -..:x<I1ng: to R.n\on's Ay~ And driIW

you own conclusions. You will arrive III resuitslOUlily dltr..r_.
( b) Then """'" I<!dvIIaI and ..""Hm.nIaI eduallon.

TypIrtg. compu~
Not.. , The InII""""" 01 KeN and Mars.
7. Your l.all.... coukIl'Yve I'I.od .orne ~ with the f\aYy ",Ihe
"'"'Y a' some st<oge.
Yes. oIImy.

... _ _ _ ca

- . $lie IIIe InIIuona! ol MArs ... IIIe 'CI" _ fn>m che 6"' house
_1I_olllle,. f 'hnolwt..
a. rrom '1l8" .._do then: ...... Mo'I tNIry cNnseo 1n)'CIW"

,.edg ....... CCO ..... iIi ...........

fA' . ...

'*' ....".""cW..cI.-ed

W.o/na.t, ~ """""" ~ ~. d<II>E.1a t.o/I.

Note, It 1I_Ihed&<Not_CItt)I "'ocIe~ _!he ICI" _ ol

the birtto _
""" the 'CI" _ ot the d:.uhom>IIa.
9. In '989 ......., _
SCiI'i'>e """,,01 .lItadions ot 'JO'.I'
popIbIy _



Heo:oul<l be 1\An<IIot.", Of ..........



fMfod _


pubIlo:; ...


,""),muJIuI""Ih..-_,,," _ _

The pMod ot MercoMy.Ve!ut.

,0. rrom 1990t you '-< been - . . . -Sood lOb _

,.,...... .... Of

you Me ~ 10 110""""'" I""'" COIIt'iby.

rr~ ocnsI<:Ie

the 0DCA'itI)'.

Note. Mercury-R.ohu. bIIU II !he ~ ol fo:wW'o c.cont-.

I I . Since the ftrsl -=do. ot ~ 1995. ItottE '-< been trawls but
..!hoe< q....m. With Of _
fa SCiI'i'>e bat ftIend.
I hMI 6gtor _ "!Y /:lei)' friend IlbocK goItos 10 _ _ _
Wht:m Nu e.obo ZS. 1P941O 00/00' ..... ZT. 199of.
CIIInIInuIn&. In Itllnlll. Mors
.... 0010'11 eoocI! cott... bm ~ 0I"Id .............
12. You are _
p&orir*o:g!he wttq ol ___
NatEt ~ period

Yn I "'" not ...... _



"'"'* oF It


e;zlc>iCU"._"_ ol """""'& (Jupiter) _

Nate, The ouI>-poerIod ot the 5" _




,.,. _ _ _ C*

--_.- -

I. kto co. 199ot_ 1996)'O'J~ lOy 10 ...... monoy_ .....

spend oImlnMy.
Note' MoIoIry.w... condRlJa, R.ohu It In IIIc ....... 0 1 _
2. The jIfCSftIC period It o.-y &ClOd lor spIfttuaI ~
NoIe. Itohu ... ,1c<Is _ good lor pIIgJIrTwIgcs.
1. II! '0' 1996 _
1999)OJ .... Jo:d IfI'II: tllt d 10 do more
may cwn produce a - .
__ period wIU <:Omi ..,.><:e.

aeo1Ivc - . _

Note, I<4>Itcr
A"'*1111c tcrdeh<;)' 01 &Mna up joI>s..
The opel 01 .... )'C'IB)'COI .... set from 1999 ........ )'COl _
plated. wIItI a &ood _ ........ sIloIe job.
NoIe, TIl !he end oISarum .... pcolod .
S. A' _
~ In you< lllor: you Mil warn 10 build up an institution
lor &ood IOCIaI _ ~.and splrItIWII-.
NoIe, Lo&na Iord.wl!he 10" lord togctllEi In !he""",
I'tepotc yourJOIf Jot _ good tun.c. ~ c:NcrfuI ...:I you

.... -

.... ~.,-cc MtlIy .. )'COI_ &ood--.

NoIe; /I>pItco" In IIIc . .. ....... .anti aopecdng the Moon.

Some'*'"to .... _to ...". _>1_1000 " ,."

Leo or swn.o
Leo or swn.o
Pbccs or Mccna
You. 81tt11 Stat
Utt.v. lINod'apad.o
You ......., born In IIIc major pcttod 01 Saturn _ _

y".... ~
y".... s... Sian
YtNI Moon SIsn

OWl' ....

July 19. l'il8l.

The period 01 Sarum _ nor &ood Jot)'OW /teOI ....
y"", Me now pMSIng """"ah the
period 01 MoIoIry _


lor 1C'ICfl'-' yearl.


M<JIo<''''''''' II.."" Mo'd.' _ _ ,.....

$up"ptOIOd' _In IWS til ~ YO<oI_ ' - the

Sec _


major period 01 MoIoIry _

01 w....
A1!~"'" you .... "-:!he ~ 01 JupIter _ _ be
good lor '""18\Onl. IOCIaI .and myotlull - . You m....r _
rry/te Ufe oF t/Jb ~

0urIn& IIIc Mtn;uoy pcttod )'COl an also UM""..U.ot1! or! _ , . . .

10 _YO<oIMC obIc 10 NYC ..... e monqr _
~ k poopoly.
The period 01 KeN _
- . . frcm July 18. 2000. _ I&sC lor


years. Thb It good pcrIod for spltttuoi IIClMdcs IIIId many



""'"' fordgn contr-.

Do not Sef dbtfl1Cted ""'''8 thb period. wNd\ an Sfm1 from a
~"'0Cf: 01 opIo .... , with mM'jI.
The IWO:nty _ _ 1oI\fI; period oIVenus SWU"8 from the _
shcuId be the mosIlICItIIe period lor mM'jI actM-.

The Second Memory Tablet

It b hi8hIY IIIog:IcM to IN .. 01 doing fI'rf reildlrogs on 1M _
santy .. unuNIn InbnwIon.. The Cal poooedute b ..t.ooIutely
(w"M'O'Y. It b IItft <k>In8 In thai an -.uoIo8er an to. A ""'Y hIInac
friend, pN!o .... ..-.I . - . .
m'_~ I
"'Y b AmertcMII who
"""" ..... yet ....... ' - wdl1hcy co.Ad ... jyochha b _
pWoo wI\toou(
fat""k; On the
ns.n. who
......., hIOd the e>q)ti ......... 01 ge1di-S from ""'Y SOOd to - , _
pdklloo" AoUOIos~ who .we G.ns'"""'"- Ihofe h .. mood
S'ft1n&. In elltlet cue, _
It 1$ an ~ Of an Iroo:IIoon 1M
.ostrdog:$ an ddlnlldy disturb. dlen' IMn'NIy and p<yd>k.oIly
becMIoe he an ~ willi !he UI'oCJtfUIn lows 01 hit client.
The C'INct oI;on....uologa II _
since _
dIYIne ~ . ~ .....

............... '__


beta,_ ..



", ..dhUS

01 _


Inlo "oodftn

. ,''1''''''''
hu becu,j

A ,~~_""......, -''*'80 muM lin! ,.:.ply the C8I "'""""" 10

....... hII den! r..ppy _ ..... de< I' l'Il !he ho>bIt 01 ~ . Me .OS> 01 pWctory oombIlIIIIIons In tile lui dIMISlns 1Irrots. In
...tlIch noohIna _
to be otabIe to do ..... ecu .... ,iIcMIy and paII~ .

The Second Me mory Tablet 10 " TASK

All aI"*'S\CoII -.. gtw .. sped'" "'-"tIS 10 Ihe ~tallon
_ deblMudon oIp1onets. ThM ".1ho$II",T. KftplllnrrindblnOo
"'" MId< to II~. for _
. -. debIIIMecI Vft'OI!O ~
one. be:aaM". II. OUIft, ....... elle" be . .. mere .....,' ......
, ell ' 0 _ OW< .. porIod 01 _ . an ___ ge



In ~d.,. money. Tho: ~

me .is 01 .. debIIUIed jMneI ..-.I """'" ~iS b
IIStfOIogy II RUIy to mW.. It thuo ~ .. ~ 01 tho _
"N>n'-ll'IaIsOf A.




...n. ....





...."."., you ~ tno. u-.o and tno. andlheslo _

oul 0111 Is tno. Synthesis Of S. I{ an ........ that a deblU_ pw-...
MYlna a nq.>1Iw ~ an ....., !wive a posIIIve _ .
The p><oe!oS 01 ~"na which ~ _
.., asl!dog'" InfO a varleCy 01 meaning>. 01 d11rO!1 ...., kinds 01
""""""lIo. So K lor Kinds 01 synthesis.
So T-'SI( OIands lor - . and-- ' oynthe>ls and kinds 01


oynthe>ls becotna VO!IY easy If horoKope 01 rorrily

"ft~"s..,., .ovala.blc. The...cmlog", who 1orS- tno. """" importM>!
t.>a tha, destI ...... an: IntO!lll~ will rail fO synlheslu In tno. "".y II aon
and ohouId t.. <!<:><'r.
It Is common In Indio to go
and . . him If a
WOft'WIon Is PfqnanI. The as'roIog", Is iISked fO &Iw: his p<~ktloM on
tno. ba>Is 01 p<.ashrvo Of hoorory astrology. lNs Is a , ... :11 ... and an
~ iOppfOOdt. Ir you !wive !he I>orovopes 01 boch !he hu>b.vod
and !he Wire. II bt<:oono easy to ..,., It and prIkt. " q.-don 01_
""""" was PU' to ""' In 1994 and I had no hesitation In ~lIna!he
~ _
hlswllo!wouId t..prq:"",,11n 1995. Howoudo a$)'" d ..


'0 "'roiogcr

Is ontved .' 10 bo:Ina explained ~".

1I1.....tion 1
The ~tIon M _

""as _

hili Wife would t..


In 1995.

He __


th'ough !he lI.\hu maIIaocIasha and /tIf>Ito"r

antArda$ha. MlI- 10 II\<: S~ lord.

"'~ In If_I was In Scorpio aspec!Ina his S" house.
SaMn. when '''''''8,ado: ..... ~ rr"", CAprIcofn and Ifanstlfll
"""" his 5" lord.
and aho ~ hili 5" house.



,.. _ _ _ r4$r

- .........




Ito \he ~ JupI~. the ~ """'Is belna aspe<ted

bo,I v-.... \he 5"' """'.
My .......... _ _ he WOUld t.ave a cHid Mel .... wife WOOlkI



IIkrsa .d.... 1: W ..., Horoscopoo

Now Oft cr.. _ _ _ In cr.. ,_
01 his WIfe.
She _ pO! , \II Ihfou&h cr.. pmod 0 1 - - . II-. - . 01
....." _ coooo1>C<l - . cr.. Sf l I ...... 01 cr.. t*II'I 100. & +

In cr..

~ /UrI"",,,

cr.. 5-



"P""" - . RNou


In trlMlt, tuPi""" In ScOfJllo

on II 5- lord and Soturn from
AquarIus -.upecti"8 the 5- lord, cr..


In my booII l"IAnets and Chid,,..., I ~ p.en my .."or d ...

on cNkIrer .. whId'I _ lr..... c.<I try my . ,oochto ,

---,*--,The ThIrd Memory Tablet

ftom TASIl whot .. _oloStI .... '" do lis '" dr_ the .._

~~ Of I, on the ~d_ he(MI do his . . . . oss and lift OUI
01 f, rtIoI!dley 01 mt "!po ~''''1Ib0:ll out 01 TASk. !he P"'"'bIe and
"'ijp. To be _lID do It, ......o6oSe n'K$ be~
_ eqo4A*' ... oppty _1IOd .... _ oI~ n... Is ..
_ _ _ po I
pooIo II"k'I31n the bo!p."'1& bill' YftY "" .dIo .. In



In the IICt 01 ~ tho .......,e ~ .. "''''''' and the IM\doMI

".lIes, 1111. oo4odoo'l
okIStf _ CJDmeS Into p40y. At
1IIIttt.ge1t II ... MIl "sn's_ed dfH'Ilei ..... d'woI hdpo hIm, 5uctI
"" 1 m Is """"" GIll I"IeIIef be ~ ~ _ _ ,,<pt to another. If Is
...... cne has to - . . CIfIef<OIr. ThIs Is .an 1.-..1 ~ ..tIIc:h I
- . JIwe
ITWIl1J ~"" and otu<k'nts cI MtraIogy.



~_""'S"'Ilhel.oi<lolt.a= ...... ed'


'.ustntion 4
I . The .ospea 01 s.turn "

Mar$ on the third houR dm.. nacI\oe

"'-'" her """"'" of qcny to be ftam .. sIbInS 01 ho:r1.
_1toe Sun In the 10" ' - 'eoeM;W .... 9"' -.pea '"
JuptIef. !he 8'" Ion1 01 ~ ~ _ _ he InI'Ie!tII!bIe


... ".U.IIoo.





_ _ FC

). Venus. the 6- I0I<l In the 8" _.aspoctIns the 8" I0I<l In the Z"
......... dbpu'e> obout lrn.r1tonce.
All !lib trouble swted In

- -


-' f--'~=-1

I . The.area oItfOUbie here ~n Is the 3 .. _....tom: ~ In his
own _ . Is r~rog the aspect 01 Saturn farm the 6"' _
Z. The muru.l aspect 01 MooI\ef V,.,..,.. oIong the Z/8 axis ohown the
lrn.r1c.b1e po """" I)'.

Illustration 5
In !lib c.ue d&oNo 01 MMs swted In 1986. Thb was thedMIWI of
the ,,-I0I<l In the 3M _
I . ~. the Z" I0I<l. the Moon b with M.s..."" the 6"' I0I<l AM
willi SMum. the 8" I0I<l of~ .
Z, M>/ttfaspectS the 4 - 1oI<I. MM:ury forrn the8" _
. lIb",n
.. ~oIlrn.r1tonce.


n. ......

_ ._1PC

noInf _ _ '....


J . The dbpulO: ~ In !he - . . of MaD IIICIIs condnulnS In !he

RMIu dull&. RMou hen! Is ~ed ~ Mats.


1. The 4" lord, JupIter Is

'specdna: !he (,& lord . V......

In !he 6"

Z. The 8" lord of _tance.!he Moon Is.....m!he Z" lord. SaNm

rKeMng !he aspect of Mats. ohowIna: his deep plan. It bana:
MIn. !he S" Iord of_ng to apNre "'........ 1) .

P for Perception

Pftapllon Is !he highest suose of ''''''It : POI~''1 In one' ,

astroIog\cIII careeI'. Two ~ good _ulugei can rch up to !he
of boktoott ~. Ewn Ihoon. thqr ....., give preck1Ioo ..
wWch an bo! -Ift)'~. ""' ........ tIoo1 1s tN.t UlumlnotIon wWch
t.odlMft I'tOm human mind In moo( "oexpo!Cli!d n""",",11i and sNe "
dllrereni ITI<>InIng to ~ posIlIon In hcmKnpe.
See !he folk "\" 8 C&SI!.


fll.ln~ FmIn indian _oIc>g\gII IIocb. then: .... """')I IIInti gtven ..t>out
IlIq:Itttn.tI! I*thi. In the bo<oKopI' In !he USA. _ ~ ICIOiS
rNnY, """')I OCher comblnodons no( menllooOfd In out boob.
SImIwty, !he ~ Indiciltloni b _ I I ) and ~

.... rNnY ........

Pocepdool Is !he ftnoI product of raeordI and obsetv. 1Ion of"
For I~, !he InllIIMU cI ""od ... falhet. no( !he bk>IogIcooI
one. Is " - " ~ Rahu/KeIU and !he inII.-oa:. of mae on !he 9"


,,-,"",, _ _ ..c


house and the 9" Ictd. ThIs 1 ~ 1n !he ha

~ In the USA.. See the foIlowIns ho<<>K<>pr.

"" ollMll)'


'Iuttntion 6


a. The 9" lofd .. felf08I_.

b. The 9" house ..... lW1u.
c. The Sun r.... uncle< keNJIIM>u am.


The 9" lofd. Saturn.n< lW>u,II(,etu am.

b. The 9" lofd from the Sun Is ....... ~ which . n


'al.. ...- the

ThIs..........,. got .................. and alfectk>l, from I>t< ~ father !han

I>t< -.. bIoIogkaI f.o!her.
In asuolagy. !he ptOCftS 01 ~ """"" lofOPIo. The a.y on
asuoIoge Jedo!hat he has ma5I,",~ the subject. he Is doa, oed. Hindu

"" ..... _ _ ooc:


io """



--_. -

d .......... NsCory _


io ,~r I


Ikt ... , _ _ e>klS" ~o:MIbedllJu .......
""" _ _ ~ COII'IIoiMtIon In ....... I..
'"' The IudcIoer d
!he _ """" the IItwoI
!he O. ~ 01_ a.t(y.
1M c:IMI(y ." ..." .. 8'" _
this gilt MJ _
Iht:y tw:ed II()t P hto.",. dI:uJb..., ...... ~ wol(8flt.""O'.
It II """ ~ _
UII<>ioII)' an be wid 10""'" tau,,", ...
1II.mInMIon". _ _ _ lor I*n. I ....... " ... otIu .... In my
booIL y~ Ocrt!l' _ no. ~C/_lhM I"""'mefonly_
Mliologtis In my ~ Jar whom uuoIogy _ .,....,lIh........1iotI1n tt.Ir
~ d splrttuoI df:"elopc, ... ,t my L'tIOIhti. my i)Io(Ish-.........
VOjIl ~_ _ boIh no _ _ VOSI StwMWId.o MunIIy 01
Andhr. Prdsh _
II _ _ helps """"'" who SO 10 .... b




I>otIest _

L'nOt~ ~ '-oIa~

e>q>Mtioca his

Ulurnlnallon In " IIM.h oftftI.

In 199ot. _ I SOl" """ IoIIowIna ~0I)e In !he USA. 1c.oukl

_1n.iIuh _ _ ......... _<k>Ina~~
........ I ..... ' et>d!he _ ............ . - . Jar It.

,....., "., lob

1 _

II _ _ ,....., "., .......,

~ ,.....,.,

Itx It whir ' - - . - . In" IIMh c/,..""",.-.

....tIkJ> I CAIJ D.ARfTY ." ~~ 0111 yosI', /IJumIniIrJon.

illutmmon 1
Hen! """ Ion:! d 10" houM, V......s io In !he 8" houoc which io"
-1tiY sIS"- V......s'epI
oI$l/'IIpI.. MoI$lIthe . .. Ion:!. which :Ihows

r _ _ ,-.." ,_ _, c-..

Iloo '"""" - , . _


"""" .... "-

' ... ....
It II dlt>e
- .Moon
The ~
COO"iid _

lib ~ II _

w _,
To go 1IIrou3h"!he ~~. INt It cat. IMn tASK...-.I ftlllllly.
IPC. 1he 1IO(,0I08a must go ~ the o;hreoe ~ oIleMn1na
~ In !he d ........' _
{pfopeI' studyI, ......... 0...

Or ' . . . _

~: '

KtIptut.. book aI india, ~

led '"
? p, ..:I nkMII-dto .... or

ooed OJoiow*,odond.~ .

The ............... _
""11.... !hen,..- do It 1O..,py cr.. .......
In Ihe d'>eckIIII ~~ .


cnapte.- - 6

The Checklist

2. Now. _lIIedlo,nl c:o<nes,yo..."" uudoga must take IIIe

IeIId .....:I put 10 him questions )'C"f'IeIf. Some ofllle _ _ will
ftt InlO your IT_ _ of_anced rudlng> done . .....:I"""'"
noI. Now. r:hn!e doubCs must_In your mind,
.. IIJe me blnh dctJIb on me bosIs of whIdo me IIotciso<ope has
been cast. """'"81 Ask your dkenI how corr..a Is his blnh


has me IIotciso<ope been cast

""""SIY1 ThIs ~ be)'OUt Sond doubt.
Co If me bInh _ I _
comet and the ~ of the of me
IIotciso<ope Is"'" Wired tt-. you mUll hoooe>tl)o ~I to
)IQ<ndf that yow undem.andlng of"""", principle Is 1Oft~
~ Is no ...rroIoger. ' - e.xpcoleh",:d who does not
wonrnil me slQIesI of rnktMes.
It Is my expol........ that """,..,lII r _ "" utroIog\aIIlICIIo'Ice gt...,.
betterpc "'I" .. 1n ott")' ~ lhM'Ioid and ~...rroIogen..
aut !he oound .....:I honest astroIogft' _ h&Ye eighty perce'lt .."'"'"
comp&lftI to IICIIo'Ice who ""'Y bout of his SIr")' ...........
pcooIs of his superiority. which It Is ceNInIy Is not.
~bft thai JyoUsha must be pce ::lla.,... .....:I not mere
psychoIosIc&I ........ _ which an be dane ~ d e- uly. It yow
predldlve abIiIly thai shown 10 you that JyoUsha Is .. dMne tderIoe
b. If Ihr: bll1h deto.II _




---" ,...

The Second Pan

The oon<I pM'! of yew checIoJ~ Is T.-.sK. Here. _ 011 1M
<~_"'k~dn:g meanlngs of 1M _
~ combiMion. AWY 1M
MC. DARtS """""'Y _
glWn In my book on Le.un I-Indu
MboIogy WIly. reputedly.
Such repeo.te<I r:x~ Will &""")IOU "'Mated~ .
Now)lOU I<.MW wi'" coo.'\derocr: th&. ~ _1I ...ted ~ can be
e>rtrllClldinortty goo<Iln r;Main ways.and also bold In 0Ih0:r ways.
~ _~glWnln my book ~De$dny_the


roo- thesis

lor synthesis
lor I<IncIs 0/ synthals.

, ."",,.,.,

The '"'in! Pan

The third """ 0/ 1M ched<I~, IPC, Is wh.I.l )'OIl _
10 de-.

by using mM!y ~rIq~ d Hlndu-tYo!\Shl. It Is for thh ~ Iholt

an .. troIog~ ""'" Is technialty Id~ turns 1M dMne science
0/ IY<>dsho InlO ~ pIe<e 0/ Iorrune ~1In:g 01 psyctIoIogIcaI bIuII'.
I. b rh;se ~ th&1 &"'" )'OIl "" Inslgh . An In:!.Ighr Into .I>oroKope Is wh.I.l dIstIn:guIshr:s ~ g<><><l .and ........:I .woIog~ fran ""
y""""",,, but devo:r btu""
more o/Ien 1hon noI. will be
.vudous 10 ~"" _ " " -.1_ urders!.lndin,g 1M ~.
Such WI astrologer Is ~k.e ~ LaymMI ""'" pr....:rllles _biotic
mcdlcInes 10 his friend ..
ThIs,!pplkarlon 0/ 1M "'_ noeo,,,,,y !IIbIets. CSI. \hen TASK And
IInaIty. IPC Is M1n:g explained here with tho: """" >Iudy 0/ .. 1''.....,Il00,
glWn by me.

."'Ie< ""'"


Chapter - 7

More Money
but not Higher Post
As ' - been e><p&oIned aI.-Iy, _ wIU prooeed to M\OIy$IS -:II
hoto5<opt \II'Idef Ihtee c.aptIon!. lor .. lloelho<lkoll approodI to the WI
d .ootroIogIaoI ~. ~
r_ _ been _



The ftfSl

~ UbIet

15 C!I or ccmplefe blM::k.&round

In ...... use, the oriy lrIormadon IhMl _

!Nt the MINe was ..
bI8 ofI'Ic. In the antral! !Nt he wanted to CIOI"ISUt me
as .. good ~ d mine IIo.d adIIbocl him In on:Io:f to help
O'>oWl"e the ",GtIiern he w.u f"Clns.
I got the ~ ..-.d _
It - . In my IeODfds. I then



I .6 out d which
~ the que5Il<lno_
oriy would I be sure 111M I was ~ng ClIO .. CDIro:t

boo oed some Impo


1000 .. ""
111...tnotion 8

Tho C8/ VerIf'IcJo<o

The IIrst ",,,,,don I _
101m _ _ he IIad technIc.aI
educadon. At .. g\anao! It Is Nt the '" e, oa d ((eru In the S"
Mf"""""<I ~ Mals_ the S.. lord, Malsln the 1000 .opeded by
Sotum ' - to give
due.don In i"IOI'i to..-nanId8 group.
E><ImInc It from Mt:;ury raw. (lhwedl1C!n,ed
my bock
MtroIcgy Dfilkf}I- tile _
To .......... good eduarlonool b.d<ground In india. he should
8U"iUdy .......... wrt f........' _ duha at the right time In his student
~. Now .... the hoto5<opt....:l the N.v........... lint.
from 1~9 10 19S6, he SOIlhe oS.uho d,...,.. wno Is posItm In
the 10" hcuIe. the _
ddbdnaton upeaed by Wld ~.
The.-t dun. lord IW>u In the 11 _ bound 10 be bene" as
" - bhu _ pAnldpallng In the r~ bmed by the oorfuncdon
d the 9"..-.d the 10" lord. In bhu P'!I'IOd, he "'" so., s"""Y the

'*" .


- -

...... UO So!l.m(R) RIo ....

logna S ....
12'55' 04' 11'


ZO'3T 2....1'

JUt>.po<Icds of pupltet upectI"II 1M I 0" ~ and 1hM. "lloln. Saturn

100. Ad1Ic'<ou".. ,~ mroush twd ....... In Rahu-Soawm perIoo:I_
poosIbie IhroorSh <:<mpet111Ye e>WT\lNulon.

_ _--.

""""-_.".. ,-

.... ......


rlr... rbJl
s... here !he! position of IWIu both from the ligna wid !he! Moon.
from the a.gna. IWIu .. In !he! II ~ house J<>Ir*Ia ~
!he! Moon. he .. with !he 10" lord. r.\ftoIry, oond the Sun. a pIanM
Idna: administrative..",...,..
Ncow the condition 01 Saturn. the ... b-putod lord will ' - to be


Rm. Sarum In IcftIdra am !he birth IIgn& oond In the house of

whIdI ,.... been p " _ In UttM~ .. aspecI1tCI ~
........ , the 5~ Iotd In !he! IO"~. Tho:n from 1WIu. It .. In the ~
house of compe!ItIon. from !he! Moon, he .. the 5"' wid the 6" lord In
!he! .,.. I>tw.tx. a IcftIdr partIcuWI)I the .,.. ""'- whIdI ,.... been
cIe<oIbe<I as the place of pMU.prapd !he! position g!vef. More
IrnporWlt .. !he! next so.ob-peolod of w.ercury. the .,.. wid !he! 10" lord.
VIewed r~Wldprooj: ",ody.thefutun!,lnd~ boma
l'ish position oond 1TWTII.g~.
In !he! i'Wvarnsh&. ltahu Is In !he! II " ~ a,gaIn WId SaNm Is In
!he! .,.. ""'- of pMU-prapd wid manlqe or _ of ~ or
dlglbllily for ~. from RaI'o..o. In the Nw.ornsn&. Satum Is In autne
aspecI1tCI by fup/te' oond Is with Mefcwy. !he! 5"' Iotd lObo t1KdvInS !he!
.spect of juplw.r from the 5"' house. The best ile&ture of the Navanuha
.. !hat jupI~.-.po:ctJ Motrcu<y. Saturn WId RaI'o..o _
the Moon from
!he l'" house. The IWIu ~ b bound to be goocI .
The ne><t pe<Iod of "'pI~
been comforuoble but not
... good ... , bee, .... 11 Is detoIlltited. BuI beI"S Ir'Ivo/ved In ""
l!XChuoge with So.Nm. II mu>, hove been a period of ....... "S of
propeny wid comfortable but a run of the mill CItftf.
What muse _
runaI......:I _ _ !he! _ of !he! jupI~ ~
Is an WIdkIInguished rOrd . s... It In mr... WI':JI:.
from the cleblBtlted Juplt~ In the birth ~. IWIu .. In the
10" house with 6" ar)ll1I'" 1ord. 1Iooou8h Motrcu<y here ... !he! 9" Iotd
coo.*:! _~!ed \tie ruination olhts career.
In the Nav.orn.ha Roohu Is beI"S a'P""""" ~ !he! II'" WId IZ"' Iotd

""""*' _


In !he! Duh&msh&. IWIu .. with the 8"' _

house, Iwdly goocI for ..... 1n CItftf.
Now !he! ne><t daoh.o. of Satum .ospoected by

lZ"' lord In \tie l'"

MIn. the IZ"' lord In

the birth hot : ..... show> ocme WitbC''''I)', bad oo.,,,,,,,,1IN

or lid< lustre ~ " a re.uIt of whIdI he would be
ovaIooked br "" ImporI&nt p"..
Iflt bec;amedue.
If all thb If, cont then Sal\im In !he! Nw......... with !he! 12"' lord


-,......- ,-.

~ by



the lord """""" does show ...... . - , ... ~ In Ns

In one s.n.n _ the 10" Ion! ... ,1 IojI "'" s..:o
"""' ""'i!I"' _ _ ""'i!I"'lord Min_ '... "", 10- _ _
Ns bdrIS 0> ..1 ' d Jot"'1rnporunI ",U,iOIIooL
I _ _ to &JftI" Non """" _
qunIIons.. IIiJI 011 _ """" _
q.-.Iofts I'oe _
bf, d....U .. IIfi<I. $0 I
him >Orne 01 "'" pIeuIont quoostlord _
!tim _
...., bftf> KIlt b >Orne public _to< unc\o:ftAIdns ~
_ . thore w~ .....,. conwuo;tIon. _
...-.g .ocdYIty. The
IUOOfI b uIdns _ q.-.Iofts _
1M! Saturn In "'" . - _
houoa. Min 1....... 'ts.1IIndJ. _ bdns "'" 12-1ord .. dopuwIon
~ wdl. .. depuwIc:on whIdo mq ~ his .. do .. ,..... """' hh



The 10" lord 01 the _ _ _ II In the i!I'" _ _ "'" 10"

Is ~ by the Sun """' the i!I'" _

. In
cate. It II my ~~"ce 1M! -'Y ""'~ boi, ...

kood 01 the


bel"" .... ,w.


Wolf .... _



ttw. 1 _- ' Ir MI hom JMmJnI<>_

The ............ ,' J\r."."yTodet I ....... ~ It T-'SK.. thaIJ (I) .-.dihaIs tAl. 'Y'''' .. 151_ klnrbol 'Y"d!Uf:(lQ.
I _ c o .. tdalllwlnmy ....... " ..m



Now I come to the 1M! Ml5,!OIY Todet IPC..

Inkr~ -lllIdNr to me ttIoll'oe _
..... get lob ",u,oodcw,
If ttIol w~ hli quedon. SInce lie wu comins to me In the tI.uh.o 01
s.tum _
.. upeo::ted by Mon """' the 10". lob q ............ _ be
rdattd to NsIOb _ pn>rn<>don. I did ..... wont to dk I' . ... ~ him.
$0 I told him !Nt It bdns the peoIod 01 hh 2" lord. s..1UiTI, I'oe
P' """" rncnoy "'-' hlp pooItion.
fIorn the Moon. Satum _
bdns upe<:IftI by on., 8" lord. $0 I
tedI ........ _
"""" rncnoy. The ~ .''''''"'' _
o\Ou\o,Ay .....
"""' _ I t dlMl'oe _
get Unp ___ lItO" .... boodlo$ whIdo-*,
be.kotol~_IiiICM _ _ ..... 10 ... _
........ s..tLm_
...-.~ .. hIIIO"_.
IlMplIon _ltt1m _Md the tronslt 01 s..tum ..... 1UPi~
( 19921. s",rum In C.aprIccm _
2"' fr<om the Lag .... _ S- fr<om the

_ _-

,...- ...... ....

..... ......


Moon and 'upll,.,. In teo was 12'" &em the Moon but

a.gna. So some . . - . . Sood Iud< _

CWlty -

fO< cWlty ,


&em the


&em joImInI on:gIe and


him thefdlowlns_1Ip
I. He would not be _~Ied as ... addltlunol ....:retMy to the
8O'CI"''''~ 01 india but would be ~.o:good doeputo.lIon.
2. My ~ pn:cjlcdon was chaI he would ~ to ~'" fJom his
- . , and 8'" _
In his ~ job ~ he would ~.
_ _ _ :greateI" aulllor1ty Ihoan now.


3. My thin! pn:cjlcdon __ \ho( hlsddldn:n would durlllg

He joined oneolthe most pratI:gIous_ buIkIrtg ..:gonIMdonI

01 "'" S"',.,. ,..... After seekins n:fIn:menI fJom hIs-."
His son h.o.s SOl'"' to USA fof higher educollon.
He hu aIw.ays warmly appredI.!ed this MMu.

Predictive Tit Bits

I !\ad no

about M at ..,.,

A SW........ , <IbocIj* oISwMn1 SIW_ 01 RnhiI<ah ......... uoed

to . . - """. told ..... one day thai Gftnw> woman dlidpk 01 his
........ _ . Sw.mI VIshnu ~ _
",,",.'8 to DdN .w:I
_..:I 10 "'-" -oIosJoCoI COI'I$UIIMIorL.
I ~ him 10 Af'I: her ~ "-.oDDDIdIns 10 me lime 01

her _



The horoKope atven

...,.., _ hondf:d _ 10 ......

I . jupItft ""J'1Ins I(f,nJ In me ' l" _ _ Is good b opk1_



2. JupI~ with !he Sun '0 !he comblnallon


MIIlam I><IIkUng

1. jI.IpIte ~ me 10" _Is good lot rftIgIous IICIMda.


rrom IIIe Moon 1tIO! 10" lord "!he s.... with ~fa .

CIII Srep 0...

The .... " .... ....., I pullOlwf _ _ _ _ _ ~
M'cdUed _

the temple

Now ~



....._at ..

to 1I.'1M..MIIHoIherGuru.


IWO bf,,,dlcs.

01 her own chcIce

the S lord In !he .,. _

""*" Is true In the aoe 01

01 weo.ttin coumrla - . . ar'qed

1. The .,.. 101. !he





s-. ..


s.... Is In !he 6" _

willi Itohu _

tt.. ~ 01 ,....,... Sud! ~

5. Salllrn. ilsptIns


Is with fupItft. How CCJUId ..... . -

1. Then. be! co. 19M and 1970."., hod ~ 1Iwou&h

d&tN 0I1he
porIod In ...tok;Io she C<>uid ........... _
4 . The .,.. lord. the




coo.-*' "'" " -

house from It>e 5" _ . corrobolate


.,. ....








...... II . 1t4.1
':45 p .....




"_1IIJo I y ..... 12d.

v.n.. .............
.................. upI01\pJ'I23.111(W
s..... ............................................ upIO 1\pJ'Il3. '~70
Moan ............

.... ................. upIOI\pJ'I23. 'aeo


.. .....
. . . .1fIft. ................
_. ____ "'_.,.
~ ...... _...... ,................
....s.tum ._.......... , ._._.......
~ .........
.. _____ ........
. . . .KeIu ...... ,........


20. laeo
upIOSeplo , _ 1 _ . '~
upIOClo::I.--23. 1ge4

,... _. ____ ___ ... upIO_ l1.

m.. ""'Y of a b<oken ~.

m.. Nav"",sI1&. the .,.. Iofd

6. In




'1~ ..... !h ~ receiving m..

of SoNrn In a dual slsn. SaglItMlus un bt a prOmI>e of a

--_ _--




-..old ..........


eel Su p TWo

IAsI<e<I ~~w.u"""- _ _ .
SM sold, "TNt It correct. _
In ~ 1969"'" _



The ~ ........, _
!Me'I pIcJo In Ihr mojo< period d elM:
!he 1Ob-peilod, v..... In IIw: 7'" _ _
The ~ ,ook pIocJe In tNtr 1911 ~ >he w.oJ """""'s!he
~ oI1t1e Moon, !lie 6"' lord 01 divot and 1M sul>-ptfIod 01 Rohu
In cIM: 6" hoo.ose.

Sun. !he 7" ~ _


She NIl (DMe 10..- Me In Ihe MOI'I<II 01 fo:ton.o.y 1984"'"

oIIG 1hoI: ..10.... _ Ihe YIsI\I!CI ........ 10 I<> 10 t.... GuN'.......... In
IOU'" IndI.l. >he _
!here "'" 0dhI1O"- me...-.l IMe .uoiogk.ol



See the IfIIIuMot of Ihe 9"' lord on 1hr .,.. ' -

In Ihb

( ~ In !he birth ~ . !he 9"' Iofd It In !he 7"' _ _

(b) In tile ~"""""' . It>e .,.. lord II In tile 9"' houte.
2. Gene<MIy . ooud'> lndIon~,., no! f.ovour !tie",
...... 01
!he -Iotd In the .,.. or "",,"....,...
I(Jt 01"'" 7"_
In Ihe 9" .. We _
Jar lhe putp<IIIft 0I~ .
) . In ohio U6e, bocI\ In lhe _ _ _ _ ltM! """......... chi:


9" lord 11M .. dHt ...... In cIM: "". . oIlhe 1" _ _

SM IIMJ ~ to _
me In IN mtJfIth afkbtwly IIlI'U. ""'1M w.u runt>Itta rile pMod 01 MnMoom.oIy. P<'fIod 01 ~
....,...,. ..... In s.at_1n 1984 apectIn& t.... .,.. ......... lshe( ..


a< ...... "Haw: you mIfIIed f'Ka>CIy . . are

"""'Y\fla ..... _,...... GuN " - ~ )IOU 10 morry1



my .................. """'" heIpod me . . . . - - _


...... _Il00, dille 9" lord ..tth 7'" _


he< GuNIIIklns he<

She _ ourp<be<I, ..",used..,., ~ _ wid , "It Is fM, ......... ty

c..-.I. , XOC mMfIf:<I only Loot .......... In VIIbI1Nv ~ '. She !hen

poIollOt<! _ . ~_ IIM!", : i , . . - 11ft _ wId_

he _
he< -.oold 1IusI>Mod.
She come 10 . . - ..... ~ ...tIeto one ....... p.wIns IIvou8h !he


.,_.orr .. .:.
p!fIod 01 -..~ .

I . ~ "'" ' !he ~ ' - <II cIIsputa.

2. Ii:.eN In !hi! 12"' """'"' Is "'"' _ ..... dille Gwu.
1 . In !he ,...."......... !he 4 a Iood. Ihe Moon 10 In !he I Z" ' . - . !he aspect 01 Mots "&'In..
Kct\IIn Ihe I>ouse in rhe Nov.ornshl ~ !he 8" aspect of
Mars aIIIlItmJ the "'OfY 01 dlopula.
SIN!..,,I me how...".,.. Itt:< JplrlrwrJ Hie be.
I wid tNt "'"' .......... g'"' ''''''''''''''' In & W>d <It.pul~ In c....m..ny
- . . she WM IookInglits Mf c.m..'. """'......


~~ shewld .

Thlsw.. pot:diid) her .."**,, . ,

~_ 1 . "",,~ __
I ...... ""',."., ....... ca, ... ...
w.. II In lllet.- .........
che aspect 01 Mots 0III'Id Is ""It!
jupltef.!he 2"" lord, Ihe klIe<.
f fOM!he Moon. M>I_Is~n!he 2" IM:I .
CIHr ~ to twr hNltII. I g.ove hoot mild w ...... "S.
In 1993 I hod on "ensign to spe a.tho: SIv-.d.o. """om a.
San ~. $am.onsbco, USA. lMte . !OId them mat I I<new G.f. 01
StW--.:Ia AoIv..... , Go:m>any,
They told me
w.. ~ from c.oncef.

'eoc' ......


Chapter - 9

Guiding a career:
Timing Events
let me rq>eol fo< YOU' benefli m.t ClII mo:.nI ~ cornpIe!e
bodground ~ If you .. ~ prtdkdo oa lO) Pft'O" """'""
~ Is wei Iu'Iawn, . . _
you _ ~ lO) do Is lO)

coo ..... 'li .. ~ on !he """"""" he ..... b.auw )'011 ....... IIIfNI"y wotked
on hb dian N.~Iof . In ......, CUI!S, IMr~ II no . - '0 ~ry the
(Or,,,,,tneSo 01. horoKOp<' .
!lui If you _ nwedro,g !he ~ lor ~.-y Ilnf ""'"'. " 10


~ ..... M"ry ""'. you 1houId. ~. yow Noo4r>s 10 .....

pul some qunllorrs ,&11"8'0 ~ p.>I 'JU'S d~~. If
Ib;ty IW''''' ,I of d>r>se Y"'"" iOI~ '"""'.a1fty _
...., oil ""'_ !he
_frllme 01 !he "'""'" ...... ,'". )'OIl ca'I ",owed lO) eurnIne ~
q..M ...... ...., _
.... on "'" _
he .....",
0< he<.


a.n If you k.- ,WJII .abouI >UCh I ~)'OII 1houId .....

'*" 00 otI" I.,

d', -")'01< _

_ .......

..., .. ~

_Imeto OUI

!he , ... lEd InIotm&don IIwough _

01 q l ' _ i l. If d"rc ""'"""
ocheme and rho! pI&neWy combliWiliorrs - " 10 be In I\&nnony ""'Ih
d"rc po.twm ... ~ ~ 1>Im. you ca'I P<Hd ""'Ih yow


1f)'Oll .... not wdJIIetI ""'" ~ _

. do not pooo:reed to
NYY ,Nldlnp. Iloeca<ne )'011 IhouId nm 01 ;r,Il be klldlectually and
""",Illy ~ 1f)'Oll w.....c 10 be .. &oor:I~.

The CIII 01 the Cue

'ThlI)'0Un3 ""'" Iwod come 10 me room DdhI Uriver)lry kw ~

ftmlltne In 1987 wIM:n to. t.eAl'dlrom >ern :: .. _ my I)'olb/wI coo.o6:l
some onoofuI ~ "" .. CMfti'.
~ my.nldn on tyoCIIha. PM'. hrly lhe
~ predictions wNch 1 db<uoocd, rnM"ry )'OWI& . . - who
tough. my help _
!hose """'"" ~ In Uo/loglcl!l ~ lor

'*" ..


a~. c.v_ . ~


ur_-<It<hIono ..... ,oed .........

10 me. I "'-" .. tn.Ie. tou< ....... $IIown Ihrough ~

......t tyotbh& ~ far supotior to psychology In nndlng out the aptItucles

for edUUollon _ GMeCI'. s.:.. the horoscope gtven here.

tlhntnatlon 10










Jupl. _




~ .hu








.... _

S..... hIokl



IWIu s-\Od August 10, 1963 10 Auguol 10, 1981.

Jupifw wboperlodo
~"""""" n' . . . ",*,
2t. 1l1li3
.k4Iit*.s.tLon ....... _... ",*,AprilIO, 1 _
.k4Iit*.-a.y ....... _"'*'M'f It, 1_
.k4Iit*. ~ ............... ",*,Juno 22. 1 _



.k4Iit*.v.nuo ._.........
FoIInJefy 1882
He arne 10 me In moods 01 deopcf~ 10 ~ fo< ............ In the
AlHndll. ~ttve eMmination.
He w... born with baI.\nce 01 Mou. oI_)'eM, four ITIO<I1hs It>d
over on Iwgu>t 10, 1')6].
HI, I!.aI>u d&Vv. w... over on IwgUOI 10. 1961 .
Now conccntr.te on the sub-pr:r\od> 01 Jup/t<:I.
fupI_' lupI~ _
on ~~ lB, 19611t>d ~ ....... &)'OUIlII
man with IUplIef and Mem.rry In the 5 ~ horJse, stKrwIng his subfem 01
>IUrdy ... being I"O>Iory (Jupllal ewnomla !Memrryl, _ a t l Q n

oevo:n'' ' '


The combl ... tIQn 01

and Mem.rry In the


horJse """-

In, ........ In joumorIlom 001.0

He conII~ II.
The ",.....nee 01 ~ry In the horJse 0I1UpI1ef In the N&vomstwo
...peered by the Sun hJm the horJse 01 Mem.rry ..gain " - ' his r..Ir
IUplter olopecI> hb own housoe In the N&vMn>ho """"'"' Mem.rry b
~. k Is & ~tIQn 01 the promise 01. good eduallonol arer!'I'
... " - ' In the bInh horoocope
ltlmanba, II
the d&Vv.oIthe6"' Iofd, M>I-, .ept ..... 'dng
ccmpetIlion. ~nst the """"'" Indian mkk!1e d&ss blldtground, II b


r..... _ _ .......


cleM thai tI>Is young man w .... In'e<<:SIed In ~ns for some
'"-'<MnInadoI'IlO """"" a~.
The JtIpIfe...s..t"". PerIod
The ... b-perIOO 01 5;0""" could ........, - . . one 01 li'u:ittatlon
boo,;Ju .... s.tum Is with I(f,N and Is placed In tIM! 12~ from JUptlCf tIM!
......,. do!sN Ior<! .
The jupllCf.5;oturn perIOO ......... up to ApIII 10. 1986.
1962 he rnust ........, got one or two ~ to _
for oome
c:om~dtlw '"-'<MnI .....1IoM and may """'" ewn got ~roIled Ie< I'ttO.
b.auw s..tum. t..Ing tIM! S~ lord ""')<IpI1Cf t..Ing In tIM! S ~ hou>e.
his education would continue oomehow.
He CDnIInned It.
Hood hec.ompeted In some ex.amln.atlons and rIot~. w....
my """, queodon.
He CDnIInned It.
Old he ""SO take up some Iobdurlng Ihh prrIod. t>e:A ..... Saturn
he: a>pected tIM! 10"' housf:. and ""SO tIM! 10"' Ior<!. tIM! Moon In tIM!


HIs onswer was, "It w ... exactly so."

my rr'IMt CIUCW q"""""".

W.... he dlstrocted durlns tIM! ..."., he w .... comP"'flns ~ 01
a gI~ not --Wns to .... .-e Of c:omrnunll)Il
ThIs qu..stlort ... rp!Ised him. Mt logic w .... _
on two !.>ctors
nISI tIM! p<escnoe 01 !he .,.. lor<! ........ In tIM! 5 ~ hou>e Is sudt an

amactlon. To r:onIIrm It. lhete w.... !he S" Ior<!. s"rurn With KeN. !he
pIInM 01 tleYl.&tIon from tIM! .......,pled norms 01 !he ooclcty Of f.omily

he belonged to.

n.. JupI'Ie,.Men;ul')" Period

WN.t w .... -..111118 Nrn now In !he perIOO 01 Juptte<. ~ry
.....t1idl would be.,.,..... on fuIy 16. 1<;1681 My ans-. _'" tIlr_
(;oj "You Will ~ .. V6'y good car_ In my """ ~e feb<uary
(b) To ~ now. (In fupllCf...........,..I)II. he would ........, t o _
rnud! harder. aut hi...",,,,,lion for !he gI~ he w.u In IoYe with
would """" to w .&lt.
I know thai he would And II dlA\cult ~ MoeI"cYI)" In !he 5"
hou>e WOIIId prolong .... Irlatuadon with tIM! gI~.
He ~ fot tIM! IMt diana .....&I1abIe to him and again railed.
He w.... desperate. Since he could write well. he ~ .. Journall ...

' - " - , " " , " '",



111 ...

me leo .............
..... day too _
to moe wNk: the " b pulud _
~ns And sold tt>oI too ""_ _ !ely frustr.oted .
tiM! he SO' _
10 the gItt he _
arid not. _
........... .o _
yet. _
'"l' q"e.:f,r~


_1TlCIf-.y _ _



'""y 10, too Mel sold.

JiuP'' '

Nodce her, tt>oI

arid /VcfcuIy _tosemer In the 5'" ""'willi Ihe 1'" _
MMt the_,
I ........ _" .... '" 11m, IrR by -"'8 him tt>oI too _
b8:ft1he_of~ 1992 ..... _
..... I. d ; .
w_.....t>M he _
' - 10 suI'fer Iior _ _ puIc1d,
""'" did I So1Y tfwot he ...,."."., fIIove 10 ~ ........ _ _ _ lot



AppIyyoo.- mind '" Ihhqooedon. We_dbcuoo k.t the_of

Tho: ""'G' I ...... 10 ~ was,

~ns .atb~ "" to .. SlrI And f!:lIP"essIns ll ln .. pt.)~'c" ~_
.... th .. lin nor lIM&t\M .... Our hypcogItIcaIIy puoIran'caI todf!:ty ....
. . . . II 100:* as terrll:ole lin <IwrIn3; .... bod hIsIooIy of anIUIIoes of
.a.....y. In the Vedic 1Itnc$. . : ..... C>~:)od ...... of ~dco" . cooAd
nwry ~ _000t000cI. I qooooted /rom M.S. AIteI1M' . _ ' I ....
WQITIf!:Il In Ved'c 1I<noes.
So:oc _ eatlns 01..- _lhel\atll/'" arttM;don$_1notIn(b
01 ...... ........ c-. .. to .... ouIpNfes. IkII leo _
who wanIoOd 10 ""'"
10 the _It! ...... Of !he pom of .........1on. II ""'" be oIded,
Now _
car_ ' guI<Iance "'_10 be stv<"n II
1'')' to
100:* dootIy.t the ....tHub:...,k>:fs of V....... In !he ........ ptIIo:f of

.... - .



s..b: '.+ ... h .. Iro jupire..."'-""r

Up to june ZZ. 1989 the preo!dlna oub:oub:pe<Iud was JuplIef

Do you ..... Inf ~ clltoIs puIc1dl

Do you ..... v.".... In "'- 8'" toooo..ln the ~1
wt..t:toeslt oIgnIfy """'1 See wlm ~ 10..........-..
Sun -up 10 jono.&ory 19. 1991), .. In the s.,pumw 1qNo. ' II
the~" ..1
Moon....." 10 ~ 19. 1990: the Moon - - " the 1 " ' _,
Man....." 10 ""'" 6, 1990: .. In !he 5'" ""'- _
........".. II




10 Oaobf!:t 30. 1990: Is In the 1(1" ""'- In the birth


....... _.-._

.-._r-..\= ,_

....... <><n. ' 1N .... I O_InINNov.........

"'P to MotctI II, 1\1\1 1, The ". 101<1 bin"'" 5"' I1oouse.
SIII\Im .... 10 ""'SUM 10, 1\1\1 1 15.,. Ike"'" UP' _ I n " ' "


.. .
Mercury -up '0 Dllcembe< 26, 1\1\11 , Is In the ICI" house 01 the

"*' "'"

KeN .... 10 febru:oIy 22, I\I\IL ~1IeN

4-10 MIl In
"'" t*Ch ~ ....cI ~ In the "-".........
Itecu~ b a peoIod 01_ cNn&e ""'" 101 0I1ruw-.
se!tIoIln. IIy Yht!.oe 01 his <><nopodon 01 "'" "- 10 _ In d'w birth
IIoroKope and "'" Nov.."".... ~ r..., y<tI to I\.olftl his hi oeoe", pooo be.
aut he wi. walt 10 do It In !he ItIb-sub-peoIod 01 a boodo:, he: V"""",
So ...... , the """"".1IeN period did _
10 oeate In
a oerrII*
..,.. Ioohy cu'. I .... _ ................. 01 his dar. ......... _
cu.o.OC!OO-'esp. I ,td .... 1IefYIcft.. he _ .. tIIouato ~ beI'Iind
In d'w .ago.
KeN. "'" Gy.ankarMa ... II- 01 knowIf:dse ....- hIm _ _
to !lot '-<I to make. GIl,.... wtlll
The kendoa ~tIon ~ ........



n.. ,

"'= 0( __


1.+ ,

""'0( ","""",
NoIIce "'" ~tIon 01 V - In !he ..........."... He b !he .....
lord ....cI ex.Il\d , Now ro.ounber thrEe prlhd....eo!he .................
po>1od 01 "'" Iagnio Of !he ICI" Iot<h. nke !he period oIex.I,Ed pIanecs

..... fwour_.


MY..:Moe to

'*" to.."

fNsc. _ _ billed .., \trio ex.Ited


It _!he JMjOt peoIod 01""""". !tie '" 101<1 01 CU.lIu1d_

bdna In ot.. 5"' house, In. cu' .... dd.... <OII1mInMIon.....tIId! ~


The tub po>1od 01 exalted V....... In !lot 6"' _



Now notice tN, IhIo V...... b In !tie ... _

In !he o...t-..
1ndIadns" oudden opeo+,..
In !tie "-"M'rIIh:l. V - In !he 3" _
Is now . . ..,........ to
rrwokeau.r,.... and be ..... d') 0I ..... 1MIy __
WI\Io, l\apperoEd ftnaIIyl
He Ivod ....n.usted ... his dIances ro. "'" all Indl:o cu ' ...."d ....
~ aut In 1989 d'w Co:r O'.,oeo. 0I1nc1a j
Id:o j MOddenIy
to ........ an extra dwonct b!i ........ !he qe 01 -tlalbIIt)' ro. !he
...... opedM~ IOtwcnIy eight ~




He (Mne """'*11110 .... _ .t$keoI lOt my~. I told .... !Nt

ellha" ........... ....-. He .... '" do his ~ best, _ h e _
....- SeladlMlCll! _ _ " ' _ .. M .................
'Thtft _ dO)! he (Mne ....... his ~ ....... . ~ >OdI ..........
..... 01. :Iff eot cale. I told Ihem _ _ +'111 ''tJ!My........:I:J tNrded. They wid choo ~ _
bultho: f.uha oIthe .... did

It _

_ _ him

10_ h I s - '

A.nodle< lime bom 0I1hem


I coo.+! _ _ tho:

They _
moorrIed In tho: eM1y!WI 011990.
A 0NIe child _ born 10 Ihem In the ~ !WI d 1991.
He I"Wde ~ Sood U<ftf In 1991.
It .......... """Y ....... a happy.,.....,..


- 10

Difficult Moments
lho:rc ..-e oorne _

dlfl'lcul. IYIOIl'ImtS I have '0 fllOe like

other ..... ~.
lho:rc Is a pr~ In my hean and dftp conc.enttatlon "" the
~ ~ me. So lIsten fO ..... Slory.
Sorn.MIme In AIIgust 1992. d<:>cwq In ModhyaPradf:<,h and ~
had uamlned the oecond son 01 a fiko:nd of mine who In ~atIon.
being ~ mud! furioI fO me In the Sft\'\a! from w!"Ikh I had rellre<l.
was Initially Msitanl fO consulT me . But pahops. his wlr.. 1 _ IhaT
he sI\ouId do 1tIIT and heume one day with the son.~ .
WN1e I w ..............118 the ~ I _
111m sudOenIy
_~ the boy was.
In the car. with his rr"I<)thft--. was his
~. I I'dl bar! and .... 1tIII!hoy ohouId """"' In.
~ boy was brOUghT In. In . no..-....-.:onodouo wndl!lon and he
could nelthcf woll< no< slI. WI\.o.
1t?"Tt>o> docTOrs had only wid 1tII.
he had<loorne pan of his brain. ~l\apsonot! whet> he had ~
d&ohrd ~ns. the w"'l of a swimming pool ~ he we>! aItr"IoSl
~. No UNtrnen. worked. There was a ....,.., 0/ ~a!lon.
"Tt>o> po.r~ did no< know how and ...tIm .11 ttro.I had oeo>ne<l
bu. had only noticed the condition 0/ the boy In A~ 1992. So the
lta",11 01 planets on the Sarv.uht.>k.> ohouId .abo be .......




The Starlc: Analysis

Now """" fO the .. ~klngIy Mga_ points In the~.
I. ~ IagnlIotd Mo!fcury Is with Ilcnr r:xar:tIy on the oame dqrea.
~ 4'" -"f'eO of Mars falls on thl ...
2. "Tt>o> laS"" has two rnaIc1'Ics. Saturn and Ma!'L the 6 and the fI'"
Iotd for the i>'JflIOX 0I1his ......, .tudy.

1. "Tt>o> sub-perlod of MMoury Is 01 the laS"" Iotd. which Is why

troIrbie to the body w!"Ikh ooorm:d In INs pe;1od Is _ s .


4. "Tt>o> Moon of the dIIId Is 11I--pW.e<I. In the 6" 1Iou....

S. "Tt>o> only boondIc In
Is Mercuoy whk;h Is ... he.>Ylly a/!Ilcted .


---"',., ,-

_"'-___ ....

~I . lho - . . It <II 1uPIte" " In ... --.nd ' - . - . I .. ....., ...

Z'" lord from IIIe - . buI twos .................. , _

I.agno .....

'~ ' T




0" ,, , 1'22"



- - -OK l l . 1M 1
II :' p ..... 151
LaI U _
Lon- 1OE'5





21"!>1. 2:t"52"


RafItII*\ocI_ on ........, 1. 1811

Jo4IiIot~ ..... SoIl' ,_ 1. I!ISI' 10 OK. Il. IIISI<I
~p,,","on;"')' . u~ . u ~ .

' wi


,...--.,,2, .II1I:I


,.F-..y "




,.AI,oguIM 17, .1111:1 _ _ ..... 1*fOf/

... 0
a , 1II1I:I _ _ 1Irio pMod


'2, 1II1I:I - _
.... 1*fOf/
l$IO,t,priI 15, IM _ _ lIriopMod

- ;.--

d\art Of In ~ ~......n. ,
2. The 5IJb.peo1od Is aI ~ wtokh Is huvIIy -"'!aed _ Is o/so
~ 8"' Ion:! from 11M: Moon.
3. The ~ .... "~~.'.~<d)" bad. Sun, 11M: I z" 10m Is
r-vIIy oI'IIicted .on<! 11M: Moon In 11M: 6'" _
Is IwIdI)I ~
... Mon as 11M: 3- _ 8"' Ion:! Is a ~ for VIrgo 118M.

,- ~


Aug II. Itl2


SI"'.... "'''''

8hI ...... _""






n-o _ _ ... _
5 . ...... In!he 10" _



. , ........

tov two ~




,..,.....~_hopeol_' '"',In ....

Then .... come IIIe ... I>-... ~ 0I1UPI1et who an - . !he
boest tftkiw ..... he If, ~ IIIe Moon 0I1IIe eNId.

1. The ...... ~t.aorlsille begh ...... oIIlleSJidhe ' ... 01

Ihe eNId"'lI'o IIIe SAturn In Ihe _+~ , _ I n ~ In
which he ........... mnIIIn nu _
5. 1993.
8. [qwoIIJ bid _
m.: Ir.-...c 01 s.u..n In Coo>olcoo" In IIIe
~ 01 -.... !he l'" _
IIIe 8"' 10<0. where IheM Is no
paoIlt.oe poInI iii ...
Ughl paIntJ .... urAvautMoW.


I. It Is Ihe nIahI- 0I1IIe Iir1goIIww NIt. ~ The

Moon muM. 11 ....
PO"-" Ihe d6:I -.e!he G "I Mud ....


AS !he ... *'81<01 d .dea ~

Z. The Moon ....... _fed tov,..,..... _ .,uCh.. good poInI.

3. Some ASUoIogIuoI d",'o",,1e Nt If In ...p birth
moIdIcs In Ihe Iqno.IIIey COO oIr.. po ......... ..
The ...... 1rnpuNnt palm If, _,..,..... II.... I .... IheMuunol
Ihe dIIId. "'~ ........ be oIIoen:d. ,..,..... Is Lord ~ Lord

me... ....

Tr~oI lhe 3'N1 ~_...


I mode them redle Mn~

wllh "'" and..Md them
IOdD,... ~ them tho, ln AptII 199) Ihe eNId ...........
bec:oo, ............ .
u.orolra;l In!O Aqua100J In _
1993. Ihe d6:I
~ ~ _
In AprIl 1993 he .......... In IIIe JUt>.
... bopHIod 01 ,"pIC,., In Ihe
po:rIod 01,..,..... _ Ihe IIIJb.po:rIod




ThIs If, eM JfOI)I 0Im.: JeCOnd .... oISIwI C.V. A v _. 0I1IIe

IndWo ......... and Ao:ouna 5eo o1ot 110m which r mired In No '"'lobo


CN'Pter - 11

The CRFD Approach

to Predictions
for beftl


In the lnoIMICft d predictions

I dftcrIbed ... "'" In 1985
""'" brI8Iy In my bc:dt. t.p MJd
In .on _ _ _ 11 _
_ _. Hen! I ..., ....1" ';
II .. little mote doboo-.a!dy lor Mute
..,nok>gers 10 u~..-.d where ..... )W"od In OUt utro1<>g1c.II1 PfOtIIftf.
What I\u ..,

&fwn _ c.ase otudIe$ 11 _


as ......

ao..n. .,

C M.onCIf lor dM'bl ...... 10 6(ECICS> ...tIIdI lt "'" ....-.des!

-oJosIC.IoI ~. TN, 10 wh.ot g_oIIy All

h.ove to ._...-.I ,... , _ . The boob 0I"IIi! muoI ~
...... '1. Ie b ...-.I ....., ... the con: lor It "IIIg. not ~ _
~dHlnOu MIf01og)Ibutlor _ . o n higheo"~,
.." m.ony. Some cf ........ h.ove gtiWfol1y beftl the....- daJo! d

- . for acqu1rlng




l!. M.onCIf lor ..,..,..."... Of llV1OY_ ~ ...tIIdI should be

donoo artt Iitti" IbSIm1I.ridng d"'...... principe _ .............. 1Ic>cIbIy
~ 10 the ~ cf".....,. the.:o..-my. oodeCy. the
fornIIy...-.l _
facIof$d.on ~_ .
IfllthemostlN~ _cf~. The ~"'-'wrI""'who
writ"'" many boob In [ngIIoII_ ~.., record In _ ......
I..oI:e ~ Iyti _ the artt person ....., \Cd; up the CNtI.
".abI>o-~ ...-.I showed ~ dMsIotwoI ...... '"" l~ cooAd be

used. n...n CMTM! - . ft"" me who leik"",d the 8 - 1 . - s/Ytil

...... pcrI\op5.lmpo.,...... upon If.os ..... be ....-,~ In this book. The
--.. cf)lOUll8ti" AOtiOICStis ~ _
...., ... -':ItIg1n !hit 100
_ _ 10 pooduc<i! much _
-..Ito""'" _ .aotr""'Sfi"I cf g""""_ _ beftl . . Ie do. It 11 In this ..... ItIot the
UIrOIogti"I_ me _
produd the ~ good rtle' dIc< In new
~ the ~ SWbdoc.oI ...... ~_
prl>C"'il toMntI ~ In rwo doqdoos from _ . the Iucure gu-e-.adcro




01_ oIo:gen_ """"""'''Ihe~_

buill up Ihclr p<O/IIe Imosa
odeq\ .. "".~"
ImIgtltful undsUlndlng 01 Hndu_l,o!og:y.



, ......"hl il ce or

"" """ ... whIdI _ _ ~e

or ...t>a....


u.ornIninS tlOI\!oIta _

""*"""""*" _..

!he IcngINdeo 01 _
~ 10 predict .... cvenc 1InoIIy

D . . . . . Iot!he_~(>i ... _


+ V" _ _

P.....n.-.. -

....... &I'"'"

_ _ _ MoIt_'*S .. _donly!he~.. i ...- - . . . .

""""'- So.d! Is _
~ oI_aIogIc.oI krIowIed8<'.
We .,.".., tome out with OUI ,~ .....,.,.,.!Itd wI!I1 moony
_......, 10 .w- how O!hf:r ~ (oM:! be u>e<I b prtdlcclOn"

JoImInI a.... ~ HcJw ChIs dooho _

be uoed 10 ~

~1IM~"""by_ lnmyboot.l'l (dIc" '8 ~~

Ow. DioW. "'"' /lie tt<quet 10 ...aoo';;cos 10 trNl me not lIS. 6Nt/
..,thctfty bu ., .. pIook:CO wIIollllS JI>ooon .. IT"tItod oFoItow/JIs how It
aNld b e _.
IlaI Cho'.<. Gosha; ~ I _ I n 1Ne~ ~d
mine ....... KoI ChMt. o..N ~ as lohown In IIrII\M I'fMhM.


H.... ~. on !he_dille_d. nobIIaU..... .-~

But tills dWI.o .. 'If!!ty dll'I\cuI ..,the <ItS- dille Moon _

up to ........ .,..... me _
at KCUI_ _ lime.
Yozlnl DM.ha; , ....",.. his IUN.ot.d! the ute d Yop.!
o.w.. _ his ~ In _In ~ pMU ollndLL '"'" DII<enI boo!<
' 1'1MJct .i!tcd~ rhtougII y~ /MjIw ' by V.P. c-I " now
w .....
ThIs prOteM aI bold ~ ~.u.ned now, &tla1! It. lac
of """'" _
In !he _
~ INn)' dille Oosrt- opre.lld In !he
n.wne 01 ..m>IoSY by _
""'..... """""" ~nIn;g _

.............. IIC1C1M~

them wI~ be d'vcown OUt.

c"',.".. ,"



I . '"'" o;Nn
show 1lo0oi ~ ........ IIor. 0 1 _
COlI dille """'>''''' oI<.p" d" " a aN! ........._
. no! oneol
!horn, ~ ~.s . Slowy'. book on I*nInI Sut ha to mony
uam",", The
credit to 5a><ry
must be gI'wn" Il1.0, "'"



".. 0'1'0 _

____ _




- ' - ' - ~ ..,. .. be - . Ihrouah Ih! oppI<;td<wI oflh!

_ _ We " - only ......... ,"'1t01IM)' _
oohItf ..,. .....,.
If..... d .. Scmeof1hom . . -,rr!.1
. . ..
t. In lhellomrdc AIe.a, 11M! ..w, ' dIa _
- . done b, me
IX """ Monds -troos """' ....... It If !he moo! d"
moo! ...... 11118 kid.
1. rotmuI.o tI><:dd be uoed 1cu.I .. 1toty CM1 imopIII. fine IUdpmeOi
of homvope ...tOdI mull be done .at tM,e """S~ CSI. 1hen


TASK, and ftNlly.!PC.

All "ceM ...... MtrOIos~

use more INn ..... dosha Ihoush In

tt.Ir ""'""" they _11M!
of only Ihe ......... ""toI1 dosha. In



""" .nIdesandln 11M! - . ~ Tf>1Iq ..., ~

,o!"'**"'o. abed by me. II 11M - . I I - . ' - Ihe .... ,!POIhe
tu:.ldq oM . .... , ...... 11M! VIrnstootIMI and
dosha &Ms
<IopncWIIy .."..., ~ Now 'l'ostnI Dosha CMI " " . . -.
Using tine - . Ihon tr~ on 11M! ~........ be


5. Theuoeof _ _ ~ "'''-'b,Dr. k,S.O''''... lnhls

VII/IJIoiJpNI, and also his MMJuI ~w11 be mo5I uodUIlor
pledktIooOf In .... (I.oy 10 d.ay "".....

6. Thete _
no aood book on !'Iofm!: d til Col. Cc>w broII.e.
Msh aro-d ...t!h his _
... It.
7. fo\I books conI.aIn __.... hM,. boIh .... d . . ." _ _
_ ..... 1_ _ 01. The..w a-olIIonol_lkga ....
_ "*'S d ....""1 pl. II' _ ""'"" mlro:!. There II to much
"""" _
for 11M! ~ of -ok>&>.

cnapter .. 12

An Example of

Here b on eumpIe 01 ptedIctIons st-lln _~. _
Try 10 11nd out the JU>OIIJyouneIf liter ptepMng dI,..." .. ,t<llYblonol
I'iott>$lpeS ...cI the f\II1 ddIa pel k>cb..
Though In the ,~ 1 l\rvoe uoed oma !ethnIques u wdI. the
ell ...... 'I", he'e will bea>nllMd to the \I1msI'ooIW1 ddIa only b...- .....

motooIry oIub'*'8ei ..... _


unde'sWld It.


She got the homM:"V' 0I~ rn.oIt: on ~ JlrOST......... 1n he' own

~, .

~ (8'

JupiIOi' ....... _ .. _

.....". 2fI. lli101e

s.nm ............... ~ .....". 2fI. 1l1l$(I

"'""""Y ............. ~ .....". 2fI. 1882

KooIto .................. ~ NJIof 2fI. lli1S1i

...... .......
~NJIof2fl . :!CII




.. ,-

country. wIIIdlls one ollhe ~ d the -st. DwIrog ~ indian

tOW Vc ....... 10 me and I
In _once the Ii:IIIooMna _np.
Hs _
.... gtwn _ _ dille



~marr\ed and dh",ud. Shecoukl Nve two chIIo:\m., a

""" and .. <IaughIef .
...... Tk:JIl bctt 1M the ~ Ifrst M>d !he JOfIl.orer.
2. 8n:oUIen ond sbterJ an be II".... _
at ~ two """"""'S .

1. MoW



y. y. ()<ooInpr.~.
3. n.e ... bjec:tI""'mq ~>tudIed could be:~, n"".uun:,
poIIdc.oI sdei ...... ond at on Hf1y~. 8"" an, ..., mUlk. &ndng
..-.d mosIlikeIy. plllnIIng .
......... UttJe pMno, t..II. "" das. Sc:wM 01 Ndr but not In MpdI.
~, She tJdred only ~. llter_. mtI!IIc, cMndna _


. be .. >II_to lMft1t """"" p<opo<ly _

. She would

Mt f.._

.... ...... )I-~~

S. She Is very _~tI. with I'4h ~ qu,oIlIIdllons.

...-.Ilke"""'Y I\maIcans """" do not reodI the postgradUMl! level
Inlllo!ir .... codon .
.......... Sht:lldtllt.

..... ,-

1. Tho: ft...c ten to twelve ye.D 01 her nre ohow that her fame. must
' - - . In on ...port.ont posItIon.alttc time ol her birth but by
1941 - . , could Nve ~ a cI\aI1,ge In his car-.
Yes. Let IM"YItx(MI1I!Yjeo,'ft!y~
2. 1947-48 her xhoollna should hove 1WtCd
..... 1950. k1ndt:ts.vten.
3. 195 IS2 her fadw,r coukI Mvoe g_ to ;0 W olr """",.
.......... No. CcukJ ........ ~ on
wc.oflotl to ~ be

. . .....




4. 1952-53 She does well In her INdIa. ctwr.nses her courx 01

studies. addin8 ;0 ~ 10 her (lItf\Ojum
.......... /110. No. ?". 3" gr_ 1 - . srno/t, but dIdn~ do..n..r tMy
5. 1955-50615. olgnIlIc.nt yHr b her AO It 10 the beg:lnnIna 01. new

"", as. teenIp with ItIMtI.oc!IonI .

......... . 1khd It. 10-11 ~
lI'.ode, trMlJkJotl />M "", IMtt,g In
/tie dry MId-..tls.






---, ':::_

family. po ....... 1Y mq _

been tnI/Ck,

... Dt;>tot/NnJI. ....

,1. She heoxIf

IN)' ~


In ......, -.y In ....

. _. No.
fl. I~I Is. peIod "" ....... .troill.
.......... 11" .,1Ide
In hIP IdoocI. ~M .~ .



9 . 1963 ..... _
1963 o:here Is.
wNdI can be


eNtIa'" In IIucIIes v.4tt1 !ler......,. _

mU$lc bccomlllS mo",



ImporWll" IIw> _

... _.- y.... y....

10. 1967.(,8 the _

oIWn.lhM tIIkes pI.oa ...... -*1l000<I 00 1tSo"I.


.......... y....
II . 1911 -12. d'IIId 10 born-!IuI _
a>tAd be. ~ or......,
dIIIIcutIy in d ' ,ct) . ~ - * I be Io:w dIIIIc:utIy If 11 Is
"",,, , f h ( . _

no 1lgMn5l1971-11

~ _~.

IP1J dMJgI!~ 'K"" />om.

12. Then_I ca'1911-18Ihft'11!COI*Ibeaoud ..,cHId .
_...... / 916 T ..... bMt.
13. _
cHIdr'oo, - * I be Sood looking, """-....,.., hNllhy.
,......... HNItItydIiJdIM. flu,
not IIeoJtflynow.
If, 191)-7. prtM!S.o.-:I_ "" ha husborw:I. IIut ......... ,,","~ 'Il


dIIkooer ... 101> moy " - totsun 00 ...t.u..

. _. Sloe tided It
15. In 1975-160..'&.... ln 1981-83 .... momqecould ~ u;rbls
point. In 19841hm! could be. dIYooce.
__ "_e," rkUd 197>76, ~. "1'IDJ$Iblr- ~ 1981.4U _
16, &Ot eu, 1911.,.., I Il8.Z life Iokeo .. ",*""", rum _
Iorm.o fordS" counny. f""" 1975. period ofltblts to iI<nIsn
ccuntry begins. Thfte Is """'" wilt! ~ or In Ioo'dsn
aMICI)''' work
......... - . 6IJNlI me ,
. _._ ~ 1917. " , -, '979 CMfW! fl> 1M ~ .:.orne '*MeMtyllS /915.

" " " ""

IN)' " - mel lOO'oeDI" ...... dIooIe ....


_ _ _ '",

~"-";'SIhC> ,

... In 1991-91 ...... amponIonHp aMd ere! _

ct..... ~ be VIIDoUTl In htt .......

, DooM

* - Ihttt

__ 198IJ "'b' 1tu$bMId.lo!J'l

....... _ 19M> IeII tf~,
...... He IIt<:d with . . . . .. -tv}lln. 1990 I ~,.., "" ~ he



.......... ~ C67W: In AprlI I 990.

-y." upl lot bMf. I n _

.... " ' . . , """"""", ' Moe _


Sloe tho<*! hove ..... ' _lIIenfb - . . ecI\Ir1s. ~

.......... ~ for. Tut IIc:o:MI _

1911lB 69.
I . Her 4oItC> from IAJlI.I!I9.......- IN)' ' - been _
towMcIt ....... jaurrwIIsUc~ WOItt.
.......... CWy. per-.. joumiJI
. ,.,., .. A.pIral spIr/tu6I...:ri:.!Ihe _ . -y.....
1. 1991-9l.....,oIhe'~alUId _w.entootudlo$ _ l_
could ' - - - . . _ twr,lnmeoC In Mt'", _ _
.......... _ d_e, do -t",xhooL
l . In 191') he< ......... COOa<"'_ II on .. new ~
wtcII .. ptnOI'I pIocBIln &ood pasItIon. aM:! ... In . - -my or
p<;A:ie Of on uec&IdYe wtcII .. lItiChooial ~. Her h
!MY ...... been tom .. oechnk.oI _ .

. SI>t: 1M IItIft IId<J ~ the ...... ~

...... SI>e stuc* oK .....,.. poIIoo. 4 . from 1967 <>IIWMd ha chIIo:IItn ' - been -ns honours_
"""' pttIns ....... monqr from )(()(b and ~
.... "'S.tme honours' Ihe . . - ~~ .
.......... "QI(r.o , Ide' Jhe ..-.. . ._
..... "0'.

5. 1994 95 - . Mf _ _ boed ...... bqIn _ _


........She _
, -.: ~ " ' - - . ' - /:10)
Some od>tr "*'IP I _
are _ bdns .cpo "oced .......

CIoooo ' - "

I . Thftelsnothln& ............. 1n ..... ns.~...........,--moy

IIIIve been man1ed and ~. Yet moM 01 !hem moy """
""""J but ooiy""" lOSert-. Hefe bee ...... 01 Jup/h':r't ~ ..

... .0_"' ......

wcrament.ol CO' legal ~ ~~.
2 . )uplte< In the 10"''''''''''' aspects Venus.. the 7"1on:I.
l. Bulthe 7" Ion:IIn the 6"' ""'- ~ to d"-"tu If It>ere Is some
other ~ 1nII.......... also. Heft Manolhe 6"' lord ~ the 7"
Ion:I In Ihe 6"' ..........
4. The Men:uly--V~pMod wouIdstveher~ln thePftl<>d
S. The ><Jb..perIod 01 the Sun. and the Moon In the mojo< pMod 01
~IY would stve her children At ~ at., co...ectecl wilt! her
5" house.
6. """"" children """*I do wdl """ao .... It>ere Is W!f'J good
~e 1Io>r.,UIi the S.. .....:IdIe 10"' Io<ds.

To ~ .. ,,.,,. It _ .... ~
At Ihe

~ of her biilh. IwocI the cWho 01 )uplte< ....tIIdI _

soon and 1tIen began the mojor PftI<>d 01 Saturn ....tIIdIln
the birth horoo<:ope Is In the IZ" house tom the 9" house .
........... 01 ....tIIdI MIdI c::han8<! In Ihe .....,.,.. d ho:r latho:r


boocornes _

to _ .

7. JupIta. IJ her S.. lon:Iondthe Sun. Moon and Mc<cuoy ...., In Ihr
5" toou5e. In !he Navolfmhl..luPlte< ana Venus _ Inlluendns ItIc
5.. 00.......
NoIIoc:JI, Ih.o.t boIh In tile biilh hCO'oKnpe .....:I In tile ~
)uplte< InI'IUftICeS the 7" ......... CO' the 7" lord.
In boIh Ihr 7" lord g~ 1m<> the 6" house.
In INs -rf maI<o!:
.an Intfl-horovopl< at"oAIysI$ by e.umlnlng tile birth



" ' - ' v.

b. Then moke an 1nte<--IIoo .. "" IInOIIysb by oednS Ihr _


To conIi .... YOU'

\151: _ _ other <IMIII also.

Chaoter - 13

Reason Out Yourself

INs _ _ -1\11 !he I&K stI,ges arne an AlrIefIcan

IIIdy on Mord1 9. 1995 III my 0dH n:oIdence. 1g.l"e ho:f!he ~

~ _and~ ho:flOputhet:emar1<s. _INs I>as been done
Is notbelngexpl.olned. Trat I t _ .. puuleand work It outyoo.nd/'.

111" nntion U
1 !wove not >e<:n ho:f (~Z8. 1995J but Iw:r hotoscope as (.l$t
on an ~ comput ... progr.omme ...... been ~ 10 "'" for
.-lIngs. which I om recording In _1\11 hen!.
See should .-I It and put ho:f ,ernAfb,
il. Hwe!he birth df:<.a11$ been noteel ><t!Iy?
b. She should put Iw:r rerrwks agoIn.t _
01 the <eodIngs given

I . She Is a vy proospooroIIS Pf'I'SOI'. with Iw:r awn """""y and
properly and ohouI<I be ",?dr'ed with three
got ..... 11 Of pu~. one. 'WhIch she could !wove Inhoortll!!d.
unless she <IecI<Ie<I not lO.s.Im II .
.......... fOur hou:scs.
2. She 1$ !he lint born dIIld allw:r ~...,ts 01 Ihe I&K born. Or the
- . : 01 the youngat d.aughttt ......,.,. many siblings.

houoes."""" "'"

.......... Oi<kst.
3. Her fatht< shauId Iwove hMI_ """~, with army pouIbIy

.......... AImy.
Ll.tef. he mllSl have 8fO'WI' proospooroIIS through bIISlneu.
Investrnents and even ~ and !INn$.
......... . "."...,y _ _ 1S.
4. Wlthln Ihe ftrst dSht> allw:r birth. Iw:r f.tht< m.ay !\ave been
_from her. 01 gone Mq~tIy 10 a dlOUtll pia and was root


.......... , , _ dJw>tr;l - . 8)"Un old.

5. DurIng the same penod. Iw:r moIheI oIso does not """'"'" to br: In
good ho:.aIth 01 she hMI ......., _
worrIeo 01 .. ~
.......... AJt;JtohoIIc..




"8" (]I d$hIto. wy. eighteen Of

her rue could ....... been as 5hown bela-.
ilL In 19!6-51 1hert ".cho<1seOf. ~ to anolher pIoooe.
. " . " . SMl Dkgo.
b. 1956--59 .. tdarlvdy ~ with """'" _
In studies (]I
1\. In the . - ' - yurs., fi'om the

.mstIc .... bftJ.

" ".". V1!I)' _


196().61 Sood studies _ -"'''8 """",~ .

The ptedoInIRAI'I _
(]I studies bid " " 1956 _
1968 Is
tcdIric:.ll Of
one (]I the ...... (]I ~ could
be p<)'dI<>Ic>g)' ...., the _
marI<etIns Of wIes.


LMlft. ~.

d. 1961-61 cIwlge_ rdatIveIy b;M:I

""."." Yes.

beo::o._ .. mpon.m

.,. 1962-6l_1n the r.mlly. posolbly

flsure, there .. sale Of pwd>ox (]I """"". _
mo:y ....... met with
..... " ... lJto;>thHbom. _
".""". IJto;>thHdif.

In studies.

"'" (.CUd be III Of

.an ~

Tht! houx ..... l'ho b<Hnt_

..." ..".PMenfs JDId. _ _ bough/.


~ 196~ 1969

there .are many change in JtudIo!,j; MId

iTIIIfT\I;gc like oltuadon>.
.......... t.lott"" dIvotri _ moved mom fJcmt:.
1. The "'bled (]I study _eodns her tAIl be reIalIn8 to IfflIotmefll.
mcdIdne. poydllony and phl"*'Ph}' MId religion.
"." ..... $M _p6ydrMtTy_ ph/Iofcphy.
8. &elY eet. 1968-1919 montage and mott.~.
with chlld,...
born 10 her. oru.amage. perhops.are IncIIated.


.......... fInt~ 1911. ~~ 1915. thItd~

1980. Son In 1960.
9 . Su! II Is. perIOd (]I~ dlspotes and oepAIiillon ......
"" ...." mom~I1I:11wmo"twllu!dln 1919.
10. ,4,/ter 1919 ....... deoool ... "eiil. In her ""'""'8". """'" tension

could also be the<e.

" ........ St!pNiillM _
tf>eSOndIHJs.bMd _ptqrWnCY.
II. 80Jt rhls pctIod. from 191910 1989 ol'oO<*l prove~good for
her own studies If "'" gOllnrerested In MY. A, any , ale It Is good
for her child .... rbc.
~ I n _ Yo,or. 1988 /'Ndoerolyog.t 198Z..f18.
12. from 1989 \III ........ """'" oIdneos 01 her own. """'" lamlly
n~cdIe>. .an iiCd<Ieo.t while In a IOU'ney II _
"'" _ ....... to



,..._r-.._ ,_

beCMdul.oboul .


Mam-.. HMI_-zwy.

- . . .. ~ ....... he",hC, - . . ........ dlllue".... 01

fi'om,..,.. . h' ~ In

:p ..,. 01" chonse =' .....


.,.... " .. TC'IS:foro In ~

1... A dIIId ....,. I'IaYe SOl " house 0I1wos ....., but _
ccuId be
...... UI+I 'um d,.., >lOPOhe"'''' """"'"ae.
.......... St:e 1oId",., rn.t /he ~.,.. _
. Some Mpo<Its /to _
II::Wnet ..... MI rn.t /Ny _
15. In 1995 she should I'IaYe ume Into ...... ~ posItIon_
s**I ""'"'"Y, ...... she balI:gtoI ~ _


.... _ ... Sltdo ~.homoaor In,...."..

16. Thb period _
flO be ,sood Jar !he -..... 01" dIIId 01--...
.. _ ... f'tM""""O'1rI o lu, 's _

m.. - . . _

Her 1UTIIiIb ...

lNJ ~ 1 ... In _


01 ...... 0I_1I-.yaxrect.

G, I' ... "." .......

Aftf:l YetlfyIns your I....

..... the 1I'*I<Ince "" firture II ' -



"""""sc. The """"'"ae an

1. Thete ........ , ........ In _


2. Ntc< 1991 you .... pion _,,,,INI .. dllk",n, - . '"""')IOU.e

be ... illllef.1Ion 1n)'OUl" IrIUdIo, e:ocp<iRIIan_
you ....,. yowseIf be It , _INI .. rnooc 10 "IjACWC you

....... _ .It....,.



3. Gf:l>f:lolly .. Sood period ........... !hen IUIIIecI

... It you Itftpyourment.:lll t>entIon ~ c.oowd)'OUl" heiIIIth .... be

.n ~Sh'.
5, You I'IaYe f.oIrIy long nrc.
6 . Ie C<IfeIUI In ...... e.dns In . - busI.- .......rures.. There CMI be
_ _ _ 1itf:l19\l7 If you .e _C<IfeIUI.
But .....1IIy It .... be. period 0I ~ ... "I'lli .....
,. .Ity
1 . $f1t"'I)', !he por1od 01_ .~ .... be .... 01_."f:l~
born oI.'s ewpeIr<><a.
8. 1'- tom 200l .....1Ords YOU' IJ*1IUOIIIe _ be ~ SOOd.
9 . from !he eo.! 01 1995 !he ~ 01 dw1sIns)'OUl" .. _~
"",,"",01. ' ;te...... _ CfOI& you mIneI.

10. In !he _
hilly plAce,

01 1996)1OU may - . . 10 Min" ........... _


-~ -



""".) - -~

bamplo 1


, II Jo.o>o , _
" 'IIO'hm

MI<I ..... ............. Fotwu.ry 2$. I~

l i n . ............ fotwu.ry27. 11162
JupiIoor ............... F""""-Y 2$. 11170
SaIo.m ..
F~ 27. ,1IIItI

-....y ........... _ F.........,. 27.200S

Ketu ...

. ........ Fotwu.ry 27. 2022

v.nuo .
s.... .....

........ F-..ry27. 2m


. F""'-Y 27. lOtll

...... F""'-Y 27. 2055

s.K.I ............

s.YoI ....

. o.c.,.oboo , S. IIK12

s.&I ............... F~ 'S.1111111

................. .Ianuaty 30. lW1

................. o\o.9JM 3' . 1I11III
Sa-Ro .................. ae- 'O. I M
s.Ju ... _ ...... _ ....... Ao.oguoI ,s. 2002

-~R. dln.'- <WI o.c..""., l5, ' "5

..... _~ '... ,_


She Is noI CJertOibI <Obout the time 01 ..... birth. II could be around 5
AM .. oIIlhaI she fCIId me on ph<>noo. ~ CoUtIng ..... 1Iofoocope _
~ some lads, the tIme..:lcpfed _Is~. It - * I be ~
If """ dIld<ed the fcIIoo.<.4ng rot Pwthe< vatl\u,tIon 01 ' - IIInh _
I pr........ I hove SOl accurMely on the ~ 0 1 _ ",oesdons
lhodaslal Mr. The InbrrwIonshe puHClontome_arlc:tl lAther
In ~ and " b".ch.. younger Is enI<n8 the ........ th


The qooestlon I eked her ond ..... ans""",,~, .. following:


n-e $IbUngs.

.. .. .. SIt.> MId .)"6

2. Had done ........ otthtk 1tXl ....... studles1
.......... She MId It>It _ was "~;';"'
. ..,
3. She he<xlfhlld 1nhetIa.d someproptol)
.......... He MlSWe' _
tNt the hItd.
t . She hod manIed ..-.I dIYorted
.... . Her ""'...... was ,..... husbM>d dkd. (On WI IMfIs ~
~ I h#w: /lOW ><trh me ~ to be ",, 'CdJ
5. SISIe' elder wu manIed and the monI&ge _ . .......... She ccnIInnI. _
nIJII'Ibw Z. " _
:5 so.-r tI>!

""' ... , ... , ..... ...trw.

I'leoM _ t I M ! foIIo . ~i. /jot fwfhu...ntk-J
I. f..,... 1946 10 the ft'" nlne)"!'>ln of _
Ire you 1MmI"""",




.......... 1_ JuIf: IIumt Ir In xhcoI.

1. In 19041-48 """"" you wo:rt ... booby, was there any mo'd""'"
&om """ pIIIOI! 10 atICI!Mr or " fordS" trip?
.......... No.
3. In 1951).51 educatlonotane:l """'->I1y .
.......... y....
4 . OwIng: the ........ j>ftIod )'OUt lollher ""'Y have alllet toured Of
~ to anod>o!< pIIIce .
...... Yeo.
Iot.o ~ the ""I:Idd.
5, 1952-53 was a yeN 01 IllS d\ang<: 10 ~ pIoce.
.......... ~fIdI. the,.omIIy~It>._oIIN.
6 . 195 1w
. .. _oI_Ndheald\l)t_~ 'nthe



.......... Do root iEf""' ''bw.

1 , 1953 _

good IICfIdemIc.oIIy and thereCOtlld be


some~ .

ItrWIv _

IlIqjII ,,,.

I DooM

....... .vw.oy,. next to rile _ .

8. flom 1955 m.. blggeot tNng<:s begIn to ~ with your 1.1IIer
becomIng. very PfOSPC<OUS ponon In the ....,., ,en Of - . ,


.......... y.... Ite /l..tmerldt. -..tsoJnclalgnlt1g. (MNotr/e"~.

9. Fram 1964 a Ihookal and artI$d<; edUC.ldOn dtht< beg.on Of woI$
neIUIng completion
....... Nt>. Ju$t
Sldnt:d.oboutJn 1968 thousfr~Jn
this 9neslnce I~ .
10. 1964 Of 1970-71 could be ~ of....m.g., Of rdatlorto/"Ops.
...... _
In ~ 19r58.
I I. By 1974 a child could ~ been born.
born 191J()~r- 19r58.
12. 1975-76 could P>"'!' I:w:I b your sp:!<I!e .
.......... Hu$b.Jnd_Jn 1971.
I). In any use II ~ tN, from 1976 to 1962 your.....- II""
beame dlilicult r:Ithcf because of the lId<r-essofyour huIbond Of
an aIdf!n .
.......... ~ off /tie lOp 01. bulldlns.
14. 1978 ond 1961 could becrltlclll yc.ars b yo<JII hvIband.
.......... NINdyMHwmct.
IS. 1962theworlt~Ofyou_'Ochangelt?
.......... W... lfllrtdw '""*If1$1fI1980. 50~. Ute 197() 's~
thInIIit!JI ~f india.
16. 1984 ond 1986 are "gnlllcllnt b rrwfIIge-llke
... .. .. Alm<><trrvn1ed. V~d/pIo<nl<r burdl:ddcd not to.
17. 1984 and 1986!ohow b,",gn CC>fV\KIIons.
.......... T,~ .u """'" tht: """*1.
18. 1967..(19 pMod could be perIo<!s of dlsdncdon. good e.om1"lP
and Iotfl&n contacts """"'.
19. Sin! then you """" I_,ft:] ~ rnonoy/CMhlp'~
and you ~ been doing ~ wd """. '1"""'1)1 .
.......... 1987 sttottg caIItJon .tom india ar>d lnae.utId my ~






pf1a .... ~.

20. A. the.,,-,lt of 1991 Of eor1y 1992 yo<JII Plof .'''''''' SUM Of

ImporWla! seoms 10 ..."., g<lf~ .
....... y.... "'"'Y. "'"'Y mIlCh $0. OeIInI~. much ~ _
2 1. From 1993......-rt f<ulgn "'p> of ohott durallon ma:y """" been

.......... 5hon dw.tiDtt nw, b _ ,.

U. 1994-95 ... abrupt Of . . - . ~ '"'_ In the job Of the


-~nature d lob mIIY haw! _

__ r-." '1:"'11

, 000lIo

.......... W _ out In 1P9>I Mq _ CMneIMd/ In Nt" suber 199<1.
23. 1\191 and JIaht now ~ ..... ..,.... r8&~ lA_TIS.
..... ,.... N"'lI'~~ wfd! ~tJ.
24. ClwInc:es exist 01 gfltIns ....... ~ money IIftu !he
death 01 the hIIsIwod .
.......... No.

I ' '" r.. ,40n,,.,

The psycIIoIosIo:.o Ie dudes visible In the 1Iomscopo'.


. o-_____


.... "'....

....... AbItJIur./y.
I>. To! ,led .... I11 ... .t>iIiI)r 10 ~te well


be vecy aeatIYe ln)'OUt

... ....... y"" do ptaS JC'

I do Ifkom quite well.
e. like to _
wdl and get .. ~ ......
Inc.ome (odw$ II\an
fi"om!he p f slon) iI'om _
~ Of JUIUII ~oca"e ~


d. Very


"b".,,,, (1994).

Im ..

_In your ~ ""'lIt. good aottsmanshlp buI ~

hord IaOkrn.UteI'.
....... ... AbItJIu~ c.otr'r.
eo y.,.... .... _good admlnbtratGt. "t.ord barpno<...cI _ _
.......... CDtrtrt. IddlnlfdylYvebewm" Ih.It.
f. Amactlons to ~""' 6 with d11fen!m ethnic. an:! mlglous
I>oci<gound seems !O be .. (.omtnOtI IN.~ ol)'OUr life.
.......... AbItJIu~. Nofatrrw:ted It>~ ..tI.o'" ... ,

c-....... "" dI. It


It Is vt:<y iOCIt>.I,.l1I!. Very dose In "'" _

to whl.11Ias
my 1I~. p~ In 1994-9S. That_ .. big 1Nng.

s- on In

batnplto . 1
ReodIng gIYcn on Oec.ember lB. 1995.

Your horoscope Is recorded at PI8<' 45 01 ~ " UtMI,IDfthI

PIeose remember IIlb ,oSaaoGe b ~ .&ua .......
The h.oo
pe I how 11M DhoroI, If3n& 1 <Wg! : I and 24
mlnutes_ IheMoon In VrIxII' at 5 degie= and 48 minutes.
,.,... ~I . . 'I on the




at the time 01 your birth your ~ ~ did

some Lond deooIs. had .. fo.aory .....:I goIM<! .......-rtIy. ThIs Ite'>d

r_ _ r.....,.'


oed ...... 1965 ... 1977.

""""" NHtb ... k wrfIIecj,

1. In 1969-70 _

- . younpr ... you bom1 Or _

you 1M!

---- -~

-.~ ... su--y

Soo _", ___ "._, __ n llM12

C _ I I . -..
_ _ _.. ____ .... 23, , . ,

__ n.l.


__ _ .

_ .Sur> _

_23, 2OOe
_23. l!Ol:5
._"_,_,, ,_ _
23. 2031
._.. __ _
23. 2001

_~ .


".", .................... _

2l. 2041

...... " .. " ... " ... "" ... ...... 23. 201M

Aug 20. 1111$)

Aug ,t, ,814

_ ._
_ _ _ _ ..

_ .s.

...... ".'.7

. /lcI<n".

__ ... _... _ 501>',,'*

..... "'" 7. \1183
.lui 1 ' _


-~.. ....,m -

f>IaYIrC ... rrICJ\IIrlgl'

l. In 1970-71 did you SO on III)' UIp 10 .. Iar DII' p/e.

IndI.dna: ..


M . . . ." : : : : : : ; :

4. In 1971 72



w. -..


~ <It ~ . . _

t.aooy tD yow r.dwl


.. . Yes
S. In 197"7S_IhereI6'/f~ . mefIUIlOf _ _

..a po-'

then! .. otwp dwo'Ise In 1M wort< 01

"""*fI tnIUbIed you .-.d _

...... Yts,
6. In 1976-77 $hoUId ' - t Sood yoe.ors lot $lUdy but ... Ihere_
upsets ln edUCMlcn. Is It ~1

..... Yes.
7. In the pe10d 19 n 10 1981 1htf'e _ _ ItrI'eresIIn ~
you twI 10 - . . """"" ~ after !han )'CU' IIIoOIhe
1OI'lgUI! 1IIIso. II I! a>necIl

... . Yeo. LeMnt rrIUIlaI ~.nd~.

ecIucA1Icn ~I&S 10 IM<!!" dIsdna 'ed,
to' ......... tolo ... ..-.cI ~ ~ _
W>d . IfIaory one! rnonewy pooblE.... In the fMnIIyl 1$ It



leu,,, ...



.......... y.... lip ' ' '''''

9 . 1982-83 the ced.oIc.oI eduadon. willi .. _

~ 10

" ~ ,,


! ....

e". ....

In""'-, .""

hwe token

.......... Yeo.
10. In 19S1-85)'OW &acher'1_ ...............ode tum ..-.:I he .....
buill _
.. opal). houoe ... fllCfOly .
No.. COO"IC!N .... ' .If.wJ ukI ya.
11 . I~ IhouId hwe ~ .. period d _
lICtIIe\a.,eM .
.__ ... y..... AtJdt:d ttll1O P 10 l.ISA
11. 1985 1!16 there could _
bN:n ........ dwIge and ecIuaoaon In
.. r.r elf pWa In_
you. this MOC ...... IhouId hwe been
p.nfy >edM1QI
.......... Yeo.
13. In 1986-871here1s ......... c:IIange..



r..... _ _ ..

1 1n 1\lI:I9-9I)


or>w_ you on
tall< of


and .... own attraction for

""""'""'Ie coolId Iud

Into ~ 1n further ~
.......... y....
15. In 1990-91 yo<Jr ~c n-.y " " " " . - . pa..:e Of ftNll!.ed .
.......... y.... Mq ~ 19l w.a the dl:rIO SI>"=
16. Roundobout INs petIod. aftc< 1990. there m",t """" - .
...."".,. p<otH! with younr sibling. perhops . obieo'
.......... No.
17 . In 1992.093_ c.ouId I\ave -...""""" further " ....... ng. How
YOU' faltler', health du~ng thI' period ......d what w ... the
...."".,. omtggIo: during Ihk period. ""y from 1991 19931
.......... y....
18. 1n 1993 did you youneIf w.e. """'" - . about a.nd Of


.......... y....
19. 1n lW4-95 _
could I\ave - . cNnge 01 reskIena! Of
factory and even YOU' _
changed Of InvoM:d """'" tQu~ng .
... ....... y.... Added rJwt thcyshlffed toBamly.
ZO. In 1995 when you I\ave """" to me _
Is struggle In you.
own wort<. and you I\ave no de dl ~ about your g<Wth. Is It

.... ...... y....

2 1. Bu. your father ,

~ I\ave - . In aoundant slroce 1990 .

.......... )lddM,e "" w.a MIng.
22. HIM! you <IeckIed to """"""' pMce Of even go obro.>d. with lot 01
tension In your mind !hac ~I

.......... y....

2.3. Your technical wort<. """'" ..........f.>cru!lng etc. Of So1ng to ~

gootI_ ftnc oIwpe bu. ofta """'" 1.... ...., ..... ggw,.
2 . In 1998 lhere w111 be. ~ rum 01_ In you. fa""",. TiIIIherl
there an be ......... confusion .
.......... LooI<it1g fotwNd _
25. If you -:wsNp Co:><I<Io=. Mo:>Iho;r you wlUbenc-IIt Immensely.
.......... y....

Exam .... . )
RoeadIt1;!l SIWn on ~ber 18. 1995.
You. ho<oowpc ..., ....-.IerSO change If the birth time Is earlier
Itoen S AM. ~ It Is the d"", stven to "'" may not be &<:<:ur e. YIM
pIeIISC commer on the iIollow1t1;!1.

-~I. HM your fattoe< - .

now... _ _ "


_. _!lie to'
"''CHkw> or Iow ......,
Is he -.y lid! _
IcC 01"_1)'1

0. ..... _


- -.....

&llmpie. J
UIO ....


~'~.:=~_==~'~'~.n~_;:::=_;;::~""::'=I1~.'''\::''' _
23"0 ' 0I'11!' 0lI'32' OJ"C4'








..h.d.,..._ .......
." 21.'..
_ _
....... 27.1111

_ _ _ _ ,__ ....... 'l1. In,
....... _ _ _ n . li12



s.,.27, ' .

~ _ ...... ~._._

Ftill 22. ' _

_.a.t ....................

Ole Ie, 10113

"'" 27. , _
....... 2IJ, ;/IXI3
....... :za.20Z3
....... Z7. 20ZS
..... ..
Aug 28. 203t
ItM\ ..................... _ .. ....... 28. :zooe
Jup ....... ~ ................. ....... 21, 20!101

_ ._

_ _ _ _ .... 20, leu


_ _ _ _ , . _ Ft1112I, , . .

_ .................. __ . s.,. 12. ,.,



.......... No. ~ tIcIo.. ~ _ " dll(.,.,. h .. ~

"""f'MIY ..... 1M MkJJIionIJ IM:tmMdon ~ on.
2. Havoe you _
In .. pWoce _
IhMI you: _
pWoce _ .....
In .o1OreI&n alUIItly1

_._ . CdI.odon h I'Une (6krh Is h 4ombqJ.

1. 6ero,cc"your blrthlll 11175 " - _ ~ _you: /dIer _
_ 1'Ie 1mpo<IWII_..." alrNdy1
.... _._ A'lwntyllltdo hIsOi ....1t uo.... hpoc rod
. ! to, 19l5_ 19111_youo_-.nIl
._ _ Yes.
5. 110:1'0 04' 111111_ 1\18) d'>en: coukIl....e -....""*"'~.
sNftIrog. -.. ..
to .. dhWIf 0<
pIAoe. 10 It CO,,%7
.. /Iob.



6. kt ea. 1\18) and IIl8S II:eto! _

..... cNrosos ...... you
'""", ... .., IOwMds dI~ type d u:Iu<.ollon, ~ Ifom
you Iwod pIAmtd . Ifcoukl be IhnkaI yet """'k """""lion.
f.nsIl'oI!Ct1ng 00" _le<.Nre could _
- . youo "''''"'a .....
_._._. ~ ... _
lID br.., alP ca . 1lI'Ieen,..... 0/ dm'a'


tr-**Whd" 'W-.w. ~dKbhotl~. M.Ah

""'* Ihr Iht.

1. from 1085 SOi'" to youo t.omIIy btcMne ImporWll. Yoo.o


your own boI-. - . . ...., pauIIoI)I youo own CM abo.

__ . )\of.


In 19M II:eto! coukI _


- . .... d youo ........... ..

taI<ul pike In 1l1li).0).4

the......". could _

.......... Yes. I!IO' ~ It> 1990.

II. fII&t:! ....... ......., 10 bI.& _

oo~ .

and you are ~ In

.. posIdon .... 1ii1y _1ot&AIIy .

.. _...... 1_ PMfneI h nty _~ _ _ _
10. Foom 19\I6d'>en:M!CITO'J 10 be. bli moYC lOct..nactO .. dI~
pWoce. enon .. Joretaro country.


"'"'"' -

,--VI,. ,_

WhIch Ayanamsha?
I _

pooduc:oed .. my _en ches ItII'oII&IIIhoo CNtt~_

LohI!1 '.. I ' - pmdooced In Ihoo lui cwo
""'c0CWt ........ ":lel ches dwI my cd'Ioo:r -'*IW -*' ' - cion!
Willi . . Ihoo burdons 01 an ofIIr', Ire.
M)'1nCotr$ ......... _Ihoo stucknCs...toom _ ' - ..."" t'$i iIo;or
orlsfNI and ~
d_1hoIIkI uceI .. pal' alb + SV',
II II 'lI Iu_ IIYIIh! - ' GIIOIogeoI ha Iound time iIo;or
or\stNoI .... ~ =e eft. Why1 They dd not ' - !he
wJa4!l1lc IpIItude and appoAdI, They ....... SII 'e:! the Ide of
InMIIon .... used no - S - . . .,
",,""SMe .oIIten-.ed In ............ theUSlo. II wNd't
Ihc:dcI be " .... " ed. ThIs '" aucIoI now In 1995 """- Dr. bman sot
. . boob..tlll ... ~ paalbed iIo;or who! _ uMed 1tc New
~'"'' oflh! ........ CaundI of ~ :de ....... f ..... _ point
_ ' - II> poor!
oy ........... 1..... !he OrItr~-~
In .... ~ d"'t" of ..... _
and Ib<I;y _ _ ' been ...... _ ~-...Ivo cny ........ yeoB. 'Why _
PI;man' .
~ Impc:osed ....:IdcnIy In DecI!rnber 1994 m.y be bee ...... !his
~ 1$ not Ieed bJ 4'NforIIY of alb
In 1990t a
_"ace of Io.IIIndIol Plf'ldlanga MIokon(l4lmarwtc 1N4keBI _ _
In whIctI _ of Jon;y eI&ht ~ thIny ,.,." ...,....0 oa:I Ih!
CNtr~~_1I'>e0ftly _ _ 1n ~of1l'>e tamon
~........... If Dr. RInwt Jell Ihrea~ ~ with ... ~ the
. . of boob In whIctI ... II!tft hII ~ _
..... he IhoIIkI
II1II ' - 1 ted Ircm ImpcoItls hII ~ on Ioeen _
~ WI'Io voW pct:It.ocoo r , dlCS uoIr\a vatIouI "-S- In which

.........,w betIs u-. _


_w. . . .




We _ _ Ieed ... .....-noN .... 1 ' - bond II mosI'

mIII1)' _ _ In my bcdo., ~ and 0IIIdIa>. I _
up Or. 1IoIman', own 1Ioft>tcope .... ......, pawn ' - 1-*1
time !he bInh ofhllchlldren ttwcu&h LahIfI' ,~
Or . ........... lhc:dclt-oo ... , : tedhb_~bJ~
cl"af&'< cNm, .... had dono!"" he _
t-oo Iound Ihoo
very foundallon clhb ~MWnsho genlns desuo)oa:I, 50 very IInw his

-utoIe In

noor.r_ "'"-'"

- ....


..n.d<ed, he rq:wodt.ocled _
1 ' ..... d hh
~,""" by d'>e' ..... ~ who ",,,eel ,0Jd.'3 exupI .......
...... IM1toemMk.oI ~, ~ 10 de , ............ .-.1
ptKllc.ll tdonc<t.. IOIarqM . - uoed _ v. . . '" fit""" Ills pdnI,
loy"""","",, _


uoed La!*I'.

_ ""'*"

who _


he ' - hh ~ Jot _
d.- """"
does ..... ~ Ihoom as Ihqr ~ not be

-=t.... ThIs

1n~InMy_at"' .


ToMoJns !WNn'. own _ope tftfI!he dlfltioonceo In deSH!I!J

both ~ lint:


I... tndon ' 4, Dr, LV. I'Iaman

~'. I'Il;l:42Mp""''''''I '

01" 28' _
01 ' 28' """'"
0 1" 28' _
In 1NoWl/Y .. !hecll'lit<......... will ........ <Iqrft_ 28 ........ tft.
To Do . ......,.. tills mMeo no dil'lit' .....

I loST
U " ZT


.. HedOesnol ..... dMyoiltrevargu.

b. [wn!he ......MIIW lie has JI"en Dooks ~e I'1f'W!I' dIIcuHed,
~ In INo ...- sIJ<Iy )'CO'" ~ _
he has ..... ~ onoe
de .... bIr.ted "'" ..... dv......
d. The CI(dIt _
. . . '" be JI"en '" Do. a..... Is _
he ......
~-'*'s:J .

Ktrt 10 >:he ~oIDo, IWnM ....... "' .. '" both ~

He_......-In~KeNonoa : t

30. 1930 ............ '"

lI1hI11 '. A)'

11_ IWIu-VertU$ ~ 10 R.nan ....
Set the _ dKide It younroIf.
HI. mother d~ In Mars-juplIef IlODDI'dlns 10 UrhI~ . ~
II C<IIft In two _
)upIIef II !he .,.. kftI oIthe l),r,oodstwonlN
.-.1 both MIn _
)upIIef _
In the ) - the Moon 01 Itre

h _


_s.n.m ............



h II

.... 1alhef_ 1n 1941_ ............ tO lahIrI" h _ I'>PI*Mem.oy petIrod. Ktrt !uP"'" II the 1" kftI d!he Dw~ 1_
)upIIef', Ide In d'>e' ~ oIn1rOlhe1._) _
Mem.oy II In the 8'"


Aao<dIns '" 1tornM\', ay..........ulla II w... aloo jupI,..,.-Mtn:uty but





.... ,....

. . . .- . . , .


I __t~~





11'5T 2o'"5T

~1. 't12

:42:20 p..... 1ST



10', 0'




-.., .......


, ~,


,~ -




-,, ~






here MetoHy goes Into ~ 9"' hou>e .one! Nos no aJIIIlctIon.

y_ ~ y<:M a>IfOIogers ~ wtltte"I obout ~ de.olll ol
Dr, !WMn'. UluotrIouo son. SU'Y"PI"....... ~, who oeeU
r--.bll,l..:Ndlng Dr. - . ,<e~ ..... ol"..gasmore
According 10 LMllrI'.~.........tI&.
Sun. the S" lord aopected
by Marl led 10 ~ sudden deolh ol hII son, Surya I'tolwh, on
s..pteIiber 2. 1963. 11 wuSatum-s..n perIOd, Here ~ posIlionolthe
Sun In the 3" house .upected by MNs. the 8"' Ion:! Is ayIUIi cleAt




Ao:ordIns 10 Dr, - " . ~ the de.olll oc.currfll In

s.rum-Moon. Here the Moon aopected by jupI~ should no{ .one!
CM\IIOI be the uuse olthe de.olll 01 hII son.
Dr. IWnot> who Nos produced no ..... ct; onMrJ vgas, sho<IId
~applledlAhlrl'. ay"""""".one! ""-""" how by IIIdIln& 10"" own
~anarnsha. he lias obIwcted hIghef . - In ...uoIog)I ro. _
d.o>deI 01" more.




- .........
--- ........
-- I'


hi '


n",,1nS In me _ .... .>dtnlrer who has Pf'Id hkn .. tr1bu1e for

JMn3 10 men IIk<e me ...... b <Vw"Ma 1ISI2Oiogy, he Iound It

-- .

~ 10 a:apI

my IOUI ""

,10 n cI


~ at

!he ......

WIth .... ~ mind !\aYe If\ed Ihe Rotnan ~_Iound

the bIas- ",,"lode 10 IQhef _ _ In

It most """"'OIUbIe _

,h b "l' , I IS, 1'1"-

.*"L. . . .


HdaIe Oo;eober)O, 19lOWs....alyln lheperlod

Au:otdIns 10 ~'I ~....moII.l, Ihe ......... Is In )upioer-





,~ed $Int;e


II the ".. I'Iou$e In the bini!

---',. -



"'"- s..... _


211'1 4' 211'2T 011'52'






s.tum ""....


02'5T 21"38'

Dead! ~ Surya I"rakaoh

look ..t the sa house ~ the birth horoscope at Mn.. R.aman ....
you kn;)w tN.t the \J~ ..~d<lg .. son Is oystoI duro ~ 10 the
Sa house a/I\kted by 5&tum _ OO<pI.oInolt. AccordIn& 10 L..ahI~1
~ the death occurred In peoIod.
IIrlcd dlft'uo ' l.oy~ >OrN:tio,,,, 0< the otho" .... Iound ...
atlhom sMna WIOI\lI _
. Those who .... It\!Ionstell In ..........
raeateh musf Idck 10 L..ahI~ 'I .oy.arwnsh.a only. It Is possible tN.tln
.-.. future tho;n: ~ be (.O<Iecdon oI5M"'Oe ~ Yet, 10 """'" willi
.... .oy............ In wt1Ictl the dill'" ,"" ..... Is "".t>surdIy I.arg<! _ wt1Ictlls
unlit ro. totgoe . - c h Is 10 do ~ ~ to


' 00

_ ..... :0'

7;""g - . . . _

" "..

, 0MI:0

th.,.tration t 6: An Americ." tmtanc:e

A ........... npe t saw In tt... L5A 03R ..:cordIng to LmllI's
ayat>Olruho." gIvoen below,
Accotdlng to LMllII'~ ayar.rnsha. he w... pMSIng Ihtough the
period 01 MerI:ufy-Mat:o 1111 July 1994. As b evI :Ieol!, ..... b tt... 6"' lord
_ the 0Ih0:r Is In the 6"' house In the birth homvope.
b In the
6"' house In bod'o the birth homvope.and tt... ~.
W ... 1M' fodng any charge 01 UnelhIaI p<00tIi 1I'I1I<I asked him.
He w ... d.ued and 10(6 told lib friend Mate
that I had nO<! OUt lib problem without lib ~ to ,ell me.obout It,
Accotdlng to l!.aman's '"yat>Olruho. 1M' w... ~ ~ry. JupI""
period. Con you _ the conru.ton that Is c.ou>cd ~ when the
d.uharnsh.a Iogno cMnge, Or, RarTw! should " - tiled dllfe<em
< on va/gil


- . ......

0 1"10" IINI' :1'33'

Log"" Sun





04'21 '



_ _ _ .... ,'"


Illuw atIon 17, An Indian Example: HartI....t eThe fest 01 an lO)'anomohoo Is - . Ihoo dqrees 0I1hoo Lo.gN. _ on
u... _
01. _
as though "hood ",,,,,,I u... au- _ . It Is

- -

-_aM S....-..y
Moon _ .................. ..... A&.og 31 . lae<l
........................... Sep 1. ,t70

14>~' op .................. . Sep 1. 1_


..................... 0cI1t. 111$7

I.,. ._............... "'"Y 2.

RJ4I\ ........................... A&.og 31. ltn

~ ........................... Sep 1. 1Wl1
S. ...... _....................... Sep I. lOll


....................... Sepl . 2030

~ .....

.............................. Sep 1. 1"'7

....... .............

.. Sep I. 2064

SUn ....................... Sepl.207.

JIop.I(M ....................... A&.og. :zoo2

Jup-v.n ............ _ ....... .lUll 2003

.. .... _


.......- .............. ___ .r.. I . lOCI?

~ ........
.. ... May 2. 200II
~ ...
.. ............. _. Apr 2000

-- .... -

- --- _
- - '"'""'""
-_.*. .


MardIn. 1..,

11 ::15 ...... 111





W2l '







.. _ .................... ~JO . 1_
..... ......................... _ ~30 . 1_
RM'I ._. _ _ .__ ._ .. ~30 . 1817



-"4>-KoI _ _. _


JooIy30. ,\11100

~JO . 2010

""'" 30. Z02f
Ke1 ........................ ""'" 31. :zooe
........ _ .. _. ____ ._. ""'" 30. Z053
30. 207)

s... __ ...



""'" 30. 1\1Il00

... _......... : s.., 17. 111915

_on_on ___ .

"")1 . 1*


..._ _ _ _ :..v. 12,2002

__ ... _. hlJl0. 2005
.......-. ................ _ 28. 2005

............. _ ... _._ ..... _ ... "")1 . 2007


""8. 2001

~ tt... d>e . . _
of.., ~ CIDIT"OOL All ........ )'OIa"S mill
who helped me SO IiIrrI4h !he ~. oInce too It IIUdI MIl
ruda of "" U!fOIosIcoI K1ef.ature. &<>I from me In wrllIn& the

--_.- -


_,., _

Coo'. 'N'"

VowNnh ...... IfJlslotly_m.n ..... hubHn._ded.CMI

I'Ieae poe your remorb ..... me ......... "11
COI'een 'olyour~.
1. When you - . . bam, _


you _

lID ..........


nee wry IUIhy 01 then!

odw!~-.y .


_ ... _ ... Not~.

2. The """'" you _

_....-_.......... -

bom In _

wry sood .

.......... NNna~.
1. In 1963-61 your Who< -.Id have cl'wlgcd pMc.a 01 ~ lID

....... _.1'Ir>IbfY dtIi!gI pI'I)It1Ym..

4. In 1961-<.8 you do _

In studies aftu dwoaIns JCh:xoI

put ~"&OOd JidrJI. ~ - . . rromwI.

S. Mer 1973_ befooe 19711here Is _
..... ,IE 01 _ _
... _-- then! _ _ Imoeo_ In you _
01 you bou&ht

....... _. 1 _

.......... c.... .,sq..


6. .... ro'eo. 1977 _ 1geOthen!.are oome~ _ _ In me

INdy oId\oan1stty. _
h . a . v.tkto
M .......

.......... No. I f\:>OIt ~ In hlSh Jd>DcI.

1. 1984-8S_lOtoe.crucW_ ........ you..--. ~
IItCepf lOb In me ...-y 01 (,(II oeocW thIppIo-a _


'*"'" ....."

.......... 1965 Md 1P" job In JNppIn,g. R/'Il

~ IndI.o.
8. 1986-8111oete Is _
kIYe 1IWf. 01 piK.e_ , .,.a.oeoot

oeo CID\OOItIy

~ _a.aed
_ _ ,. 19901 "'Pt1I.
9. In 1981~ then! -.Id toe. ~ like IItu.o1kwl _ _
JIrlIn ~ . public I'd (c." 01 business. The CIIIoI1i! -*' toe
II>e eqo~' 01. Iih.ouI 01 bwM.
.......... n.e..:_ . cU~ . Girt_ .. a"" ' W - 10. room 1991"""""""",,, - . '""' " ..... """"" ctwoseJ. v.odllodont
10 I\rod ...
10 wtoIcII oome opIIttu.oI q _ toea.on-

.......... 1987 ~ ,...." ...



..... _... Comoct.


....... ' 1


11. Your f.lIt~ _

hood some contICIS wItto !he
saved ..,d Lt...,. dkI N$ own ""-1.-. He should be ~
..,d rich. wItto In ........1emIy furnlshe<l hr:>u<e willi ......rt>Ie fIoorIns
>OO . oc:._~.- a ~ pIao<e .
........ CcwNcr. o.d_~8"M. _doIfIgown~
1Z. You (.<Ud be flUe<! siblings ...... 111 you bdns In !he mldd ....
... .. .. CcwNcr.
13. from )uty 1994 !MIlO haw been changes buf 1000 cl _
)lOUt )'OU"8ef bfott>er too ~ " - " ou/fer .... some loNes, You
too Iosf some """""y In .. jaur~ .
......... . 1 0JUId b/.i~ JuIkre<J IxH nor my btod!er,
14 . YOU could haw gOl: Inferesledlnme SMlycllon8uagesln 197Z.
1979..,d again In 1989 89, ~...."., days I......,....,.. !he
cornPU11tf lon8uage abo.
.... .... 1988-890JU1d ~ cornpu~.
15. [lder _
.aftet """'YIn3 against me
,1Ico .. clll>e famlty
..,d In hanc1000me person. could haw .. son. unless me birth _
,,"c , o ,~. Her martIage could haw taken pIao<e In 1967 or.aftet .
WoOS _
. Now Jhe Iw ~ d.JugII_ (toMtuJ.
16, The)'OUnSO" rn.y haw taken !he cil1zenlhlp oIa foreign <:<>untry.
fNY ~ In_led In .. gill 0U15i<Ie india MId alter some
fullobs. mq "'<101"8 some ""-I""",, now,
........ BIothItf Iw Gon.odW> rnkkncy, ~ Irr /oIghIy pMd job ..



17. Youryouosoec brOlher'$ nairingcould be IKhnIcai w.y Ilketlw 01
an .,,-.gI.-< .
..... CcwNcr.
18. Your splfI ..... Ole will be ~ good bur yout habit 0I ........ in,g
yoo,orsdf wItto .... f doubt Is .. ..,."'" OC}I you should avoid .
........ Do _
1* 01 ~ ~ MOd " _ _ 01 drlfllr,g Mona
....thour Mnblrfon.
G"u 'J ". """



I . You, "",","",.., ,, and - n s wIIl~;OYS _

Unks with
Iotdgn counnies you live In india or .abroIod.
2. Your own ~ wllI1m~ now and you will experIeno:e a

........ 01 dlrectlon.
1. Your sKlt..n.. will go on _ I and I'OU' period 01

Which .... now began ..... N .....taln )'OU /tom wllNn.
4. aut !he pull be. co' me twO, _nlng wry _
and <loins
sKll\&ov. will goec Iwn"oorUed wry _ I . Do not mognlfy IN.



5. A1te<MI.rch 1995.)'CIOJ wdI move our ollhe country.

6. In 1996 middle there wlH be dIanceI 01 rnanylna;.
7. In """'" oI)IOUr dlsIrod\nOIIQn 10 many. )'011 _ many _
'hippy ITWlleclIIfe _ hive ctolldoa .......
8. y".. ~ bood>o;i I s " ' - _
days In a iIoreIgn &kt
whom he moy
fa many.
9. A GooSe of)lOUr fl.1hu which two<! h$orIp In 1\163, de. I"I~ InIo
.. ..-e .......... trouble In 1984-85. will <kq; on till tho! _ 01
1996 Of even 1997.
10. Splrltuolllfo: Is an urioIdmo:nt """""" gy_ var~. ~ _
~ .. ~ ouppon to bNkd. lhlt 1$ the _
01 ~ fMl)'as. ...,


InIftnOI (DndItIon wllhotrt ' " " _ trappings..

(RNdIngsstwn on _ 1 . 1995 at myplKeln

* Kunl.


No(e, ~ ~ 1 0 _ Odlll
found It dll'llcult. He sMI _


cI\atg8 ", ...... osIy

he _ _ 10 rectIfY the

1IoroKope, ThIs Is the typIcM rlld<el 01 ..aolcgUi. nm ak on me

basis of the hof<><c:<>po' bdore )OJ. """'" q.-llons. If the pattftTl ..
anc<g'lng out. all !hat will _
10 be done Is 10 really some degi
v.!1hout chan$lns me ~
wll! .:cordlna; to's ayllnOlTlSha. You will _
Iogn.a willi Mal$ln It. Rahu In the 3" "",*, Moon. ~ _
In !hell"' _ . ~_ Ku In the 9" _.IheSun In the la-


t.......,...:1 v ....... In the I'" house.

The whoiIe re.dln,g 01 his life would 80 wrorog.
Of COlI ..... 0.. Roman has !he _..,~ of making up rot his
teJ.1IcIoI ddIdei ...y I!woush the Ohrwa Nd he ...... uti! p.s. l)'er
told me rTWIy dmes!hat Dr. 1toman could sM: IOUnd IUIdIngs with
the help 01 0tIn,rv,a NidI. We an bdl~ .twu .......... fI'CIfn 1985 10
1991 . the Asb'*'Sko! ~ lnol$b;d!Nt the ~ oIltoilv
GondIIIhAd Vlrgo~. Then Sl.IddeIIy In 1991 .... ftndlnS It In
the Ohrw.. NIdI, the cNng<! 10 leo was without any ~. Dr.
Roman could I'll)!: flSute It outlh&t RoIlY c;.ndhI's hoooKopc 1..:110
....... Leo MCendant. In .. letter 10 the editor In jMouary 11l6S, 1
InsImd that It had 10 be Leo. AgooIn one year bdore the _
I I\ad made the p:<Ik:rk:ln.
,.... CnocIalTw:
The dlfflcullies of 0.. RMnM!'s ..aoIogIaoI can!Jo!O" has betrllhe
indian I"I1me MI_lndlra GandhI about whom, In spite 01Il10 haWl.S

r-. _ _ "_



Ito! _ _ bIfth IIr'M. he I..t

He -......t





01 WIurft.

hIs~ 10 _

Gullhe CIIUOa 01

" ' . ,.d.." I I: TM C - ell..!;" G. IdhI

1. Tho! S.. 1oIdlhectw-......n. (0-12) 1!llnlhe 12"'houoe ....
.-.Itcl.....tlldl her ~ I\MI edlJallon 1n.1o:>rdyI COUlltI)!.
2. Tho! 6"' 101, V.,..... In the 4" houoe. the 4"'1ord In the 8"' house
fIIII.tft1ctf!d Melon ~ to Indl, wry sIc\IJy " ...... .." .
3. In RllhlrKen! peoIod her Whet becMM the prime .... _
IncIIio. Ken! In the 5'" house b In the house 1'I'IInIIIenh1p.
4. In ~_V__ peoIod. one bdnS Ito! 8"' kIId In !he .,.. house cI
dNIh_Ito!_.the6"'klldol d l""M J1du s .+ 'ftIby
cI her ~ _ .... '8IlIIY cI her . ,



5. The '-"'Iyallllae:l I I - house...tth!he l " _ In !he II .......

her Whft !he eIdeo( - -....13 eNId of his .,..eo.b.
6. ...,.... OIIIPKI on \he ......... '" he< tatt-Ihe dial.' , _


tw_ ... foce h e _ - . . g

(S<ee my boo!< MtI,*,. DeoC'n) _

!he 'MIeeI 01 TIme)

1. ThenherfAlher's extr.. marIt.oIdtN """_~

""'-'I A, __ _
l. f~s Joretsneclo........... Is _

0."". _


2. SId< II~ .. wbIbIe.

3. r.:her"1 ~ f...:.e Is _ ...tsIbk:. On !he otha !\and, !he
~ of $AlUm _
"...,. on !he .."... - * I ~ .....




Nehtu Dyn.os(y I t - st-l deep 0I0Ir<II0gIcIII

..._~.. GondN _, !he a_ry oIltMnM . . .
. &uthe ~ IOcNng"hIs~ lNI-..cyt..

been !he ~ : tlude In his ",poloflluol-. He c:ooAd ' produood..,..,.,

Vlfgas _ _ aspKIS 01 MI/'CIogr 10
... d&e his IO)'~ &ul he It Ihe .....
who _ _

In my book

_ _ on



_ ......

lI1aIish. 1kII

...... _, 10 ~ . . - "",.o _
ty .o ~ Ramon ~ cWms,.". hImodf .... use 01 !he
high ptoftIe he can build up roo I*'rIsdf IIvougtI his ~




CNj)tlf - 12


Summary and
Some pdnts _
SOOf\ous ~1'OIo&ers ""'"' terMmbft .."
I . FIrtI.....-I<e owe IIwrt ~ _
lime' ~ .O)'OU 10 CCIITCCI.
l. n- Jflll c.oA on 11M! _
of (Nm~ iIIy.-msiwo only.
l . MaILe dMsIonoIl .................
4. KftpIlM!~com od)bebeycu-.
S. Do no! miss "'" <Nnce 01 ..edna ,I( Io>osI two _
Iloo 'Il".~Meo"""'_lnlf'''~.
6 . 00 not be.afr.old cl wo"j~nlna mIWMs.
1. ""'- mIiI_ oco. . .as !hey mUM ... ~"" your doll. and
_ ...n.'wcnI WI'OIlS wIIo<e. MI,1Akes (OI'I'In\lned by ..woIoga1
~ IhtIr bell !""G.
a. Do noll be ~ If 'fOU ,.., told ""', !lOme ..m>Icge< Is
01 .. book. ...., so .... ""'"' be &ood AOn ..........
tt.y _In !he USA MId. now ..... '" n...
9 . IIud 11M! _
...., ....., " - IntbIYc or IoptIII It II or _



"""'''''''13 Clout

10. 1f)'Oll SO to an -."*'8<., ..... I*n IO"')'OU

PfISI)'Nt' and IIle preoen( problu', I......... ThM _


monIlIPPY -.ys.
11. UI.dy ....tIenyou w.m 1O~)IOIIr3otII_I>dore,......tsI,or
CMI'Ie to tonoult you tiI,oIoglc.oll)'. ~I",,!he points gtvcn In

!he .....,.,.,.


ICIUIIny .......

Alb " . ..... H odd For I'Iaearch (Shodha)

fof.rP:I ~ In the _
o.N "'" modd ........ ".
habeen_ .

~ _

elMo .. ~ IQOdcnf ""'"' ~ Is Ihe

I . Nofe II MrJ pIM\ft .. In _

~ pne<1Ity """ ~ ....,
!he l " oIlCMk.o _ _ _ the . " _!he Z" ofVl1ochlU,
u-gtlllil no< II...:: from conuowrS)'.

- , .. . 0







,.,.,.- ,-., "







:g; =':;'-=-"=:::';'M

~ If """ piMIet Is In MIlCyu-........ which

- . twoenCy tnlnutes from !he f.wI

an be ....." or rno.e

dts>to: no ~ _

....aIyM _~. ......0IIty.

1. ~1ho!N._''''''_dIk:w I 0l_~.
4. See U.....IIIII 1ho! 5vW'oIlb.
5. See If In my ~ Ihfte .e bIM1k I'Ioo.tte5 _ e any

II ttonoldnS.

6. 1'1hcft Is .. s.dtoeos.o.d. ~ II ~ ..... (011 hoe 11110

1. ~ ",., ImpoIcI: 01 ",., doosh.o dwough which .. pc<XO'1 I'Ib
~ "rudy ..... ~ In<WltAe fMIb It Q:JIjd ~ 100ft .... I'Ib
p$) die _



.... -

8. Now _ _ Ihe
9. \IIew Itoe lu




... _


*'-1y and dI_

I'e!) dot. . . . . . Ihe .... 1 _ 01


Tolle .. an ~ Ihe -..cnpe 01 Edp ~ Ihe . 01 !his cam.oy and do the GC Ise, Tho wrtllnS 01 hbIory
boIna what It Is. ~ ~ not be.Anked In the hbIory 01 the USA ..
the greoteI.-....mcan 01 this cam.oy biJ, _ _ ....... no IIesIUIIcin
In 1ndI.o In KCcf>dns ........ 81,.,.''- and yosI ...... ~. In opIte
0Il'ft .. dOO<ku< 00thtYn~"' and 0",1>0<100; 0Vbdan!fe. _
~ UOUI>Ie In man'~ life had Ie. or13In In Itoe kotmas 01 pasllife..
c..r,.c. bellum In - . y and Ihe Inos 01 .......... In bc<* on
1*n, [dip c..r,.c. on PI ............ Chen! Is. tI:gnIIIc.n <emort. Ore 01
CIo)u_~I ' ol(JtlsllOd\o(h ..... Yw_Is~ '

1toe_ ........ _

..... ~be~ : ThlsIs.~IIO~

and .......... willet! dotmotiSlfale Ihe law 01 aoc and

ftIita. It ~~"tS not ony to !he "C:K.~ M~ _..., ~ but to PQt
and rurule RYes. Qui ~I tiJo Is !he I8UII 01 _ _ ....... _ . 11
It !he c....... 01 OUI IUI\Ife e.<pon\c!ncet, lot !he WHI be de<ennlned ~
out IIIoooup and 00CII0ns naw" . (p.471
Cayce /wi Ihe sp.J\UIII_ to so InIo nonc.e and _ ...... _
_ and cured many peOple 01 thdt .......... In the 1>f:sIi .... 1;8
he _



My ~ but Iab!f he /wi 10.

f'IIv 1ft the "'""

, .. 01 td;p' ~

''' tnotlon
I I: Edpr c:a,ao
the 12- ......... 01 ......... Is aspedIns Ketv

~ In
In the
8"' ......... 01 rncIuN. and opioIlUIII and DCCllII powom..
Let me sIv'e some other alfOloslaol _
,.,.. fovourlns thh

I . He _

nwtlo:Iln!he pMod 01 Moon-M:>on-s.... The Moon Is

his .,.. Iud. In his NVfrnIoha. - . Ihe Moon and !he s... _ In



He _ . . . . . - on jIno 11. 190). _Ihe Moon moohiodIooI'wo

and Moon ~ Ihe .,.. Iud 0I11'11! bInto _ope and In !he""
......... lnlhe.-..........
Z. tts Me Jo:II ok!< ocrIousIy In 1910 _
he _
~ the
petIod 01 Moon-Ketv . In !he ...... onuh.o !he Moon In the .,.. _
and Ketu In Itoe 8"'''''''''' ""Uti Matt Is. dMt .......1Icin ,.,.. .... s.


-... -.."-.........

'"" . . _COo '

= = ,

UpIilD'4' or'"


1.43' .......
1)1' $ 1' 22'SII' 20'37' -


) , HIs d1IIdtGI wae born In !he ......,. "",1tcI. 01 !he Moon_

In !he
period 01 !he Moon, !he I&gna Ion! 01 !he
obo In the period 01 MoB. !he S" Ion! 01 the
the 5"' houle,
the ftrst ..... _
born.".,. on Fd>ruary 9 ,




\ , When Ihr In!""" _

born s.cum

_on the 5"'_ oICoyce.

1. JupIter_ ... '''l8theS'' - , V - "

3, Mon_"161~18_ !heS"' _ _ the 5"' _ , VIOnOIS.
... The Moon hood ",.tftftl ArI!es_ '0 d'"ftI the Moon oIG.oya: Of
_ ptepAII"8 10 do SO aI'Ift' Mv1"18 If_1ft! OW< the 5"' _ 01


~ In


wt.Ic:h I _






JeWII!)r twO 1>ouB, a .-..n::h 01 mine

In my



---- -

I. When the tNn:I ..... was born. Saturn _


!he ~ hc:oIse

11, 11101

1..11- 31./113

L _ .IOW~I


0I~. the .aI_~ houoe lot child, ......

Z. jupla" was In the 5" houoe .,... aspK!Ing the


".,..... nke

l. MMo _ In !he ~ I>ou....

4. The Moon _ In the Lognoo.
My theory cI the fout~ ....n_lIon
ho<oscopeo of par<:tlts .....:I child, .....


~, .. LO' !he
v.alldated hoerL


111<0 1'ImII_.oa/",
The So. Of !he ~ IcnIs cI the birth horovop<s _
Wnshamsha. If exalted In eI!hef of Ihem Of both 0I1hem. Is. good



1rWv _ _ ' '"'


prornbe of splrItwoI de\ !!I:pmeI,l. In INs cue. Coyce'$ 5- 101 of both

the dwIs to Venus whId'o Is ex.oIted In the VlrmIYmsh&.
...., woOS born In the dasha of Venus wilen ~ rnUS! _
hod his
divine expc<Iences before _ n g the -ae of nlnefftn. Some
1ncut.oble.ollrnMt her ...1'foors:I from,go! '"3S'.-...ted In the Pf'I\Od of the
Sun. the 8"' 101 of the birth hor<>Knpe but his splrItuIII _lei ......

In the dasha of the Moon ..-.:I had chlldfftlln the

dast- of the Moon ..-.:I ~
11 _ .......ume In the dasha of Rahu thai he woOS ........ .aneoIed
but after his rduse. ~ dld nor helt.lte to conllnue his Pf.alce of
cutIng ~ ........ fi'om .. ~. In india. '"'"' know of many cases
of ~ bitten by poho:lr'Ious ~ and ""fed by ~ from
...., woOS mmIed


Swami I'oornarIuidl11 of Moen,y.. Pr.odesh ' - been cutIng mM'I)I

persons similarly for many )'WS ""thou! M'f publ1dty.
The nooobIe ChI<! Mlnklti of ClorI-. SrI R.N. Slnsh Ceo _
o-ing slmlWIy. 1 Wfou, In ~ _ TebruNy 1986 1WO..-tIdes on
his, , ... it1oi~ng the """'" of SrlloI<eo/'I Mb/'I, ... the gowmcr 01 AHlIn
who IIbo ~ ~ $lmlWIy.
c.yud1ed on ~ 3. 1945 In the m.ajor pe<Iod 0I1UP1~ and
the ... b-perlod ofl(f,tu t h e _ o f the 12'" _ the 8"' 101.
' Rustntion 10: Swami Poomanandji
Sw.omI ~ died In !he mafo< pe<Iod 01 JupIter In !he 12'"
....,...., .and the sub-perIod 01 Rahu. 11 the ~ of nI""'Y 1M.
I hod mel him ...... long eight hour ...~ _
him In 1962 at
the ....,...., 01 f.vnous ~ 0I1nd1.a., SrI c.. L Sanghl. HI> dbdpIe_
devoIee5 hod
f.alth In his mi .......... ~ fO CMf'. I bind
him it.$ a gr_ yogi Is, telling me .and <>!hers. If he Uked. about
""""""'"'" and ow fuN", all of whld'I came out COI'I'eCI ...., _
requited 10 SO Into M'f II""", Uke any grell yosIs about v.1'Iorn I _
written In my - . .yop, DesdnyMld doe Whed oInn...During the NooIiOrMl tmerSe<q' 01 1975. the then prime mlriste<
of india., indira Gandhi suspted him 01 dolns a PSN .... _ 01 her
political """",,,,,IS, and ~ Wit.$)alled. Lata. wilen II was found !hal: II
_ _ of the norm.aI pIob of the poII1Id&ns 01 thai aa., he was
" .r'se<! . ...., never eYeIl cufSecl her. He said tNl ~ hod 10 suire the
result 01 his 0Wfl kanno\ and Indloa c..ndhI and her family 01 chelf 0Wfl.
He hinted at the sinister possIbIIllIes 01 their end.
~ who created us .....,."jd do justIoe. Mon should not eYeIl




01'33' 11"48' 20'35'

_ _ 000







.001' 11'11'

....,_ 111*>.. . . ,31.1_

K4ItJ ....... _._ "'*'~ 31, lQl$

__ ..........._01. 11136

_ _ .... .........,31 . 1/1151
_ ............ """'"......, 31.'_

"'*'.......,)1 . lVlt

__ .... .......,31. 1II1II2

.. -

lI**oIWfl&~." ~$OId with

the ~ oImegreotyosi thoi

r Sw.mI ~ '" _,oeoooe 10 do . . 'P9'I ~)Wft In

........ c...ya,. II _
<1_. Those who did It



10 pre.aot" _



01 Of
IItrOkI!s 01 IT\bIortI.Ine 01

In IheUlM! 01.- born IwIIIy he !wi _ _ me ib<Ih ~ 01 . .

IIJe -*" bII dlII\cI.II WId _ ""38_ spI~N.oI . - It __ no!
_WId !he IqIdIed e>:A(IIy .. 1ihIt . . 01 .....
The ochI!I' Is .. middle .... man """" 11M! 10 be "',oIlIed In
hoIIpItoIln~. '!he dodoo, ~t MIha'e_ no hope d
1M ,,",lien! ................ SwMnI """"'-'<IJI -.m:I 11M! _
IM'IIIy thai lie -*" do the Ions ","II ...... oc*ttuoI Cledj"'~. The


' - - ' -"

podent _

cured In less 1hMI Jony elahf hoIn.

Scellw .. P ~VImI.IwmohoolSo',,"j""'.__".''''_''',.
I, In IIw bIr1tIl'Jor<wope. d'>e 5- lord .......""" In d'>e 1 2 " _
I<>It*18 d'>e Moon In the 12- house,
2, In d'>e VImsIwnsha, me Moon UAlted whId'l It the 12- lord eI


1. In !he VImshomsI\4 ~ II also !he e

....:I1IIe IC1" lord Is In IIIe 5'" house _


ucMnse 0I111e 5'"

Mcfa.oy. d'>e SO' lord II In

d'>e 10"_.
HIs _'000,,,01 yoaIc po cos _
~ ~ 10 be
...... s'ed or ~ ~ ~ wIItn lois dbcIJi"" I>to:JuShf out
on ...... _
ftnt IwId KDIlinC 01 pe< ..... _
his yoaIc otec:cIor... ThIs booIo _
given 10 me .r his In$tana: tor
disciple 01 his lor teOdI"8 when I 1....:1 ~ d'>e SW........ II why we
thouId no! 100
oM IhoJe - . In !he typical indian trlOdltlon 01
yosIs he.., no! _
11* to be done.
.sam.. 01
A'l'Kduo .. 8Iven """" ./ont1 ~ _
be <'Jq)e,.,,>Ced to be bel' .1. 1* ~~. WOld II> d'>e".flMt
he _
/Ie _
on 1>1
b1 fa d'>e _
. He



.t. _

...",.., fMn lID Into lIEs - . . ItIG'I'I _

*'-10 .lfOIlEO /he pMlw. the _

.-HIs yap:

powen _

" .. , . . , - .


II. ~t lie did .a

end j 4 I ~


W.rwn,; on \he


roood. he

once ,,"w. pe<1OtI_ . . . . . dIsdpIe 01 his _ ........ _

one hour. A YftY -.toy man, waII<InS bfbWy on d'>e _ . he_
" ' - 10 _ . , "It... One hour oI!a
dIt!d eI-':.n.dL

"* ........

_ . house'- and had NO ctoIdren. HIs

""'" died YftY J>n aha lob """""Se, Then for eighty long ~ he

--_. -

. ,-'-_.

01 .. aIIbote. He lived only on .....

Edgor Coyce
aNled .. ~ In !hi! USA _
peDOIIS beI_ns In relnc.mollons ond _
kolImoo. The ~bIe
.. nINde 01 !hi! id."CWIc. ~ Ii ond _
be !hi! bI8!"'Sf
ob'''de to .ne ~ 01 hoI!m In tun- MIItuCIo:s.
led !hi!

""""*' _

11_ ...... iUfJIIbot ..... 1ndIoln !hot ...,;II ....... _In the -..ald. for

!hi! USA hg
!he (OUIluy.


he _oO

oIOI'Id !he grMlesi AmaIaon 01

-for ... In the ....... 101_ I. 11M 10 be tuct. .. _ .

10 no

!IIJdIltlIns .. !he . . - polll1 and 1IIoe _y Indloln IWIII 01 oocapdng

bolt. 1he)'08l<. wq dille """ """"""y IM<\ens..
Whtn I c.onouIted )'OU ' - ye.on .... )'OU Iwf Iinted Ihe

!Ue'._ """

" ~"~'~lJ'oI~~lnmy You-.:sMna ............... 01

I did IlOl lind I. eolSy to olCCqI! mo. my Ilk would ,.."..,.. lolkeoO
tpItINoIoI 111m. I ccmpIIt!ed my .....3""""'" In In<II,o ..tIiIe )'OU ~c
10 !he USA. -He w.. W)'tng _
lie CMToe 10 meeI me at ....,.

,.,1" t iiCot In Mord'I. 1995.

-You gOCoOlohodI from your gb1 ~ and IhooJghl oIloCII'Nl WIfj

01 ow:rcomIns II. You IouI'Id .. spI~1UOI ,emedy. Is moc'OU _
10 IIOi1 .....1- I ......... him.
"Yes I ... ourpoIwd-. he wid..
'I1'-oere Is .ood ourpoIoIng hft<E. A IypIocIiI weotem ......- 10
_they ItlInk 10 splrIcuoIli IlOl splrIcuoI. The woW 'JoPI~!UaI " 10 \I1oed
10 c::IIeolpIy In 1IIoe USA tNC r;on(e)'OU ~ ~ In tN, tountry ..,.,..
...... _
n.y _ ileeped In .......M+m 1OQIy.
n.y,.~ -""c" oofi_ 1>.00000 ..
IlOl mbbt:l ..~ booOopIoIIwI
",..". If they hold - - . !he
yogis oIlndLo..4th chelf tpIoodour _
.coo N>.IJInll men and hutIlns '""""" oO' ctCOo<Io round Chern. ~
cor.oId never _
"""" _ opIo1Nol11y In hIo acts at . ..
"OUt IIIe 01 10 ~ l>'iOIIoo ... _
..",.... _iiClIono _ .. .ne
~....som _
~ Ii. bI& hutdI.o. I. Is IlOl _ _ - . . spkItu.oI life
10 ~ .os 1'iQm'\olI . I...ut rOghcl w .. pns 10 .ncnd I*IY where
I would _
Co <IIInk ond ,... ..-t. I knew I hold <IIded i'iOf 10 .... 01
my opIo1 ..... a t l J - ' &uc I hold co. II _ IlOl _
~ ~ - .-II: Is ~"
"')k 10 """trio", co:Iboqo _",11 dcy In ..... """'" -





-y.,.. In ...... USA 10m too .. Il1ed


10 "11"" ..4th ...,., mo. yogic Mfc

- . .... Qo'

- .

twod no """lion with crlllvac:)', SpI~tuaI nle twos aulell dellnllkIns


_.-y Ion&.

let me Ihal "'", ... oN! dMne In the highly II\&!1!MIsIIc
lie 01 !his WOIe".." .

IIIuI;t:r a tioolll: A EIIt"OpUII M&Ioo

lit _ IUI'InInJI JupItef.M!IIS """- he wan bod< CO No (;(U\t/y.
Mars. the ~ lord 01 the l"IaVornWo. the Moon .. under Ihe
~ ~ In Ihe 1IOY.amsh&.
jLIpIlft'.f.W:s mIgtlt t - led CO xp,oratlOl> from No gI~ I'sIond
afte a quam:I.
n... S"1ord 0I1he ............ V.,.,..,. Is a/lIk;teII sImDar1y. In Ihe
birth hcmocnpe. the Moon \IIIdoef double aIIIk;tIon from MIn and

21 "28'


O1 ' U



_ _ COo'


the o"odo,," lui_its 1nIft"osIty.

He <lei _
......... penon ohouId "" In .. . . . . - . _1hIL
10 ................ I ' - __ In the _
........ "".anyone who _


~ b
CID\,O, '8 .-cI ~ ...- _
.... &01 -"t
uoduI.oo:Ma:. Dftp..,..",.,... s..m...._ mw "'"""" ct .... ,'"""eo.. l MYe
- ' In the us.<. one! indio. MI'IAofo' pot""odIo'8 "" bt _ _ In
the ~ IIPI><<W;I\ .., IhIJ lVflO' IUbjKt ytlaIwlIYS ""old "" .. new
autho< coml/IA out with .. booI< which .:oukI . . , . the ..,. 01 !MI,
own - . .. I>o<>b. Th..o, .. the .......... 01 buslnHS. I have ....,
........... 01 on old UUOIogtf 0I1nd11. solna to the USA..and t.aIdroSthe . - 10 mIIIntIIIn Vedic puritY In the Hie "" .. ttndu -1Aofo.
w.- ..... "'.. " td with iN> qoitOdon In the lISA. I $aid --t.-.yI MYe - . ... Iroo:II.I
1NitIuIr*lg..-.ythlna ~ Vtdc
puritY InducIt18 that. old -1Aofo hImIftf. II.aIc ~ , ..... .-.:1
'-"~Io .. that."~&ood_"'a ........ Iwvo: ....... _
dt\ c' ..... tedInIuiI . . .. Th..aI _ _ oIont 1$ the ...... IkIt wh)I dill
this old
01 .. pIIICft In tilt US/\, whae lifo 10
oouIIy ..... ttrWloII<l ThM 10 his JMn...... the omaokI.o 01 .. It.........
who muJI poot 115 Gt.Iru. '" .. ~ who will . - "oelll"S
btcau>e ..woIogy .. _
~t ytI will WMI to I.akt the
CMIIII lot !KIP h~zlns It. He oMII ~ me r~ <lui! 10 .. CoJru
whhou. reolldns thAI ....... You&h< nothIro& 11M noI" ewn ptl MihO:l
tilt - . . . . . duty 01 .. c....u. ThIo 10 the . . . . - . 01 ~
tnsr- In ~ ptfS(IN In f t OOJC _ we>( ~


"'"""'oges ...........

IhW. !hoy ...,


1"'II:zb'" ..... It_ _ ....... - . -.-Ed

........ wdI ........_1' rrT"J ~ --t v.tJeIy.


ItcMeI~to""'Mt t"

..... 110m lufopoo. Then I $aid _1I11t I<ntw ~ I 0DUkl ecpWn

to I*n wily I I"""" lilal God _
ewI}' ,....., """" ~ doe
~ .... 01 dMne "PM* ,..."." ro doe ......... almlMI In doe IOQ'/d.
Il oouIc:I bt ottn ...troIogk:aIiy...- 1Irntd.
I.e. """ e.-pWn II heft.
Jupllo ""9""" KeN In the IIIWIITIJI\a. But Ite!u loin the 6" houM.
Had .... been _ _ In )'08'11 He $aid .... hood - . .

.. 1M V'mall."wIw
I . JupI"" ..... lIoc!>dmIo""1 '1i&L ~ the 5'" lord 01 ~IUII po.alc.e Is In lilt 7" houM d


3. Mort loin the s house.

If _
In die ptiIod oIluP1ttr ttw. .... had to bt




-;:,-111' ,"



I fold him Ihot the ttme-fr""", KCOfdlrcg 10 hli homvope_

from ~ 1~IOMotch 1995.
'11: Is In INt pe10d _
1 did Ihn!e CO'""", In """"'"""
"*'"-'.. "" MId.
'!he h
"" MId _
In 0
tie, j~.-.cI 1tc oa:uod In

hboor 1_. bod! II"'Ie ptfIod ... ~ ~ JuplIf$.-...


Then he 1..:1_", Irw:k 10 af>end the Ihkd 0 : - . In ....... In

~ 1995. It_In~-Mon.-Moon.

The Moon It the ~ bd 0I1ht bIr1h I.,.

opt . the 1'" lord 01 the
......- _Is In 1he9"' houM In the ~

...... tndooll1: The lumpI<I of. H_hold,r

In my book, rqr:lt."",,dr&III'tdrhf:lMIoedol~I"-.
In !he 1 1 _ pMtJollhe ~ _ft!he _ . _(aeries SpIns; from

_""CEO ...

Are", how 5f*ItuoI

the birth oIP 01 ~ """*'a
bel".. 'Il'Iroush the n.... one muse 10 Set IMnt, with Co:><! In his ~ ,
In """'Y IIdd 01 """"'-...::tM1Y 1hItre ........ be leolO'ory. "'<CeM n
Ioikn. A _
_ _ IS hIm...t.o fIHPS _

"' ....... &"'.

M 01 ~ _
woukI DIheI_ be Ic.rln the a ...
of 11'" wilt. In ..... p
co"'pelltions _
~0fIn& . It ' - bHn rrrt blmr eotpef'... oce that In !he IIdd 01
IIMfOiogy when ~ wilt!
odenIIlIc:. minds begin 10 do
~ . the serious beSIn to doIm In the \)'pk.II ~ IndIanIA$hlon
. . . _ _ "'11), as ........... malt. It ... been 10 In Ihe
CCII'I'OI'I'IUt <II " ~' ........cI .. pu abo. 5udI .,., the IIfeI; one "10 pMS thtcItJ:&h. Who _
111 He _
,.. -.r ' -0- .. II*.
ba co, the qs oIrNrry IIInd """. lNf Ide de'>0II!!d 10 the CMm/c IJ



_ _ _ '.... ,..


_ _ c.._ __

doe onlY _

tight pIIffJC<fe 01. Iun.1n bHth.

Among many such ~ I know oils ht 01 &.otuk 6haI.
How the tpi~tuoI side 01 his Qfe. hIddoon ......tIy to the view oIhb
frIencIs and ou~ _01'~ and 8'M' him divine ~""oce Is
~_ In ht booII.. Here an awoIogkM anAlysIs Is bd"8 st-'.
It 10 1>01"8 """'" with the Int .... tIon 0I1howItoS the In d'v"'''''S
doe yogis ...n.. Of .-.s _ need not -illY" gtve the e:ompIa 0I1he
wellknawn ones. We muot . - to ~ 01 0Ki1noly .-n.
~. the W-1ro:I .... house wife .......
"The HotOK..... of Batulc Bha!
I-'e was born In doe d&;/\,o 01 fuplter wI1Ido was over In 1918.
The d&;/\,o 01 doe 10" Iotd Saturn. st.>ttcd VftY --'Y. He plunged
Into _,.,.,.. as mosI ~atb. ~ of his s-allons, did, I-'e

-- - -

--1 y~".....,..... 1---1

-'*' '<tod ~ ~ OIl! 011* _

pI.>oe IO~

11I19S41t _ the porIad oIhb 5- lord, Mercury _

awe him
boch his two cHIdren.-d ........ 0
d his d 4
1~ _
Then c.rne the period dltdu, In the 5" "-.......-. ~ Moll.
He _
p_ to,! po<>pIe""""'" "'" 1NSted. I t notIher ....
... eo. nor _led fn>m the pd! 01 -..... ThIs Ileal In chi! 5'"
houM: II the "Ares" OUt ot"""'kh IP'MS the eawles oiNt JPlrItuooI
Die. r.ut first the Ilno, then the II<Imng. then the e><MnIno1IonlO_1he
.". , ............ powe<. Now "'- _
8"G" te I The w . .
11-. 5prItIIIII1* becMne prIrMr)I b him _ ewryttq 1:OI'Id.ory.
The greac ....... hoo ..... II JupIta In !he 7'" house.
greaI b"CH .... the indian women ~ "-10 be .......
opIttNIII support 10 !heir _
61' tlvcJugllthe manlelllIJe.
Jurderthe pe. ..x...., .. Is, . ~ oft= ..... theyounge< aene<.adon
II ",IdE" ~ fioorn 1taooo: s-t ......... II ... _ _ bod< InI:o the
Ird!lon. ........1Ii ..... the~ . ......... - . Is !he
lind '" yogb ....... IIumIne )IOU' life rrom """'*'Ills """"-t Iwq)aitd 10 laNk BhIIIIn the , , .
"'....., _
Ketu wI'oeII he fl'e oed the splrllUIII poth shown by his GuN. s-m
, . , _ S-~ . $orne)til1 ....". I _ FC
...... !he /PM 000N.
Vcn.o:J It In ChI: I Z- ' - In me _
...... E , !he houa 01
~ but with the 5" 10<0, Meocury.....:l the
the Sun. He
did all his s.odhAn& redInIns on the sofa d hIJ ......." There _
.oud ... bmioI. I*hMlfWd>flhMoupollpklrwJ,*, " f .... 1n
the pmod 01 VMu:I IbM M QI1IMI do his ~ In _ cQICfI:b4


...,...... "*""""



."" .. Ioac::.

- ' ~ any IedIIIIP 01 IItha.

!hoM: ....... hood dft;O'Iwd him MId did ..tdous IIGOI"od.oI
He _


10 ...:Is

n.., _ _ '



..-ry 0I1he
+ S .In Ihe . . . 3"""P oINIy 10 d3htY 1tw:)'UI$. II

He had &do 6)WM _ _~ _ I ......., no<



lsdit' ..... peOpIclOt ' ... _ _ +g<,. """"doImlOknowlhe

01_ ........ t-*'IP "'-bot abouIlI_ are ........
vulS- than .... CIf<IIMry _ _ _ """"
WO<IdIy "1Ivo.Igh wI_ OlIff ~ Of piety.

"' ..,
"""""'WIlY _


In Ihe "",.....two. Ken. In !he '"8"" Is -soIn ~ by juplle1

but no< wllhout the .sped 01 Mon. II Is !Ills aped 01 ~ tNl
fUSUoIned 11m Ihtough those d.t,ys when he l:oun'Ied In ft,~ _ c;Mne
"'" oil! ... "'**'3 SOld "'l.JnIesf &old Is tuned In ftre II .... no<
-.e," If Is ..... 111)1 GutuII. $wMnI P.. _
501_ Ilwqs
wid. II Is . . - IYflpms 10 .. ......... There Is ... IrIsWn!

.. _ _ ...


....... know _

opItttuoIllie '" _



_ _ '"-

hM 10 ""

a ......... ectae

know Ihe !Mh.

EltMnIne ........ Ihe btura 01 tho! V\msI'wnoh&.
I. Venus Is Ihe 5"'''''''. 1M:re. aoluk _ _ h&Y1na Ihe bel dills
IntemIoI expo<Ia oces..
1. II Is willi Jupitel' In 11M: 8" house 01 MoI<Jh,o.
1 . V......, _Ihe 11"' """ Is .... n !he """ 01. MoII.sIwo ""'-.
4. The Sun In !he 5"' house _ tho! _
0I111s _ _
COfI!ItUn& ...tIll .. !he ~ ~ Is -..yo.
5. The 1.-1 _
"" gee _ 01 !he Moon ~ Is apectet:I by

po"', ....

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