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Running head: EDPR 2111

Title 2111 Physical Development

Constance Brooks
The University of Memphis


Physical Development: Puberty

1. Puberty
1. The process by which the body matures to be capable of sexual reproduction
(Windsor, Murrell, & Jackson, 2015)
2. Physical and behavioral are caused by puberty
3. We must be aware of the changes our students are experiencing

1. Age, Acne and Hormones

1. Hormones cause puberty, which can start around the ages of 9 through 14 and last
about 4 years. This can lead to acne (Linder, 2014)
2. Menstrual cycle, premenopause
3. Puberty begins and your estrogen levels rise, the end of menstruation they lower
and testosterone becomes dominant. This leads to oil production that causes
breakouts (Linder, 2014)
4. Hormones and the Skin by Jennifer Linder

1. Story In Depth
1. Please see picture available in dropbox

1. Type of Development
1. Reproductive growth
2. Chloe is beginning puberty and her body is showcasing it through her acne
3. Chloe will reach the point where she experience her first menstrual cycle
4. During this time of development she is possibly experiencing growth of her breast


Reference List
Linder, J. (2014). Hormones and the Skin. Skin Deep, 12(1), 16-21.
Windsor, D. L. Murrell, V. S., & Magun-Jackson, S. (2015). Lifespan development: An
educational psychology perspective. Boston, MA Pearson Learning Solutions.

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