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Metrics Review
Part I: Which unit to use?
Complete the following by indicating which unit you should use for each problem.
Choose from the following: centimeter, millimeter, meter, kilometer, g/cm3, g/mL, cm3,
m3, liter, milliliter, cm2, m2, K, C, second, gram, kilogram, microgram, Newton.

m2 Area of a basketball court.

mL or L Volume of a milk carton.
km Distance from Harper Woods to Ann Arbor.
kg Mass of a refrigerator.
Newtons Weight of that same refrigerator.
C (best) K (acceptable) Temperature of boiling water.
cm2 Area of a piece of notebook paper.
mm Width of a pencil lead.
mL Volume of a bottle cap.
mL or L Volume of a Gatorade bottle.
cm Length of a pencil.
g/cm3 Density of a spoon.
g or g (microgram) Mass of a strand of hair.
cm3 Volume of a shoe.
s Time it takes to do this section of the review.

Part II: Scientific Notation.

Write the following numbers in proper scientific notation.

1.0 x 106 1,000,000

6,200,000,000 6.2 billion
0.04 Four one-hundredths
4.5678 x 104 45,678
2.99792458 x 108 299,792,458 m/s (the speed of light).

Convert the following numbers into numbers without an exponent.


2 x 104 20,000
3.14 x 108
9.999 x 10-5 0.00009999
1.1516 x 102 115.16
1.4 x 101
7.543 x 100 7.543

Part III: Other stuff

8 cm

4 cm

10 cm

1. Calculate the volume of the box pictured above.

Volume = length x width x height
10cm x 4cm x 8 cm = 320 cm3
2. Convert your answer into cubic meters (m3)
Since there are 1000 centimeters in one meter, then 1000 cm x 1000 cm x 1000
cm (or 100,000,000 cm3) = 1 m3 Another way to look at this, since 1000 cm is the
same as 103 cm is 103 cm x 103 cm x 103 cm. When you multiply terms with
exponents, you add them exponents together so this equals 109 cm3
Soto get the m3, we set up the problem:
320 cm3 x 1 m3
109 cm3

= 3.2 x 102 cm3 x 1 m3

109 cm3

When dividing a fraction, subtract

the exponents.

= 3.2 x 10-7 m3

3. Label the prefixes below from 1 to 10, largest to smallest. [1 as the largest10 as
the smallest.]
Centi- 7
Hecto- 5
Milli- 8
Atto- 10
Kilo- 4
Giga- 2
Mega- 3
Nano- 9
Deka- 6
Tera- 1
4. Convert the following measurements to the new, desired unit. Use your table
a. 800g = 80,000 cg
b. 0.25L = 250 mL
c. 33.5 cm = 0.335 m

Scientific Notation
Lets start with the basics: science often uses veeeeerrrrrry large and veeeeerrrrry small
If you are a scientist, do you really want to write 602300000000000000000000 (the
number of atoms in 1 gram of an element) a bunch of times? No, of course not. So we
use scientific notation to make life easier.
Its really very simple: just moving decimals and counting by 10.


For a large number (like the one above), just move the decimal to the left until

you come to the last number. Count the number of places and make that the superscript
of your 10 (the power of ten). This is because every time I move a decimal point one
place to the left, I would have to multiply by 10 to get it back.

= 6.023 x 1023

For a small number, reverse the process: move the decimal to the right

until you get to the first whole number and use a negative superscript.

0.000526 = 5.26 x

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