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Time- 40 min
Objectives -Talking about likes and dislikes for food

Teacher - Razvan Nicolae Bucalau

Structures - I like/ I don*t like
Target vocabulary: pizza, chicken, hamburger, food, drink,
ice cream, noodles, French fries, rice, chocolate, cheese,
yummy, fish, juice, egg, orange, banana, apple , cake,
Flashcards: hamburger, noodles, cheese, rice, fish, pizza,
chicken, egg, banana, apple, orange, tomato.
Songs: I like chicken, I can eat a lot, I like apples
You also need:
.board with chalk/markers.
. CD/tape player or something to play the song on.
. scotch tape or something to stick flashcards on the board.
. supermarket magazines with lots of food and drink pictures.
. puppets( Chicken, duck)
NOTES: the food vocabulary should be pre-taught at the
beginning of the lesson as the lesson is based around food
and drink vocabulary.
1. WARM UP -the teacher greets the students Hello, Hi!
- the teacher starts by asking general
questions like How are you today? Hows the weather

- show the puppet: What s this? is this a dog?
- Please Stand up- sit down, clap your hands, shake your
hands, close your eyes, open your eyes etc. ( Chicken
says....)( similar to Simon says...)
Introduce I like and I don like
-show the food flashcards to the students and ask them to
repeat the name of the food they see: egg, hamburger,
banana, apple, orange, pizza, noodles, rice, fish, ice cream ,
- the board should be divided into two sections: Likes on
the left and dislikes on the right ( indicated with a smiley
and unhappy face).
As a class you are going to draw food and drink items you
like and dont like , as follows:
- first draw a food or drink in the like column ( such as
banana). Get everyone to shout out what you have drawn .
Gesture that you like this , say Yummy! and rub your
tummy and smile , make it obvious that you like it a lot , say
- Next draw something in dislike column such astomato.
Again get everyone to shout out what you have drawn.
Gesture that you do not like this ( say yuk! or it stinks
and grimace - make it obvious that you do not like it . Say I
don t like tomatoes!
- to make sure everyone understands , draw another
food/drink item in the like and dislike columns using the

same structures and gestures as before.

This will turn in a fun guessing game as everyone tries to
guess what is being drawn.
- Next, your students are going to draw some pictures on the
board . Invite a student up and point to the likecolumn and
say Draw a food or drink that you like
When the student draws the item everyone has to guess
what it is . Then get the student to say I like ... The next
student should draw something in the dislike column and
say I do not like . Keep bringing students up to the board to
draw their likes and dislikes until the board is pretty full.
ACTIVITY (GAME)- the teacher will say I like hamburger..etc
and the students will come to the board and point to the
3. CONTROLLED PRACTICE SAYING - I like .. and I do not

Put the students into pairs . They are going to make

sentences using the food and drink items on the board.
Model with a student first so everyone understands what to
do : Teacher says banana choosing an item from the
board . The student has to make a sentence ( e.g. I like
bananas) The answer should be the students own true
answer . Then in pairs students take turns in choosing a food
item for their partner to make sentence about .
For example :
Student A: apples
Student B : I like apples !

Student B: tomato
Student A: I dont like tomatoes!
Also encourage the use of phrases such as Yummy, Yuk
and It stinks. Pairs keep talking until they have gone
through all the items on the board.
For this song , students listen and write down ( draw) the
different food items they hear. The song runs through the
vocabulary pretty quickly , so play the song at least twice.
After playing the song a few times , elicit the answers and
put the flashcards on the board in the right columns so
everyone can check ( there will be only juice in the I do not
like column).
Play the song through once more, pointing at the items on
the board - encourage everyone to sing along.
song- I like chicken
I like fish
I like ice cream . What s this? This is juice. I dont
like juice.
Students watch and sing the song
- students listen to the song and draw the food items they
hear in the song I like ...and I dont like columns.
ACTIVITY ( GAME) - Use the food flashcards. Put the
flashcards on the floor. Ask two students to come in front .
Shout the name of a food item. The students must touch the

flascard with his or her hand. The first who touches the
image is the winner. The game must be competitive.
ACTIVITY - Pairwork- Put the students in pairs and make
them ask and answer questions like - Do you like apples?
Yes, I do.
Do you like fish?
No, I dont.
ACTIVITY: Imagine that the class room is a food store or a
KFC restaurant .
A student is the shop assistent and the other students are
the buyers. They must use a simple dialogue :
May I help you?
Yes, I like ( would like ) apples, chicken and pizza.
Here you are. Thanks
How much is it.
20 dollars.
Thanks. Buy
ACTIVITY : Play the Funny Food Likes and Dislikes Game
HOMEWORK: Imagine you go shopping in a fancy food store.
You have two shopping bags with you.
The students must draw two shopping bags and in each of
them to draw food items they like or dislike. Make a shopping
list with all the food items you buy in the food store.

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