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Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education is that every child can achieve. I believe in

challenging students to help them reach their full potential. In order to help
students achieve their full potential, it is necessary to differentiate
instruction to meet their needs.
I also believe in establishing a safe and positive learning environment for all
students. Students learn best in an environment that is fun and conducive to
learning. Students need to be accepted for who they are, as well as, where
they are in their academic journey. Once students are accepted, they will
thrive in their educational setting.
In order for effective learning and teaching to occur, I strongly believe that
teachers, students, and parents need to work collaboratively. The
relationship between these major education stakeholders has to be grounded
on trust and respect. A strong parent and teacher relationship will lead to
student success, which is, the primary focus of education.

Leader Philosophy
My leadership philosophy is centered on servant leadership. I strongly
believe that a leader has to serve the needs of everyone in an organization
because they all have valuable contributions to make. By leading with a
servant-leadership style, a more involved, cooperative, and open work
culture is established. I believe in leading an organization on the principles
of compassion, courage, confidence, and concern for people.
I strongly believe in providing everyone the optimal conditions to grow and
develop. As a leader, I motivate individuals by celebrating their successes,
big or small. This encourages them to become highly productive individuals.
As an educational leader, I am constantly looking for ways to grow and make
individuals grow into leaders. I focus on individuals strengths to help them
overcome their weaknesses. By developing leaders on campus, I am helping
my school attain its mission and vision.

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