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This week in FLK..

We attended our first School Mass and survived our

first Fire drill!
AND we also survived the terrible dissappointment
of not being able to open the shed door where the
trics are kept and then, like Kindergarten Magic,
the fix-it man came and opened the door so we
were able to bike!
Thank you to all who were able to attend the
Family BBQ on Thursday. It was a great opportunity
to touch base.
**** Calling all egg cartons !!! Please send in any
empty egg cartons (dozen size). We will require
over 100 for an activity in early November.
(We have 13 so far!)

In Language: We continued with our Jolly Phonics and learned the letter names and
sounds of Tt and Ii. The first Years continued in their Jolly Phonics booklets while
the Second Years added labels and/or sentences to their super heroes. I am very
proud of the creativity and the increasing willingness of the 2 nd years to write
more each time we work.
Miss Angenent had several hands-on activities for both letter sounds to help
practice and consolidate the sound in our minds. Youll see in the video that the
THOMAS TRAINS were quite a hit!

We practiced understanding, hearing and identifying beginning sounds. This is

something to practice with your child. They have to train their ear to distinguish
sounds. Give them a word and ask them the beginning sound.
We began the Mystery Name activity. This teaches letters, sounds, syllables,
letter formation and order of letters/sounds in each childs name. It was well
received and FULL of good ideas!
Gym: We continued with co-operative games to encourage listening and turn taking.
Religion: We continued to enjoy traces of God in the beautiful weather and looked
for signs of Fall on our Nature Walk. We learned a few new prayers. We attended
our first school mass. We were well behaved and respectful...and very excited to
see some older siblings participating in the mass!
Science: We discussed and practiced good hand washing procedures using an ultra
violet light and special cream to make germs visible. We discussed what germs
are and how they can affect us. Using a water spray bottle, we also discussed
coughing and sneezing and blowing our nose and how to refrain from spreading
We discussed how we know when Fall arrives. We discovered the autumnal equinox
is the trigger - when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day
and night is nearly equal.
In Art: Miss Angenent used the 3 primary colors to mix and create the 3
secondary colors. The children then used the 3 primary colors at the paint easel.
The paint easel has been a hot spot ever since!
In Music, Drama and Dance: Miss Angenent continues with Musical Lunches and
dance parties.
In Mathematics: We continued the 100 days of school.adding fish to our
fishbowl and straws to our collection. We counted by 1,2,5, and 10. We worked on
recognizing, forming and counting by numbers 1-5.
In Personal and Social Development: We continued to discuss and practice
bucket filling behaviours. We worked on developing empathy in social situations. In
situ, we practiced seeing the other side of a problem, problem solving instead of

tattling, speaking to others as we like to be spoken to, including everyone and not
being bossy. We practiced our hands-off policy during carpet time and staying
out of the 18 inch bubble of personal space around our friends. We also discussed
the fact that there ARE times we all need to ask for help. If we have a problem we
cant solve, then we ask for help.
In Inquiry/Directed Play: With Miss Angenent incorporating curriculum
augmenting activities, the classroom is humming with productive play. All areas are
up and running and the children are following the necessary rules and routines.
Activity time is a joyous time!

Upcoming Events:
Friday October 9 Classroom Celebration for Thanksgiving more info to follow
Monday October 12 Thanksgiving Monday no school
October 20 FDK Fall field trip to Apple Land. (OSheas no longer does class trips)
At 9a.m., all 3 FDK classes will travel by bus to AppleLand Station. As there are
approx. 65 students on one bus, parents are invited to meet us there should they
choose to attend (forms will go home soon). There are 3 activities we complete as a
class before boarding the bus at 11:30 to return to school in time for lunch. Pray
for sun! Permission forms will go home soon.
Friday October 30 Kindergarten Halloween celebration

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