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Values Reflection

What is it that dictates the actions of a person? What is it that

concocts a chemical reaction within our brain leading us down a certain
path? Why is it that when people are forced to make a decision they
choose the honourable one? I strongly believe that this is due to a certain
set of beliefs, conceptions and values present in all of us. Every one of us
have had experiences which have defined our belief system and what we
hold dear. These are what we call values. In turn we too make sure to
uphold them in our lives. The following is an example of what values I hold
dear and how I try to stay true to them.
The main value, which I believe is the defining aspect of my
character, is honour. Honour cannot be simply defined as it encompasses
a large area of actions. However in my opinion it is to act with virtue and
never let your actions undermine your character. This has helped me
many times in my life and helped define my actions.
The main example I can recall is when I was forced to partner with a
very disagreeable individual for my lab in the second year of my high
school. This person did not wish to work and yet wanted to reap all the
rewards of my actions. He was abusive of every one of my actions and did
not accept any constructive criticism. I found it hard to believe that these
kind of people exist. I had only read about these people before. What
possible string of thought could have made him think that any sociable
person would be okay with his actions? Nevertheless I decided to give him
a chance. After all every person deserves a second chance. It is here I
believe that my values came into play. I could report him to the teacher or
give him a chance. Even when he criticised my work, I would not break
character. It was the thought process of Let my results speak for my
actions. At the end of the lab when he realised that he had been carried
by me, he came and profusely apologised to me. He had understood the
value of me. It was at this moment that I understoof what honour had
gained me.

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