A Sketch of The History of The Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry PDF

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A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY or THE ANTIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE, OF MASONRY: ® FRANCE, AMERICA, AND GREAT BRITAIN, WITH CHARTERS & OTHER DOCUMENTS. PRICE ONE SHILLING. ‘Lonpow : = Joun Hose, 152, PATERNOSTER RoW: + aU RUT ge oe o HISTORY OF THE ANTIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE OF MASONRY. 5 PART I. HISTORICAL PREFACE. Hermetic Philosophy, or the Science derived from the Egyptian Hermes, is of considerable antiquity. in Europe, hhaving been brought into. this division of the’ globe by the Spanish Arabs, and the Crusading Knights who had been inthe Bast. As Rosicrucanism, or the brotherhood of the Rosy Cros, itclaimed to date from about the year AD. 1400, and was prominently lmown in the seventeenth centary i Various parts, at the close of which period various leading English’ Fretmasons were adepts in the Hermetic Science One of the very earliest of the higher degrees practised in London was named the Knighthood of the Rosy Gross, and in 1743 claimed immemorial date thee, and as Roserucniem the Masonic system attracted the attention of the press from he year A.D. 1723, at which time twas asserted thet some of the Freematond 40 closely resembled the Socket of Rosy Gross, from which they derived their principles, that it wat dlficult to distinguish between the bwo.t om this cones: tion resulted on the Continent a lange number of iter the ing principles of which was the study of Theosophy and sister enquires. eis asserted by Bro. Ragon that at an early date (1721) Emanuel Svedenborg establibed. a Theosepbie “Rte. ot “Elected Cohens or Priests” at Stockholm, consisting of seven degrees, the last being Kadosh Templar or Holy Mane The first Temple includes 1-4, and ceremonially represents man’s creation, disobedience, punishment, and pain of body and spirit; the second temple teaches how mah by a. new holy and exemplary leis restored to his printive dignity, » Wil Speultie Brenan or Notes Seite orton ead Mancgeue” Ala Bla eehd Secay orev of tae Sey wi ewe a + 1m 1728, the Chevalier James Mitchell Ramsey, propogated a Rice of seven degrees, and asserted that his Scollsh Meson, Novice, and Templar haa been practised from tine meron Din the' Loge of St, Anew the. Jesu Cotlege of Clrsont in France tk up ths Rite of Here thom or Perfection," and it was tntrodgced at Lyons in 13432 sho st Marples; and Prince Chaies Eavard Staar gle anteda Reoy Coon warns to! Arza a pgy a 734 the Rife wat inreduost into Paris by the Chevlier fe Seone: vile; andthe Baron Hunde havidg obtained the degrees 43, propogsted s similar Rite 17547 he tives legrees OF ETE Sister” were invented @e'c47s and the bores STenus at Toulouse 174, and were apparently polite ‘The nine degrees ofthe German Rosierucians professing to date from the original order of Rosy Cross were now Wel Keown. "Brin the Chief of the Rite died in the mile of the Century, and ont of the Rite was formed in 1777 the “Brothers of the Golden Rosy Cross,” and in 1780 arose at ‘Lyons another order called the Tnitited Brother of Asa.” Mf. Paschalis started at Marseilles, Toulouse and Bordeaux, rite of nine degrees called “+ Flected Cohens," in 17343 it “was similar to that of Swedenborg, and its aim was the regeneration of man. In 1758 a dancing master of the name of Lacorne, (whose appointment by Phillip of Orleans the craft repudiated.) collected out of the degrees then known, for the purpose of ing magnfcent tesa rite of 25" called the “Empire of the Bast and West,” and which was subsequently amplified to.33" a8 the “Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite," by a Chiat forged at Charleston in 1802. ‘About 1760, a Benedictine Monk of the name of Pemetti, ani she Baron Gabriano, a Polish nobleman, established the of the “Academy of Frue Masons,” at Avignon, Tt was ‘Hermetic or Rosicrucian. * m In 1766, Schroeder founded an Alchemical or Hermetic Rite of seven degrees; and in 1767, Baucherren founded “with the sanetion of Frederick TI, of Prussia, an Egyptian Rite called the “Order of Afvican' Architects.” Ithada ‘mansion, an extensive library, a museum of Natural History, and a perfect chemical laboratory. Also the seven degrees of ‘the “*Crata Repoa” were in vogue, and professed to confer the true Egyptian Mysteries of Antiquit B. Chastannier instituted a Rite of «"Iluminated ‘Theophists.” Ta 1767, rom the Baron Hunde’s Rite sprung the Rom cd ey Gee Hane Bis sone ie Roman produced the High Observance,” devoted to:.Hermetic Magic, Alchemy, &c., as also the «Exact Observance.” | 1 5 ‘The «Philosophical Scotch Rite,” was a revival in 1776 of Permett's with modifications, and taught Pythagorean, or Egyptian doctrines. In 1773, Savalette de Langes, Keeper of the Royal ‘Treasury, 'and Court de. Gebelin, founded ‘the Rite of 'phiallhes or Searchers after Truth” Ite sim was the perfection of man, and his anion with divinity. Ty constitu. Eon vas identical with the Rite of " Primitive Phifalethes of Narbonne.” The Rite of Cagliostro was Egyptian for both male and female, and founded in 1779. In 1779, the “Primitive Rite of Piladelphes ofVarbonne” was established, ad in 1786 united with the Grand Onent orFrance, ‘To this Rite the “ Ancient and Primitive Rite of Stasonrs,” refers for the origin ofits prineples and form of organization. ‘The regime was formed of three classes of Silene, who received {en degrees of instruction, these degrees and classes were but nominally limited to ten asthe instrue- tion thereby could be estended into an infiute number of frales. The fst chapter of Rose Crolx possesset and fixed he Masonie cule, and the veneration of & throng of worthy brothers the second chapter of Rose Croix was the deposi tary of curious documents upon which the order based its Sneeaetion the third chapter occupied itself with all Masonic nowledge, Physics, and Philosophy ; the fourth and last chapter studied assiduously al ne so called occult and secret, Sciences; their special object being. the retabiltaion of inellestoal man in his rank and primitive rights. In 1796, Bro. Fessler drew up a learned Rite from the «+ Ganlen Rosy Cross the" Suict Obsersance,” an. the ancient «Chapter of Clermont,” each grade of which gives the equses guiding the establishment of various ntes. ‘The reader will notice that all these rites (of which there were sbout 70 Yeproducing. each other with like principles) Were calested std arenged hy private giduals, ant are Uherefore of equal force, valudty, aed. uthentielly ja eR A ee ee Sacre soak seareh for truth, ‘After the inerease of the 25" of Lacome’s rite to 33 1803, some schism oceured at Milany and. Jewish Mason afthé name of Bedarrde invented and collected nite of 90°, talled ""Misraim,” The Persian Rite was established in 816. Some time after this several brethren including J. Et. Mar- conis, de, Negre, of eminence inthe iterary world, and in the Sasious dependent rites then practised, determined to onsolidate: these on the principles of the before named Hies. They therefore recognised the degrees of the Char- Teston Rite of i802,” whiel they frst revised, and placed 6 thereon 2 number of degrees embodying. and_explainin Ser aa oe oe “ansent Bieropats, and aoe ree ney, organized rite the.“ Antient and Primitive STU Sremplise™ embodying 95- of instraction divided Be or Merier ana subeivided into seve classes of Masons, ante oe Grails: which togeter form the government of Mang 5 corre Tseren, classes. formed. originally seven de atone under the denomination of Loage, College, Seana png, Senate, Consatory, and Council The Solace of snfiguity had anciently ben subdivided. ‘The Lesser Mysteries of the Antients (1-3-), had for thelr object the instruction of Initiates in the human sciences. ‘The sacred doctrines or Greater Mysteries were reserved for the superior grades (4-7:) of initiation, called the Grand ‘Manifestation of Light. The knowledge of true happiness ‘was in principle the heritage of superior spirits. They dis Covered that man was composed of two parts,—body and soul, or spiritual breath: which being disengaged from the terrestrial body, was destined to enjoy for ever a happy. existence; these truths, interesting dogmas, and children of igh conceptions, were the heritage of chosen people. ‘The origin of the long series of symbols and degrees leave no dovbt of their moral purity ; for in the most remote times The doctrine of the divine unity formed the basis of the ‘Masonic Mysteries, which was made to unite and associate Thosen intelligence by a secret bond for the good of humanity. SU the mysteries revolved upon three principal points the qmoral, the exact sciences, and the sacred doctrines. ‘The Zeneral division compretend the preparation, the trials, the Symbols, and the autopsy, which was the grand complement GF'initation, the crown of the edifice, the key of the vault, These ancient mysteries were not only a theoretical abd Peete aac GP fra phwophy and rlgln, but more- Bact cours oF ened to perpetuate thet traditions St ape object asthe Tehabiitation and mat fntletual man ins prime right. This rent rae cea adopted by such profound men as Fabre @ Fade ee gran ge rend ina work of the cele Ceres eines he Paral wn Croyand thi remarkable red atthe ar composed of wo pats, the animal and REESRE apd gr wok noo ee tat ithe {he ABER fe dominion, until te moment when den aaa on RAIN to tbe ete and Sigh regions” ‘Whilst the vulgar Mason is satisfied with a mysterious ‘appearance, and contented with knowing how to pronounce eetain words of which he is ignorant of the sense, and of Giving inexacdy certain signs, the philosophical observer and 7 ‘enquirer shoots into past, ages, and ascends to remote first €aNes and to the real basis of our institutions. If some Sdtcess has crowned his feeble researches, if his lamp of study. JRc'been able to guide his steps in the obscure labyrinth of {he antient mysteries, eager for further instruction, he Tnock at the door of our temples, which occupy themselves seriously with the mystic and transcendant pert of Masonry. ‘Heere it is that he will obtain new knowledge. It is true that the Masonry of antiquity was not divided jnto thice series, and subdivided into seven classes ; but it is Now impossible that Lodges can be so constituted that, all ae er odes developed inthe three degrees iowledge of the wort taecesary to establish a nowitte, hence it as bee one degree fo another may have the hat fh Pa echtions og were in vogue inthe antient same Slay a ecu soil state opposes Halt this rysenes. | Bat onal march, and tefoe philosophical ‘gia and on Tope inte superior grades. area apis to be regretted that we encounter even his a Saget to ee eer Masons who have not even tle age mitten any Mes ee ates ee fhe pains £0 study oy Pounclag and. condemning, without Searination. amination gasses into which the * Antient and Primitive Be eG Tae eo ley the designation of such and Rite” edited re ihe echels giving the initited the guch degrees, Dut or ica and philosophies, which have Masonic knowledge. pens, and material and moral well Rar aa Braginating in the Masonic eof Rrarechis, it posseseed originally of rituals, the production Memphis, por of ecentary of asidoous labour and of more than = quate Of roe documents belonging. the se ce Concerning al nen aon es, Tad sleet an, conse ne nie possened some, Precious dently of thes, a srpts of great valu, Some ofthese She a on eH: Dro: Dr. Morison, 95- t0 ere taney diland, where they now sr. Sanrss Sorts of the Bit teaches man the moral part te Fe SST hich deserves the beawifl mame of ica, gasps owiehe tet en Tovrof wisdom, (ove ine fsnons, whieh epresents he stand that tampered bert. This seres gives the ules of i ols emblens and allegories, posing SD nee cand shewing that need of assis the adept fo Pete has wisely willed that we should have to ance which nature Bet 3 Tincing, of tving roger of one anothe the net one another whica principles loving, and of neve ve duty of men amongst hemseles- “The Second Series teaches the natural siences, philosophy, and history, and the most universal Masonic Rites; practically mving the explanation of the poetic myths of antiquity, and estate of nature most convenient to man. The Third Serie makes known the complement of the historie part of philosophy, which includes the immortal Elements belonging to the human mind; studying the religious ‘myth of the different ages of humanity, and all those parts Of science which are named occult or secret ; it developes the ‘mystic and transcendant part of Masonry, forming a composi- tion of esotericism and high mysteries, and admitting the ‘most advanced theosophic studies. "A modem writer upon law has observed that there are but two subjects capable of filing the etre Ife of man, and proserving every faculty in vigour—jurisprudence and ineta- Physics hence the intellectual Mason has inthis Rite an Frethaustiblefund of employment for his mind. ‘Each ofthe before mentioned Serie is divided into several steps contering alt the degrees of modem Masonry, whilst Secreta Caries as daward to thet derivation in the Sheitnt mayeeren and instructs us nthe religious opinions ancien my Hened Sages of antiquity, whose wioiom dlumine Sted ougebiy imeseand has wanswitted a venerable halo Sur lastittion ‘Some objections have been made in the Mayonic journals toe Wes of the orden, but these ave not one hall 30 Heal end mileading’ a6 thore of the -Antient and dere ee ee ae which. the objector belongs EEpypesn cogrces oo emiely naeative 29 not to amply verbal Berean heace the tile of the Gounell series, whieh may Soom to some ebjectonabie, need only be taken fo indicat hare led porscson an ltera fac, hasarrived ata sage Gr kaboledge' wich was formerly the’ ertage only of the Soeted Metpphants of Egypt Ta their unaltered sate the cctcmoniis chews wondetel seq uaintance withthe Zgyptian Spates of betreen ve and ten thousand years ago, as ih the ast few years it has been developed to our wondering eyes by. Champollon, Lepsive, Siansens Birehy and other Egypton Shampelioe bine is the symbol of the Ghani Lan, WEiei according totic evidence of Antient Masonic doct Trent, the eter-mother of the Craft and of Geometry. oe THE ANTIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE OF MEMPHIS. PART II. FRANCE. ‘On the 7th July, 1838, the Brother J. E, Marconis was elected Grand’ Hierophant by the members composing the Masonic Rite of Memphis. ‘The Bro. Marconis arranged the documents which the rite then possessed into 90 degrees, divided into three series, and subdivided into seven classes of discourse under the denomia- tion of Lodges, Chapters, Areopagus, Senates, Consistories, and Councils. On the 2sth September, 1838, was held the first assembly of the Supreme Power of the Order, it was proclaimed the Sth October of the same year, and ‘the Grand Hierophant Sastalled the three Councils, which the Rite then possessed under the denomination of Sanctuary of Memphis, Mystic Temple, Sovereign Grand Council Administrative. "2 ‘The Sanctuary of Memphis, 93 degree, was composed of a Grand Hierophant and of six Patriarch Conservators of the the Order, nominated for seven years. ‘The Sanctuary is charged with the general government : to it belongs the right of constituting Lodges, Chapters, Areopagi, Senates, Consistories, and Councils, and the Girection of their labours. 1. Sec the Patent at the house of Bro. Marcoais. 2. Ste the Statutes General of the Order. 10 Members of the Sanctuary of Memphis. 7 ‘hrice Il: Bro: Marconis, Man of letters, Hierophant x men ‘Supreme Chief, 95 and last degree. Delapline, ex-Surgeon of Marine, Grand er Gtanelior. rom, of the eatin , Audibert, M-D., Mem, of the Institute, By NS blime Odas, Chief of the Scientific Section. jy Moutet, Man of letters, Sublime Edda oo (Sec. Genl,) Interpreter of Traditions. the Baron de Poederlé, Rentier, Sublime 5 I Yacie, Conservator of Rites, 6 yw» Laroussie, Rentiet, Mem. of Legion of oman’ Subliee Pte, interpreer of Hicrosigphic: Symbols, Emblems, mat Allegores. r jy Morison de Greenfield, Physician to : ” ‘HLR.H. the Duke of Sussex, Sublime ‘Pambplach, Gd. Inspector General of the Seder ‘The Mystic Temple of Sublime Cateshiss of the Order is sgmponed fs Grand ost) an six Grand Ofer called Tulosophers, appointed by the ‘Sanctuary for five years; i FE employed in.ratching ove tneinstrution and Yo develope the dopiatical, moral scentie, mystic, and. transcendant part of Freemasonry, forming an exposition of the esoerism Ef the high mysteries. Members of the Mystic Temple, 92 . Henry de Payen, Man of letters, Grand Master, President, 2) Auguste Amic, ‘Man of letters, Sublime Bard, (Orator.) 5 T. Rousseau, Captain. d'etat Major, ‘Mem. Legion of ‘Honour, Sublime Annalist. 4. The Baron’ de Braunecker, Annuitant, Sublime Tred, Catechist of the Order. ‘5. Honoré Gazay, Member of the Legion of Honour, Messen- iger of Sconce, : 6. J. Labreau, Chef du Batallion en retrat, Mem. Legion of THonout, Sublime Hierocerys, (Guardian of Sacred Things, : 7. Villante de Laforét, Sublime Saronide, Philanthrophist. Sovereign Grand Council of Inspector Regulators of the Order, 91”. ‘The Sovereign Grand Counell i composed of seven m bers President and six dignitary Officers for five years «ft Freraployed in the administration of the Order, and in the upervision of Lodges owing obedience fo the Masonic Rite ‘of Memphis. + nm Members of the Sovereign Grand Council. 1. The Thrice Il: Bro: Moreau, Mem. ofthe Leg. of Hon., Annuitant, Sublime Dai, President. 2» » J.B. Fabre, Annuitant, ‘Sublime Zerd- ust, (Orator.) 3 oy.» Lamailiéxe, “Man of letters, Sublime Hierotolista, Secretary.) 4» George Feltmans, Sublime ‘Thabon, (Verifier.) 5» —-» Theodore Pons, Annuitant, Cistophore, (Archivist.) 6 4» Henaud d! Augy, Proprietor, Sublime Lamas, (Inspector Regulator.) 7» Je Ruaux, Annuitant, Sublime Cubage, (Administrator.) All decisions emanating from the Supreme Council are onl authoritative when confirmed with the Seal of the Gran Hierophant and vised by the Grand Chancellor of the Order. ‘The Lodge “La Bienveillance” was founded by the Brothers Wittebole, Jeweller to. the King; Vandelaer, Employe of Court of Accounts; G. Lits, Agent; Delparte, Proprietor; George Feltmans, Gloden, Secretary of the Royal ‘Academy of Music; J. Polls, Rentier, &c., installed at Brussels, March 21st, 1838, by Bro. J. Et. Marconis. ‘The Chapterial Lodge “ De Heliopolis,” was founded at the Orient of Brussels by the Bro. Francois Kaekenbeeck, Rentier ; Corbisier, Cleris; Ch. Pichler, Artist; Pierre Mutel, ;Ant. Adam, M.D; Veyrat;’ Van Laethem ; the General Mélinet, &c., installed by Bro. Delacour, Representa- five of the Order, Dec. 6th, 1839. A part of their archives have been deposited in the Grand Orient of France. The Lodge «De Osiris" founded at the Orient of Paris, a1 Rue de Jour, by the Bros. Gabriel Mathieu Mareonis de Negre, rentier; Bugene Houille, Agent; Antoine Deleour, Clerc; Ruaux, Manager of Lafitte & Ualkard; Louis Deligne Agent Silvain, M-D.; De Lacombe; Napoleon Josset Hurel, Profesor; Vanderdote, Prof. Gen of the Mescageries; Roy, M.D. Alphonse Letrilard, Clerk, &c, installed the 2ist June, 1838, at the Prado, ‘and in’ 1839 published its tableau eompoted of §4 members. ‘The Lodge of the “Disciples of Memphis,” (originally founded st Montauban, 70, Kae Lecapale, the goth "hol, 3815, by the Bros. Honis; Gabriel ‘Mathieu ‘Marconis de Negie; the Baron Dumas; the Marquis de Laroques Hippolyte Labranie ; J. Petit, &e; constituted the 23¢d May of the Same year, and declared asleep March 7th, 1816, 4 portion of this lodge started afresh under the Grand Osient $n 1820, revived its working at the Orient of Paris, the 21st 12 ‘March, 1839, and was installed in the Temple of the “Rue Grenelie Saint Honore by the Bro. Jacques Etienne Marconis, Man of letters, born at Montauban, the 3rd January, 1795 7 Napoleon Moutet, Man of letters ; Henry de Payan, Rent Anudibert, M.D.,"Professor and Member of the Institute ; Honore Gazay, Member of the Legion of Honour; the Baron Adolphe de Poederle; Morison de Greenfield; Auguste Amic, ‘Man of letters; Henault d? Augy ; Boire Massener; de Lamm: frliere, Man of letters ; Justin Rousseau, Member of the Legion of Honour; Deldpline, M.D. (Medal of Honour); ‘Moreau, Cap. d'etat Major, Member of the Legion of Honour; Larousie, Member of the Legion of Honour; Leon d’Abrantes ‘Man of letters, de. The Chapterial Lodge «Der Philadelphes,” was founded at the Orient of Paris by the Bros. J. Et. Marconis ; Adrien Roger; a’ Chavigny; J. Bap. Fabre; Aug. Forlilier; Gay, ‘Member of the Legion of Honour; the Baron de Brauneckei ‘Aug. Gamier; Alexander Milan; de Heneau ; Charles Saul- nier; Hippolyte Rivernon, Professor; Theodore Pons,Rentier; Frederick Grantigein ; Joachim Burnet ; Pichon, Professor} ‘Alph. Labelle; Auguste Schaffesner ;’ Courserand, M.D. Armant; Juspart, Professor; Gruinier," Member of "the Legion of Honour ; installed in the Temple of the Rue de Grenelle St. Honore, the 21st May, 1839. On November 27th, 1839, the three Councils of the Order were informed that M M. Bedarrides, Chiefs of the Rite of Misraim, had solicited from the M. the Prefect of Police, the closing of all Lodges of the Rite of Memphis, which they denounced as political reunions. ‘This Magistrate not having acceded thereto the. brothers Belamide wrote @ pamphlet against the Grand Hierophant, who in presence of all the members of the Rite proved by autheaie docyment, the nullity of these malevolent attacks, emanating from a’ well characterised spirit of jealousy ‘The Chapterial Lodge * des Chevaliers de la Palestine,” founded in the Valley of Marseilles, by the Bro. Roux, oprictor; Dumas, Secretary General to the Prefecture arbee, Armateur; Moses, Agent; Engéne Mayer, Clerk Pisarello, Artist" Decugis, Agent; Molinard, "Agent ; Estienne, Agent ; Auguste Verron, Clerk ; Francois Coquet, ‘Merchant ; A. Burg, Merchant Tailor; installed the 2ist November, 1840. ‘The Chapterial Lodge «Les Lectateurs de Menes,”" was founded by the Bros. Netter; Theofile Dubois, Clerk; Felix Lebrun, Annuitant ; Rosas, ‘Barrister; Henry Hadancourt, ‘Merchant ; Victor Durban, Clerk; Prosper Soulent, Clerk} foseph Dauphin, Lemonadier; ‘Auguste Marie Tauriac, aptain en retraite: Francois Richois, Annuitant; Auguste Laurillard, Watchmaker; J. Collet, Dealer in’ Bronaes ; 33 pe Biot yale her Mast Atul The supreme power of the Order composed of 21 members and divided into three sections, did not cease its work until 1842, Daring a period of seven years the Grand Hierophant published “Les Delassements de I'espirit humaine” «L initinteur aux Mysteries de V'antiquite,” and Le Journal de!’ Europe Litteraire et Scientifique,” &c., &c. We have said that the Masonic power of the Rite of Memphis ceased work in 1842, but Vetore ie was dectercl aslep, it established a Cound of seven members uner See istinctve title of the Mystic Temple,” gsth and lat dey of the Order: to wit— * ae eae 1. The Grand Hierophant, J. Et, Marconis, 2 The Grand Chancellor’ Henry Delaping 3: The Chief of the Scleatite Section. J. Bug. Auaibert 4 The Interpretor of Traditions, Menrj de Beye & The Comreator of Rites, de Larousies . The Chief the Myetic Section, Honoré Gazay 7. The Grand Inspector ofthe Cash the Baron de ‘The mission ofthis Mystic Temple was the preservation of the Archives, and the propogation of the Rite of Mersphes In all counties ofthe worldand to give i real power the following Article 26 was added by a unanimous wie to the General Statutes of the Order — “ Axt. 26.—In case of circumstances in the interest of cog ode ict erm ht at “the interest of the rite, and the execution of which shall be ‘this formality is nul.” oe ot ted with On the sth day of March, 1848, the Rite of Memphis revived its work at the Orient of Paris, and the Grand ‘Hierophant installed the three Councils composing’ the ‘Supreme power on the 25th of the same month. ‘The decease 4 of several old members of the Supreme Council of the Order Raving compelled a new organization, it may be useful to ‘make imown their names to our readers ‘The Mystic TEMPre, 9sth and last Degree of the Order, is composed of a Grand Hierophant, named for life, and of the six Patriarchs to wit :— 1. The Grand Hierophant, J. Et, Marconis, Man of letters. 2. P. Grand Chancellor, Henry Delapline. ” 3. P. Chief of the Scientific Section, Ferdinand Moreau, Annuitant, Mem. Leg. Hon. : 4. P. Interpreter’ of Traditions, Justin Rousseau, Rentier, Mem. Leg. Hon. : 5. P. Conservator of the Rites, The Baron de Poederlé, Rentier. 6. P. Chief of the Mystic Section, Esprit Hubert, old Coun- Gillor of Prefecture. 7. P. Grand Inspector of Catechists of the Order, Mensa de ‘Villa, Capt. d’ etat Major, Commander of’ the Order of Malta, ‘Al science and light emanates from the Mystic Temple. ‘The Sanctuary of Memphis governs the Order and is com- posed of a Grand Master and six Patriarchs, 95°- 7 ¥. The Sublime Dai (President,) Jean Auguste Gabriel Gus- ‘ave de Peterson, Rentier. * 2, The P. Sublime Odes (Orator) Benjamin Netter, 3. The P. Sublime Edda (Secretary) Eugene Lelabourer, Rentier. 4. The P. Sublime Zacoris (Treasurer) P. J. B. Joubert, ‘Employe comptable. . The P, Sublime hepislateor, J. Maillard, Advocate. : The B. Sublime Cuardian of Seals, &c., H.: Pradel, ‘Rentier. 7. The P. Sublime Inspector Regulator General, J. Metle, ‘Man of letters. a To the Sanctuary belongs the sole right of constituting the working bodies of the Rite of Memphis and of directing their labours. ‘The Sovereign Grand Council General Administrature of the Order, is composed of a President and six Dignitaries, Princes of Memphis, 94° to wit -— 1, The President, The Thrice Ill. Bro.Bugené de Lamerliere. 2. The Annalis, «JB. Fabré, Employe ‘Comptable. 3: The Administrator ,, J. Et. Hilarion Silvestre, Insurance Director. 4. The Verificator y,—»- Tondeur, Manof letters. §eThe Treasurer), _ ys Saunier, ‘Propricter., 8.The Archivist (Guardian of Seals) Thrice Il Bro. Michaux. The Inspector Verteatr "Eile Genevotx * ° Pharmacist. 15 ‘The Chapterial and Arcopagite Lodge “ The Disciples o Memphis, recommenced work at the East of Pas esis ‘pm, 1848, and the Chapter presided over by the fl: Bros avant Garard was reinstalled the 29th of the same month, ‘The Philosophical Grand Chapter was comprised this period 948 memes to wit Havant Gard, Eagene Dru, lenty Chapelet, Hippolyte Bard, Prosper Jarmes, Auguste Lefore, Baptiste Viger Nicholas ‘Adam’ Plead, Tavecs Bounardel, Louis Florian Derecusson, Eugene Garnier, To Merlanchon, German Sourdery, Lou Ferrin, Desire Tavel, Charles Satlnier, Baptiste Rows, Hippolyte, Riverom, 7. Gols con Feybert Emmanuel Majer” Pal Verdi, ‘Michel Maller, Nareise Frangots Allen, Adolphe de Heneat, Auguste Lefis, Auguste Langlois, Pleme Prassines, Jean Baptiste Coquet, Bancere de Chavigny, Deane ‘Wether, Auguste Monzot, Adoiphe Layssard, Floquet, (Advocate) The Baron Eugene Guillemot, Joseph Edmond Ries Jean Antoine Dutrois, Pierre Brancois More), Adolphe Voeurvard, Avauate Convert, Ache Fiengan, guste Auger, Bere ‘Auguste Cathelsin de Brotonnes (Lawyer) ‘This Chapteris placed atthe summit ofthe Lodge Hierar- chy 5 it personifies in some sort the ‘Sacerdotal part of the Onder, and posseses in it GozDz% Book mysterious symbols and arcana unknown to the greater part of the initiates, ts Principal mission consists in the study of the religious myths Gf th diferent ages of haan, ahd in the mot arduous vestigation ofall that belongs to Theosophy and high pill sophy. "Depositary of the hely doctrine it is sill further charged with the development of the dogmatic! and moral part, for the instruction of the Lodge, and the edification Df the brethren. t In 1849, the Order published its General Statutes, with a portrait of the Grand Hierophant—" La Sanctuaire de Memphis, Par J. E. Marconis de Negre, (Bruyer, 259, Rue St Martin)” “The Order is here egulated by five Supreme ‘ouncils as follows :— 1. The Sovereign Sanctuary, wheres found the venerated al of the traditions." une * 2. The Mystic Temple, Grand Empire of the Sov. Princes The Lituspal Call 3. The Liturgical College, the name expressing its object. The Sovelig Gran Consstory General of the Saline 5 The Supreme Grand Tribunal of Grand Defender ofthe 1. The whole of pages eon Dele of pages oreave bees tanned anon verbtin Tae, called “La Kuche.” 16 From this period the Rite continued to prosper and spread, establishing Itself in various parts of the world. In 1856, the T. J, Bro. Marconis established the Order in, America, and jn i860 hexecords in the “Masonic Pantheon," that the New York chapter, of the Masonic Rite of Memphis included the number of 100 Past Masters, under the rule of the Illustrious Bro. David MacClellan, In 1862 the T._J- Bro. Marconis gave the highest degree of the Order to Il: Bro. Harry J. Seymour, with a Charter empowering him to act as Grand Master of a Sovereign Sanctuary for the Continent of ‘America. “At length the T. J. Bro. Marconis surrendered the title of Grand Hicrophant, and vested the control of the Antient and Primitive Rite in the Grand Orient of France, the higher ‘grades being confined to the ‘« Grand Council of Rites," and cognized as a portion thereof. In 1864 “La Ruche” Feports—“"We are happy to announce that the Brothers George Phillipesco and Constantine Cretziano have merited by their zeal and their good Masonic conduct ’Adidee. ‘The Grand Orient of France acknowledged the legitimacy andes atinusd essence of the Rite of Memphis in America Feeseme te Charters thereof in due form, In 7865 the by aieine Ne Grand Orient of France, Marshal Magnan, Ge Mated feprecentatives vith the Sovercign Sanctuary of sppeintee Piet in TOgy we find the following inthe Oftiat Direney of the Grand Orient of France. (See page 252) Prceedinga of 185) — ««Soverain Sanctuaire du Rite de Memphis: “Grand Master=-Hany J. Seymour. «Gland Chancellor-Jobis W. Simons. “ Grand Secretary]. B. Taylor. Grand RRopeesedtaive of the Grand Orient of France, near the Sourelain Sanctusire de Memphis. Robt. D. Holes.” Tis deeply to be regretted that owing toa misunderstanding in OE SSRY Gitnd nent of France was clearly and Mason in phic) the erong, the. Sovereign Sanctoary of America seven onl presentation, andthe Bro, wns the E eStaay of the former body, pathetically but ingenioa eee ool completa san English Journal of 1872 sees Racine and Primitive Rite of Masonry had ever Pan nee a America, or transferred from (hat country fo Great Britain and Ireland ; our own regret is that Brother Area ie often no more cand, straightforward, or tolerant Rian the profane, and often very much less ro. 7 THE ANTIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE OF MEMPHIS. PART Hl. AMERICA. Jacques Exexxz Maxconis pe Neoxe, in person, established the first organization of the Antient and’ Primt- five Rite of Memphis, in New York City, November 2856, by the name and title of “A Supreme Couneil, Sublime ‘Masters of the Great Work, Ninetieth Degree.” : Orricens. Il. Bro, John Mitchell, 9; oy Samuel 9. Wilson. 9§ 2) Wim. F. Dubois, 93 2 J. Franldin Wells Yon Haan, 94°. : 2% Geor a. Dollinges, 94° +. also to organize Chap- fer of Rose Crois Senates, Counells and Grand Couneds Genoral, and appointing Brother Seymour Grand Master, 2d ‘pian, of the Rite of Memphis for America. The Grand Shien having ved the said Charter September 3rd, 1862, fd duly enregistered the same document under is’ Broad Seal, andthe Seal of Brother Thevenoux, Grand Secretary General, nd also sumbering i as No. 28911, in the Grand Book of Seals of the Grand Orient of France. ‘a June 1863, the Thrice TH, Sov. Grand Master, HARRY J. SevwouR appointed the following Bmineut Blasons as Grrcers of the Sovereign Sanctuary, 95°* Ml Brother John 4, Grane, M-D..P-G.S, State of New York, s5Gr. Admin. Gen; i. Bro. J. B. Yates Somers, 95°, V-E.G. Com. Gr, 22 Heawianysea, Sade of Bem Tyee $0 Kyat oases Kis, 0A the Rile; "Rober D, Holmes, 95°, M. W. Grand Master, State of New York, as Gen. Grand Expert; H. F. L- Bunting, 95", Grand Master General of Ceremonies; Peter W. Neefus,” 95°, Grand Treasurer General; George F. ‘Woodward, ’M.D., 95°, Grand Examiner General; Thomas Picton, 95°’Grand Secretary General ; Abram G. Levy, 95%, Grand’ Inspector General ; Charles C. J. Beck, 95°, Grand Chancellor General; J. Franklin Wells, 95°, Grand Keeper of the Temple. Ostxis SENATE No. 1 of Connecticut, was organized by I, Brothers James L. Gould and John Sheville, November 1862, at Bridgeport, Connecticut. Hosoxen Senare No. t, of New Jersey, was instituted at Hoboken the same mont A Sov. Grand Council General, Mystic Traepxe, for New England, was organized June 30th, 1863, with the following Officers who were appointed for five years ; A. K. P. Welch, 95°, Grand Master of Light; Samuel C. Lawrence, 94", Grand Annalist; Charles C- Southard, 94°, Grand Examiner} Caleb C. Allen, 94°, Grand Keepet of Rites ; James C. Bullen, 95-, Grand Ceryce ; Benjamin F. Nourse, 94°, Grand ‘Treasurer; John D. Jennings, 95°, Grand Representative In August 1863, Sesostars SENATE, No. 2, State of New Yorks, was established in the City of Brookiyn, N.¥., John B. Harris, 95+, S. G. Commander; R. W. Dockson, 93°, Sen. Knight interpreter; John Ellard, or, Jun. Knight Interpreter; Bradley Parker, M.D., 91°, Oritor; and 46 other Sir Knights. At the request of I, Brother Jobn J. Crane, M.D». 95+ the gsth degree was conferred oi R. W., Brothers Stephon HL Johnson and John L. Lewis, Jone Toth, 1864, and pon KW. Brothers Ulinton F Paige and Orrin Welch, June 1th, 1865 ynoasTEn ee No. 3 of New York, was instituted, and. the Offers installed, July 30st, 1064! “Andrew ME Undeshi, Sub: Grand Cormier: Aivin Graff € Revent Interpreter; Edward Bouton, J. Knight Interpreter; Dom= enicus Snedier, Orator; JH, Le Bau, Recorder} Horatio N. Can, Archivist; Sewall Fiske, Sentinel Heres Senate No. 1 of District of Columbia, at ‘Washington, was instituted September 5th, 1864: Rev. ‘Robert M'Murdy, 95°, Sub. G. Commander ; John F. Shar retts, 94°, S. Knight interpreter; Z. D. Gilman, J. Knight Interpreter; Hon. Alexander W. “Randall, Orator; Hon. Green Adams, Archivist ; W. P. Dole, Recorder. 23 ‘The Senate of Knights Commanders of the Temple, was re-onganired av SAMUTHRACE SERATE Ko, 1-of Trew Tork, june 7th, 186s : Abram G. Levy, 05:, Sub. G. Commander; +P. Patten, 95°, Sen, Knight Interpreter, John Hanna, 95%, Jun. Knight Interpreter} Thomas Bennet, gr", Orator, Seyacour SENATE No. 2 of Washington, D.C., was inst tuted August 7th, 1865: J. H. Rathrone, S. G. Commander; R.T. Campbell, Sen. Knight Interpreter; B, W. Francis, Jun. Knight Interpreier; John RK. Thompson, Orator. The Sovereign Grand Master General visited the Sixteenth Triennial Convocation ofthe Grand Encampment of Knights ‘Templars of the United States, held at Columbus, Ohio, on the sth, 6th & 7th days of September, 1805 ; and there con- ferred the Degrees of the Rite with the assistance of Ill Brother Sheville of New Jersey, and James L. Gould, of Connecticut, upon William &. Harvey’ of Nebraska: Wm. C. Munger’ of Kentucky, and the following Brothers of Ghio:—Witliam B. Thrall, P.G. HP. of Ohio; Thomas Sparrow, Grand Master of Ohio; Win. 5. Phares, Wm. A. Hershiser, Edward West, Felix N. V. Spice, William # Foster, Lscian G. Thrall, Gustavus A. Doren, and Dolphin © Bufo, No, Brother Hany J. § ferred "At Buffalo, N.¥., Brother Hany J. Seymour conferre the goth degree upon W. Brother Henry Waters, of Hiram Lodge; Calvin C. Burt, of Alpha Lodge, Keyport, New Jersey, received the goth’ degree’ the same time, September 14th, 1865. SOCRATIS SENATE No. 4 of New York, was instituted in the Fall of 1865 IH, Brother P. S. Haines, 95°, Sub. Grand Commander ; Il; Brother G. F. Wiltsie, 93~; Sen. Knight Interpreter; H. M'Cutcheon, 91, Jun. Khight Inter- preter; J.C. Chapman, ot, Orator. ‘The First Chapter of Rose Croix, GRaMERcY No. 1, was inated June tog, with WP Patten 95, Me Wa J. O- Halsey, 94-, Sen. Knight WH. M. Clark, Jun, Knight Wei Me Foray, Orator; F.C, Van Orden, Knight C. Groce Wasumctox CHAPTER No. 2, was organized the same month ; Andrew M. Copeland, NW. W. T. Lloyd, Sen. Knight W.; J. Lovelock, Jun. Knighi W. ‘An official communication from the Grand Orient of France, dated Paris, May Ist, 1865, No. 314, Vol. 30 of Correspone dence, was received by the Sovereign Sanctuary, notifying that body of the appointment by his Excellency the Marshal Magnan, Grand Master of France, of Af. W. Bro. Robert D, Holmes, a5 Grand Representative of the Grand Orient of| France, near the Sov. Sanctuary also 8 letter of thanks and acceptance, of Grand Representative of the Sov. Sanctuary, hear the Gland Orient of France, from Il, Bro, Heullant Copy of appointment of R. W. Robert D. Holmes, a Grand Representative : Grand Orient of France, Supreme Council of France, and the . Tene possesion I. Bro, Robert D. Holmes Bevis, May x 1865. {have pleatare to inform gon, that in compliance eth wa gf the Grane Oticers of the Rite of Memphis, our Grand Master ‘arthal Magean, has appointed ygu Keprerentatve of the Grand Ocientof Erance, near the Grand Sanctuary of Memphis, siting im heValley of New York Vice! assured that Wis appointment, upon which I congratulate youll be fat a happy role for our Orde, and for Masonry "TLecept, iMlastrious Sir and Brother, the assurance of our distin- tinguished Consideration and brotherly lores Coser, . Deputy Grand Master. Copy of acceptance of Ill. Bro. Heullant, 33°, Gd. Rep. to G0. of France. Grand Orient of France, Tl Grand Master and Brethren: ‘Paris, Abii 27, 386s, Yhhave received with great satisfaction the diploma sent me, ad fave placed tin my brary where my eye wil naturally rex upon it Tad decided to retire fro all oficial station, and only accepted the post of Deputy Grand Starter, when dhe difeult situation of Masonry in France seemed to call op every Mason for elp, but {wil cha Your epresntaive wih all the zel and devotion wi ny eom- "Accept the assurance, of my Masonic sentiments and sincere ‘wishes forthe prosperity af our nablejstitation BEULEANT, Grand Oficer. Chancellor of the Legion of Honor. At a meeting of the Sov. Sanctuary, August 26th, 1865, Il. Brothers Guiseppe Garibaldi; 33°, Past Grand Master of the G. O! of aly; Francesco de Litcea, 33 , Grand Master of the Italian Freemasonry, were elected Honorary Members of the Sov. Sanctuary; Ill. Bro. Ludovico Frappolli, 33°, was appointed as the Grand Representative of the Sov. Sanctuary, near the Grand Orient of Italy. “An official letter from Ill. Bro. G. Garibaldi, dated “Orient of Caprera, September 26th, 1865,” was received, acknow- edging the reception of his appointment and acceptance of the same.~ Despatches from the Grand Orient of Italy, dated “Turin, October 1, 1865,” was received, in which the Grand Master, Francesco de Lucca, and Ill, ‘Bro. Frapolli, accepted the appointments given them by the Sov. Sanetuary, and inform. ing thé Sov. Sanctuary that I, Bro. John J. Crane, 33", and the Ill, Grand Mas. Gen., Harry J. Scymour, had been nominated and elected members of te Gd. Orient of Italy. Ill, Bro. Marconis de Negre having prior to this time ‘surrendered the title of Grand Hicrophant, and vested the “control of the Antient and Primitive Rite in the Grand Orient of France; December the 20th, 1865, the Sov. Sanctuary adopted and issued the following : To the glory of the Supreme Architect of the Universe. In the name of the Sovereign Sanctuary of Antient and Primitive Freemasonry, according to the Rite of Memphis, in and for the Continent of America, sitting in the Valley of New York. Salutations on all points of the Triangle. Respect to the Order. Epicr. To ALL MASONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING Whereas, The Grand Orient of France, and the Grand Bodies of the Masonic Rite of Memphis, have mutually agreed that there be but 33 degrees; the 31st, 32nd, an {$i of which shall beconftred only by authorization of the iupreme Body ; and, Whereas, said agreement was solemnly ratified by the late BL Brother, the Marshal Magnan, 33°, Grand Master of ‘Masons for France and the French possessions, and the Il Bro. Marconis de Negre, and the officers of the Grand ‘Orient arid Rite of Memphis ; and Whereas, The Officers and Members of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Memphis, deem it for the best interests of the Rite and Masonry generally, that the degrees be conden- ‘sed; thereby concentrating the sublime Morals, Symbols, ~Allegories, Antique Legends, and Philosophical Dissertations into 33 degrees, the better to maintain its unity, exercise ‘benevolence, propogate knowledge, and avoid the difference which unhappily exist in other Masonic Rites Therefore, We, the Grand Master General, by and with the advice and consent of the Grand Officers of the Antient and Primitive Rite do hereby agree, that the Antient and Puimitive Rite of Memphis shal consist of 33 degrees, div ‘ded as hereinafter designated -— Section I—CuarrEn oF Rose Cxorx. 4th Degree. Discreet Master. ho Sublime Masta th 2 Sacred Arch. zh TELE Seeret Yau gn} HEnighi of the Sword. on ‘Knight of Jerusalem. roth “Gnight of the Orient. mo w Rose Croix. ‘Secrion II—SENATE OF HERMETIC PHILOSOPHERS. rath Degree «......+.4s+e+ss++ Knight of the Red Eagle. 13th “a Rlnipht of the Temple, rath yy « Knight of the Tabernacle. 150, 12Tnieht of the Serpent. wt 26 . Knight Kadosh. x6th Degree .... ihe ‘night of the Royal Mystery. ihh 2 “Grand Inspector. Toth =Sage of Truth. 20th Hermetic Philosopher. Seotiox TIL.—Grano Covxen. st Degree bese Grand Installator. mince Grand Consecrator: aud TILL Gand Blogs 2ith “II Batrareh of Truth. 2th ULBatiiarch of the Planispheres- ye» Pearle seed Vel 27th ysis =e, Patriarch of Tsis- abn 2 Baiiareh of Memphis. goth 71 UCLIUPAidireh of the Mystic City. goth, 1 Y Master of the G.. Wit. Pes Poss Sectios IV.—Orriciat. st Degree Grand Defender of the Rite, ine TILE! Sublime Prince of Memphis. 3a Sov. Grand Conservator ofthe Rite. ‘And farthermore, it is declared that the, Antient and imitive Rite do now and forever waive and renounce al Eiimovee the frst tives or Symbolic degen, and that 90 person shall be received unless he be a Master Mason in good standing. Approved in our Sanctuary, Harry J. Seymour, 33°, Sov. Grand Master. Henry F. L, Bunting, 33", Grand Master General of Cer, Peter W, Neefis, 33° Grand Treasurer General. John J. Crane, M.D., 33°, Grand Administrator General. john W. Simons, 33", Grand Chancellor General. obt. D. Holmes, 33°, General Grand Expert. Join J, Thompson, 33", Guard of the Sane, radley Parker, M.D., 33°, Keeper of the Golden Book. ‘A.M. Underhill, 33°. ohn Hanna, 33 . S. Haines, 33° James B. Taylor, 33 , Grand Secretary General. CoLuMpran Rose Croix Chapter No. 3, was organised in june, 1866. Oficers -—Ill. Bros. Sir Kt, James Morrow, ont Wise A. Barns, Sen. Warden; Jesse T. Dingee jan. Warden ; John Shannon, Orator; George W. Sloan, Uohaaciors Wo, Bromley, Sressre, Witt HL Jone, Archivist; Chas. S. Abbott, Capt. of the Guard J. Hy Mendenhall, Guard of the Tower; Edvwin Reynolds, Prelate ‘A-F, Carpenter, Organist ; Jas. McCaughic, Sentinel ; C- B. Abbott, P. McKay, Robert Bimie, Trustees. . 27 © Axcitrscr Rose Croix, Chapter No. 4, was organized at Yorkville, August, 1866._ ‘Officers :—Th, Bros, Jas. Gorton, ‘Most Wise ; Richard Banfield, Jun. Warden ; WH, Marshal, Sen. Warden ; Moses Bernhard, Orator; Richard Schofield, Conductor; J. T. Van Winkle, Treasurer; Wm. A. Conklin, Archivist ; Hermon Elstroth, Guard of Tower ; J. A. Pend Teton, Capt. of Guard ; ‘W. H. Meriam, Sentinal. Prmative Rose Croix, Chapter No. 5, was organized in New York, September 7th, 1866, Officers Ill. Bros. Sir Kt. Benjamin S. Hill, "Most Wise ; Charles Latour, Sen. Warden; George Russ, Jun. Warden ; Robert Boyd Hardy, Qrator; John S. Loughery, Conductor; William Scott, Treasure? H. Clay Lanius, Archivist; H. R. Chapman, Capt of the Guard; Adam White, Guard of the Tower Robert John Somerville, Prelate ; Richard Harner, Organist: Andrew Ferguson, Sentinel; J. A. Macdonald, Wm. Fulla- ‘gar, John T. Davis, Trustees. Passaic Rose Croix, Chapter No, 1. of New Jersey, and No. 7 of the Sanctuary, was instituted at Newark, N.J., September 2yth, 1866. " Officers -—Sir Knight Jamies 5. Taylor, 33°, Most Wise; Wm. D. Rutan, 32, S, Kt. ‘Warden j David Ayres, 3r:, J. Kt, Warden} Jacob W. Crane, 31°, Orator; Win. Prinver, Treasurer; Eliphalite Smith, Jun., Archivist; Edw. Pressinger, Capt, of Guard ; Francis “Beli, Guard of the Tower; David A. Johnson, Prelate; Win. O'Brien, Sentinel, Ouive Brancy Rose Croix, Chapter No, 6 of New York, ‘was organized at Brooklyn, N.Y., October 17, 1866. Officers :—Ill. Bro, Sir Kt. Charles Latour, Most Wise ; Il. Bro. Sir Kt. Henry E. Day, Sen Warden ; I, Bro. Sit Ket J. Windle Fowler, Jun, Warden ; Resp, SicKt.A. G. Bishop, Orator ; Resp. Sir Kt. Wm. J. Read, Conductor | Resp. Sir Kt. H, L. Foote, Treasurer; Resp. Sir Kt. J 'W. Buckbee, Archivist ; Sir Kt. Hiram Bloomer, Jr., Capt- of the Guard; Sir Kt. Lawrence Tower, Guard of the Tower; Sir Kt. Rev. H. M, Gallaher, Prelate; Sir Kt. W. E Gilbert, Organist: Sit Ket J. W. Hastings, Sentinel Sir Kts. Wm, McBride, Wm. E. Sprague, J. W. Burnham, Trustees. Onnenrax Rose Croix, Chapter No. 1 of the District of Columbia, was organized November, 1866. Officers :—J. B. Will, 32°, Most Wise ; John Lockie, Sen. Kt. Warden j A. G. Dietrick, Jun. Kt, Warden, AntiENT Rose Croix, Chapter No, 2, Washington, D.C., ‘was organized November, 1806. Officers John R. Thompson, 33, Most Wise: Geo. W. Francis, 32+) Sen, Kt. Warden ; Stephen A. Doyle, Jun. kt Warden; Robert A. Champion, Orator ; M, H. Dillon, Conductor; ©. F. Jarvis, Treasurer; H. O. Hood, Archivist; Xe 'B. Gordon, Capt. of Guard ; Albert Partridge, Guard of "ower; T. Creaser, Sentinel. ‘The following letter was received by the Sov. Sanctuary + Peoria, Iino, December 2, 1866. sestange J, Serwovn, Sor. GDL af the Re ot Reso the Valley of "New Fork! “W. Sin:—Happeningat this cityon business, Lmade the acquaint aR Wy Sete ameeningsaPsone who wore’ desirous of or Fe are Pn this city, and although it was not technically a Senate of FFesion, but having im view tne good of the Order, and pithis m Jerwero ancious to for Maggnic Associations, when the Megane Ramber of good brethren could be found — “Thave takes the responsiblity of saying to the subscribers of the eee ae tyat Fou would conter the goth degree of the R. of $f op them at ao early day, and form of Hh Bin thie citys Zhu svce purpose 1 eclowe seston jy due form, and seb and for auc Pol Ehe several subscribers as, Master Masons in goo ‘ilhag ery way voy of vous eonblens and cen art Standing evens Jou wll ratify and conirm to them the arly organ~ Hbtig of @ Sonaey ands they sie angour te sand af op the featien ot a Semarsae Staies 1 hope f possible you will give them igs of Senate fF eapect fo remem here only few days) you had Charter No.3 AS LEP ounacie, Eaitor of the Pear Deter Sarat. Please acknowledge receipt of this communi- ation, an@ your decision at once. lvrtsious Brother and Sor. Grand Master, allow me to gsvare you ofa reas Browe and esteem in the fuluces of Peace, Tolerance, Sod Fruths "Tam, truly your, CALVIN C. BURT, . S.B gos, and Rep, for the Dist. of Eric Cow, Ne! ‘This communication from C. C, Burt was responded to by “enclosing edict of the reduction of degrees by the Sov. Sanc- ‘uary, in accordance with the articles of Concordance between the Gd. Orient of France and Marconis de Negre ; and our Peoria brethren, were informed that if they desired a Rose Croix Chapter and Senate under 33 deg. instead of 95 deg., their wishes would be gratified ‘To a etter from I, Bro, Jolm Q. A Fellows dated New Orleans, January 4, 1867, applying for Mystic Temple, 94°, Gutans, Jena fi tuvtbrdnate bois of the Rite of Memphis, like answer was retumed to that sent to Peoria, and our Louisiana brethren bein satisfied with the reduction Sf degrees to 33, a Charter was granted for a Mystic Temple Meee Come! General) 32", for the State of Louisiana, appointing 1-9. 8 Fellows, 33-95 Grand Master of Light} ~EPrard Barnett, 33-94", Grand Orator; Wm. R. Whitaker, 32-94, Grand Annalist; Thos. O. May, 32-04 , Grand Treas- Help. BP. Buckner, 32-95", Grand Ceryee ; Robert Watson, 42-95", Grand Keeper of Rites ; E. T. Parker, 32-95, Grand ‘Examiner; Harry 1, Hayes, 32-95 Grand Master of Cere- monies ; Thomas Cripps, 32-95", Grand Conductor ; J. B. Walton, 32-95", Grand Guard of the Council; Alfred Shaw, 33-95", Grand Representative. At the same time, January, 1867, Charters were issued for ‘Mirsamw Chapter No. 1 of Louisiana, and No. 15 of the Sov. Sane,; HELIOPOLIS Senate No. 1 of Louisiana, and No. 10 §. 8,; and DELTA Grand Council 30°, No. 1 of Louisiana, and No. 2 of the 8. S. ‘The T. Tl G. Master visited Peoria, Minois, and on the oth of February, 1867, instituted PyRanup Rose Croix, Chapter No. 1 of Illinois. Officers :—Justin E. Dow, 33°, Most Wise; Thos.D.Gantt, 32+, Sen. Kts Warden; C. AvRich, 31-, Jun. Rt, Warden; ‘Win, Rounseville, 33 , Orator; Charles Spalding, Conductor; ‘M. E, Esler, Treasurer; W. Copeland, Archivist; J. Higbie, Capt. of the Guard; FM. Barrett, Guard of the Tower; Samuel Tart, Prelate; F. M. Reinhart, Organist ; T. H. Randolph, Sentinel. Isis Senate, H. P., 20°, No. 1 of Illinois, was instituted at the same ‘time and the following officers. installed :— ‘Wm. Rounseville, Sub. Grand Com.; C. Spalding, Sen. Kt. Interpreter ; Samuel Tart, Jun. Kt, Interpreter; W. Cope- land, Knight Recorder; M. E. Erler, Knight of Finance ; FM. Barrett, Knight’ Archivist; W. Y._ Francis, Knight Orator; J. E, Dow, Knight Marshal; “F. M. Reinhart, Knight Introductor; D. Spencer, Knight Accompanier} John Higbie, Knight Capt, of the Guard; H, E. Seley, Knight Standard Bearer; T. D. Gantt, Knight Sword Bearer; T. F. Randolph, Knight Sentinel. Crreors Chapter, No. 2 of Tlinois, was instituted at Peoria, February. 24, 1857. Louis Furst, "32°, Most Wise; J. P- Singer, 32, Sen. K&, Warden ; J. Lorenz, 31°, Jun. Ke ‘Warden; Marx Moses, 31°, Orator. DrogExes Senate, No, 2 of Illinois, was organized at the same time and place. J-N. Nigias, M.D., 33", Sub. Gd. Gommander; Aug. Keen, 32°, Sen. Kt. Interpreter; Hy. Ullman. 32", Jun. Kt. Interpreter; G. Stiehl, 0", Recorder. Cheops Chapter and Diogenes Senate work in the German Janguage. Official Masonic information from the Grand Secretary of, the Grand Lodge of New Jone, Jove H Hough) of procecaings of that Grand Body diriag is session, Jamia ee ee man 30 ‘The Sov. Sanctuary, in accordance with Article 22, Sect. 7 of the general Ordinances and Constitution, issued the following Edict + 2. TG. 0.7-S. A. 0... U. Antient and Primitive Rite of Mem- phis, Peace, ‘Tolerance, Truth Office of the T. 1: Sov. Ga. Mas. Gen. 152, Canal St. N.Y. Nalicy ot New York, March 5, (E-V.) 185) ‘To glt Masons to whom these presents shad come Greene Know Vor"That Whereas, “Past Master Calvin C. Baie, Alpha Lodge, of F. and A.tt, of the State of New Jersey, har boce ‘expelled by the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of New Jersey. {And Whereas, The Antient and Primitive Rite of Memphis, does Senge", gonter degree upon ov ea tin fay person not in good standing ia a ilue or Symbolic Lodge of F. an ste of ind Whereas, The Rite of Memphis, on the Continent of America, ‘onsiders the Blue Lodge the foundation and fendamontal pane of St boioved institution to which the Maronic allegiancool al ie meshes arodue, and irom which there can be no devigtions {de therefore Declare the said Calvin C. Burt, expelled from all our Chapters, Senates, Grand Councils, and fromthe Soy, Sancta ed « Lealt upon all’ Masons of our Antient and Primitive Rite ve bald aa hhim no Masonic intercourse whatever, Done in our Sanctuary, this joth day of March, 1867, (E.V.) Witness our hand and seal of eis AREY J. SEYMOUR, P.M, Sou. Gd, Mas. Gen. in bs for the Continent of America. Calvin C. Burt, having received moneys which he appro- ulated to his own use, from the brethren in Illinois, Olio and Iowa, the Grand Mas. Gen. returned to the West, giving to those brethren the Charters and Rituals which they had paid C. C. Burt for. Covenant Rose Croix Chapter, No. 5 of Ilinois, was organized April 4, 1867, by the Gd. Mas. Gen., assisted by Il. Bro. Wm. Rounseville, 33", at Eureka. Officers, David 'N, Sanderson, 32°, Most Wise ; J. A. Davis, 317 §, Kt. ‘Warden ; TL. P. Blair, gr, J. Kt. Warden; E.'P. Hall, 312 Orator ; Thos. Bullock, Jr 40x, Conductor; Peter Bennape, 0", Treasurer; James W. Finley, 30°, Archivist ; Thos. fi, ray, 30°, Capt. of Guard; Alonzo Hale, 40-, Guard of the ‘Tower; Sylvester Wright, 32°, Prelate; W. G- Vandyke, 30", Sentinel. On April 24th, a delegation of Masons connecied with the Rite of Memphis, conseting of Tl, Brox Cr Sinan ee Furst, J. A. Bush, H. Seley, ME. Riles, J, Higbie, TF Randolph, W. H. Dodds, C.D. Weiennett; H. €. Pein, J, G. Treager, J. Lewis, and others, accompanied Ill Bro Win, Rounseville, 33+, Gd: Representative for Illinois, and the T. ‘SIL. G. Master Harry J. Seymour, to Pekin, at which place “EMANUEL Rose Croix Chapter, No. 3 of illinois, and Nov 17 of the Sanctuary, was instituted, and the following officers for the ensuing year were installed and inducted into oes 31 je A. and P. form:—Dr, Samuel Wagenseller, Most Wise N. W. Green, Sen. Kt. Warden; Henry Wilkey, Jum itt Warden John S. Milam, Ke, Orator; John Cohonou, et Gonductor; Peter Weyrich, Ke Treasuier; W.-W. Clonens Ku Archivist; F. S. Hubbler, Ke Capt: of the Guan HL. Siebert, Kt. Guard of the Tower; John B. Or Re i " ‘The Charter was granted and the Degrees exemplified to the -extreme gratification of all concemed. Our Pekin brethren prepared a bountiful repast, to which ‘he Peovians did ample Hatie the most fatal fin vere displayed, and the Il. Ga. Master, Seymour estasiohed nother Ink inthe fatema cain of Antone na Bes Masonry, which will be an honour to the msittion, of whee hhe and the Sov. Sanctuary may well be proud, Eevsts Rose Croix Chapter, No. 1 of the State of Iowa, was organized April joth, 1867, at Burlington, Towa’ Officers :—Mortimer E. Gillette, 33°, Most Wise; Win, E Woodward, 34+ Sen. Kt, Warden ; Wamer Miler, 32° Jon. Kt, Warden; Samuel W. Snow, 31-, Orator ; Lopan Steece, Conductor; E. C. Parsons, Archivist ; Geo. A. McArthur, Treasurer ; Samuel J. Lane, Capt. of Guard. Hannax Senate H. P., No. 1 of Towa; was organized at Burlington, owa, April’ joth, 1867, Ofhcers = Wns Be sot 39 Sh Com RK. sae Su interpreter; Sainuel J. Lane, 31% Jun. Ki. interpreter; Win Bolton 31 Orton; HR Re AP Lehman, Kt, of Finance; Solomon Kohn, Archivist M E. Gillette, Marshal; E. C. Parsons, Ke. of latrodwedon S. W. Snow, Accompanier; Mark X. Kuechen, Capt, of «Guard; G. A. McArthur, Standard Bearer, &c. Other bodies were instituted in this year of which the English Order have no mention, ’ Smuts Grand Counel, 30% No. 1 of Dinois, was organ- ized at Peoria, Tlinois, on Wednesday, June’ 12th, 16Gy, F. Niglss, Sub. Dai; H. E. Seley, 1st Mysta: gue; D.'t. N. Sanderson, and Mystagoguc: Wee ho fein, Orator; Michael F. Eret, Treaburer; Charles Spald- ing, Secretary; George Broad’ Grand ape Joe Treager, Standard Beater; Wn, Oberhouser Serle D. W. Meck, Mess. of Sei; Charles A. Richy Archivets GW Carol, Accompanier; J.M. ier, Guard of Tower! M. Barrett, Sentinel, At the close of the installation the following resolutions were, in full conclave, unanimously adopted: vy larry J. Seymour, for the untiring assiduity and patient industry with la ‘mous, for the untiring assiduity and patient industry wit ‘Wiel he bas labotted for the establishment of the Antientand Betas Bie Rite ia the North Wert Resolved, That we have the fullest and most unbounded confidence in Tim ae3'Mason and-asa mans Resolved, That as we love the Antiont and Primitive Rite, we re- ‘commend jt asa, valuable system of Masonry. regular, legitimate, nd beautiful, and caleulated to beuest mankind. Resolved, That wo will strive for the prosperity, and labour for the prevalence of the Antient and Primitive Kite, as we may have the Esta Resolved, That a copy of these rezolutions be presented to the I, Ga. Mas. Gen. Seymouz, and entored upon the balartre ef this Grand, Council, Cl'Statoina, See. J.N.NIGLAS, Sub, Das. Kopzsu Rose Croix Chapter, No. 1 of Wisconsin, was. organized at Milwaukee, June 27th, 1867. Officers :—Robt. B. Miller, 33, Most Wise; M. J.’ Higgins, 32°, Sen. Kt. ‘Warden; J. L. Sexton, 31°, Jun. Kt Warden; W. HL. Rainstead, 31-, Orator; John’ E. Armitage, Conductor; Jobn Gilman, Treasurer; Mark Hendricks, Archivist. While at Cisanes, Oba, June art) 1857) TL, Bo. Hany J. ‘Seymour, confered ihe deprees of the Rite Menpiit apon Hi’ thoe loward Matthews, Dep. Gat Master of Ohio ; John D. Calewell, Gd. Serelary 6 Lodge Post apd Geo. W. Georg, ca of whom deed thee zees fo be most consistent with History, Masonry, and Holy Writ; that they contained great besay, "new light, and additional truth. ELEUSINIAN Rose Croix Chapter, No. 8, of Tlinois, was xganized at Chicago, july sand, 1867. Officers DeWitt CE Cregien 33+, Most Wine; David A. Cashman, ga", Sens Kt Warden! Goo. W. Barnard 31% Jun, Ne Warden H.W, Tumer, 315 Orator Wy'At Shandan, Conductors Geo. B, Carpenter, Treasurer; f.-. Whites, Archivist WF. Holcomb, Capt of Guard; Win. Lapham, Guard of Tower; J. Spaford, Prelate; D. T. Walker, Organist; J.N. Bowers, Sentinel Mvarux Chapter, No.9 of Tlinois, No. 24 S,S.; Tats acscisraan Senate, No, 4 of Iinols and No. 16 of 8. Reasrsns G. Council goth degree, No.2 lines, and Noy 4.0! 5. Sy were orgaiized by the Dep. Representative, Bro. D.C. Cregien 1867. Officers of the Marie Rose Croix Chapter, No. 9 of linois =H. W., Tuyen, 27, Most Wise A.D. Bascom, i: Sen. Kt, Warden °C, Hatch, $1 fon Ki, Warden? . #. Church, 31°, Orator; J. D, Wilson, Conductor ; John falwork, Treasurer; W. T. D. Groodt, Archivist ; J. C. ‘Viberts, Capt. of Guard; E. Stevens, Guard of Tower /W- S. Ryans, Sentinel. A Cachan, Gy. RUOISTRAN Senate, No, 4 Illinois :— D.A. Cashman, Sub. Gd. Com.; G. W. Barnard, Sen. Kt. Anterpreter ; W. Lapham, Jun. Kt. Interpreter; H. Guerdom, Orator; J.B. Lewis, Kt. Recorder; J. D. Smediey, Kt. of Finance ; J. I. Spafford, Archivist ; W. W. Kennedy, Mar- shal; A. H. Vanzwoll, Kt. of Introduction ; C. C. Garber, Accompanier; W. F. Washbum, Capt. of Guard; W. A” Sheridan, Standard Bearer ; J. H. Crane, Gd. of Sanctuary ; €. P, Silva, Sword Bearer ; J. N. Bowers, Sentinel. Raneses Grand Council, soth degree No, 2 of Tinos fier, Wan, Takom, Sab Dats WA Shetin, Pt ystagogue; J. 1. Spaiford, Second Mystagogues ©. Co Hubbard) Orstor; W. Ry Stobblefielg, Tressurer, ©. B, Silva, Secretary; ‘A. H, ‘Vanewoll, Gd. Expert? ‘Reber Hall, Archivist; Geo, L Oteman, ess of SEP. Woods Buf, ‘Accompanier; . W, Wilmarth, Ga, of Sane TB, Mann, Standard Bearer; W. F. Holcomb, Sword Bearer J.-H. Bowers, Sentinel Two splendidly iluminated Patents of the 33rd. degree, Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Italy, one for Hi, Bro. Harry J. Seymour, and one for Il. Bro. John J. Crane, MLD,, 33rd degree, were receved by the Sov. Sanclaary Correspondence with the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Rite ‘of Memphis for America. Extract from the official bulletin ‘of the Grand Orient of Italy, published at Florence, the 21st day of July, 1867. as Ric has conformed to the number of deeres of Unreal ne eee of So te “of Memphis, in'Awetea, seis Mead to ss Geese, SALVA. 226p.8 ap. Grad Orca of Tsar Macey Try sand Ver dar Brae Dae Yoy Wand Very deus Be, esc ten Sar Be Der Noy and Vor Son 3a Et olor, ay Sane ca comes etagen Soir j Cans bebe dine ce aha ee pi linitds me tition: High worne “Yojmilatthesame tine resi hoi Blt of the G.0. of ah caine eae ei Balin of the 6 Weslo tater eperaaly of uertag ties oh Be. ec CaSke UMTS LY Sh mag es tat the, Boe EEE Satan rent neared ay Eceptdonients, ueseetabty aout rises ar SoSaTLSa SPA pee om of Florence, July 28th, 1867. (The G. Chancellor M. Maccut, 33: eae Phew Dep. Cit AeongG. ML. Fravouts, 3". 2g the Ul. and Very dear Bro, Haxny J. Srruoun, 33°, G. Master Of the Sov. Senctuary of Mempaitat New Von 34 Natta .0. of Masonry for Tialy and ts Contes We, Grand Master of Maney fr ti in view ofthe feral spimmariacons tha power baleees ae GU Drew th sternal four a ike Rite of Memphis for America’ sod Ba get eS Jet F Cetae ay by iv atenal Kaan oe eat ef Bee. ‘And considering it for the good of the Masoaie Order to maigtain age gontinue these communications, we iosue tas soles of he cil of the Order ais nos “ Article 2-“Our G. Chancellor, the Brotaer M. Macchi, ean ‘with the notification of the present degree. ieee Teel ama ear tla amey) M. Macs, 33°, G. Chanceltor, 04 33 G Arehrorst. Hasaowita Chapter No.7 of New Yor, and 2g of ah Sn Se tw Fa af aE aM Hoek Cl, Ma das Gates gee Fa Be Wise; C. Mackey, 32°, Sen. Kt. Warden ; Levi J, iencet riglah Rec Widen WRU Parl’ Bietat incktay 15th, 1868, the IN. Sov. Grand Master instituted and ital wing bee gated aad Hose Grol Capers ora hea of Mga bl det ea a Ps SE AMEN a Boe Richens ser ea We, RP Gt ek Wart SC" en a eR iSong ty Re race dth Re Wadi gia Footy or dkt Heme Hee Be "ey Aichi 2 ies MGS Bans ei Re ase ol ade atte OO Bene UH Sona 3s Orbe WB ee Re Sis, ‘A Be Ste pac sed ine csc Sete of HP, goth deg te Sat SPY Ses OC Es Bev Stir, a day tage Ne Fe ech oan Ga “ie Sub. Gd. Com; Wim. Cowgill, 32°, ML, Sen. Kt, Inter- prea Ate nor seb alee Sit Rn Sind Re Oita lay Rep Reon: J Wketa eke ore Py, RE Retains ab SPRL) Hi Moore Kae ee ineonse ye MENTE Pecees J. H Seanae Se CE Be ME TA Boa or ne aR ant CW Car Buk See Regen RBA A pene Se Tae hi sae 337, member | ie 35 i At the request and earnest desire of the craft to complete { the organization a Grand Council 3oth degree, was also k instituted, its officers as given below, duly installed, and the | charter, with those of the Chapter and Senate granted | Officers of OnteNT Grand Couneil,—Il] Bros. Alexariler Long, 33", Sub. Dai; T.C. Thorp, 32:, 1st Alystagogue s J. H. Seaman, 32° and Mystagogue; Charles W. Moulton, 31: Orator; J. W, Foote, 30° Treasurer; H. S. Brewster, Jo" Secretary; C. T. Fonisiall, 30° Grand Experi; Howard Douglass, 30° Archivist; J. NM McFadden, 0" Mess. of Sci; J. M- Champlin, 30: Accompanier; C. Schroeder, 30° Standard Beater} H, M. Merrill, 30° Sword Bearer E . Mi. Blair, 30° Guardian of Sane; R. S. Burford, 30° Heng entnel ; Johin D. Caldwell, 32- Acting Assist M. of Ul. Bro. Alexander Long, 33°, was appointed Gr. Repre- c fentative of the State, and Til. Bro. T. W, Bartley, 33°, a5 } Deputy Representative for this portion of Ohio, by Tl ro ( f H. J. Seymour, the Grand Master General. EttaHt Chapter, No. 10 of New York ; and No. 28 of the Sov. Sanc., was instituted June sth, 1868, at Brooklyn, Officers H.C. Sawtell, 30° Most Wise; Edwin George, 32" Sen, Kt. Warden L/W. Sawtell, 31" Fon, Kt Warden Samuel Stretch, 31- Orator; J. J. Greenhalgh, Archivist : John Roworth, Treasurer. Ul. Bros. James N, Hubs, John J. Gorman, Henry W. ‘Moris. John Young, Levi H. “Willard, F. A. Richshofler, Isaac C. Dingman, "Willard, C. Black, George W. Close, B.L, Cohen, W. W, Calwell, Wallace C. Dickson, having viously received the degrees of the A. and P. Rite of » Memphis, from the Gd. Hierophant, were afliliated with the Sov. Sanctuary and its subordinate Bodies, June 14th, 1868. Saxngpaim Rose Croix Chapter, No. 9 U.D., of the State of New York, was installed, and its beautiful rooms pub- l. licly dedicated, at Brooklyn, E.D., July 9th, 1868. Officers, IL. Bros. A. B. Barnes, Most Wise ; J. J. Rogers, Sen. Kt, ‘Warden; j. A. Niebrugge, Jun.’ Kt. Warden; T. W. + Eecleston, “Orator; L. Douglas. Conductor; T. S, Gill, ‘Treasurer ; J. L. Hasbrouck, Archivist; C. S. Abbott, Capt. 4, of Guard ; J. H. Mendelhall, Gd. of Tower; W. Olmsted, ss Prelate; W.' Cord, ‘Organist; J. H. Johnson, Sentinel; “J Douglas, A. H. Marenus, R. H. Fargue, Trustees. ‘se >A Mystic Temple Grand Council Gen. gand degree, in and + for the State of York, was organized, ani the following. TIL + Bagize imalled, a Odd Flows Hall, City of New Fork, ‘ieFebmuary 5th, 1869. Grand Officers :—Il. Bros, Andrew “BM. Underhill, 33° Gd. Mas. of Light; Ben. S- Hil, 35° Grand Orator John Hanna, 33~ Grand Aunaiist; Osear ‘Mussinan, 33° Grand Treasurer; B. Reed, 33: Grand Ex- aminer; W. H. Jones, 32 Grand Keeper of the Rites Daniel Hoopes, 33° Grand Ceryee; Thos, W, Eedeston, 33° G.M. of C.; A.B. Bares, 33° Grand Conductor ; H. A. Adams, 32° Grand Gd. of Council; G. Fred. Wiltsie, 33° Grand ‘Representative; Wm. F. Moiler, 33-, Chas. E. Cosgrove, 32° Dep. Representatives ; John “Langtree, 32 Assistant . Orator ; Thomas C. Cassidy, 33: Grand Annalist; George W. Wilson, 32° Grand Treasurer; Isaac C. Chapman, 32" Grand Examiner David A. Scott, 32° Grand Keeper of R; Wesley B. Church, 33: Grand Master of C.; Thomas Bennet, 32°, Grand Ceryce; Louis Berger, 32" Grand Con ductor; “Alvin Graff, 33° Grand Guard of Cy Rev. Samuel J-Comeille, 32°, Rev. William Dymond, 32° Grand Prelates. EvReKa Rose Croix Chapter, No. 1 of California, was organized at San Francisco, California, February sth, 1869. Officers :—Augustus E. Phelps, 33" Most Wise,’ J. B. Dofie, 32° Sen. Kt. Warden ; Daniel Mitchell, 31° Jun. Kt. Warden; E, M, Cottrell, Orator; Robert Gowenlock, Conductor ; C. H. Wetherbee, Treasurer ; John O"Doane, Archivist ; ‘S. H. Kent, Capt. of Guard; W. P. Davidson, Guard of Tower; James Patterson, Prelate; H. Blyth, Organist ; James H. Skelly, Sentinel GoLDEN GaTE Senate, No. 1 of California, of H. P. aoth degree, was organized at San Francisco, Feb. sth, 1869. Officers :—W. S. Phelps, Sub. G. Com.;'J.'B. Dobbie, Sen. Kt. Interpreter; S. H.’Kent, Jun. Kt Interpreter; BR. Gowenlock, Kt. Orator; A. E, Phelps, Kt. Marshal; D. Mitchell, Kt. Recorder; C. H Wetherbee, Kt. of Finance; George 5. Watt, Kt. Archivist; E. Cottrell, Kt, of Intro duction ; J. Patterson, Kt. Accompanier ; James M. Pike, Capt. of Guard ; H. Blyth, Standard Bearer; J. H. Skelly, Ga. of Sanctuary ; W. P. ‘Davidson, Sword’ Bearer; John ©, Doane, Sentinel. Tosexerre Grand Council 3oth degree, No. 1 of California, ‘was organized at San Francisco, February sth, 1869. Officers, Edward Cottrell, Sub. Dai; S.'H. Keni, First Mystagogue} . B. Dobbie, Second Mystagogue ; H. Blyth, Orator; C. . Wetherbee, ‘Treasurer; J. O. Doane, Secretary; D. Mitchell, Archivist ; J, M. Pike, Mess. of S.; W.S. Boelps, ‘Accompanier; Geo. S. Watt, Standard Bearer; W. P. ‘Davidson, Sword Bearer; R. Goweulock, Guardian of Sanc- ‘tuary; J.'H. Skelly, Sentinel. ‘PENNSYLVANIA Rose Croix Chapter, No.1 of Pennsylvania, «Was organized at Philadelphia, March 1, 1869. Officers, W. ~ Brown, M.D., 32" Most Wise; Horace H1. Gregg, Archivist ; ‘Augustus “Piaf, 32° Sen. Ki. Warden; John’ MeCahan, Capt. of Guard} Joshua K. Hughes, 3- Jan, Ke. Warden; Samuel Sargible, Guard of Tower; Joseph B. Roberts, 3. Grator: Chrstin 2, Fisher, Senchiel; Samuel. MeClelin, Conductor’ G- Aldrigge, Prelate ;J.L.-Vandersice,Treasw: fer PA. Welder, Organist. : “The following dict was isued in 1869 :— TT, G, 0.7. § A. 0,7. V, From the Ovent sf Ti oe: Sanstory Ut Sot P, a G. Cone of Ane tes Qtin fe Promutogns acrdingo te hie of Me AgnTh Sader he Coniaent of Rawtce "alley of New York, this sath day of arc, 186 FV. vt Pee To ll atone to whom thee prevents sal come, gesting “The following restaons having ben adopted, all Masons ofthe Ament usd Patina Ras as hekby odeees labo e Saas 1. J. SEYMOUR, 33 othe It, Soy. Grant Moar, Offer > Bfember ofthe Sw Sane. Lise acer Ae ernfae Bie of Monpkis for he onthe of are ne Committe appented otk nto consideration te matter of griemigcaln eationte the joneiction of Laulsanay boy to report aa ee tb ohowiog team art esicvone Sradoy. Bean Wheres, A decree emanating fom the Grand Orient of France, Ce ee a a Oe et sae cee Ot SP eoat a Atens pcaed So te Se ot Peers SHS Saree Loaane hha, Getlag hse Selo te W, ced Lode tat ierees, The Antient and Primitive Rite of Merphis hat, by ite soleation” extended into nea every Sisee and Torttony on tie Hee cent ie Maricioy of oui Sarin Pou Se whe las proses & Whereas, The Rite ot Memphis has always acknowledged, the ‘Supremacy’ of the State Grand Lodges over the symbole or si three Seprece ofa Rue Louge, and engrafted the same into i constitution bythe following section, vi “« Whereas, The Rite of Memphis, on the Continent of America, anne ite nl Lode ie oupdation and fundamental ar oft Sefoved institation, to wich the Masonic allemtancect ailts members se due, and from which there can be no deviation thereore, no Bison sabe alone tol fom fe, Antent and Benne Ris ot orapbis unless he fr a member of «lodge in good standing, workiOg. Under 2 Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons." And Wherens, The Oficers and Brethren of the A. & P. Hite deprecate. the interference of any foreign body with the vested rights of estabe lished Masonic Grand Bodies in America, Be ft the Resolved, That we, the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Antient and Brimitve Rite at Rciphis, fo andlor the continent of America, in uncil assembled, do hereby unanimousty indorse te action of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana,” az embodied im resolutions, adopted February 138, 1065. Beit further o 38 ‘Reson, That apt such time a6 the Grand Orient of France shall, waneree ct elon as ceereed November. gn 106 all tera EnreSourtsWwith'tiae Grav Body be and the same iv heveby Riganlet ‘espectflly submitted, wit fraternal saltatons. ‘Conners — ‘Andrew M. Uaderil 337, Grand Master of Ligh, State of N. York $pseany i Avitbss Stand Chaser Bese ae handel 33 Beojamis’S Hil 5 Jobo'T Maiti, js" Assistant C. Bsamines, ‘Accepted and approved in oor Aryan, thie 20th day of March, wo Ee : “Harry J. Seymour, 33", T. Il Sov. Grand Master General ‘John J- Crane, MD, 33; G; Adminstrator General; Hon. Stop. apo Pdaone ty: G. ebbctlon Gens Basia Ge Rainy jogs Keeper Gen. of the G. Rook; James Morro, 93", G. Matter Gen. Be eetemcie “nmca Mes Hcsbbn, 4 Geni Tonpictor General! feet Goran) rout ramet Ua Btw Beh tant Ge aeper G. Beak ohn Steabach gor Ge Represtt- Bincder Caister G- Frets Wits, a5, Ge Rebesontative fr Hea Vors Jolie. Weadbory, Gy Repesentaie fr Ba Agere Risingen yn epeorkten for Pes WH Van Brera, Ase Bae G. Lnopeioe Gens Henty W. More, 33°) Avsistant G, Secretary Bea fe Reed: sy, Exainier of Mistie Temples Thomas W. Eccleston, 3, G.M of C, Mystic Temple: Dauiel Hooper, 337, G. Cersee; Royal G. Millard, $5", Past G- Orator; Edwin ML. Alford, SS Bast Examiners Willan C"inck, 3° Benjamin S, Hill, 3°, Grand Secretary General Sov. Sanc. ‘Various other bodies were instituted, but owing to the Sov. Sanctuary of America not having responded to our enquiries ‘we are unable to give them. ‘The following is extracted from a pamphlet issued by the ‘Order in America, in 1873, entitled “Masonic Facts :""— “On June 4th, 1872, at its regular convocation, the 5: ereign Sanctuary adopted its Constitutions, Statutes, and General Edicts, upon which the most II. S.’Grand Master ‘having completed his labours, resigned. “dk Charter was granted to Il Bro. JouN YARKER, 35 for a Sovereign Grand Body for Great Britain and Ireland. ‘The Most Il. Sov. Grand Master General decorated the ‘Most Ill. Bro. B. D. Hyam, 33°, with the Star of Sirius. “

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