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I. Read the text to answer question 1 to 5.


Ingredients : - 1 chicken
- 250 gr of bread flour
- 40 gr of sagu
- 80 gr of onion
- 8 pieces of shallots
- 1 egg
- salt
- pepper
Steps : - Remove bones from the chicken,
cut very thinly
- Cut union into very small pieces.
- Grind shallots
- Evenly mix all the above with bread
- Add salt and pepper
- Make mix into small discs about 2
2.5 inch
in diameter
- Heat oil on a pan
- Put each discs and fry until dark
What is the text about ?
What do we do after removing bones from the kithcen ?
If we want to heat the oil, where should place it !
What is the sixth steps to make perkedel ?
If we make perkedel, how many ingredients are needed !

II. Arrange the following words into a good meaningful sentence no. 6 7 !
6. to went my mother last Bali island month.
7. hotreally-yesterday-day-was-a.
III. Explain and answer the following questions correctly!
8. What is the purpose of narrative text?
9. Narrative text has generic structure, they are
10. Mentions the characteristics of narrative text.
11. Give one example about a notice sentence.
12. Give one example of short massage.

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