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Hawalli Educational District

Henry V
By William Shakespeare

Episode : 1
" Henry's character changed dramatically and the royal qualities he possessed
shone through."
A - Who was Henry V?


B- Compare Henry's character before and after becoming the king of England.

Before : ..

After : ..

C. A good king should have some certain characteristics. Suggest some of them.


D . How did Henry used to spend his time before being the King of England?



A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

Page 1

E -Henry's power did not lie in his physical strength but rather in his use of English. Explain.

2-" Earl of Canterbury was worried that King Henry might pass a bill that would reduce the
aristocracy's possessions"

A- Who was the Earl of Canterbury?


B- What was the Earl of Canterbury plan to draw the King's attention away from reducing
the aristocracy's possessions?


3- "King Henry sent his Word to the French informing them of his intentions."
A- What was King Henry's intentions ?


B- In response to Henry's message , a group of French ambassadors arrived at the English

court . Why ?


C-Who was the Dauphin?


D-What was the Dauphin's message about ?


4 - "Tell the Dauphin I will keep my state, be like a king and show my sail of greatness when
I do rouse me in my throne of France."

A-By whom and to whom was this message sent? Why?



A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

Page 2

5- " As in all conflicts , the parties involved attempted to devise certain strategies to

guarantee their victory "

A- If you were the king of France, what would you do to avoid such a war?


B- In your view, what preparations must be done before waging a war?


C-What was the French first strategy to avoid the war? Could they succeed?


D- Did the three courtiers agree? Did the plan work? Why?


E - How did King Henry punish his treachery courtiers?


Episode 2
"On the French front, arrangements were also being made in preparation for the English

A- What arrangements did the French make to defend their country?


B- Unlike everyone else at the French court, the Dauphin was quite sure that the French
would be victorious. Why?


C- The King of France didnt share his son's opinions . Why ?



A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

Page 3

D-Wars have many bad consequences. Mention soe .


E- "Peace or war" If it were your own choice , what would you choose ? Why ?


Episode three
1 -" On the morning of the next day , the decision was revealed : France had declined
England's proposition "

A- What was the King of France 's offer instead of Henry's proposition ?


B- Why did the English launch their first attack on Harfieur?


2- " Once more unto the breach, dear friends , once more. On , on you noblest English."
A- How did King Henry urge his army before going to battle?


B- After the English managed to besiege the city. How did King Henry show mercy
towards the citizens of Harfieur.

C- What were the characteristics of the English warriors?


D- In your own point of view what are the characteristics of a true king ?



A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

Page 4

E- After the English victory in Harfieur, there remained one hope that the

French firmly held on it. What was keeping the French party's hope of winning the war alive?

Episode Four
1-"The English were making good progress and forcing the French troops to withdraw gradually."
A. King Henry gave strict orders to his troops. What were his orders?

B-. In the heat of battle, a French messenger was bearing a letter from the King of France
.To whom ? Was this letter sent? What was it about?

C. What did the note express ?

D. What was King Henry's answer to this message?

E). Henry's soldiers were starving, exhausted and fewer in number than the French. If you
were King Henry, what would you do?

F.) Why did the French consider the English irresponsible?


A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

Page 5

Episode Five
1-"At the English campsite. King Henry was beginning to feel anxious. He was fully aware of
the danger his soldiers were exposed to. Now, more than ever before, he felt the necessity to
keep them motivated."

A-Henry decided to observe his soldiers and to see what state of mind they were in. How and

B- Who was Pistol ?

C- What was Pistol's opinion concerning the war and the King ?

2- " After his encounter with Pistol , King Henry carried on until he met three soldiers ."
A- Whom did King Henry meet while observing his soldiers in the battlefield ?

B. According to King Henry, what is the difference between a king and a common man?

Episode Six
1-"The odds were all on the French side : they outnumbered the English by five to one"

A. How were the English warriors encouraged and how did they regain their confidence in
their ability to defeat the French?

B. How were the two armies fighting?


A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

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C. How did the war end?

D - In your view, who are to blame, the English or the French? Why?

E- Who died on both sides ?

2- "The messenger also carried the message that the French had decided to surrender to the
King of England. The war was over."

A. King Henry met with the French King after finishing the war. What for ?

B. Who put forward his demands on that agreement? Why?

C- What was Henry's important request after his victory?

D- To what extent was the wedding of King Henry and Katherine important?

-Which character in the play has impressed you and why?

- In your view, what are the characteristics of a good leader?

- Mention a situation that shows Henry V's ability as a military leader.


A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

Page 7

-Henry V spends a lot of time simply giving speeches to others . What effect do Henry's
speeches have, and how are they important in the story ?


- Is Henry primarily interested in achieving glory for himself? Or is he sincerely and

selflessly devoted to the English cause? Comment.

- How are the English finally able to take Harfleur?

- What does Henry do the night before the battle?



A.A.Al-Rejeeb Sec. School For boys

Page 8

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