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Vegetable egg
fried rice
Serves 6 | 30 minutes

The secret to success with this dish is to cook it

really quickly, so make sure you prepare all the
ingredients in advance.

jamies top tip

Its super important you use cold,
leftover rice here if the rice is
hot, itll turn into a stodgy mess
once cooked!




600g cooked leftover white or brown rice

2 medium mixing bowls

100g frozen peas

Balloon whisk

3 large free-range eggs

Small mixing bowl

2 tablespoons low-salt soy sauce,

plus extra to taste

Measuring spoons

2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce

sesame oil
1 lime
6 spring onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 red pepper

Chopping board
Large wok with lid or tin foil
Wooden spoon
6 serving bowls

100g baby corn

a bunch of fresh coriander

Recipe Jamie Oliver. Photo David Loftus

Vegetable egg fried rice

1 Use your fingers to crumble up the cold rice so the
grains arent stuck together.

2 Remove the peas from the freezer and leave to

defrost. Meanwhile

3 Crack the eggs into a medium bowl and whisk well.


4 Place the soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce and 1

tablespoon sesame oil into a small bowl.

5 Cut the lime in half on a chopping board, then

squeeze in the juice from 1 half. Whisk well.


6 Trim and finely slice the spring onions. Peel and

finely slice the garlic.

7 Halve the pepper, scrape out the seeds and white

pith with a teaspoon, then slice lengthways into

15 Once piping hot, use a wooden spoon to push the

rice and vegetables to one side of the pan.

16 Working quickly, pour the egg mixture into the

empty space in the pan and cook for 1 minute to
scramble it slightly, stirring continuously.

17 Fold the egg into the rice and vegetables, then

take the pan off the heat.

18 Stir in the lime dressing, then divide between your



19 Scatter over the reserved coriander leaves, then

serve straightaway.
your notes


8 Halve the baby corn lengthways.


9 Pick the coriander leaves and set aside, then finely

slice the stalks.

10 Place a large wok over a high heat and add 2

tablespoons sesame oil.

11 Once hot, carefully add the garlic and coriander

stalks and cook for 30 seconds, then add the
chopped vegetables and peas.

12 Fry for 1 minute, or until slightly softened, stirring


13 Add the rice and stir well, making sure it doesnt

stick to the bottom of the pan.

14 Cover with a lid or tin foil and cook for 2 minutes,

or until the rice is piping hot through.

Recipe Jamie Oliver. Photo David Loftus

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