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Deison Encarnacin

Virna Montoya




Lesly Salud and Beauty is a company that Today as any company that is to
have successful one will have to adapt to the processes and changes, a study is
necessary Only with a good knowledge and be successful and to obtain the
aims foreseen to the beginning.
Activity To develop
Lesly health and beauty is a company that has products of natural acts for the
consumption with respecting the procedure of invima.
Control of the Products
Lesly health and beauty is the company that controls the products his condition
to avoid the side effects in the client once consumed by means of the
indicators of dates interviewed and conferences of prevention control in the
racks avoiding the dampness.
Economic indicators
For many years it has been listened brings over from the natural products and
his alternative consumption to the expectation of complaints and claims of the
clients without affecting the economy and the health and good flow of
information is clear due to clients and suppliers and distributors. Every day
they demand more the products.
In order to extend and to visualize the products will give itself by means of the
Internet a catalogue of all the natural products and his characteristics benefits
and recommendations that Lesly offers health and beauty oil.
Our company is a big very wide place that offers good comforts for the sale of
the products and to the need of the clients it allows us to know a great interest
in the purchase and sale of the same ones.
Distribution channel
Does an own sense of this company by means of leaflets, catalogues, voice to
voice, perifoneo in the streets, and the visit of the sector by means of vehicles
and motorcycles
East I project of Lesly health and beauty is to announce and to sell and
naturists supply all the shops in order to improve the quality of life of the
human being.

It has as goal in the natural products deliver in good condition a better
condition and quality in one to minor time favoring the times of wait for the
client from the distribution and the sale by means of the commercialization of
the same ones improving the quality of life in the social and psychological wellbeing.

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