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Transition Humboldt Council Meeting Minutes

June 14, 2015, 4-6 pm

IN ATTENDANCE: Jane Woodward, Janette Heartwood, Richard Kreis, Erin Rowe, Karen Isa, Tim Howard, Joanne
McGarry, Bill Warf and Andy Sehic.
Facilitator: Erin Rowe
Time Keeper: Jane Woodward
Minutes: Karen Isa
Location: Janette Heartwoods Home
The minutes were prepared from notes and a recording of the meeting.

Education Working Group -- Richard Kreis reported that the June Potluck on Personal and Community
Resiliency by Dawn Albrecht was all set and would be held at the Humboldt Area Foundation. Marsh
Commons is no longer available, but might be again in the future. The Camping Trip to Liz Harwoods
PlumNuts Homestead July 24-25 is in progress with her presentation on Intentional Communities. The
August 28th Potluck is a BBQ at Larry Goldbergs in Trinidad.
Erin Rowe is hosting a Communications Workshop at her home in Trinidad on July 19th. A flier will be
developed as an invitation to attend.
Publicity: Larry Goldberg was out of town and his report was read by Jane Woodward. He advised that if
Transition Humboldt is considering not using Plan It Green services, they should not plan anything that would
require their use.
Transition Streets Gail Coonan has done tabling at Kneeland Glen to inform neighbors in the freshwater area of
the program. The manual has been revised and website has been set up. A tentative date was set for the Next
Steps meeting but was subsequently cancelled because of conflicting summer schedules. It was noted that
tabling at the right event with interested participants has been very effective.

1. Jane Woodward moved that criteria sensitive to each venue or host be followed for publicity. She led
discussion in understanding hosts rights to determine whether the public be advertised to and invited to their
homes and their personal information. It was decided that Publicity would be moved to the Education Working
Group. A function of setting up activities must include sensitivity to venue issues. After fliers, etc., are
prepared, Larry Goldberg will continue distribution to media sources as needed.
2. The previous Retreat was successful. When planning a Retreat to make group decisions, it is not necessary to
have all the decisions or answers before having a retreat. This summer is busy with educational and community
activities, so it is not possible to have a summer retreat. October also has many related activities. November
may be a better choice for a Retreat as it may be less busy. No Retreat decisions were made.
3. Continued from last meeting was the question of revising the Transition Humboldt administrative structure.
There are no funds to cover the expenses billed by Plan It Green and those services are not being used. Do we
need to do funding for services we do not use. Currently there are no expenses for insurance or bookkeeping.
4. Continued from last meeting, Richard Kreis brought everyones attention to the Do-it-Yourself Stand-Alone Notfor Profit Organization report prepared from information provided by NorCan out of the Humboldt Area
Foundation and the credit union. The credit union will open an account for anyone or charitable organization
with an EIN which is a tax ID number. That number can be gotten over the internet. Last July the government

came out with a 501C3 application form for non-profits that can be filled out on line by filling out a form. The
four pages of exclusions qualify us to fill out the simplified form. Both the credit union and the simplified 501C3
application process require authorized officers and the credit union also requires a copy of minutes as proof. It
would cost approximately $100 a year to have a business account with checks. The big caveat was that groups
be under an umbrella to get insurance coverage. Richard proposed a committee to investigate this further.
Richard Kreis, Jane Woodward, Karen Isa, Tim Howard and Larry Goldberg if he is interested, were assigned to
be on the committee to further investigate and discuss this and report at the next Council Meeting. There is no
money in our account.
5. Move to designate a Treasurer -- Richard Kreis: This item was passed over in favor of the committee delegated
responsibility for items 3, 4 and 5 together.
6. The July Council Meeting has been cancelled. The next meeting is in August.
7. There were no requests for reimbursement.
8. The website is fully functional; to enhance it will cost money and can be done at a later time. A request was
made to demonstrate how to use the website twice during the camping trip.
9. Involvement at the Intercultural Sustainable Living Skills Fair, October 24-25, is requested by Larry Goldberg.
Jane Woodward listed the levels of participation and categories available for which volunteers may volunteer
and the date of their next meeting. The Council previously agreed to table and put together a class to present.
This will be handled by the Education Working Group.
June 28 Salon, Janette Heartwoods home
July Salon (was subsequently canceled)
Community Rights/Move to Amend will bring Paul Cienfuegos for a conference September 26-27
Paul Hagan, Humboldt Bay Initiative presentation, in September


Date: September 25, 2015

Facilitator: Jane Woodward
Timekeeper: Richard Kreis
Minutes: Janette Heartwood
Meeting Location/Phone: Janette Heartwoods Home

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