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Troubleshooting your iKTV Station


Ive connected my iKTV player to the television,

but no picture appeals on the screen.

1. Make sure the iKTV player unit is plugged into a standard
household electrical outlet and is turned ON.
2. Check that the RCA cables are securely connected
to the corresponding inputs. (RCA audio/video OUT
from the iKTV unit; RCA audio/video IN to the television).
3. Some televisions have a function button required to be
in the ON position to read input devices (commonly
labeled INPUT or TV/VIDEO). If your television has
such a feature, check that this button is in the ON position.
Refer to your televisions owners manual for further details
on this feature.
Q: When I speak into the iKTV Microphone, no sound is audible.
A: 1. Make sure your iKTV microphone is ON and securely plugged
into one of the inputs located on the front side of the player.
2. Check to see that your television volume is at an audible level,
and that the microphone volume dial located on the side of
the iKTV player is up. To adjust the volume up, roll the dial in
the direction of the VOLUME +I graphic printed above the dial.
Q: Ive inserted a Music Video CD into the iKTV player, but it
will not play
A: 1. Make sure the Music Video CD is placed flat onto the tray with
the printed graphics facing up. Press the OPEN button located
on top of the player to close the tray. Check to see that the tray
is completely retracted and closed.
2. When the iKTV screen prompt shows up, press the center PLAY/PAUSE
button on the iKTV microphone. This will start your Music Video CD.

3. Make sure the Music Video CD is free of dust and/or scratches.

Adjusting ECHO with your iKTV Microphone


You can adjust the ECHO level on your iKTV Station by simply
pressing and holding the STOP button on your iKTV microphone.
1. Make sure your iKTV microphone is securely connected to your iKTV Player.
2. Locate and press the STOP button on your iKTV Microphone
Hold for three seconds.



3. The word ECHO will display on your television screen.

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4. Locate the PITCH/ECHO INCREASE/DECREASE buttons on the side of your iKTV Player.
(refer to iKTV Player illustration on reverse side of this installation sheet)

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5. Adjust the ECHO to your preferred setting by pressing the PITCH/ECHO INCREASE/DECREASE buttons
(minimum: ECHO OFF; maximum: ECHO +5)
6. To reset the function of the PITCH/ECHO INCREASE/DECREASE buttons, locate and press the
STOP button on your iKTV Microphone and hold for three seconds. The word PITCH will
display on your television screen. You can now adjust the PITCH on your iKTV Station.
7. To readjust the ECHO, repeat steps l-6.

iKTV and TAO are regtstered trademarks of TAO M USIC , Inc. copyrlght 2001



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The iKTV Station


The iKlV Player

4 free
Music Video CDs

mp3 cd and audio cd formats )

The iKTV player can support mp3 cd (mp3 audio burned onto a CD-R) and audio cd formats as well.
Inmp3 mode, your iKTV player will display a blue screen menu, where you may navigate and select
music using your iKTV microphone. Pressing the center PLAY button will start your selected song.
In audiocd mode, the iKTV logo screen will display. Use your microphone to select your song and
press the center PLAY button to start your music. No video will be seen in either of these modes.

12. The iKTV prompt will appear on your television screen.


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Playing an iKTV Music Video CD


1. Press the OPEN button located on the top of your iKTV Player.
2. Tray will slide open.
3. Carefully place an iKTV Music Video CD onto the tray.
4. Press the OPEN button again.
5. Tray will slide shut.
6. Press the PLAY button on your iKTV microphone to start the iKTV Music Video CD.
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ads wew of The iKTV Player

iKTV and TAO are registered trademarks of TAO Music, Inc. copyright 2001


Video, Grafik, MP3 und CD Karaoke Player

1) Schlieen Sie den IKTV Karaoke Player mit dem mitgelieferten Netzteil an.
2) Verbinden Sie den IKTV mit dem TV-Gert
a) ber mitgeliefertes Scart Anschlukabel (Ton + Video ber TV-Gert) oder
b) ber AV-Cinch Kabel (Ton und Videoanschlu kann ber getrennte Gerte durchgefhrt
Sollte kein AV-Anschlu (Cinch Anschlu) am TV Gert zum Anschlieen verfgbar sein, so
knnen Sie ber einen separaten Scart Adapter (Best.Nr.Kabel-218) verbunden werden.
3) Schlieen Sie das mitgelieferte Mikrofon an einen der 4 Mikroeingnge an. Es knnen nur IKTV
Mikrofone verwendet werden.
4) CD Lade mit der OPEN Taste ffnen und CD einlegen. Mit nochmaligem Drcken Lade schlieen.
5) Mit dem Bedienungsfeld am Mikrofon knnen Sie nun die Funktionen PLAY/PAUSE, STOP,
NEXT (nchster Titel / vorhergehender Titel) sowie Multiplex (Stimme zu- und abschalten bei dafr
vorgesehenen Aufnahmen) verwenden.
6) An der linken Seite des Karaoke Players finden Sie die Regelung fr die Lautstrke des Mikrofons
sowie die Pitch-Tasten zum ndern der Tonhhe der Musikstcke.
7) ndern des Echos: Schalten Sie den IKTV Karaoke Player ein und halten Sie die STOP-Taste am
Mikrofon fr min. 3 Sekunden gedrckt. Es erscheint am TV Startbild des IKTV Karaoke Players
der Begriff ECHO. Nun knnen Sie mit den beiden Tasten der PITCH Regelung das Echo
verstellen. 0 bis +5 (0 = kein Echo, +5 max. Echo). Bei nochmaligem Drcken der STOP Taste am
Mikrofon wird die neue Einstellung abgespeichert.
Diese Information dient als kurze Zusammenfassung fr die dem Gert beigelegte englische Bedienungsanleitung und ist als solche nicht anzusehen.
Schden die durch eine nicht sachgeme Bedienung verursacht werden, liegen nicht in unserem Bereich. Weitere Informationen ber unser Karaoke
Programm sowie Karaoke CDs finden Sie unter

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