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*kini akuang gi pili kay medyo similar siya sa YT vid na gi post ni maye*

IL-18R1 and IL-18RAP SNPs may be associated with

bronchopulmonary dysplasia in African-American infants
bronchopulmonary dysplasia inflammation in respiratory system

Focus on this figure

So naa tay 3 basic steps

1. specific signal-receptor binding in the extracellular matrix ; occurs in cell
2. cascade of protein kinase activation which is MAPK pathway para ma
reinforce or mapakusog ang signal transduction for correct transcription of DNA in
nucleus ; occurs in cytoplasm
3. translation of DNA forming interleukin-8 ( a type of cytokine that promotes
inflammation) ; occurs in nucleus


1.specific signal-receptor binding in the cell membrane
- IL-18 is the signal in the extra cellular matrix
- IL-18r1 (left) and IL-18RAP (right) were specific
receptors kung naa kay bronchopulmonary dysplasia
* IL-18 binds to these receptors and trigger activation of MyD88 in cytoplasm*
2. cascade of protein kinase activation which is MAPK pathway para ma reinforce or
mapakusog ang signal transduction for correct transcription of DNA in nucleus ;
occurs in cytoplasm
Activation = phosphorylation (nag add ug phosphate)
- MyD88 activates RAS (membrane bound protein) by
- RAS activates
- RAS phosphorylates ERK so ERK activates
- ERK activates transcription factors fos/jun belonging to
AP-1 (activator protein 1) family
3. translation of DNA forming interleukin-8 ( a type of cytokine that promotes
inflammation) ; occurs in nucleus
- Fos/jun from cytoplasm travels to nucleus upon
activation by ERK
- fos/jun binds to AP-1 na naa sa DNA that start
-NF-IL6 mechanism is not well understood in paper( pero
part siya sa family ng AP-1)
* AP-1 and NF-IL6 (in the MAPK pathway) and NF-kB (from other pathway na dili na
ta mag explain) were needed for the expression of il-8 (a cytokine that promotes

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