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Angela L.

Thomson 9/28/15

Random Acts of KindnessSeptember

8/30/15 Made an anonymous monetary donation to a needy family in our neighborhood.
9/7/15 Helped my college son by secretly folding his two weeks pile of laundry.
9/14/15 Complimented a woman at the gym about her posterior deltoids and rhomboids and
how great they looked. Asked her to teach me the exercises she performs to give her such
beautiful muscles.
9/14/15 Helped an older gentleman at the gym after he fell off a treadmill and passed out. I
obtained some water for him and offered to help him back to his car. An ambulance was called
and came. (See photos)

9/18/15 Wrote an anonymous note card of gratitude and love for an elderly widow in my
neighborhood and left it on her windshield to find and surprise her.
8/28-9/3/15 Helped a friend by encouraging her to increase her healthy eating (together we
eliminated extra sugar from our diets for two weeks) and exercise more by walking with her in
the evenings and sending her texts of encouragement throughout the two weeks.

8/29/15 Cooked and donated food items to a friend for a family event she was having.
8/29/15 Baked and took cupcakes to a neighbor family.
9/7/15 Gave a last minute ride to a teenage neighbor to his high school football practice.
9/27/15 Volunteered and then substitute taught a religion class of six-year-olds for a friend who
was going out of town.

Random Acts of Kindness Paper

A few things stood out to me as I completed this assignment.
1) In my daily life I perform random acts of kindness just because of who I am.
2) Opportunities for kind acts are everywhere, I just need to take advantage of the
opportunities as they present themselves.
3) A few kind acts I consciously performed because of this assignment.
I would like to get to the point in my life where I take all opportunities to perform service for
others without hesitation, just because I would love to help lighten the load of others in this life.
One day during September, I had an act of kindness performed for me that really touched my
heart. I was at the gym doing decline sit-ups and an older woman I didnt know came over to me
and simply told me that you are awesome! It lightened me right up and I loved it so much that
I performed the same act at the gym a couple of days later! (see anonymous act dated 9/14/15)
Of course I feel good when I do service for others, because I know how much it lightens my
burdens when others perform acts of kindness (service) for me!!
Through this assignment I was more consciously aware of the needs of others and what I was
already doing each day to help those around me to feel loved and valued.
The act of helping the gentleman who passed out at the gym was a good one for me. I think I
actually benefitted more from the service than he did. It made me feel more confident in my
abilities during a crisis and I saw how others rallied around him to help out of the kindness of
their hearts.
Thanks again for a good eye-opening experience!!

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