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Final Review


Final Review
Themes of the Quran
o Theme of belief
o What is the nature of sin?
o Escatology- end of days?
o Punishment, rewards, etc.
The qibla changes, originally towards Jerusalem and then Makkah

a fence around the Torah

Certain things that the Torah prohibits
Rabbis wanted to make sure that you dont violate these things.
Created protective orders in order to prevent the action
o Prevents the person from getting closer
Protective order will keep you further enough away to not get closer
to the harm.
ex. Sabbath not supposed to do a lot of things on Sabbath, there
are things in the Torah, but they are oral law
o Mutzeh something you cant use on Sabbath, cant even be
handled. (CANT HOLD CHALK).
o Cant make a fire ------ cant handle matches
How does Islam make these rules? Religious authority. How do you
derive jurisprudence from text? Where are all the rules from.
Sunnah. Torah has scripture, but also a sense of tradition on Oral


Remember council of Nicae and Chalcedon

Know the difference between Shia and Sunni
o Has to do with leadership after Mohammad
o Sunni - companions are the closer people to the prophets
o Shia blood related people, Alli

Last essay prompt

Christianity differs from Judaism and Islam
Iman- 12th one disappeared and they are waiting for him to come
back Sheism
Religious supercession in Christianity and Islam
Complete or supersession
o Christianity has to deal with Judaism
o Islam has to deal with Christianity and Judaism
o You dont have to be Jewish to be Christian
o Romans faith replaces the law (superseded)
Breaks the covenant with the Jews
New Testament
o Seal of prophecy
o Preserves the previous prophets
Jesus as prophet, not a divine being.

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