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Below is the function of fat except.... solvent of vitamins A, D, E, K largest energy source
c. as food reservation that is stored under the skin builder substance

2. Vitamin that solves in water is.

a. vitamin D
b. vitamin E
c. vitamin K
d. vitamin B
3. The order of food digestive tract in human after mouth and throat are.
a. stomach, pancreas, intestine, anus
b. liver, small intestine, large intestine, anus
c. stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus
d. stomach, large intestine, small intestine, anus
4. Mechanical digestion process is.
a. changing food shape of rough to be smooth
b. changing food shape of smooth to be dense
c. changing food shape of rough to be liquid
d. changing food shape of rough to be smooth till sweet
5. Peristaltic movement can be meant as movement of.
a. swallowing food into throat
b. swallowing food into mouth until smooth and sweet
c. pushing food from throat to stomach
d. pushing food from stomach to small intestine
6. Chemical food digestion in human happens in.
a. mouth, stomach and small intestine
b. mouth, stomach, throat
c. mouth, stomach, intestine
d. mouth, intestine, rectum
The picture below, for answer question number 7 - 9

7. The absorption of food essence happens in number...

a. C
b. G
c. E
d. H
8. Rennin enzyme is produced by number.
a. C
b. I
c. H
d. G
9. Enzyme that changes proteins to be amino acid is produced by number.
a. D
b. H
c. I
d. C

Bile liquid has function to.

change flour to be sugar
emulsify fat
change protein to be amino acid
absorb acetic acid


As food passes along the alimentary canal, proteins are digested in the.
mouth, stomach, duodenum
stomach, duodenum, jejunum
stomach, pancreas, caecum
duodenum, ileum, liver


12. Enzyme that excreted by pancreatic gland are..

a. trypsin and lipase
b. amylase, and gastric acid
c. ptyalin and rennin
d. lactose and lipase
13. The liver is located in the abdomen and performs many functions. Which of the
following is NOT a function of the liver?
a. Storing food
b. Manufacturing insulin
c. Producing digestive juices
d. Healing itself when it is damaged

14. If the liver damage, will gave effect to body organ. However, there are some
functions which will not be affected. Which of the following will not be affected?
a. formation of glycogen
b. formation of urea
c. production of bile
d. secretion of digestive enzyme
15. Disease that cause of presence of microorganisms in human digestive tract is.
a. constipation
b. dysentery
c. parotids
d. hernia

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