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International Finance Corporation General Health and Safety Guidelines Introduction ‘The World Bank Group has written environmental guidelines that are used in new projects in which the World Bank Group considers investing. The following general health andl safoty guidelines have been propared to be usec together with the environmental guidelines for new IC projects Workplace Air Quality Periodic monitoring of workplace air quality should be conducted for air contaminants relevant to employee tasks and the plant's operations. Ventilation, air contaminant control equipment, protective respiratory equipment and ait quality monitoring equipment should be well maintained. Protective respiratory equipment must be used by employees when the exposure levels for welding fumes, solvents and other ‘materials present in the workplace exceed local of internationally accepted standards, of threshold limit values (TLV) as annually published, for example, by the by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial ts (ACGIH) in "Thresolel Limit Values for oal Substances and Phystval Agents md Biological Exposure Indices” Workplace Noise LVoasible administrative and engineering controls, including sound/-insulated equipment and contro rooms should be employed to reduce the average noise level in normal work areas. Plant equipment should he well maintained to minimize noise levels. Personnel must use hearing protection when exposed to noise levels above 85 gBA, Work in Confined Spaces Prior to entry and occupancy, allconfined spaces ‘eg, tanks, sumps, vessel, sewers, excavations) aust be tested for the presence of toxic, flammable and explosive gases or vapors, and for the lack of ‘oxygen. Adoquate ventilation mast be provided ‘before entry ancl during occupancy ofthese spaces. Personnel must use air-supplied respirators when working. in confined spaces which may hecome contaminated or deficient in ‘oxygen during the period of occupancy. Observers assistants must be stationed outside of confined spaces to provide emergency assistance, ifmecessary, to personnel working inside these Health - General Sanitary facilities shoulel be-well equipped with ‘supplies (eg, protective creams) and employees should be encouraged to wash frequently, particularly those exposed to dust, chemicals or pathogens. Ventilation systems should be provided to control work aroa temperatures and ‘humidity. Personnel required to work in areas of ‘high temperature anel or high humidity should be allowed! to take frequent breaks away from these areas, Pre-employment and periodic medical ‘examinations should be conducted for all personnel, and specific surveillance programs instituted for personnel potentially exposed to toxic or radioactive substances, Safety - General All installations shall be designed and operated to protect the health and safety of employees and the community. The following are recommenced safety procedures and practices for the workplace: Tie fermi & edad oe by sl of ib emul Fiance Copanton al is cans b Gaming on te pais om HU (Openticn Pole oa Envicrictal Assent (OP 4.01) ad cele document aeration Finenee Cmpration (Genera Health and Safety Goidetinee Sat, 1898 8). Shield guards or guard railings should be installed ata belts, pulleys, gears and other moving parts ) Elevated platforms and walkways, and stairways and ramps should be equspped with handrails, toeboards and non-slip surfaces }_ Electrical equipment should be grounded, well insulated and conform with applicable codes, 4) Personnel should use special footwear, masks and clothing for work ia arens with high dust levels or contaminated with hazardous materials ©) For work near molten or high temperature ‘materials, employees should bbe provided with non-slip footwear, gloves, safety glasses, helmets, face protection, legyings and other necessary protective equipment 1) Eye protection should be worn by personnel ‘when ia areas where there isa risk of flying chips or sparks, or whore intense light is generated. 8) Personnel should wear protective clothing and goggles when in areas where corrosive, reactive, ignitable or toxic materials are stored or processed NOTE: A complet list of hazardous substances and threshold quantities that require a hazarct assessment is included in the World Bank publication “Leehniques for Assessing Industrial ecards” - World Tank Technical Paper Number 55, 1988; a major hazard assessment is also required for any process operating ata pressure greater than 50 bars, when the product of pressure {in bass) and pressurized volume (in m') exceeds 10,000), hh) Emergency eyewash and showers should be installed in arcas containing corrosive materia, |) A safety program should be established for construction and maintenance work, 3) _ A fire provention and fire safoty program should he implemented! and include regular dlls, Drinking Water ‘the guidelines for drinking water quality apply when sponsors are responsible for the projects drinking watee supply. Sponsors should use the Arinking water standards that are published Dy the World Health Organization in "Guidelaes for Drinking Wier Quality Healt Criteria und Phe ‘Supporting Information Training Limployees should be trained on the hazards, precautions and procedures for the safe storage, handling and use ofall potentially harmful materials relevant to each employee's task and ‘work area. Training should incorporate information from the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS5) for potentially harmful materials which can be obtained from the supplier(s) ofthe chemicals being used. Personnel should be trained ineavironmental, health and safety matters including accident prevention, safe lifting practices, tho use of MSDS, safe chemical ‘handling practices, and proper control and maintenance of equipment and facilities, Training, should also include emergency response, including the location ancl proper use of ‘emergency equipment, use of personal protective ‘equipment, procedures for raising the alarm and notifying emergency response feams, including local anc! regional hospitals, ant proper response actions for each foreseeable emergency situation. Occupational Health and Safety Monitoring Records of jab related accidents and illnessex {ncidents) shall be maintained, ‘The records shall include all incidents resulting in an incapacity to ‘work for atleast one full workday beyond the day ‘on which the accident or illness occurred. Records must also inchude the total number of days of absence from work as the result of an incident. Records and Reporting ‘The sponsor should maintain records of significant environmental matters inctucting, monitoring data, accidents and occupational illnesses, and spills fires and other emergencies. ‘This information should be reviewed and evaluated to improve the effectiveness of the ‘environmental, health and safety program, An Tae ner & need fir oe by sl Ub Tarra Tance Companton sl is senso camming ot te pases a ae (Openticn Pole oa Envicrictal Assent (OP 4.01) ad cele document nection Finatos Comptia (General Health and Set Genes age? Sk 11958 annual summary of the above information should be provided to IFC. Further Information ‘The following are suggested as sources of additional information (these sources are provided for guidance and are not intended to be comprehensive): “Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Lxpasure Indices”. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) “Techniques for Assessing Industrial Hazards” = World Bank Technical Paper Number 35, 1988 “Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, Health Criteria and the Supporting Information” = Geneva, Volume 1. World Health Organization (WHO), 1984. Tae ner & need fir oe by sl Ub Tarra Tance Companton sl is senso camming ot te pases a ae (Openticn Pole oa Envicrictal Assent (OP 4.01) ad cele document

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