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OOPs Using C++ INFO 113

Assignment -1


Q1. What is Object Oriented Programming? How is it different from the procedure oriented
programming? (5)
Q2. Distinguish between the following terms: (5)

Objects and classes

Data abstraction and data encapsulation
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Constructor and Destructor

Q3. Explain Pointers to members in C++ with suitable example? How we can declare a class member
pointer? (5)
Q4. What are the different types of inheritance used in C++? Explain with proper syntax in C++? (5)
Q5. (a.)Write a C++ program to show the stack and queue implementation? (10)
(b.) Write a C++ program to show inheritance as per the following hierarchy: (10)

Shape Base class

Rectangle Derived class of Shape
Triangle Derived class of Shape
Sphere Derived class of Shape
main() should show the following menu:
1. Rectangle
2. Triangle
3. Sphere
3. Exit.
(Enter choice:_)
A function AREA() should be made to calculate the area of the chosen shape and will be shown as
output? You need to specify the compilation process with its output?

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