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Human activities have significantly contributed to global warming.

Topic Sentence:
Human activities such as the burning of fossils fuels and rapid
industrialization playing a big part in global warming.
Supporting Sentence 1:
Based on the report of Intergovernmental Panel on climate change, in
2001, the human activity had played an important role in global warming
Supporting Details 1:
Fossil fuel burning has produced a large amount of carbon dioxide from
human activity since long time ago.
Supporting Details 2:
In this industrial era, the amount of radiation tocsin produced by a lot of
industry are increase rapidly in atmosphere.
Supporting Sentence 2:
According to Karl and Trenberth, Over the past 50 years, human
influences have been the dominant detectable influence on climate
change. (Billy A.).
Supporting Details 1:
The usage of fossils fuels in industries, in vehicles and in power plants
that supply energy for houses and offices are increasing day by day in
every corner in this world.
Supporting Details 2:
The burning of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide which is not useful for
this global. The production of large amount of carbon dioxide creating
heat into atmosphere.
Concluding Sentence:
These natural phenomena's are affected by human activities which
resulted in causing global warming. If human activities had not played
contributed the warming would not have been to the extent of harmful

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