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Project Outline

Day 1: Review Project outline and make adjustments. Set deadlines as

Step 1. Complete Self I AM Poems
Read I AM Poems
Create I AM info bank due 8-14-2015
Create I AM NOT info bank due 8-14-2015
Gather more info from Student Body- Interviews? Survey? Facebook?
Step 2. Analyze and prioritize
Message Development done 8-18-2015
Message: Students have been taken for granted in the past and want a
better education to succeed in their future. We, the students, want respect
so that we can give respect. We have lives outside of school that we can
share with you if you give us your attention. We want classes that are filled
with your inspiration to have different effects on our lives. Your responding
attitude of enthusiasm to change gives us opportunities to respond positively
in our classrooms.
Step 3. Create Storyline working in progress 8/18-8/19
What kind of videos, interviews, or pictures will we need to create our
Develop how you will get from Point A to Point B for each project.
Step 4. Production (Each group will create a task list, assign
responsibilities, and due dates)
Script writing 8-20-2015 Identify Filming scenarios 8-20-2015 Film
editing with producers and editors 8/26-8/28
Poster Create Google folder 8-20-2015 (finish taking pictures)8-25
Poster project end 8-28
Comic people storyline 8-20-2015 draft 8-26 final 8-28

Create Video(Group 1: Taran, Wade, Lain, HiKiyarah, Tyshaun, Samuel Group

2: Nathan, Kashayla, Charmaine, Taylor, Sybil, Vashawn)
-use of pictures, clips, recorded sound
-conduct and use interviews
Create Poster (Kitana, Rodera, Ian, TeeJay, Cordell, Christina) Will use a
Google Share folder to collect pictures to use for poster project.
-use of pictures and photo editing Create Comic (Korben, Anthony, Kordell,
Shane, Talayia)
-create storyline to present a teacher student communication situation that
ends both negatively/positively.
Step 5. Presentation
September 7, 2015 at 2:15 CHS Library, tentatively reserved. Invites sent
home with students on Monday, August 31, 2015
How will we present the final projects, what was our message and why? To
who? Students will need to practice order of presentation and points.
Get feedback
Final Scoring (from teacher and classmates).

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