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Running head: Complex Numbers and Moivres theory

Complex numbers and Moivres theory

Ana Julia Carbajal Mendoza
Shadai School
30th June


complex numbers and Moivres theory

1. Complex numbers
1.1 Arithmetic of complex numbers
1.2 Addition and subtraction
1.3 Identities and inverses
1.4 Multiplication
1.5 Division
a)complex conjugate
b)Quotients of complex numbers

2. Moivress Theory


complex numbers and Moivres theory

Until now, we have been dealing exclusively with real numbers. This chapter
introduces a new topic--imaginary and complex numbers. Complex numbers are
numbers of the form a + bi , where i =

and a and b are real numbers. They are

used in a variety of computations and situations. Complex numbers are useful for
our purposes because they allow us to take the square root of a negative number
and to calculate imaginary roots.
The first section discusses i and imaginary numbers of the form ki . The focus of the next
two sections is computation with complex numbers. Section two explains how to add
and subtract complex numbers, how to multiply a complex number , how to multiply a
complex number by another complex number,introduces the concept of a complex
conjugate and explains its use in dividing a complex number by another complex
number. At last here is written and explained the moivres theory who is used in
complex numbers.

complex numbers and Moivres theory

1.Complex Numbers
Denition ; A complex number is a number that contains a real part and an imaginary part. The imaginary part of a
complex number contains the imaginary unit, . This number is called imaginary because it is equal to the square root
of negative one. is not a real number. Although it is rarely, if ever, used in some fields of math, it comes in very handy
when calculating the roots of polynomials, because the quadratics that were previously irreducible over the reals are
reducible over the complex numbers. ;If a and b are real numbers, the number a + bi is a complex number, and it is
said to be written in standard form. If b = 0, the number a + bi = a is a real number. If b 6= 0, the number a + bi is
called an imaginary number. A number of the form bi with b 6= 0 is called a pure imaginary number.
The real numbers R are a subset of the complex numbers C.
1.1 Arithmetic of Complex Numbers
Equality Two complex numbers a + bi and c + di, written in standard form, are equal to each other
a + bi = c + di
if and only if a = c and b = d.
1.2 Addition and Subtraction If a + bi and c + di are two complex numbers, written in standard form, their sum and
difference are dened as follows.
(a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i (a + bi) (c + di) = (a c) + (b d)i
1.3 Identities and Inverses The additive identity element in the complex number system is 0 = 0 + 0i. The additive
inverse of the complex number a + bi is a bi.
1.4 Multiplication of complex numbers is carried out using the FOIL Method.(a + bi)(c

complex numbers and Moivres theory

Example: Multiply out (3 + 2i)(3 2i) (3 + 2i)(3 2i) = 3 3 3 2i + 2i 3 - 2i 2i by the Distributive Property =
9 6i + 6i 4i2 after multiplying terms = 9 4i2 after combining like terms = 9 4(-1) after replacing i2 with 1 =
13 after combining like terms
Or, if you used the generalization, you end up with a2 + b2 = 32 + 22 = 13. + di) = (ac) + (ad)i + (bc)i + (bd)i2 = (ac) +
(ad + bc)i (bd) = (ac bd) + (ad + bc)i
The usual properties of arithmetic hold for complex numbers: associative property commutative property distributive
1.5 Division
a)Complex Conjugates
Denition The complex conjugate of the complex number a + bi is the complex number a bi.
Note: (a + bi)(a bi) = a2 + b2 a real number.
b) Quotients of Complex Numbers
The quotient of two complex numbers can be written in standard form by multiplying both numerator and denominator
by the complex conjugate of the denominator.
a + bi)
-------(c + di)

(a + bi)(c - di)
= ------------------((c + di)(c - di))

(ac + bd) + i(bc - ad)

= ----------------------(c2 + d2)
(ac + bd)
= --------(c2 + d2)

2. De Moivres theorem

(bc - ad)
i----------(c2 + d2)

complex numbers and Moivres theory

The process of mathematical induction can be used to prove a very important theorem in mathematics known as
De Moivre's theorem. If the complex number z = r(cos + i sin ), then

The preceding pattern can be extended, using mathematical induction, to De Moivre's theorem. If z = r(cos + i sin
), and n is a natural number, then

Example 1: Write

in the form s + bi.

First determine the radius:

Since cos =

and sin = , must be in the first quadrant and = 30. Therefore,

complex numbers and Moivres theory

Example 2: Write

in the form a + bi.

First determine the radius:

Since cos

and sin

, must be in the fourth quadrant and = 315. Therefore,

Problems involving powers of complex numbers can be solved using binomial

expansion, but applying De Moivre's theorem is usually more direct.
De Moivre's theorem can be extended to roots of complex numbers yielding the nth root theorem. Given a complex
number z = r(cos + i sin), all of the nth roots of z are given by

where k = 0, 1, 2, , (n 1)

complex numbers and Moivres theory

If k = 0, this formula reduces to

This root is known as the principal nth root of z. If = 0 and r = 1, then z = 1 and the nth roots
of unity are given by

where k = 0, 1, 2, , ( n 1)

Example 3: What are each of the five fifthroots of

Since cos

expressed in trigonometric form?

and sin = , is in the first quadrant and = 30. Therefore, since the sine and cosine

are periodic,

and applying the nth root theorem, the five fifthroots of z are given by

where k = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 Thus the five fifthroots are

Observe the even spacing of the five roots around the circle in Figure 1 .

complex numbers and Moivres theory

Figure 1
Drawing for Example 3.

Complex numbers are useful in a variety of situations. They appear frequently in almost every branch of mathematics. We will us
them when we find the roots of certain polynomials, many polynomials have zeros that are complex numbers. I learned that
generally a complex number is a combination of a real number and an imaginary number and that imaginary numbers

are special because when squared they give a negative result.

complex numbers and Moivres theory


Milton & Stegun, Irene A. (1964), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, New York:
Dover Publications.
Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A. (1964), Handbook of mathematical functions with
formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables, Courier Dover Publications.

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