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Lesson 1- Understanding asylum seekers

Key Learning Area: SOSE- History

Grade: 6

Overarching Lesson Question(s):

-Why do people seek asylum?
-What are Australias obligations and responsibilities to asylum seekers?
-What does mandatory detention mean?

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this lesson, students
will be able to:
Demonstrate an
understanding of the reasons
why people may seek asylum.
Summarise key points of the
history of detention centres in

Curriculum Links:
Historical Knowledge- comparing push and pull factors that have contributed to
people migrating to Australia (for example economic migrants and political
refugees) (ACHHK115)
Drama- Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, playbuilding
and scripted drama to develop characters and situations (ACADRM035)
English- Identify and explain how analytical images like figures, tables, diagrams,
maps and graphs contribute to our understanding of verbal information in factual
and persuasive texts (ACELA1524)
General capabilities- Critical and creative thinking- pose questions to clarify and
interpret information and probe for causes and consequences
Resources/Preparation Learning Ability Considerations:
-All students are able to contribute as this lesson is
-items for suitcases.
discussion based and differentiated grouping levels are
-role- play script
-printed information
from parliament
Introductory Activities:
Refuge Miserytopia Role-play ( 10 minutes)
Students are split into groups of 4 which become their families (a mother, father and
2 children). The teacher begins by reading out the following scenario The story is

As explained throughout lesson.

Teacher Questions/notes:

set in a country called Miserytopia that has been ruled by the same government for
30 years without elections. Last month the army decided they wanted to rule
instead so they arrested the government and took power violently.
The teacher then presents students with a newspaper article and reads out the rest
of the scenario (see appendix a- part 1)
Developmental activities:
Suitcase items (10 minutes)
Students are then given an assortment of items and 5 minutes to decide as a
family the 4 items with they will take. (see appendix) This will be followed by a
short discussion about why they have chosen these items.
Which family members will survive?(10 minutes)
The teacher then continues the story (see appendix a - part 2). Students must then
have a discussion about which 2 family members they are going to go with the
soldiers. Students will explain to the rest of the class about the choices they have
Arriving in Australia (5 minutes)
The teacher now takes the role of an immigration official in Australia and is
interrogating students about what their name is, why they are here and where their
visas are. (Students can only communicate non-verbally as they cannot speak
English). The teacher then explains that because they do not have relevant papers
they will be sent to mandatory detention centers.
What is mandatory detention? (25 minutes)
Students will be spilt into groups of 4 groups that will look at the history mandatory
detention centers in Australia. Each group will be given a different passage to read
from the Parliament of Australia website from the following topics: Australias
Detention Policy before 1992, Why Was Mandatory Detention introduced, Howard
Government, Rudd/ Gillard Government, Conscientious issues and Detention
conditions. Students will read and then summarise 6 key points to share with the
class about their topic.
Concluding activities (15minutes):
The groups will share their key points with the class as well as 2-3 questions they
have about what they have read. The teacher will also ask the following questions:
How did your group work together? Have you learnt something this lesson that you
did not previously know?

The teacher will ask students why

they have chosen particular items.

During this time it is important

that the teacher provides assistance
in helping students understand
about points they are unsure of.

Assessment Opportunities:
The teacher will provide feedback throughout the lesson about their thoughts
and gauge where students are at from the mandatory detention activity.

The teacher will reflect on the following
Did the hook from the lesson
engage students?
Were students able to digest the
information they were given?
Did students achieve the learning
outcomes of this lesson?

Appendix (a)
During the takeover there was violence, gunfire and fear. A lot of people were killed and a lot of people were dragged out of their
homes by the military and havent been seen since no one knows where theyve gone! They have imposed a curfew, banned free
speech, political parties and demonstrations. Anyone who they suspect of plotting against them disappears. Now they have started
to print lists of people they want to question!
This article appeared in last weeks newspaper and has even been on the news. You are the Smith family! The day after the
article appears in the newspaper, you find a threatening note has been stuffed through your letter box. You must escape immediately,
but what will you take? Inside your suitcase /envelopes are items that you might find useful. As a family you must choose only 6
items to take. You have 5 minutes before the army arrives!
You suddenly hear trucks driving up to the front of your house. You look out the window and seat dozens of soldiers jumping out and
running up to your front door. You gather everyone together and rush out the back door with your 4 items in your suitcase. You run
down a side street and when you look back you see smoke and flames rising from your home.

You keep running until darkness falls, and you arrive, very tired, at the house of someone who can help you escape from the country.
However, when this person sees how big your family is he makes a shocking announcement. I can help you escape, he says, but
only help 2 of you. The rest must stay behind.

Appendix (b) - suitcase images




ID Card


Family photo


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