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14 Images Where Cropping Made All The

28 Sep,2015 Hilarious
Well, to a photographer, it's not how you take a photo by how you present it is what counts. And also to these
lovely people who cropped their way into magic. Cropping a picture can make a big difference if you can do it in
the right manner. So let's check out some pictures that will blow your mind away -

1. When you ask your girlfriend to send a picture and it turns out like this!

2. Shhhh.. Nobody will ever know

3. Whoa! Didn't see that coming

4. God! What did I just look at? *_*

Poor poor kitty

5. It doesn't get weirder than this, folks!

6. Now that's magnificent

7. Did you see what I see?

Only people with a dirty mind will get this one lol

8. Mirror mirror, on the wall

See it now?

9. Uh.. what the hell is happening?

10. This girl should be given some credit man!

With so much intelligence, she could be at the top but then she chose to do this!

11. Yep.. Just things people do

Gotta get used to this by now.

12. Only a true geek is capable of this.

13. Bae caught me sleeping once again?

Now this is getting old man!

14. Now that is something freaky business

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