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Name ________________________


Social Studies Study Guide

Exploration and Colonization
My test is on Oct.16th
1. Define the following terms:
A. Armada ______________________________________________

B. Charter ______________________________________________

C. Colony _______________________________________________

D. Circumnavigate_________________________________________

E. Compact _____________________________________________

F. Conquistador___________________________________________

G. Expedition___________________________________________

H. Merchant ____________________________________________

I. Mission_______________________________________________

J. Navigation____________________________________________


2. What is Ponce de Leon most famous for?

3. What did Columbus bring back to Europe from Spain?

4. When John Cabot and Jacques Cartier traveled to North America, what were
they looking for?

5. When explorers searched for the Northwest Passage, what were they
hoping to do?

6. John Cabot is from which country? He searched for the Northwest Passage
for which country?

7. When King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella paid for Columbuss voyages, what
were they hoping he would find?

8. Henry Hudson explored for which country?

9. Why did England want a settlement in North America?

10. Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans settle in New England?

11. How did the Separatists get their name?

12. Where did Columbus in first land?

13. Why did European countries want to find a sea route to Asia?

14. What difficulties did settlers in Plymouth and Jamestown have in common?

15. Choose two explorers from John Cabot, Henry Hudson, Jacques Cartier,
Christopher Columbus, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, and Juan Ponce de Leon. For each
explorer describe the following:
a. what country he sailed for
b. why he sailed
c. what he is known for
d. any obstacles, challenges, or problems faced as he sailed
e. was the journey successful? and/or any interesting fact you learned about him
from this unit

15. Be able to read latitude and longitude on a map.

16. Be able to read a timeline.

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