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Minutes for January 28, 2015

Roll Call:

Delta Upsilon: 3
Kappa Alpha Order: 4
Sigma Nu: 0
Lambda Chi Alpha: 5
Phi Delta Theta: 5
Pi Kappa Alpha: 4
Sigma Chi: 4
Kappa Sigma: 4
Sigma Beta Rho: 2
Old Minutes: On the UTC IFC Website.

Guest Speakers:
Jeff Wilcox- Gave IFC guys shirts for the doubleheader basketball games on Saturday,
Womens basketball is nationally ranked 25, Mens basketball are tied with Wofford for
1st place, Follow @mocsmaniacs, $500 large organization and $500 small organization
for the remainder for the season (6-8 games), ETSU will be 3 points on a system scale
that will be emailed to chapter presidents, Jeff will send out updated standings, Go to
Gate 2 at halftime

Dina, the Coordinator at Jump Park- students get $2 off, FSL Dodgeball Tournament
called Clash of the Titans, trying for the end of March on a Monday-Thursday in the
evening, co-ed teams partner up with sorority (3 guys and 3 girls), admission fee of

$100 per team but the 1st place winner will receive a trophy, championship winner t
shirts, and 10% to philanthropy of choice; also, a lock-in ($799 value). First 3 teams to
sign up get a $50 gift card and free t shirt. They also want to do a rush event during the
fall with IFC, and she talked about the NEW Southside Social Bowling Alley and Games.

Advisor Report:
Danny: February 1st is the first date to reserve for rooms for the fall, study logs are no
longer handled by the library anymore; they can be found in Dannys office, You can
create a form on Orgsync for library hours, GPS study log app called Greek Study, New
grade reports coming out soon, Lunch and Lead was about a certain topic along with
FREE lunch (50 minutes) about once month, Next Lunch and Lead is February 9 th on
collaboration with an emphasis on fundraising, send 2-3 chapter members, Lead UTC is
March 27-29, Leadershape is May 4-9, Scrappy Newsletter is a great way to publicize
your event and they are due on Thursday afternoons and will be posted that following
Monday, NPHC weeks are coming up with Alpha Phi Alpha events being first, send
Madison Ralston initiation reports, and FSLEI gave leadership skills and campus
opportunities, making new friends with other Greek Life,

Officer Reports:

VP of Records (Tyler Pelot): Scholarship plan coming soon and meeting with Academic
Chairs to increase grades.

VP of Finance (Kyle Hixson): Dues are due February 11th.

VP of Recruitment (Daniel Henson): Grade release forms are in, Andrew Zito with the
Chattanooga Lookouts wants to have events for Fall Rush.

VP of Judicial Affairs (Austin Wilson): Fraternity of the year rubric was given out to take
back to chapters. This will be voted on next meeting.

President (Caleb Davis): Nominations for intramural and community service chair were
held, next meeting is February 11th , need delegates to vote on the rubric, Greek showgot all fraternity names that are participating, every Wednesday, there will be a Q and A
session in the Greek Life office with questions or concerns to answer any questions for
Greek Show, February 11th is the last date to turn in any forms/lists for Greek Show
including ad money, 1st person to turn in ad money determines the placement of where
they will perform in Greek Show, the amount of money turned in determines where you
sit in the arena, brought up a Garage Sale for Greek Life (t-shirts) to get rid of extra t
shirts along with sorority t shirts at the end of the year,

Old Business: None

New Business: BYX voting is postponed, and they are talking with their nationals to
see if they can affiliate with IFC, rush may be moved back one week in the fall and more
guys will rush during the second week, the NEW dates may be 22 nd through the 29th for
fall rush, Lookouts want to do an IFC game before fall rush, and Rush 101 will be either
the 21st or 22nd, IFC wants to have two events before rush week, put that in writing to
vote on next meeting.

Reports of Chapters:

Delta Upsilon: Got 4 guys for the spring and their new member process starts this week,
headquarters came down and gave them a good report

Kappa Alpha Order: Inducted new members, planning a brotherhood event at the jump
park, and paintball event for the summer, community service event on Valentines Day,
have a NEW GPS system for library hours.

Lambda Chi Alpha: Ceremony this Sunday, Regional Conclave in Louisville and they
have 3 guys going, ELC in February to see how the chapter is doing, and working on a
BBQ for cystic fibrosis, and planning mixers with sororities.

Phi Delta Theta: Got 4 pledges for the Spring

Pi Kappa Alpha: Community service project on the 31st

Sigma Chi: Pinned 5 pledges for the spring, working on the process of planning week a
service for house repairs and outside work for the next month

Kappa Sigma: Went to State Conclave and won a Rising Star Award for Chapter
Excellence, 3 out of 7 brothers were in a ritual competition, working on community
service projects, and having a Title XI presentation on Sexual Assault.

Sigma Beta Rho: Regionals on February 2nd guys in Athens, GA

Sigma Nu: None

Nominations for:
Community Service Chair: Work with other fraternities, collect hours of all fraternities,
and meet with chapter community service chairs to have communication and lay
ground work for the data collection.
Nominated: Joseph Moss (decline), Kyle Anderson (no decision)

Intramural Chair: Keep points for intramurals for fraternity of the year and working with
campus rec to make sure Greek Life in involved with athletic events and intramurals
Nominate: None

Next Meeting: February 11, 2015

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