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Course 2

Math Sentences


Linear Equations in 1 Variable: Solving by Inspection


To practice solving basic linear equations that have one variable,

using inspection

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

Fill in the blank with one of the words in parentheses.
Any number that replaces a variable and makes the equation true is a
_______________ of the equation. (set, solution)
We solve an equation by finding all of the solutions that make the equation
_______________. (false, true)
The inspection method requires these steps:
1. Covering the variable with a box that holds a place for the
_______________. (equation, variable)
2. Asking yourself the question: What number makes the equation
_______________? (false, true)
Checking your work by substituting your _______________ back into the
original equation. (solution, variable)

Problem Set:
Solve the equation.

1. 3 + x = 14

3. -4 + y = 7



2. 3w = 15





Permission is granted to instructors to copy and distribute this worksheet for instructional purposes only. Copyright
2002 PLATO Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. PLATO is a registered
trademark of PLATO Learning, Inc. Algebra 1, Part 1, Document ma2mh.

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Course 2

5. w 5 = 6



9. -5s = 25

Math Sentences

6. -3a = 9



8. y 9 = 7



10. -5b = 15


Part 1: To solve for the term:

1) Cover the term.
2) What number makes the equation true?
Part 2: To find the variable:
1) Cover the variable.
2) Ask what number makes the equation true.
Remember to check your answer.

12. 7

b = 10

11. -5 11b = 6


13. 3y + 2 = 5


14. 4n 12 = 0



16. -4s 15 = 5


15. 5 +



Make a set of three problems like those above for a partner to solve. Be sure
you have solved them first!
Permission is granted to instructors to copy and distribute this worksheet for instructional purposes only. Copyright
2002 PLATO Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. PLATO is a registered
trademark of PLATO Learning, Inc. Algebra 1, Part 1, Document ma2mh.

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