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I call to all who live conceled,

To do battle against those whom haven't been revealed,

But do be weary,
That those with masks will fight,
For they believe we

re all servants to the night,

re unaware of flocks that live by the day,

Multitudes whom allow daylight to grace them with a ray,

Without a care if they

re actions can be traced,

An attitude I surely embrace!

I once wore a mask,
It shined like brass but weak like glass,
I wore it for the sake of appearances,
Which in turn left me with an identity crisis.
So then I disposed of the mask,
My troubles went with it like a letter in a flask.
I do yearn for tomorrow,
When the world awakes from living in the shadow,
Of sworn leaders that are shallow,
Rise now for our vessels are far from hollowed.

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