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D- Diet
Encourage patient to eat nutritious foods, limiting intake of food and sodium.
F- Follow- up
Instruct patient to have a follow-up visit after 1 week at his doctors clinic.
A- Activity Level

Encourage following activity with restrictions, resuming activity gradually,

and resting whenever tired.
Advise patient to have assistance and support as tolerated when ambulating
and to perform ADLs involving hygiene and self-care, with support if needed.
T- Treatment

Emphasize the importance of prophylaxis against recurrent streptococcal

pharyngitis and continuous therapy to prevent recurrent rheumatic fever and
rheumatic heart disease.
D- Discharge Plan

Explain to the patient and parents the disease process and its treatment to
promote understanding of acute and lifelong prophylactic treatment.
Teach patient and parents to prevent further streptococcal infections b good
hand washing and avoiding people with sore throat.
Encourage the patient and parents to contact the primary healthcare provider
if a sore throat occurs.
Advise patient to return to physical education classes gradually, with the
guidance of the physician.
Encourage patient to take frequent naps and rest periods.
Encourage relaxing environment using relaxation techniques, listening to
music and quiet activities
Teach patient and parents about the importance in keeping their environment
clean and practicing proper food handling and sterilizing kitchen utensils.
Advise the parents that child cannot return to school until health care
provider assesses that all disease activity is gone. Parents may need to
discuss with teachers how the child can catch up with school..

M- Medications

Make sure that the patient understands the purpose, dosage, route, and
possible side effects of all prescribed home medications.
Instruct patient and the family to strictly follow the orders for take home
meds upon discharge as prescribed by the physician.

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