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1.What hormones are normally released by the adrenal cortex?

2.Describe the normal mechanisms that control the secretion of glucocorticoids and
3.What are the physiological effects of cortisol and aldosterone?

4.What hormones are normally released by the adrenal medulla?

5.What hormones are deficient in adrenal crisis?

6.What are the causes of adrenal crisis?

7.What are the possible causes of Mr. Walkers adrenal crisis?

8.How long after receiving steroids should a patient be presumed to have some
adrenal suppression?

9.What are the clinical indicators of acute adrenal crisis?

10.Why does hypertension occur in adrenal crisis?

11.List factors that predispose a patient to an acute adrenal crisis.

12.Mr. Walkers sodium was 123 mEq/liter.What are the clinical indicators of

13.What is an ACTH stimulation test?

14.What are other diagnostic test might be done?

15.What is the usual medication treatment for adrenal crisis?

16.What is Addisons disease?

17.Describe the treatment of Addisons disease.

18.What information should the nurse give Mr. Walker and his family about his

19.What nursing diagnoses apply in this case?

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