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100 things to know about

Salomn Andin

Marketing is one of the newest administrative

sciences, and implies the process of research,
create, communicate and generate value for a
product (good, service or idea) in order to
position the product in the top of mind of the
target and fidelize them.
Marketing, Sales and Communication are
extremely close related, and the three work
together in the process of fidelize the customer.
The framework of marketing is the theory of
Phillip Kothler (known as the father of modern
marketing. His theory of the 4 ps involves the
areas in which the marketing manager have to
pay attention to reach the TOM. The 4 ps are:
Product, Price, Promotion and Place) and the
elements of stp and the 5 C

The Marketing Mix is the Unique blend of the elements involved in

the four Ps to create a personalized formula that impulses the
positioning of the product.

The four foundations of Marketing are:

Business Management & Entrepreneurship: understand the basic of business
and how to develop the business plan in order to success in a biz
Communication and Interpersonal Skills: create concept, strategies and
communication systems to deliver a persuasive message effectively, that
move the target to act and take decision in a determinate way that is useful
to my product.
Economics: understand and influence the economic principles, finance and
make grow the business.
Professional Development: manage the growth of the professionalism into
the business environment.

The seven Functions of Marketing:


The Marketing Concept: a business shoul

strive to satisfy customers needs, wants and
potencialities of the customer fidelizing them
while generating profit for the firm.
Distribution is the process of deciding how to
get goods in the customershands using
logistical assets, Just In Time and integration
Financing is getting the money necessary to
pay for setting up and running a business.
Marketing Information Management is
collecting data about the market, customers
and competitors to take accurate decisions in
the development of an strategy to reach the
target and implant on them a persuasive

Pricing is manage the cost and determine the

value for the customer to make the operation
Product / Service Management is obtaining,
developing, maintaining and improving a
product in response to market opportunities.
Promotion: is the effort to inform and persuade
and remind the customer about the benefits of
the product, using all the communication tools.
Promotion is also known as a short term offer
that pushes the sales.
Selling provides customers with the goods and
services they want. Include retail (b2c) and
b2b. The purpose of selling is create a good
experience that satisfy the customers
expectations while acquiring the product.

Value is the perception of the utility of a product

to the purpose of the customer, and how the
product fulfill the desires, needs and
potencialities of them, that means how much the
customer is in disposition to pay for the product.
Partner Strategically. Know your audience and go
where they are. A local magazine may have a
small circulation, but if youre an education
organization and its read by teachers, thats
perfect for you.
Be Smart with your money. Youre a not-for-profit,
you should get things for free or heavily
discounted. Allow companies to publicly use your
name as an organization they support in return.
Have assets .If someone were to offer you a free
advertisement in a magazine or online, would you
have something ready to go? You should.

Have a call-to-action. Any ad or message

should be telling the audience to do something.
Do you want them to volunteer? To donate? To
attend an event? Then PERDUADE AND
Be aware of your audience: kow who youre
talking to. When you create an ad or a message,
tailor what you say to who youre speaking with.
Know when to say no. Sometimes a
partnership just doesnt make sense and could
actually damage your brand. This is a tough
one, but if your gut says no, then go with it.
Market effectively.Whenever possible, build in
metrics to your marketing and ask people how
theyve heard of you. Have statistics and
measure of all, remember: if it is not
measurable then is not marketing

Utilize social networks.With things like Facebook

and Twitter, you can be your own media platform.
Build those groups and keep them engaged with
an interesting dialogue, always remember that
the feedback have to be listened, and act
properly within your own strategy, dont become
a pinball.
My world is not the entire world not
everything you think is the same than other likes.
Never guess, always investigate and take the
most accurate decisions.
Dont be afraid of fail. The one who have never
failed is the one who never did anything
Write all your ideas, and develop a plan. Dont
trust on your mind. Write, analyze, innovate
and develop.

Never talk about your biz idea before you

have developed it and register it. A lot of
people is trying to search and stole ideas,
and a lot will say you that is impossible. If
you dont try you dont know. Plan your
work, and work your plan.
- The Business Plan is a detailed document to
settle all the aspects of the business
opportunity. Is necessary, dont miss it.
To create an envolving marcom campaign to
your target use the Model of One, reaching
them by: mass media, Public Relations,
Personal Selling and generating word 2 mouth
- To persuade quickly use the concept of the
Elevator Pitch: is convincing in a short time:
use information bullets and key words

Marketing Framework is the plan to keep

your biz working. It analysis and develop
strategy tanking in consideration the 5Cs,
STP, 4P's
5 C: Cost, Communication, Customer,
Competitors and Climate
STP: Segmenting, Targeting and
4 P: Product (quality, durability, packing,
distribution, innovation), place
(accessibility, comfort, decoration, style,
placing), promotion (communication, offers,
add value), price (profitable, according to
the utility perceived for the customer)

Define your target: direct marketing will be a success or

not is who you target your direct marketing
communications to and how accurate your campaign data
is. You simply must do your research and understand who
your ideal customers are so your direct marketing will
target them effectively. A great way to do this is by
looking at the characteristics of customers who have
already bought from you try and find things they have
in common and use this information to build up a
customer profile you can use to identify potential
customers you should be targeting.
Market Segmentation is a process that consist in divide
the total market of a good or service in smaller groups,
called nest or niche. A newest way to segment the
market is by dividing it following the preferences of the
sub culture. A sub culture is a heterogenic group of
people who share a similar activity of preference (even if
the dont know each other). Sub cultures can be
agrouped by affinity, affiliation, ethnical or age.

Market Share: is the percentage of participation of your product

in comparison with the whole market. By knowing the
participation of the product in the market, you can plan how to
reposition the brand to amplify the market share of the product.
Positioning is the design of the offer to the target building a
corporate possitive image to settle our brand and product in the
buying preference of the consumer.
To position a product, service or idea in the top of mind of the
target, the company first have to decide which position they
want, how much of the market share they want to reach and
settle the image and marcom strategy.
The most important issue to position a product is know and
persuade about which is the differencial of the product and have
a real idea about the customers needs, then research what
they really want or desire to receive and accomplish the process
with the correct distribution system. The consumer generally is
willing to receive quality for less, but it depends on the type of
target and its vision of the social status symbolism that they
give to the product. However have always products close to the
consumer, if you go out of sock the planning was incorrect.

Innovation: the concept of innovate in the biz is

related with the desires and willing of the market.
To innovate the biz must apply I + D + I:
investigate, Develop and Innovate, never try to
do something new based on perception. Take the
necessary time to prepare your innovation
thinking out of the boundaries and with a future
perspective. If you try to innovate immediately,
the margin of mistakes increases.
The 3 most common Business Model:
Join Venture: the union with other biz is strictly to
develop an specific project, but the accountant and
corporate identity remains individually
Partnership: is the creation of a new biz with
participation as stockholders
Free Development: you take all the risk of the biz

SWOT ANALYSIS: is a tool that allows to the manager

to perceive the status of an specific situation in the
organization. It help us to have a precise diagnostic
to take decisions accurately. Analyzing a list of
Strenghts, Weaknesses, Oportunities, Threats help the
biz to create an answer to the situation, problema or
Situation, Problem or Idea:
List of Strenghts
List of Opportunities
List of Weakness
Analyze and answer how the S can defeat W
Analyze and answer how O can be used to reconvert
List of Threats
Analyze and answer how S can overcome T
Analyze and answer how O can minimize T

Teamwork: when a team is performing, all the objectives

and energy of all the members are putted together to reach
the goal. A team is like a good orchestra: it needs a
director who knows in detail all the capabilities and
potentialities of the members and help them to be in tone;
and also all the members knows the potentialities of each
other and work with a common sense, sharing and
accomplishing the responsabilities.
Leadership: being a leader is not easy. The leader must
take the responsibility for all the aspects involved in realizing
the plan. Some styles of leadership are: autocratic,
persuasive, delegative, transactional, transforming and
strategic. All are useful depending on the momentum of the
organization and which is the need of the team.
Multitask: is the kind of personnel that all organization is
willing to have. Being multitasking is an attitude that shows
your professionalism. A Multitask person always try to
acquire Multiple knowledge, develop its multiple
potencialities, is compromised with the organization in
multiple ways and that is why multiple doors are open to
them because is recognized as a potential leader.

The steps of the sales process are: Approaching

the customer: 3 types of approach are used:
greeting approach (break the ice with an effusive
greeting generating confidence and good
synergy), product approach (focus on solving the
needs of the prospect by presenting the
characteristics of the product), service approach
(being ready to serve and help the prospect).
Determining needs: learning what the customer
is looking for in order to decide what products to
show and which product features to present first in
the next step of the sale, you must be aware of
the body language, behavior, words and attitude
of the prospect.
Presenting the product: educating the
customer about the products features and focus
on benefits that make them think as they already
own the product.

Overcoming objections: learning why the customer is reluctant

to buy, providing information to remove that uncertainty, and
helping the customer to make a satisfying buying decision.
When overcoming objections you must focus on the objection,
never take it personal. Be prepared to answer with frequent
asked questions, dont improvise. If the negociation stocks,
ask your superior or other member of the team to support and
help in the sales process.
Closing the sale: getting the prospects positive agreement to
buy. The prospect buy your product when he/she idealize the
product as own. Maybe they dont give you the money
immediately, but the desire to have the product will lead them to
get the money and buy.
Suggestion selling: suggesting additional merchandise or
services that will save your customer money or help your
customer enjoy the original purchase. Is better to make a
consumer more profitable than make efforts to get another
Relationship building: creating a means of maintaining contact
with the customer after the sale is completed. Remember post
purchase service, have the contact on data base and keep the
consumer informed to convert them into customer. Create
confidence and a satisfying buying experience.

The main types of sales are B2B (biz to biz) and

B2C (biz to consumer) in both is important to
understand consumers preferences and needs,
generate add value, create a great service that
involves the customer in a pleasant buying
experience, use JIT, be effective, always
communicate, create data base, practice cold
canvassing and approach, research constantly,
be aware of what is happening with competitors
and innovate.
Marketing Research: Involves the process and
methods used to gather information, analyze it,
and report findings related to marketing goods
and services. Information obtained through
marketing research is used to identify marketing
opportunities, solve marketing problems,
implement marketing plans, and monitor
marketing performance.

Marketing research is most often to:

Determine consumers attitudes and preferences
Test product features
Determine market size and growth potential
Learn about competitive products
Determine buying cycles
Understand how the company is perceived by the public
Before developing a product, marketers can conduct research to
determine the type of product customers want. The research can
minimize potential losses when introducing the new product.
Consumers accept only on out of every ten new products
introduced into the marketplace; therefore, gaining information
about consumer likes and dislikes is important.
Branding: a brand is more than a logo, is the result of tha
application of an strategy to reach the TOM and present
themselves to the target, and get the objective of customer
satisfaction and profit to the company. As strong is the identity of
a brand as better will resist the flowing of the changing market. A
brand is one of the more valuables positions of the company. A
well positioned brand name inspires confidence, means tradition,
quality and represent the values of the company. Develop a brand
can take years, but each step forward is important.

BREAKING POINT, or break even is one of the most important

things to know when you develop a product, servce or idea.
This will help you to know your economical circumstances of
your personal accounting and business matters. By knowing
wich is your breaking point (is the summatory of cost and
expenses), then youll fix a correct price to generate profit.
Also remember: research before every beginning is to know
inside the four Ps in the section of Price to know the costs of
everything, distribution, and costs of production, because this
is how you begin, with your research analysis of the
competitors and everything, its all about the money and you
should learn what are you going to lose that maybe will not
cover the budget you thought.

Take in mind the usual errors that companies usually do like:
not make a deep investigation of their clients wants and
objectives this usually happens when the board of directors
only focus on making money but not in how they should do
this because a great key of this is being like a shark, to watch
and then make the move, other advices will be to find new
opportunities, cause everything you can merchandise you just
need creativity.

Know how to sell a product, using key words and being persuasive,
fix them in a way you can convince the prospect. You must learn
how to express yourself and making a simple thing sounds like the
most amazing.
One advice for your life is to not get stress by the circumstances
and try to use that stress to activate your creativity and to find
solutions, Necesity is the mother of creativity, dont get into panic,
dont remain in love with the problem: find a creative solution! But
remember to manage your day time. The most important thing is
to be in peace with God and yourself, take a time to breath deeply,
to enjoy family and friends and get focused in your objectives to
work it effectively.
Measuring the success: the beauty of marketing is that it allows
you to track individual customer responses and measure exactly
what your campaign achieves so make sure you get your tracking
right and your marketing results are accurate.
Accurate results will ensure you are able to test and refine your
marketing campaigns so you achieve the best response rates you
can. Ways of tracking customer responses by direct marketing
channel include: a) Telephone, b) Direct Email, c) Telemarketing, d)
Email Marketing, be prepared to anwer them, to serve and
convince, also be prepared for the visit of your prospect.

Return on investment: if there is one thing you must ensure your

do as part of your direct marketing effort, its work out the return on
investment (ROI) it generates for your business. There is
absolutely no point spending valuable resource and money on
direct marketing campaigns if they dont generate a positive return
for you.

By tracking your campaign responses accurately, you will be able

to work out the return on investment (ROI) by analyzing how much
you spent compared with the revenue generated.
Working with customers: Never be defensive. If you're having a
bad day, it isn't your customer's fault. If your customer is having a
bad day they might well consider that is your fault and you need to
accept that. Be nice; make their day better, make them feel
appreciated, and you'll have a customer who'll come back rather
than complain to management and shop elsewhere. Sure, some
are people you might never want to serve again, but you don't
know what's behind their behavior at that particular time. They
might just be horrible people, or could just be having a horrible
day. Respond to them as though they're nice people. When they
leave the store you can go out the back and scream (quietly) for a
while. Get focus on the biz, the product and solve your customers
needs, never take it personal.

Marcom Program: is an abbreviation for "marketing

communications." Marcom is targeted interaction with
customers and prospects using one or more type of media:
traditional such as newspapers and magazines, television,
radio; E-media, as mailing, fb, tweeter and other social
media based on the web, web pages and e- ad; and Non
Traditional: billboards, BTL, telemarketing and so more. A
marketing communications campaign may use a single
approach, but more frequently combines several.
Ethics and Social Responsibility: Ethics refers to the moral
principles or values that generally govern the conduct of an
individual or a group. Social responsibility is an ethical
ideology or theory that an entity, be it an organization or
individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at
large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual or
organization has to perform so as to maintain a balance
between the economy and the ecosystem. In Marketing a
lie is never allowed. Is you lie to the customer, you can
loose your market. The Ethics and Social responsibility of the
biz and all the persons who are involved in it, is established
in the code of values that are part of the corporate identity.

Re-positioning: involves changing the

identity of a product, relative to the
identity of competing products, in the
collective minds of the target market.
De-positioninginvolves attempting to
change the identity of competing products,
relative to the identity of your own product,
in the collective minds of the target
The market is dynamic, the biz is too. All
kind of biz have always to be in move,
reinventing to obtain more participation in
the market, the ones that remain the same
are called to dead.


WCS: The method of the worst case scenario
allow the managerial team to be prepared for
the worst thing that can happen to the biz,
market or members of the company. If you are
prepared for the worst, and for several types
of scenarios, then anything will take you in
disadvantage, but if you are always optimistic
you may be not prepared for stress situations.
POTENCIALITY: is a strength that you can
develop and improve. The work based on
potencialities make the personnel to be
involved in the success.

THE STRATEGY must be: Measurable, realistic,

factual (based on facts not suppose), easy to
remember, specific, have to settle a time to be
accomplished and reachable goal by goal.
Business Plan: formal document in which is
written all the analysis, strategies and
inferences of an idea and how to transform it in
business. The BP is the compass needle that
shows to the entrepreneur if the idea is doable
or not.
Sins of the entrepreneur: fall in love with the
idea without measuring consequences, assume
and dont research, think that what he likes is
the same to others, mix the business with
personal affairs, dont have control in expenses
and cost, work for free.

THE IDEA OF BIZ: analyze: does my idea

have a market? How can I develop my
idea better than the competitors? What
am I offering to my prospect? Why they
should choose me and not others?
what is already offer in the market? What
the customer really want? Which are the
legal requirements? Which is the better
way to implement the idea? Which are my
prospects? How can I get the information
about the prospects (survey, observation,
direct research)? Which are my needs to
develop the business?


characteristics and advantages of the product I
want to offer? Which is my differencial that add
value to my product? Which types of costumers
will use my product? Once you answer this
questions, develop a sales speech with
persuasive style, remembering the features,
advantages and utility of the product. In your
sales speech make your audience feel that they
already own the product, make them have a
sensorial experience of the benefits.
Develop a prototype of your product or service
and have a pormenorized diary of the cost,
expenses, time used, row material, advertising
needed and all related in order to really know
how to produce and how to keep the control of

ECONOMICAL ANALISYS: take in consideration: breaking

point (all the cost and expenses to produce one unit. To
calculate it, divide the total of cost and expenses vs the
total amount of products produced), distribution channel
(how to deliver the product JIT, controlling all the process
from asking to delivering), pricing (how much the
consumer can pay, be aware of profitability and utility),
the POS (point of sales, where youll have your product on
sale, how and what you need, also which is the cost of
maintain a POS for your product), Invoicing and ROI (return
on invest).
CORPORATE IDENTITY: Mission, Vision, Values of the
company. Logo, slogan, colors, typography, envelope and
advertising for the product. Procedure manual, branding
manual, MIS, SIS, ADR, CRM. Organizational Culture and
Social Projection of the Company.
Recovery, Customer Data Base, when and how the sales
will be stable (forecast), positioning, advantages and
benefits for the investor (partners, bank, private investor,
yourself), expected profit for the first 5 years. At this point
youll know if your biz is doable or not.

Parts of the Executive Brief for the BP:

Introduction, Antecedent, Briefing of the
Business and Product, SWOT, Economical
projection, warranties, organizational
and strategy plan, graphic presentation
of the product and envelope, projection
of the advertising campaign.
Three benefits of marketing are new and
improved products, lower prices, and
added value (utility).
Utility is the value that the functions of
marketing add to a product or service.
Five economic utilities are form, place,
time, possession, and information

A market is defined as all people who share similar

needs and wants and who have the ability to
purchase given products.
The consumer market consists of consumers who
buy goods and services for personal use. The
industrial, or business-to-business, market includes
businesses that buy products and services for use
in their operations.
A marketing plan is a written document that directs
the marketing activities of a company for a specific
period of time. The elements of a marketing plan
are an executive summary, a situation analysis,
marketing goals/objectives, marketing strategies,
implementation, evaluation and control, and an
Market segmentation classifies people in a given
market into smaller groups. Four methods of
segmenting a market are demographics,
geographics, psychographics, and buying behavior.

A target market is identified by four factors: demographics,

geographics, psychographics, and behavior. Demographics
relates to age, gender, income, marital status, and ethnic
background. Geographics relates to similarities among
people who live in a certain area. Psychographics groups
people with similar lifestyles, attitudes, values, and
Mass marketing is using a single marketing strategy to
reach all customers, while market segmentation allows
marketing to specific groups of consumers.
An economy is how a nation chooses to use its resources to
produce and distribute goods and services to provide for the
needs and wants of its people. The four factors of
production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.
Scarcity is the difference between wants and needs and
available resources. There are three fundamental economic
questions: what will be produced, how it will be produced,
and who should get what is produced. Traditional economies
rely on tradition to answer the questions. Market economies
rely on the market to decide. In command economies, the
government answers the three questions. In mixed
economies, multiple factors influence the decisions

The characteristics of a healthy economy are high

productivity, stable prices, and low unemployment.
Economic indicators such as productivity, gross domestic
product (GDP), standard of living, consumer price index
(CPI), consumer confidence, and unemployment rates can
measure an economy. The key phases of the business
cycle are expansion, peak, recession, trough, and
recovery. The business cycle affects businesses,
consumers, and governments, and they in turn affect
business cycles, both domestically and globally.
Businesses can get involved in international trade through
importing, exporting, licensing, contract manufacturing,
joint ventures, and foreign direct investments. A global
environmental scan analyzes political, economic, sociocultural, and technological factors. The factors that may
affect international business include political stability,
foreign laws, infrastructure, taxes, the standard of living,
the currency exchange rate, language, etiquette, and the
number of Internet users. Global marketing strategy
options include globalization, adaptation, and
customization of products and promotions

The world is Globalized! Nations are

interdependent because most of them do not
produce everything they need. International
trade is the exchange of goods and services
between nations. When a country imports (buys
from other countries) more than it exports (sells
to other countries), it has a negative balance of
trade, which is also called a trade deficit. When
the opposite is true, the country has a trade
surplus. Three types of trade barriers are tariffs,
quotas, and embargoes.
The characteristics of a free enterprise system
are freedom of ownership, freedom to compete,
freedom to make a profit, and freedom to take
risks. Price competition involves competing with
a lower price, while nonprice competition
involves factors other than price, such as special
services and an excellent reputation.

The economic cost of unprofitable businesses includes loss

of jobs, loss of revenue to investors and to the
government, and increased government costs for social
services. The benefits of successful firms include increased
employment, better returns for investors, more sales
revenue for supporting companies, more tax revenue for
the government, higher charitable donations, and more
competition. Supply and demand interact to create price.
Theory suggests that as prices rise, demand drops. As
prices increase, supply increases. The equilibrium point is
where the supply and demand curves meet. At that price,
consumers are willing to buy the same number of items as
suppliers are willing to sell.
Formal speaking requires organized ideas. Enumeration
(listing items in order), generalization with examples,
cause and effect, and compare and contrast are four ways
to structure ideas. Effective telephone communication
requires a pleasant tone of voice, enunciation, and
speaking loudly enough for the other person to hear. The
speaker should convey all necessary information and be
prepared to take a message. Remember to use Elevator
Pitch techniques and key words

Persuasion is used to convince others of the value or importance of an

idea or thing an essential skill in marketing. The simplest and often
most effective way to persuade others is to learn their needs and
propose a way to fulfill them. The keys to writing persuasive business
letters and other messages are knowing your audience, knowing your
purpose, and knowing your subject. Thoughts should be organized into
an opening paragraph, a persuasive body, and a concluding paragraph.
Businesses use promotion to inform people about products and
services, enhance their public image and reputation, and persuade
people their products are valuable. Nonprofit organizations use
promotion to educate the public or advocate for change. Promotion is
any form of communication a business uses to inform, persuade, or
remind people about its products and its image. The five basic
categories of promotion are personal selling, advertising, direct
marketing, sales promotion, and public relations. Public relations
fosters a favorable image about a business, its products, or its policies.
Publicity tries to place positive information about a business in the
media. It is not advertising because it is free. A sales promotion is a
short-term incentive given to encourage consumers to buy a product or
service. Sales promotions can be classified either as trade promotions
or consumer sales promotions.
Promotional tie-ins are sales promotional arrangements between one or
more retailers or manufacturers. Trade sales promotions are activities
that are designed to get support for a product from manufacturers,
wholesalers, and retailers. Most of the promotion budget is directed at
businesses, rather than consumers. Loyalty marketing programs reward
customers for repeatedly patronizing a company

The main purpose of advertising is to present a message that

encourages the customer to buy the product or service or to accept an
The different types of advertising media are print media, broadcast
media, the Internet, and specialty media.
Advertisers choose ad media by asking three questions: 1. Can the
media present the product or service and the appropriate business
image? 2. Can the desired customers be targeted with the meda? 3.
Will the media get the desired response rate?
Media measurement looks at the number of homes or people exposed
to an ad and the number of times the audience is exposed to the ad.
Cost per thousand exposures (CPM) is a common tool for comparing
Looking at circulation figures for print media and diaries and meter
data for broadcast media are common techniques for evaluating media.
Media costs vary depending on type of media, geographical location,
and audience.
Four common methods of setting a promotional budget are
percentage of sales, all you can afford, following the competition, and
objective and task

A channel of distribution is the path a product takes from the

producer or manufacturer to the final user.
Channel members in the distribution of consumer products are
manufacturers/producers, agents, wholesalers, retailers, and
consumers. Channel members in the distribution of industrial
products are manufacturers/producers, agents, industrial
distributors, and industrial users.
Manufacturers or producers may choose one or more paths
(channels) to distribute products to the final user.
Distribution involves decisions about a products physical
movement and transfer of ownership from producer to consumer.
Distribution intensity may be exclusive, selective, or intensive.
The Internet has allowed more and more business-to-business
(B2B) transactions to happen online. It can provide one-stop
shopping and substantial savings for industrial buyers.
Product distribution in a foreign market often requires special
planning and adjustment to suit the other countrys culture, but it
also allows the opportunity to experiment with different
distribution strategies

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