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The film is about of Carlos Galindos story, a Mexican illegal immigrant who works
in Los Angeles as a gardener in the large mansions of some of the richest people
on LA. He lives with his son named Luis, who spends time getting into some other
school problems and join a gang. Carlos only wants to give the best for his son and
his future
America is the land of opportunity, but sometimes many of these opportunities are
ephemeral as life itself. 'A Better Life' shows a lot of topics, but which really focuses
on the relationship of a father with his son.
This is a touching story of love and sacrifice on which young and old people can
feel identified, it teaches us that a father would do everything to build a better life
for his son.
I know it is an essay about a better life, but the theme of the movie makes me think
about the problems root, do you know what is the reason why the Mexican people
move illegally to the US?
It is caused by extreme poverty , most of Mexican people are agrarian , and they
have not opportunity to reach a good job , they are starving, and our government
just offers financial assistance for Spains crisis, or waste thousands of dollars
traveling to London or maybe France?, they must be kidding us.
I cannot blame our president about immigration and poverty problems at all, it
would give too much credit to him and his quiff, I wish I could have a correct point
of view about a solution ,I think the first step is teach to children not to steal
because when they grow up, they will be corrupt.
Corrupt people teach others to get easy money, this is a serious problem, because
most of us are poor or middle class people, and many of our government servers
want to get a lot of money without any effort
It is like a chain that will never break, it also influences the children, for example
they are seeing an environment of crime, the most disturbing fact is about children
and teenagers think it is normal and they will tend to imitate that behavior.
This affects directly to culture, it takes away our prestige in front of other countries
and this in turn affects the economy such as tourism and when many companies
do not want to invest on our country.
Concluding with my opinion about the movie I think it does not matter what is your
point of view on immigration, 'A Better Life' is a mandatory viewing painfully
revealing how to live confined in the shadows of actual society.

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