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Templar and Troubador

For this attunement I would like to go back in time to the crusades, that
adventure of knights from Europe who decided to take the holy lands around
Jerusalem from the Moslems.
The knights Hugues de Payens and Godfrey de Saint-Omar asked Baldwin
II, king of Jerusalem if they could form an order of monastic knights. Their
mission would be to protect pilgrims. Baldwin gave them space in the AlAqsa mosque which was believed to have been built over the original temple
of Solomon. The order was recognized by the church at the council of
Troyes in 1129, and soon they had patrons, and gifts of land and a banking
Templar knights had to be celibate, to wear a white surcoat with a red cross,
to be loyal to comrades, and to observe some monastic rules of daily life.
Fierce in battle, but gentle at the monastery dining table, they also took a
vow of poverty.

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However the order itself was assisted by clerks and became very wealthy.
Even kings borrowed from its banks and when a French king went into debt,
and after the Moslems had recaptured the holy lands, the Templars were an
inviting target.

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False charges were laid upon them. Their secret initiation was supposed to
be a sexual and irreligious rite, involving a dark idol named Baphomet.
Under torture some knights agreed to this, then recanted when released.
And so were burned at the stake, for that is what a recanter faced during the
Templars fought and lost, and fled to other lands. Some went to Spain and
Scotland where they were welcomed. The legend of the Secret Treasure
arose, a mystery carried by the monastic knights to protect it from a vengeful
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Pope Clement formally disbanded the Templars in 1312.

Meanwhile the wandering musicians know as minstrels or troubadors were

appearing in the south of France. The code of chivalric love adoring the
unattainable woman and paying her eloquent tribute arose from the Court
of the Rose. The nobility disdained the minstrels while hiring them for their
halls and fairs. Scandalous behaviour such as excess drinking, irreverence to
the church, lovers of both sexes, and gambling were the common gossip.
It is from these musicians and poets that the legends of King Arthur began to
be put down and myths from the older celtic gods and goddesses and
champions was woven into the grand adventure, the romance of the ages.
With King Arthur comes also the Grail. The grail was a mystical cup that
when found would restore life, honor and wholeness. Arthur sent his lazy
knights out on quests to seek this wondrous cup. But the Sang Grail, or
Sang Real became tied to the Templar legends of hidden treasure. What did

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the Templars discover in Jerusalem that had to be hidden from the Church?
An inconvenient truth?

So outlawed knights met cast-out minstrels and perhaps new heart comrades
were discovered, who knows?
This reiki energy would lend itself to loyalty, courage, a fierce independent
thought, and friendship. It is a masculine energy and assertive and builds
team work. It would be healing for misunderstood men today.

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How to heal with this attunement

Just say aloud (name of system) once and let the energy flow through your hands and
heal as you usually do.

How to take down this attunement

Just say aloud I am now accepting the attunement to (name of system) from (name of
teacher) in a way that is good for my health and spirit. So be it.
And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in your hands or warmth, or
if you close your eyes and let your mind drift away, you may see unusual pictures. It
really doesnt matter. It works even if nothing is sensed at all.

How to give this attunement

Just say aloud I now attune (name of student) to the energies of (name of system) in a
way that is good for both of us, in health and spirit. So be it.
Or you can put the attunement in a chi ball of imagined energy and let the student pull
it down when convenient.
Best wishes and love and light,

Disclaimer: This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and spiritual
growth, but people with medical problems should of course continue to see their doctors
and get medical advice from a professional.

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