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Adam passed away due

to lung cancer
complications in
February 2012 but he
never stopped. Right
until the end he was
drawing, creating images
for a new game many
years off. It is in that
game, and our past
games, that he will live
on. we have not seen the
last of his amazing talent
and spirit.

Adam Adamowicz (19682012) was an American

game concept artist,adam
adamowicz was best
known for his work on
Fallout 3 and Skyrim was
the only concept artist to
work on Fallout 3 and one
of the only two alongside
Ray Lederer for skyrim at
Bethesda GameStudios in
2005 and also worked
with Jaleco Entertainment,
between 2002-2003

Whether sketching out a

mutant-riddled, atomically
ravaged downtown
Washington or a sprawling
continent populated by
wizards and trolls he was the
costume designer, prop
master and set designer for
highly cinematic games.

"i'v done freelance work for the Dark Horse anthology New Recruits, some short
sequentials for Fantagrafics Books Duplex Planet with David Greenberger, cover
illustrations for the now defunct Malibu Graphics, and a lot of years surviving on
odd jobs from driving an icecream truck, building haunted houses, fabricating
window display sculptures,to apprentice tattooing, and yes, as a cake decorator
for a bakery specializing in erotic cake designs." Adam Adamowicz.

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