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Avpinc Goop Heattx To Lirz NATURALLY CIN : .24230MH2006PLC158589 is DR.DATSONS LABS LTD | = neuen aecnunntoseonnrarannnn, _Sneemeecnerettennnne ‘Unit 2: Gat No 123, Pirungut, Mulshi Taluka. Pune Dist #22108. Maharochtra India = we DR.DATSONS LABS LTD FORMERLY KNOWN AS AANJANEYA LIFECARE LIMITED i Apprnc Goop Hearrx To Lire NATURALLY!1 CIN : L24230MH2006PLC158589 5 _ Pater of Aes abe a 0830 September 2016 Lin tat Sees ‘Aust Ursus aw 3a Tora SaRETOLDERS FNS] Deter Tox ans or Long-term prvison ae 7613 oa SU Tora NON comme UAB [uae ARTS Sharer rade Payable loti cuenta 302950 a4 oe sms Tingle At Via Faad Aner SUR TOTAL NON cuRAERT ASH 91-222 1 274 Email: nfo@drdationscom Web: wwwwadrdstsonscom Regd Office Unit: Kt Adonal MIDC Maha 40230, Raigad Di ‘Unit 2: Gat No 123, Pirungue, Mulshi Taluka, Pune Dist, 412108, Maharashtra Ox AGARWAL DESAI & SHAH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GROUND FLOOR, BANDRAARCADE BUILDING, OPP. RAILWAY STATION, BANDRA (WEST), MUMBAI - 400 050 Tel 9820501848, 26419136, Email To, ‘The Board of Director, DR. DATSONS LABS LIMITED (Formerly known as Aanjaneya Lifecare Limited) r.Datsons House, Plot No W-81(0), Taloja MIDC,$10208, Raigad Dist, Maharashtra, India Re: Limited Review of Financial Result for the quarter ended 30” September, 2034 ‘We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of DR. DATSONS LABS LIMITED (Formerly Known as Aanjaneya Lifecare Limited) for the period ended 30" September, 2014 ‘except for the disclosures regarding ‘Public Sharehalding’ and ‘Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding’ which have been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been audited by us. This statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors/ Committee of Board of Directors. Our responsibility isto issue a report on these financial statements based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE} 2400, ‘engagements to Review Financial Statements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. ‘his standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit ‘opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and other recognized accounting practices and policies tas nat disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the ‘manner in which itis to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. FOR AGARWAL DESAI 8/SHaH 1D AgCOUNTANTS RISHI A. SEKHRL IM. NO. 126656 6 barr FIRM REGN. NO. 124850W Piace: Mumbai Date: 14/11/2014

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