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Basic Needs

Everyday Expressions
The distance from the school to the station is one mile.
Mary keeps her husband at a distance.

vt. distance oneself from sb

The big black horse distanced itself from the others.


Linguistic Skill
Useful Phrases
--- at a distance
--- in the long distance
--- keep a distance
distance oneself from

Communicating Clearly
Street Talks
At a distance of 30 years, Simba still doesnt forget his wife.
A: Its really a great distance to school from your home.
B: Yeah, Ive got used to that.
I think you should distance yourself from Laura.
Can you measure the distance between the house and the garage?

Cultural Focus

Time, distance, nothing could separate them because they knew it

was right.

David: Oh, then youve been to them.

Sabrina: No, but I saw the lights from a distance. Whats the
occasion? Its too late for an engagement party.

A man without distant care must have sorrow.

Friends agree best at a distance.

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