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Cryptography Tool Manual

Camilo Alejandro Alaguna Cordoba

September 29, 2015


Cryptography Tool is a cryptography tool which was developed by me as a result

of a cryptography project proposed in the class, and it uses my personal library
that you can find in the repository

Encode And Decode Panel

Figure 1: Encode Decode Panel

This panel has two text areas, a list of ciphers and two buttons. When
you want to encode a message, first of all writes and input text, after choose a
cipher method and finally press the encode button. When you want to dencode
an encoded message you repeat the previous steps, but you press the decode
button instead of the encode button.

There are two alphabets which are used by the cipher methods: the english
alphabet and the extended english alphabet. The english alphabet is fromed by
the characters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, and the extended english alphabet by the caracters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ
RSTUVWXYZ+-*/=: .,;. Caesar, Substitution, Vigenere, Affine and Hill
ciphers use the first alfabet, and the rest use the other.
Finally, before a message is encoded or decoded, characters, that are in the
message and arent in the alphabet, are erased.


DES Ciphers

DES ciphers need a specific number of bits per block to encode a message, for
that reason this tool adds characters at the end of the message in order to
complete the lacked bits.

Key Panel

Black And White Panel


Encoding Panel

This panel has the visual encryption functionality for black and white images.

Figure 2: Visual Encoding Panel

First of all you must choose an image to be encoded, for achieve that, you
press the Choose Image button an choose an image. If the image is valid, the

image is automatically encoded and two images in black and white color are

Figure 3: Save Sample

Secondly, if you want to save the generated images you press the Save
button and choose a folder and a give a name, for example: generated image,
in this case in the selected folder two images will be saved with the names
generated image.png and generated image key.png.

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