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Yoga (/'jo? g?

/;[1] Sanskrit, Listen) is really a actual physical, psychological, and religious exercise or selfdiscipline which began in India. There is a wide number of schools, practices and goals[2] in Hinduism,
Buddhism (especially Vajrayana Buddhism[3][4][5]) and Jainism.[6][7][8][7] The very best-known are
Hatha yoga and fitness and Raja yoga exercise. yoga workshops san jose
The origins of yoga have been speculated to date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions, but most likely
developed around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, in ancient India's ascetic and srama? a
motions.[9][be aware 1] The chronology of earliest text messages talking about yoga exercise-practices
is not clear, varyingly attributed to Hindu Upanishads[10] and Buddhist Pali Canon,[11] almost certainly
of 3rd century BCE or later. The Yoga and fitness Sutras of Patanjali date in the initial one half of the 1st
century CE,[12][13] but only gained prominence from the West from the twentieth century.[14] Hatha
yoga and fitness messages emerged round the eleventh century with origins in tantra.

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