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There are two types of people in the world

Those who make mistakes and those whose life is a mistake

Those who make mistakes maybe corrected, someday
But those who are mistake incarnate shall never
Lord gives me the words and teaches me
How to say your humble Lovely servant
I shall always stay, when I look at the heavens
Or the earth or the sea your beautiful Face I
Always see!
The amount of importance we put into business
Had we put into our Spiritual side
This world would have turned into heaven or earth
A heaven in which we could live side by side!
We should always praise the world
From the morning till evening, Lo, and behold,
Because his blessings never cease to amaze us
From the dawn till dusk, around the world!
A man means a manly character,
And not just a human face
How often we see
Manly face, whore debase
To get to know Human-ness
We need to achieve the awareness
That is what we call the knowledge of one
Thats the rout we all should trace and embrace!
Of all the blessings that the Lord has given
None is more important than the healthy body and mind
Without those two everything else is useless
Blessed are those who are well blessed by the Lord
Be always practical in your daily life
Never say it is all, or its nothing
Those who seek to get everything in life
End up in suicide, murder or in the jail
We are living only once
So, we better live at once
Before our time is over
And before we get no more chance
When you tour a historic town
Dont look for the ruins and the walls
Look for the old and wise men, instead
They are the best antiques of all!

After the drugs, alcohol and cigars

Prostitution is the fastest,
If not the surest form of an slow
But definitely certain
Way to commit suicide!
This life is a constant battle
it is not a one-day-only fight
So, one must always be ready
Remember the Forewarned is forearmed!
Everybody we meet can teach us a lesson
Whether good or bad it doesnt matter
Even bad lessons could be good sometimes
So, try to deal as much as you can
No man has ever been happy with this life
the ignorant among us, as well as the wise
For the ignorant it is too much to understand
And for the wise it is too painful to imagine
Live in this world, but never live just like the rest
For this world is full of dangers and deceits
Be like a Lotus that grows in the dirt
Yet, it is free of the impurities!
We are not here to understand
But, rather to live fully, this life
If you live the life as it should be
It means you have understood it all
Every effort that a man makes
There must be a good reason behind it
Those who do things without a good reason
They are insane without a doubt!
Be a voice for the voiceless people
And a hand for those who cant help themselves
Walk the walk for those who are in cage
Then you are truly a man of God!
From the ancient lovers we always hear
Those goals are not good in keeping their dates
It is not your story or mine
It dates back to Adam and Eve!
Greatest loves are often the simplest
Not those with pomps and much fanfare!
But often people mistake the style for the substance
And they end up in miserable lovely lives!

The food can always be good

If only you understood
It can feed not only your stomach
It may also improve your mood!
There was never a pleasure without a price
You may not need to learn this, twice
But unfortunately in my own case,
I am good only at giving advice!
You must always be wise in life
But even wiser when you meet the crazy!
It needs twice as much of wisdom
To handle a person with no brain!
Nothing in this world could satisfy
Our soul which is out of this world
The only thing that could please him/her or it
Is an idea out of this world!
In the cacophony of this life
The only thing thats interesting to me
Is to find a wise person to speak to
And to sit and listen attentively!
You cant change the world as it is going
But, you may change this world which is inside you
And when the world inside yours already changed
Your whole world is automatically different!
We may be good and we may even be the best
But we are never, never perfect, nor id the rest
Never expect anyone always to be good to you
You will be always wrong and this is not just a fest!
The sun will give its light to us everyday
It is us who get enlightened or just go away
It is not the sun who loves the sleep over us
It is us who sees the way, or else go astray!
Its a pleasure to remember
A moment or two in time
Not much spectacular, you may say
But its a pleasure to remember!
A tall man is always tall
Even if you put him in a pit
Nothing of the facts will change
No matter how much we repeat

Everyone is somehow responsible

For his/her ultimate sadness/happiness
If not totally or completely
Then partially and limitedly for sure!
Gods creation is so perfect, my dear
Its the distorted minds that distort everything
Look at those males and females and then
Watch those gays and lesbians around!
Even though medicine is very good
If you take a dosage more than you should
It is going to harm, it will not help you
I hope you wont and I knock on the wood!
Sometimes the fight is not worth the cost
Because the loss is bigger than the gain
What is the use of catching a fish
If you get soaked and sick in the rain!
Every morning I sing hallelujah
Every night I say: praise the Lord!
If it were not for his mercy and kindness
How could I survive all the discord!
A drop of rain may look like a diamond to us
Its actually more precious pound for pound
While the rain cleanse us and gives us fresh life
None can drink the diamonds in strife!
Lord which of your praised I should thank
Forgive me, for I am at a loss!
Some folks praise you in the high heaves
Others just fix you over a cross!
The best things in life are almost free
Thats what we have always been told!
But, remember while its free for you,
It must have cost someone dearly!
While the judges are so unjust
Where can you seek that justice
Like that Persian maxim says:
Woo unto us the salt is rotten!
You can never know the value of time
Unless you have little time left
Only a dying man will know
How precious was each day!

The best inspirations come from within

Although sometime the outside may also help
So next time you are looking for one
Enter the well of inspirations!
If you want to hurt your enemies
Just decide not to think of them
The more you think of those who hurt you
The more you let the hurt to continue!
How to turn your walk into work is an art in itself
Its to work while you are still walking on the road
How on earth is that possible, you may ask
Well that is a mystery! is my humble answer!
God has made us into males and females by deign
So that we may enjoy the forbidden fruit at most
Yet, without feeling any guilt about it,
Or any harmful side effects thereof!
If you have no beautiful face to boast of
You better improve your approach some more
The first portion may be out of your control
But the second is in your sleeves you can roll!
Just try learning how to love the person
Forget about the why, who and the where of it all
If you learn this little-big very unknown secret
You will find love as the light in the crystal
You may live in place or in shanty town
That doesnt make you happy or sad at all
Happiness or sadness come from our within
So, try finding the source of it, my pal!
A man cannot resist women at all
Because stores break before the sponge!
Ironic is our lives on this earth
The weaker sex happens to be so strong!
Remember to never make cure worse than the disease!
Thats what un-trained doctors often do!
Even we do it ourselves, everyday
When we harm our selves for that foolish pride!
O lord make me your little singing bird
And put in my back your glorious word
So that I may sing your hallelujahs!
And bring your lovely songs to the lonely world!

When you think of nothing when you perform

And you do everything you do just as natural
Often you do better jobs than the rest of the guys
And results are more spectacular!
Not all our acts are going to succeed
In fact some may lead to failure too!
Yet, never was a success without sacrifice
Take note, o you who seek the splendor!
Love begets love, we are often told
Thats what we believe to be true, too
Yet there is another side to that coin
Sometimes love comes out of harshness in the blue!
There is no such thing as the golden age,
The golden age is where we are at this moment
So try seeking the tie at your very hands now
Before all that just flies and flies away!
If there is no piece inside
Nothing from outside can help
How can a well get water?
If it didnt gush from within
The harsh words make things very hard
Although sometimes hard nuts must be crushed
But often this is soft words
That melts even the harshest of heart!
Women are never in a hurry!
But for the men every minute counts!
Yet, funny thing is that women get faster
And the funnier is still the men die younger
He that is stable on the ground
Will have no way ever to fall
But falling is the lot of those guys
Who climb and climb and climb!
Accept the reality
Give up the formality
Try learning this secret
Thats the spirituality!
Life is truly very short
Yet, its also long enough
For those who use it wisely
It can turn into a thousand years!

The wise men do learn from the fools

Often more than the fools learn from the wise
I have seen this things many times, but I wont tell you which is me!
Whenever somebody thanks you
All your tiredness flies away
So, next time someone did something good to you,
Dont forget to say thanks a lot!
Life without love is not worth living
But then there is love, and also there is love
A love which is not based on selfish interests
Thats a love without all the pain the lovers receive!
Lord I am always wondering about you
Not only about how in this world
You could be so kind to a wretched like me!
Its not that ho much road you have covered
But how much you have discovered that counts
Not how much money or knowledge you have got
But how much you have put into good use!
The only things that matter in life are the results
The means or the ways are of little concern, to me
This is the old debate of the end justifies the means
But humanity has not yet learned this simple lesson!
It just amazes me how people fight over manly
Or other world possessions or even power
Yet, they can throw away the most precious thing of all
Their time, which cant be compared with any other!
This world has no value, in itself
The value is in the people that it holds
If you could find a man of values by any chance
Value him as much as you possibly can
Often a bad thing can be turned into good,
If only one knew how to do or how it should
Look at the desert that gives out the gold or even
And the bitter sea that create the sweet oil prelude
Sometimes we must keep silent
In others we must speak out
But to know the right timing
Is the biggest challenge of all!

Look at those great trees

With their golden crest
Those are the umbrellas of God
To protect the birds, the bees as well as us!
Its not right to die when you are still living
Nor to try to live when you are going to die
But its rather a must to live the life while its still exists
So when the death comes, there is no regret or alibi!
The ideas exist deep consider our minds
They exist even when no one could see them
That is a good example of how God exist, too
He, the pure, exist without us even could see him!
Pains and pleasures are the two sides of the same coin
You cannot enjoy pleasure without also feeling the pain
You can not see the chaff, without its accompanied grown
Nor the lovely flowers without that pesky rain!
Prostitution is bad, but pure pleasure is never
But in many innocent minds, there are no such distinctions
I pity many good men and women so many chaste women
Who go through this hellish life, without any pleasures at all!
Everyday in life the sun rises then sets again
Meaning that in each day there are the sunshine and the rain
Look at the positive if you are going to be happy
Dont look at the losses, but always look at the gain
Our happiness should not depend on the others
For others may always change or they may come and then go
It should depend on our very own decisions
We decide if we want happiness for us to grow
A mans true value is counted
By how much he values the mankind
He who has no love for his fellowmen
Should not be counted in any kind!
Whenever the lovers quarrel
You must be sure of two things
Either they end up sweeter in bed
Or they end up bitterest enemies!
Love and loss go always together
There was no love without a loss
Its both Romeo and Juliet
Or it is shirin and farhad!

Beginning something is very important

But the more important thing is the ending
God know how many things have started
And ended without seeing the light!
People are very much different
To some black looks as white
Others see the white as black
Oh, its so confusing everywhere!
It is those little hot relationships
That makes our lives so spicy
Not those long boring, planned artificial
That make life a drudgery and so spicy!
Stick to the one thats ready to stick to the you
Forget all about those who will not have any clue
This life is too short to be wasted on the foolish
Before you even know it, everything is over due!
To do what others do is sometimes very disastrous
But not doing it is also preposterous
We are caught up in a vicious cycle called dos and donts
No end in sight, as the world is so monstrous!
You cant stop the time from flying away
But you can at least fly along with the time
So next time you are late for an appointment
Try to run as your time is also running!
You can live your life only once, if you wish
Or even many times all at the same time
To know how to live this secondary way
Separate you life into some compartments
We do fight for a piece of tiny gold
As if thats the most important thing in the world
Yet, every sunshine in the morning of everyday
Are millions of tons of gold that we miserably miss!
Never fight for the things, which are not worth fighting for
And that includes all material things of this world
A man should only fight for the things that are worth dying for
Justice, freedom, truth or else he die just in vain!
If you offered a rose to a girl
And she did not smile back at you
Then it is time to leave her then and there
He who doesnt know how to love is a fool!

A woman should be prettier and sexier than a man

And a man almost opposite in looks to a woman
Never should that role be switched or lost along the way
The gays and lesbians are lading themselves to a disaster!
We may live a very short life in this world
As we all actually are going to do!
Yet, if we could leave one good thing for the posterity
It would be all worth every heck of it!
We all have got some precious things in our life
And the sad thing is that they are going to go away very soon
Then why dont we use every moment of time we have got
Thats something that is totally beyond me, my God!
The changes in life are inevitable
But without the change there is no growth
A wheel that moves on leaves the ground behind
But is will grab the ground thats ahead!
The death of all doctors tells us one story
That man is not at all the master of his life
He who bestows the life, he also takes away
Hes something or someone beyond all strife!
Never depend on others for happiness
Although others could be a party, too!
Your happiness should come from within
As the water gushes out of the well
There is a pleasure thats beyond compare
When two people their loved do well declare
But for these love stories to reach their happy end
In reality, chances are very rare!
There is nothing more powerful than love
It can even move the heavens and the earth
Look at the sun, the moon and the shining stars
They are dancing all in love together!
Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease
In that case you better listen, if you please
It is much better to bear with the illness
Than to kill your body and soul with the unease!
You cant have the worlds every experience
But you can learn from that of other peoples
So why not learn from others fortunes or misfortunes
And live the most successful life there could be?

Sometimes he cure is worse than the disease

Just like the chemo for the cancer of the brain
What is the use of any healthy brain?
If you lose you hair and become a squash!
Look out for those golden moments
You may call opportunities
Be ready to catch them
Before they turn into dust!
Try to create you own happiness
As an artist creates his/her art!
Nobody will do it for you
But the raw materials are all around!
Sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down
Sometimes we know all sometimes we know none
Its just the nature, its hard to understand
It has been destined this way since the dawn!
All things in this life are just temporary
But some things are even shorter lived than others
Look for those temporaries that are more durable
And stay with them for the rest of your life!
You must first believe
In order to receive
For those who want to perceive
Before they could even believe
It might be too late!
I work like a horse
Or maybe even worse
Yet, despite all this,
I have no remorse!
What was the meaning of this life
I could never understand
If you ever understood
Please text it back to me!
Sweetness of love is in losing it once in a while
A love that is never lost, may not be that sweet at all
To get to this reality, enough it is to look around
To see boring couples, who cant have a stroll!
Whats the use of power or money
If they make you the target of the assassins
Its much better to live in freedom
From the gold the gun and the goons!

Love and war are simply impossible

Those in love can never be truly fighting, too
If you saw two lovers who are fighting also
Either their love or their fight is not true!
Everyone you meet is potential friend
Bur friends come in different shapes and sizes
So try to screen all of them one by one
Those who stay loyal are dearer than diamond!
Life is too precious to be wasted on the fools
Especially those girls who dont know the rules
If they dont meet you half way in love road!
Feed them to wolves, or let them with the girls!
The accidents and event that happens in our lives
Build us like a chisel that carves a stone
As long as they dont kill you, they will build you up
So take the blows with grace under any pressure!
My blessed father lived his life only once
I lived my life, I can say, almost a hundred times
I believe the reason was the tactics that I could use
I lived many lives parallel all at the same time
When the rain is falling
The prophet faces frown
As children often do
When mothers gives them a bath!
Blessed are those little moments
Though tiny, they give the life its meaning
If it were not for those great moments
There would be no monuments in this world!
One great lesson in life that I have learned
I want to share it with you, too
In getting from others be always quick
But in lending to them you must always think through!
We are matured by facing and solving the problems of life
No one is free nor is going to be safe from the strife!
Knowing this truth is just a great revelation
It will relieve us from the edges of the knife!
Never look for the ideal or perfect in this life
There is no such thing in existence in the world
Rather accept the best things that have come in your way
I guarantee you shall enjoy the life just like a lord!

Often a bad thing can be also turned into a good

If only you knew, and if you wanted if you would
Look at the dessert that gives us the oil and the gold
And the bitter seas that create that sweet prelude!
The people often vie or die for money and power
But they are often bitten by these two headed monsters
How many fallen kings and bankrupt businessmen we have to see
Before we ever learn how we simple people have been
I could never understand
The time purpose of life on this earth
I dont think even anybody else
Could also have understood
Although some religious fanatics
Often repeat some scriptural verses
Those remind me of the saying:
Fools rush in, where the wise fear to tread
Life on this earth has become
So much so complicated nowadays
Try to live with less gadgets and budgets if you could
The more earphones in your ears or head gears on your had
The more headaches you are going to experience!
Anyone who wants to reach the heights of life
He must start from somewhere down below
You cant reach the heights if you are on the top already
That is why it always pays to be humble with a high spirit!
After all those accomplishments and successes of mankind
All that really remains as those little good humane deeds
It is not Genghis khan, Alexander or Darius the great
But mother Theresa or Gandhi that we all adore!
Glory to God in the high heavens
How high is it no one ever got
Even Yuri Gagarin could not reach that end
Thats why he said I did not see God
O lord what I say come from your tongue
Although it id my mouth that is speaking
At the end it is what we are saying
Not the way we say which is endearing!
Every element of this world
Contains the positives and negatives combined
So, when you see the negatives, dont you panic
And the positives too, dont be on the cloud nine!

Now that you have eaten your food today

Do not worry about the food of tomorrow
He who gives the body to us to care
He will care for the food and our welfare
How can you describe the beauty of water
Gushing from the earth falling from the sky!
Enjoyable but not the describable type
All you need is just to open your inner-eye!
One destruction if it can bring many to life
Cannot be called a waste but rather a gain
Look at the seeds that die giving life to more
And you shall see life coming out of the dead!
Anyone who will teach me a single word
Will turn me into a grateful fan, forever
That is what Mohammed Ali, the prophet has said,
And all the prophets till the ancient Zoroaster
What is the use of a beautiful face
If behind it lies an ugly attitude
It may give you a drop of honey a moment
But will poison you for the rest of your life
There is a time and place just for everything
One should not be mixed or mistaken for the other
One should not take a bath with ones clothes still on
Nor should one walk naked in a public place!
If i could build this world anew
I would turn it upside down
Instead of Adam and Eve
I would make it Eve and Adam!
The world has turned upside down
All the good value is gone
The only thing that is abundant today
Are the rap, the punk and the obscene!
When you are dealing with the bad guys
The bad word is sometimes the right answer!
To call a black, white is no justice
Nor denying the fact in a good character
Sometimes little things in life are bigger than the biggest
Look art that little smile on the face of Mona Lisa
It speaks more than a thousand words of charming
And turns on more than the wildest of the striptease!

No one knows the mystery of this life

But one thing is very clear to me though
If you just go along with the flow of the river
This water will one day reach the sea!
When we do something purely to the lord
It doesnt need to be earth-shaking at all
Its up to Him to make it really big
Like a small seed that he turns into a great tree
In this world many are very pessimist
And that goes for me also by the way
Yet, deep inside me a voice keeps on shouting
The great builder knows what he has on mind
itd better to sufer with you o Lord!
Than to be happy with world O Lord!
Happiness of the world is shallow and short
Your love and glory forever o Lord!
If you couldnt fight
Try to compromise
Hard headedness only leads
To self destruction!
When your mind is so blocked,
And you dont know what to say or write
Just try to move ahead
And the doors will suddenly open!
There are things in life, that are not to be
As well as those that are really meant to be
So, never expect the not meant to be, to be
Nor the ones meant to be, to be, not to be!
Do not regret about what it past
Nor ever worry about what it future
Just do the best you can here and now
I assure you the life will end better!
In our daily dealings
We hurt someone, in a second
But the pain on him, and the shame on us
Remains for the rest of our lives!
What we do not see,
May not hurt us so much
Compared to what we can see
In front of our own very eyes

Fairness is always the best policy

Even with the most unfair people
It is not only the other side that counts
It is our own conscience to consider too.
When I see how the people behave
Or the way I sometimes do
I am shocked and I shout o God!
Was it all worth what you did?
The greed can only kill the greedy
Otherwise, the contented people are very safe
For those who do not lust after wealth or fortune
A diamond is just like any other stone around!
If we just looked all around us
We would find many lessons worth learning
Lessons are not just for the classrooms
The world is the biggest classroom of all!
In any stage of a persons life
One must act according to its true demand
It will be ugly to behave when youre young
And very tasteless to be childish when youre old
Never look like a victim
Hoping others will sympathize with you
But rather like a victor
Making them all idolize you!
You dont choose love, its love that chooses you
Oh my dear, its so true,
Some other people say love is just blind
Thats why this blind has chosen to love you
The material life is like the sea water of the ocean
Its salty, its bitter, its so disappointing
It may look so charming when you look at it from the outside
But the more you drink the more it leaves you dissatisfied
When the woman try to behave like the man
Or the man behave like a woman, for that matter
That society becomes an ugly caricature
The whole nature will turn into a kafkques!
He who knows how top forgive has many friends!
But those who dont have enemies, instead
Not only those enemies which are just outside
But the biggest enemy which is there inside!

No one seems to be satisfied with his/her life

Except those who live in the mental hospitals
Even they seem to be very happy
You can see bitter-sweet in their smiles
Every human is born into miseries of life
Its just a curse on us, like the umbilical cord
Yet, we all have a gift in us, unknowingly
That we can go out and look at our self from the outside
Instead of thinking how horrible the life in the past have been
Or even hording the blessings of life, just be serene
Such thoughts dont come to some ordinary souls of this world
You must be very blessed to know and act that way
Of all the jobs in the world, the government is the worst
People work as slaves to so many bosses
They do abuse and are abused, too in return
With not much loyal income but with a lot of corruption
As long as we depend on the outside forces to make us happy
We will always be slaves, beholden by those cares less forces
Look at the inside and start to be happy from within your self
You shall be happy independent of anything else!
You cant force thing at all in this crazy world
You may just pick them as they come your way
I never saw someone living in tomorrow
Nor did I see one living in yesterday!
We can never change the people at all
Nor can we decide for them what to do
We can only change ourselves deep inside
In relation to how to put ourselves thru!
We are living on a borrowed time in this world
And anything borrowed is only a borrow
Many do not understand this weighty point
And thus they are in a big hole tomorrow!
One of the best ways to win arguments
Is to lose at the height of your winning whim
This way you have injected your own ideas
Without ever injuring the victim
If a day passed that you did nothing good
Consider that a very wasted day
Woe to those who did not understand their lives
More so those who wasted their lives away!

Every stage of our lives in this world

Has their own curse as well as blessings
The biggest curse in our lives to me
Is to stay always in the gloom and the doom!
Not all things fallen are really worthless
Nor those standings are always worthwhile
You must have lot of desecration to know
And before any judgment you must think a while!
Waiting for some losses to respond to your love
Is so disheartening and very sad
I do not even want to think of those things
Thats why I have given up on so many, so mad!
Of course I will respect you in the morning is
What man say to woman who jump into bed with
Men, who doesnt respect them in the evening.
Mother Theresa died one week after Diana
But no body

Glory to god in the highest!
As the Muslims says: Sub hanal lah!
Or in the beginning of any thing they do,
They utter the words of: Bismil-lah!
Christians shout: Praise the Lord!
And the Jesus always says: Hallelujah!
While the Buddhist chant to the Buddha
Hindus sing their Bhavat Githa
Whether you believe in only one allah
Or the trium gods of Brahma, Vishmu and Shiva
We all refer to the bathala!
While regretting about the past will never help
Learning a lesson or two from it will do
If you want your future to be better than your past
Stop all regrets and start something new!
Is this life worth living in reality?
Sometime I just wonder without any answer
But then we would not have all been here, as we are
If there were not a Great reason so clever!
None in this world is more miserable
Than the one who knows not how to love
Without love, all virtues become vices

Without love, even the heart ends up being just a device!

Always remember to thank any kindness
As the Roman thinker did say so
Gratefulness is not only a virtue,
Its the mother of all other virtues!
Dealing with a crazy person you need to be very wise
It is not just using your force you might be in a surprise
Sometimes you need more wisdom in handling a mad dog
Than dealing with a normal guy who may be thinking otherwise!
Always try to live on the edge
Just do your best in all strife
Those who dont want to take any risks
Their existence is not even a life
It is not what you give that counts the most
Though that also says a lot in itself too!
But rather how you give and when is more meaningful
That makes the giving of gifts such a spectacular art!
When you are doing something good for someone
Just do it for the goodness sake alright
Not for the people who are often ungrateful
That way your days will always be so bright!
Lord which one of your blessings could I thank
There is no way that I could even count!
How could one thank the thing that one cant even count?
And this is the most difficult part of it all!
Knowledge and wisdom are not of this world at all!
Those are the blessings that come from above the world
What is the native to this universe which is below
Is the gold and silver that fools are dying for!
Everyday try saving some little coins
You will be surprised when you see the results one day
On 77th birthday you wont believe what you see
How big those little coins have become is astounding!
People are very different within themselves
As they are also different from the outside
So, never expect same treatment from them
Except those general basics common to all mankind
The memories of a broken love are sweet and sour
You enjoy both sides each in a way, anyway, any day
Arent we both some masochist somehow?

Thats the puzzle that we find in our daily lives

We do not know what tomorrow will bring
But we know what will bring the tomorrow
So start to plan it today
But more important is the action to follow
You cannot force the horse,
Into drinking the water
But you can horse the force at least
By creating the right course!
This is a secret of success
That only few people know
Many failed salesman do not
Know anything except remorse!
Victory may always be sweet
But it is always sweeter
If it comes after a defeat
Or after many fears and tears!
Life is the only school I know
In which lessons are given after the test!
You may also appreciate this fact,
Or else you may even detest
But may I suggest one thing?
Its better to do your best!
Sadness and happiness are twins
They are always born together!
As the flowers go with the thorns
And the darkness with the light, forever!
Work smarter, not faster or harder
Become more aware of the process than the product
I always lived under the mantra that the fast will neat the big, but now I know that the slow
will beat the fast.
If they stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them!
Cavalry soldiers who fight on horseback
Unhappy is the land that needs heroes
If you look at somebody for a long time, you are in danger of seeing it for the first time
The way we see things reveal not the way things are but the way we are!

This world will always be like this,

So dont try to change it foolishly!
But to change yourself is to change your world!
Thats the best way of change that ever was invented!
Poems are the marriage of the words and wits!
You can do it, if only you could do it!
Follow the footsteps of Dante or Shakespeare!
Hafiz, sadi Khayyam!
Ignorance may be a form of bliss!
But, its the worst of all courses too!
Whether you are ignorant an\bout the people
Or the people are ignorant about you!
Anything ordinary and mundane
If only looked at with extra-ordinary eye
Could turn into an spark with wonder]
And elicit a holiness and reverential respect from us!
Dont push love too soon, thats an abortion!
And it may end up in nothing at all!
But hen dont wait till its too late also
Truly knowing the right time is an art!
If things are hard and you feel blue
Think about others who are suffering too!
This will give you a relief and will help you to know
You are not alone in all hullabaloos!
We always complain in life
As if we are the only ones suffering
Yet all of us are in the same boat
Some on the upper deck and some below!
An arrogant man who is haughty
Even if he could reach the star
Which is very unlikely as we saw in Gagarin!
Will eventually fall!
But a truly humble
Who is grounded firmly on the soil
Will at the end be remembered
As Gandhi or Tagore or igbal!
Knowing about our future fortunes
Is not very fortunate thing at all
Itd like being aware of bacteria in your food
The more you know the less peaceful your life is!

If a woman is beautiful
But not so beautiful at heart
S often the most beautiful are!
Then what is there to love?
When you start a project on time
You have a control over it
But when it is too late ahead
The time will hold you as a captive!
Live the life while its still there
When its over, you cant live anymore
No amount of respects will help
Thats why the regrets are called re-gretes!
God may let me be lonely
But he will never let me walk alone
Thats what keeps me going on
From today to tomorrow!
When you choose a girl or a guy
Get the one who is proud of you
Not only the one you are proud of!
That kind of relations rarely last!
When you are digging for gold,
You cant think much about the dirt around
If you think too much about those things
You will not extract much gold!
Human soul is so mysterious
That a life long study wont suffice
In understanding the good and bad in us
Or whether were wise or otherwise!

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